This movement had the sole purpose and goal for integrating equity among blacks and whites under the law. Throughout the Civil Rights Movement, many leaders arose out of this time of changing. As to how, throughout this time there were numerous protests and the boycottings of theaters, restaurants, and buses alongside other segregated areas throughout the country.

Since before the movement began there was the abolition movement, which ended slavery, but for blacks, there was segregation and discrimination was left after it. With segregation, many public areas were separated throughout the country between blacks and whites. Where these blacks were seen as the inferior among whites due to much discrimination and had lesser the state of life, but the change was to come. As blacks begun to retaliate against these prejudice and discriminating laws placed against them.


One of these activists of change from a great many is the very prominent Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Who went on to fight for this change in the manner of peaceful protests, even with multiple attacks made on him, he still commenced his nonviolent ideal, and used many speeches and written works such as his works of, “I Have a Dream”, from the march on Washington and, “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, with many others to name. Furthermore, in 1955 Rev. King Jr. also participated in the Montgomery Bus Boycott as one of the leaders, in which him and others who followed his model never rode on a bus that allowed segregation for 381 days in total until the Supreme Court decided to distinguish the idea of segregation on buses. Also, he established the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957, which still tries to advance the civil rights movement in the peaceful ways by that of Martin Luther King Jr. with his advocacy of the Memphis Sanitation Worker Strike to protest the horrid conditions and inadequate payments which black workers suffered under and would be successful but would be his last one as to his assassination by James Earl Ray. But his legacy still lives on.
However, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. wasn’t the only influential activist of the time, there was also the great Malcolm X of the time, who went on to pursue the goals of the civil rights movement in violent ways for which he said was only self-defense. As Malcolm X believed in the proposition that blacks should fight for their civil rights in any certain way, while also supporting each other.

Malcolm X was a member of the Nation of Islam since he adopted the name of Malcolm X after becoming muslim and joining the Nation of Islam, as he saw his previous last name of, “Little” as the label of a slave. Throughout his time as an activist, Malcolm X used his speeches and the tone in it to get through to people and would be known by the quote, “By Any Means Necessary”. Later on Malcolm saw that in his own opinion Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the Nation of Islam had not adequately supported the Civil Rights Movement as he had become much more outspoken in the movement. During 1963, after President John F. Kennedy was brutally assassinated, his remarks on it led him to be silenced for 90 days as he said, “[Kennedy] never foresaw that the chickens would come home to roost so soon”. But Malcolm presumed that it was for another reason, the fact that Muhammed saw that Malcolm was becoming too powerful. Afterwards, he ended his ties with the Nation of Islam, he created his own religious organization, the Muslim Mosque, Inc. While, he later created the Organization of Afro-American Unity after his trip to Mecca, where he returned as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, which focused on racism as the great predicament and advocated blacks. And yet, he was assassinated at 39-years-old by three members of the Nation of Islam while promoting his own organization in New York City, but his work would influence everyone and advance the civil rights movement.

In addition, there were also other leaders, such as the founders of the NAACP or National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, W. E. B. Du Bois, Mary White Ovington, Ida B. Wells, Henry Moskowitz, William English Walling, Oswald Garrison Villard, Lillian Wald, and Archibald Grimké. Also, it is America’s largest and oldest civil rights organization after being created in 1909. There were also others such as the Black Panther Party, Rosa Parks, Frederick Douglass, the Little Rock Nine, Bayard Rustin, James Lawson, Harry T. Moore, A. Philip Randolph, and many others to go on about. Altogether, there were many leaders who arose out of the struggle in the Civil Rights Movement.

Great Impacts

Firstly, the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, where in 1954 Supreme Court justices voted unanimously that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which forbids discrimination based on color, religion, race, gender, or nationality, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, in which racial discrimination in voting is prohibited. Alongside this was when Black History Month was introduced officially by President Gerald Ford calling for the people to realize the impact of blacks on American History from its previous state as Negro History Week. Simply, much change has come from the Civil Rights Movement with its many leaders that have helped to advance the entire nation.

Essentially, the Civil Rights Movement was a time of great change with many leaders across its entirety. Since the nation has advanced the once very much discriminative and segregated country to one with great equality for all its people in its laws, no matter their race, religion, gender, nationality, and color.


