Flash floods in western Afghanistan killed at least 32 people.

Flash floods in western Afghanistan killed at least 32 people.

Thousands of homes have been destroyed by heavy rains, as have makeshift shelters housing displaced families. The disaster has added to the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people who were forced out of their homes because of severe drought in the region last year.

Seven provinces have been affected by the flooding, with Faryab, Bagdhis and Herat bearing the brunt of the damage. Source : BBC News :

जीप दुर्घटना हुँदा छ जनाको मृत्यु

ओखलढुंगामा सोलुखुम्बुबाट काठमाडौंका लागि छुटेको बा १६ च २२०७ नम्बरको जीप दुर्घटना हुँदा छ जना यात्रुको मृत्यु भएको छ । जीप भडारेखोलामा सडकबाट २ सय मिटर तल खसेको थियो । जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय ओखलढुंगाका अनुसार छ जना यात्रुको घटनास्थलमै मृत्यु भएको जानकारी दिएको छ । दुर्घटनामा एक बालकसहित तीन जना गम्भीर घाइते भएको छ। उनीहरुको उदयपुरको घुर्मीस्थित आस्था मेडिकल सपमा उपचार भइरहेको छ।

प्रदेश २ मा एसईई पुनर्परीक्षा हुने

प्रदेश २ मा परीक्षा रद्द गरेको एसईई परीक्षाको विज्ञान र सामाजिक विषयलाई पुनर्परीक्षा यही चैत महिनाभित्रै सञ्चालन गर्ने तयारी गरिएको छ । नयाँ प्रश्नपत्र छपाई, भत्ता र प्रशासनिक खर्च दोहोरिने भएकाले सरकारलाई करोडौंको आर्थिक भार थपिने भएको छ । नेपाल प्रहरीको केन्द्रीयअनुसन्धान व्युरोले प्रश्नपत्र आउट प्रकरणको विषयमा थप अनुसन्धान गरिरहेको छ ।

कारको ठक्करबाट दुई जनाको मृत्यु

बाँकेको कोहलपुर पूर्वपश्चिम राजमार्गमा बा १५ च २०९६ नं.को कारले भे ५ प १४२० नंं.को मोटरसाइकल र भे.८ प २१६५ नंं.को स्कुटरलाई ठक्कर दिँदा बाँकेको कोहलपुरमा दुईजनाको मृत्यु भएको छ । दुर्घटनामा मृत्यु हुनेहरुमा बर्दिया ठाकुरद्वारा- ८ की ३२ वर्षीया उषा चौधरी र बाँके बैजनाथ-१ का ३० वर्षीय लोकबहादुर शाही रहेको छ । प्रहरीका अनुसार गम्भीर घाइते भएका उनीहरुको उपचारको क्रममा मृत्यु भएको जानकारी दिएको छ ।

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas divorce after just 117 days

The alleged insider further contends that Jonas believed the actress was “cool and easygoing” when they got married, “but recently Nick’s seen a controlling side to her. She also has a temper – that’s something Nick wasn’t aware of until after the wedding celebrations.” The questionable tipster goes on to say that Jonas’ family is “begging him to end” the marriage as they initially thought Chopra was “this mature woman who was ready to settle down and have kids,” but they now feel she’s a party girl who “acts like she’s 21.” From there, the seemingly phony source says a split could result in a major battle over money, adding, “There are whispers that Nick and Priyanka got married so quickly they didn’t take the time to draw up a prenup. No one wold put it past her to make things difficult for Nick should they divorce.”

According to OK!, Priyanka and Nick are falling out of love now that they’re “starting to really get to know each other.” An alleged insider told the magazine, “They’ve been fighting about everything – work, partying, spending time together. The bottom line is that Nick and Priyanka rushed into things… and now they’re paying the price. Their marriage is hanging by a thread,” According to OK!, however, the actor and the singer are quickly falling out of love now that they’re “starting to really get to know each other.” An alleged insider tells the magazine, “They’ve been fighting about everything – work, partying, spending time together. The bottom line is that Nick and Priyanka rushed into things… and now they’re paying the price. Their marriage is hanging by a thread.”

However, the couple’s social media pages paint a very different (and realistic) portrait of their marriage. This past weekend, the happy spouses vacationed together in Miami along with his brothers Joe and Kevin, as well as Joe’s fiancée Sophie Turner and a few other friends. Jonas shared an Instagram photo of him and Chopra posing for a selfie during the trip, along with the caption, “You are my sunshine my only sunshine.” Meanwhile, Chopra posted an Instagram photo in which she’s giving her husband a kiss, and added, “Making hay while the sun shines.” Not only are the spouses very much in love, but considering Jonas’ brothers joined them on the fun getaway, it would appear his family is happy with the actress as well.

As if that weren’t enough proof that the couple’s marriage is intact, Jonas took to Instagram on Wednesday to promote Chopra’s new Youtube series. Along with a poster of the new show, he wrote in the caption, “Being a world changer. Looking beautiful every step of the way. @priyankachopra you continue to amaze me!”

Despite it being evident that the spouses aren’t having marriage problems, Gossip Cop still reached out to Chopra’s rep, who confirms that the tabloid’s story is nonsense. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time OK! has attempted to create nonexistent drama between the pair. Back in December, we called out the magazine for falsely claiming Chopra and Jonas were fighting over where to live. The unreliable outlet has zero insight into the happy couple’s marriage. Source: gossipcop.com.