 Jersey City, NJ- Hon. Member of Parliament of Nepal Nira Jairu- Chair, State Directives, Policy and Liability Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation Committee of Joint Parliamentary Panel met with Jersey City Council President Rolando Lavarro Jr. at his office in City Hall. Jersey City Mayor’s Diversity and Inclusion Board Advisor and Sister City of Nepal’s Indrawati Rural Municipality and City of Jersey City Emissary Dr. Bishnu Maya Pariyar was also present at the meeting. MP Jairu thanked President Lavarro for passing TPS Resolution for Nepalis living in the U.S. by Jersey City Council, hosting Nepal Flag Raising Ceremony in City Hall and agreeing to make City of Jersey City as Sister City with Nepal’s Indrawati Rural Municipality. She also invited President Lavarro to visit Nepal. President Lavarro, MP Jairu and Dr. Pariyar had discussed about taking Sister City a step closer by visiting two countries and President Lavarro had expressed his willingness to visit Indrawati and Nepal in near future. MP Jairu also met Council Member Mira Prinz-Arey and Soraya Hebron, Chief Officer of Office of Diversity and Inclusion at the City Hall.

The Sister City Signing Ceremony between Nepal’s Indrawati Rural Municipality and City of Jersey City was held at City Hall in Jersey City, New Jersey, United States on January 24, 2019. Council President Rolando R. Lavarro Jr. has been engaged deeply with Nepali community and City Council had passed a historic Sister City Council Resolution on December 19, 2018 paving the path for Jersey City and Indrawati to become the first ever Sister City from Nepal in the world while Dr. Pariyar played a role of emissary as the Advisor to Mayor Steven M. Fulop’s Diversity & Inclusion Board and became a bridge for this history making friendship between these two municipalities. The City had provided its City Hall foreground and hosted candle light vigil for Nepal’s earthquake victims on May 3, 2015. The City had also hosted historic Nepal Flag Raising Ceremony that Mayor Fulop hoisted on June 30, 2017 becoming the first U.S. City to hoist Nepal flag in the City Hall. Jersey City Council had passed Resolution on Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Nepalis living in the United States twice in 2015 and 2018 becoming the only U.S. city.


  Also  New York’s Nassau County Legislator Joshua Lafazan has  recognized  individuals with Citation  to honor individuals and was presented by Dilip Chauhan, the former Deputy Comptroller of Nassau County in New York  to all the honorees. This South Asian Women Empowerment Event organized by Ms. Bindu Kohli,  a well-known promoter and TV host from New York.  

Name of The Honorees Are Below:

Which Include Former Miss Universe Susmita Sen and  Bindu Kohil – Organizer of Women Empowerment Award.


      Chandradai Sugrim 

       Fizzah Adnan Munawar

     MeghnaBallabh Joshi

       Naila Amin

       Piyali Biswas De

      Ruchika Arora

       Sangeeta Mudnal

       Shree Saini

     Urmil Tracy Marshall

    Dr. Uzma Syed

    Vartika Mittal –

Avoid With High Blood Pressure

You will need to limit your intake of sugar and salt, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat only bland food for the rest of your life. In general, a healthy person should not consume more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. When it comes to sugar, the main concern is avoiding “added” sugar. Our bodies need sugar to function properly, but most of it should come from sources like whole fruit rather than candy or even juice.

The American Heart Association recommends a daily intake of added sugar no higher than 37.5 grams (9 teaspoons) for men and 25 grams (6 teaspoons) for women. High blood pressure is a frightening disease because it has few symptoms yet puts people at great risk of heart disease or stroke. Huge numbers of people have been diagnosed (up to 75 million in the United States alone) but many more have hypertension and don’t know it.

High blood pressure is quite manageable with diet and lifestyle changes, so don’t despair if you have been given (or even just suspect) this diagnosis.

अपांगमैत्री आकाशेपुल

पैदलयात्रुलाई सडक पार गर्न सहज होस् भन्ने उद्धेश्यले १२ करोड खर्चेर अपांगमैत्री आकाशेपुल
निर्माण गरेको हो। अति व्यस्त चोकहरूमा बाटो पार गर्दा हुनसक्ने दुर्घटनाको जोखिमलाई कम अपांगमैत्री आकाशेपुल निर्माण गरेको छ। बेलहीयादेखि बुटवलसम्म १० स्थानमा आकाशेपुल निर्माण गरेको छ। आकाशे पुलको निर्माण कार्य प्रयोग भने गरएको छैन ।
व्यापारिक मार्ग बिस्तार आयोजनाले प्रतिपुल एक करोड २५ लाख गरी कुल १२ करोड रूपैयाँको लागतमा १० स्थानमा आकाशे पुल निर्माण गरेको हो। बुटवल कालिकानगर र योगी कुटीमा त्यहाँका विद्यालयमा अध्ययन गर्ने विद्यार्थीलाई लक्षित गरी पुल निर्माण गरिए पनि सम्पुण् यात्रुहरुलाई बाटो पार गर्ने सहज हुने छ ।

मिनीट्रक र मोटरसाइकल एकापसमा ठोक्किँदा दुईको मृत्यु

  • अकुर लुइटेल, न्यूयोर्क

कैलालीमा पूर्वबाट पश्चिमतर्फ जाँदै गरेको से३प ९४२९ नंको मोटरसाइकल र पश्चिमबाट पूर्वतर्फ आउँदै गरेको भे१ख १४१४ नंको मिनीट्रक एकापसमा ठोक्किँदा मोटरसाइकलमा सवार दुईको मृत्यु भएको छ। घाइते दुवैको सेती अञ्चल अस्पताल धनगढीमा उपचारका क्रममा मृत्यु भएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ। मिनीट्रक र चालकलाई जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय कैलालीले नियन्त्रणमा लिएको छ। जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय कैलालीका अनुसार दुर्घटनामा जिल्ला समन्वय समिति कैलालीका लेखापाल तेजबहादुर रावल र डडेल्धुरा नवदुर्गा गाउँपालिकाका वीरबहादुर रावलको मृत्यु भएको
जानकारी दिएको छ।

एसईई परीक्षा दिने परीक्षार्थीलाई हिमपात हुँदा समस्या

१२ चैत, हुम्ला । चैतको सोमबार दिनभरि पानी परेको दोस्रो साता पुनः हिमपात भएको छ । हिमपातपछि एसईई परीक्षाका परीक्षार्थी समस्यामा परेका छन् ।

बिहानदेखि हिमपात हुँदा तापक्रम माइनसमा झर्नुको साथै एसईई परीक्षा दिने परीक्षार्थीलाई हिमपात हुँदा चिसो बढेको छ । सदरमुकाममा रहेका दुई परीक्षा केन्द्रका हिमपात हुँदा एसईई परीक्षा दिने परीक्षार्थी समस्यामा परेका छन् ।

Simple Exercises to Lose Thigh Fat Fast

You’ve probably been going along for years thinking more about your waistline than your thighs, and then all of a sudden, “thigh gap” became a thing. For some reason it’s not cool anymore if your thighs touch when standing upright, even though they are naturally shaped to make this quite common.

Losing some thigh fat and building those muscles can make everyday tasks much easier. As a bonus, you may find that you fit into your pants more comfortably. And yes, you may even develop a thigh gap.
Well, we’re not going to encourage you to obsess about a thigh gap, but your thighs do an important job and for that reason, it’s great to have them toned and strong. When you’re told to “Lift with your legs!” your thighs bear the brunt of the effort. When you scoop up a child or climb stairs, even when you’re just walking, your thighs are hard at work. Just don’t put that at the top of your goals list. Here are 6 simple exercises that can help you lose thigh fat fast.

Healthy Foods for People

Kidneys are really important workhorses in the body. The small, bean-shaped organs filter waste products from the blood. They also release hormones that regulate blood pressure, help to balance bodily fluids, and create urine. Kidney disease affects about 10% of the world’s population and can be caused by high blood pressure and uncontrolled blood sugar.
The diet that must be followed by people with kidney disease varies a lot based on its stage. Early stages have different restrictions than people with end stage renal disease. Beyond dietary changes, you may need dialysis and possibly a kidney transplant. If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease or if it runs in your family, it is smart to educate yourself on the best healthy food choices. We’ve got a list of safe things to eat with kidney disease, but please consult with your doctor for the best amount and combination of these foods for your particular situation.

People with kidney disease will be asked to limit certain nutrients that are found in a lot of different foods. The three big ones are sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. Protein may be limited in the early stages of kidney disease and increased in patients whose condition is more advanced and requires dialysis. As a start, here is a list of tasty and healthy foods that are low in phosphorus, potassium, and sodium.


An initiative of International Social Organization Rotary Club of New York, The Luggage for Life program aims at providing essential luggage, supplies, food, and other items to support disabled, destitute, and poverty-stricken dotage population in Nepal. In the supervision of Narendra Acharya, the first package of luggage has already been dispatched to Kathmandu, Nepal. Nabaraj KC, the president of the club, told that these provision has been provided to the needy people living in Pabritra SewaSamaj because Pabritra Sewa Samaj provides support to people who are in the phase of dotage and have no means of earning.

We are looking for magnanimous and philanthropist members who can join us to realize the goal of preparing seven more packages of luggage. You can help us through any kind of assistance. We request members of the Nepalese community who have plans to visit Kathmandu near future to help us in dispatching these packages to Kathmandu. Your support in this noble cause will enlighten the trust on humanity. Being a human, let us move forward to not extinguish the hope and trust on humanity.

Nabaraj KC is a true philanthropist who always comes forward to help humanity. Being mindful of problems faced by old age population, Mr. KC believes that society should provide support and resources to old age people. He cannot see the life of old people getting fraught with troubles, hopelessness, and despair. President of Pabitra Samaj Nepal Dikshya Chapagain warm- heartilyappreciated Mr. KC’s great initiative for old disable people.