प्रश्नपत्र बाहिरिएको समाचार लेख्ने पत्रकारलाई पाँच घण्टा केरकार

राजविराज : प्रदेश २ मा एसईईको विज्ञान र सामाजिक शिक्षा विषयको प्रश्नपत्र सञ्जालमार्फत बाहिरिएको आशंका प्रहरीले गरेको छ।
पत्रकार महतोले बिहीबार राति सामाजिकको प्रश्नपत्र फेला पारेर समाचार लेखेका थिए। शुक्रबार बिहानदेखि प्रशासनिक निकायबाट आएको फोनले तनावमा परेको, शनिबार जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयमा बोलाएर प्रहरीले झन्डै पाँच घण्टा केरकार गर्‍यो‘प्रहरीले एउटै कुरा पटक-पटक सोधेर मानसिक तनाव दिएको छ।
लगातार प्रश्नपत्र आउट भएपछि शिक्षा मन्त्रालयले प्रदेश २ मा शनिबारदेखिका परीक्षा स्थगन गरेको छ। यसले गर्दा प्रदेशका ७० हजार ५ सय ६८ परीक्षार्थी प्रभावित भएका छन्। प्रदेश प्रहरी र सीआईबीको संयुक्त टोलीले सामाजिक सञ्जाल प्रयोगकर्ताको प्रोफाइल ‘सर्च’ गरिरहेको छ। ‘प्रश्नपत्र पोस्ट र सेयर गरेकाहरूको प्रोफाइल एउटाले अर्कोलाई, अर्कोले अर्कोलाई सेयर गरेर प्रश्नपत्र सामाजिक सञ्जालमा भाइरल छ।

जितपुरमा प्रहरीले अश्रुग्यास प्रहार गरेपछि भाग्दै विद्यार्थी।  तस्बिर :  दिवाकर भण्डारी

परीक्षा रद्द गरेको विरोधमा विद्यार्थीद्वारा प्रदर्शन

पूर्व–पश्चिम राजमार्गको  गोलबजार नगरपालिका ८ चोहरर्बा अगाडि विद्यार्थीले
परीक्षा रद्द गरेको विरोधमा टायर बालेर सरकारविरुद्ध नाराबाजी गरेका छन् ।
विद्यार्थीको प्रर्दशनका कारण यातायात पूर्ण अवरुद्ध भएको बिहिबार र शुक्रबार प्रश्नपत्र बाहिरिएपछि परीक्षा रद्द गरिएको थियो ।शुक्रबारको परीक्षा रद्ध भएपछि घर फर्किन वाध्य भएका विद्यार्थीले जनता नमुना माध्यामिक विद्यालय अगाडि प्रर्दशन गरेका हुन् ।

घुससहित पक्राउ

अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोगले ललितपुर महानगरपालिकामा घुससहित एक जनालाई
पक्राउ गरेको छ । जग्गाको प्राविधिकमार्फत नापजाँच गरी क्षेत्रफल निक्र्योल गरी सिफारिश गर्नका लागि सेवाग्राहीसँग घुस रकम माग गरेको भन्ने सूचनाका आधारमामा आयोगको टोलीले
२० हजार घुससहित अमिन वीरेन्द्र चन्दलाई पक्राउ गरेको छ । थप अनुसनधान भइरहेको आयोगले जानकारी दिएको छ ।

Bird flu scare continues 50,000 fowls in Makawanpur

MAKAWANPUR: A sample test confirmed the presence of influenza virus in poultries situated at Hatiya, and Kamane in Hetauda Sub-Metropolitan City in Makwanpur district.
The infected chickens at 35 poultry farms were culled in three. Bird flu scare continues to persist in Makwanpur after tests confirmed spread of H5N1 virus in the district. Moreover, authorities have culled more than 50,000 chickens, 9015 eggs and 1463 kilogram of bird feed after the virus was detected in poultry farms in the region.
“25 samples have been taken to National Avion Disease Investigation Laboratory, Bharatpur for tests.”


The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) today announced that the class D and motorcycle Learner Permit Test has been translated into Bengali and Nepali to better serve customers who are native speakers of these languages. Bengali has become one of the most commonly spoken languages in the State and among the top six most commonly spoken languages in New York City. In addition, there is a growing Nepali-speaking community in the New York City region. 

“Our goal is to serve all customers equally and language should never be a barrier to that mission,” said Acting Commissioner of the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles and Acting GTSC Chair Mark J.F. Schroeder. “Under Governor Andrew Cuomo’s leadership, the state works to be welcoming and accommodating to all those who call themselves New Yorkers, which is why we are proud to offer these new translations to better meet the needs of those we serve.” 

The Learner Permit Test is currently available in both electronic and written forms at all state-operated and county-run DMV offices statewide.  In addition to Bengali and Nepali, the test is also offered in 14 other languages: Albanian, Arabic, Bosnian, Chinese, English, French, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Spanish. The New York State Driver Manual is available online in Nepali and Bengali as well as more than 100 other languages.

The DMV strives to provide efficient, innovative, and responsive government services to all of its customers. 

For more information about the DMV, visit dmv.ny.gov, or follow the DMV conversation online on Facebook  and Twitter.