‘मिस नेपाल २०१९’ – अनुष्का श्रेष्ठ

‘मिस नेपाल २०१९’ – अनुष्का श्रेष्ठ

काठमाडौं :
किर्तिपुरमा रहेको ‘लेब्रोटरी स्कुलको घाँसे मैदानमा आयोजना गरिएको नेपालकै सबैभन्दा ठूलो सौन्दर्य प्रतियोगीता ‘ मिस नेपाल २०१९’ अनुष्का श्रेष्ठले उपाधि अनुष्का श्रेष्ठले जितेकी छन् । मिस नेपालको अन्तिम प्रतिस्पर्धामा सहभागी २४ सुन्दरीलाई पछि पार्दै अनुष्काले मिस नेपालको उपाधि हात पारेकी हुन् ।

‘मिस नेपाल’ २५ औं बर्ष पुगेको अवसरमा यसपटक पूर्व मिस नेपालहरुलाई समेत सुरुवातमै स्टेजमा निमन्त्रणा गरिएको थियो । अनुष्काले अधिकार र कर्तव्य एक सिक्काका दुई पाटा भएको बताउँदै नागरिक, व्यक्ति, साथी र जीवनसाथीले आफ्नो जिम्मेवारीको महसुस गरेकी छन् । मानिने ‘मिस नेपाल’को यो श्रृङ्खलामा अश्मी श्रेष्ठ, सन्नी रौनियार प्रधान, ओम बहादुर भन्डारी, तुविजा अग्रवाल, राजिव शाह, नवराज सिलवाल, विदुषी राना, पवन बहादुर पाण्डे, सुनिता लिम्बु खरेल र अनुप विक्रम शाही थिए ।

‘The Long Night’

In episode three of ‘Game of Thrones’ season 8, the long battle between the living and the dead finally took place.

The battle against the DEAD just took place and my heart has come out of my mouth and dropped on the floor. The latest episode of ‘Game of Thrones’ season 8 everything that I expected and actually slightly more than that. It was a dark episode in a literal sense due to which they had to light it up with fire every now and then. In the second episode, we saw that the whole of Winterfell is waiting for the White Walkers to of course fight against them!

The episode titled ‘The Long Night’ starts with Samwell Tarly trembling with fear and is handed over a couple of dragonglass to fight the dead. Even though he is scared AF, Sam knows what he has signed up for ready to just deal with it. Like shown in the promo, everyone is up on the wall keeping a watch on the Dothrakis and Unsullied, who have been left in the open to fight the war. As they are waiting for the Dead to arrive, some known face comes towards the army on a horse. There she is, yes, the Red Woman, Melisandre! She tells the army to lift their weapons which she lights up and it beautifully spreads like a wildfire.

Celebrate ‘Holi’ ‘Good’ Over ‘Bad’!

Deepak Neupane, kathmandu : Holika Dahan is a major ritual followed to mark the beginning of Holi celebrations Hindu relizion Nepal and India.  It is believed commonly that all kinds of fear can be conquered by performing the Holika Puja on Holi or the night before Holi. Holika Puja bestows power, prosperity and wealth on the family members. Even though Holika was a demoness, it is believed that she was created or born to ward off all sorts of fear. Now she is worshipped along with Prahlada before Holika Dahan and this is connected to the legend of Lord Narsimha. The Holika fire represents the pyre that Holika sat in along with Prahlada to kill him but which ended up killing Holika. 
Most of the time, the time of puja is the dusk. Even though the actual muhurta may change, the general time of puja remains almost same. So enjoy this Holika Dahan in the evening and wish for the happiness of close ones and yourself. This is also a fun time to enjoy with family while having some roasted grains and chatting the evening away with some warmth to keep you company!

The rituals include making a bonfire with cow dung and woods on a ground washed with cow dung and water from the Ganges. Other constituents for the puja include roli, Akshat rice, incense sticks or dhoop, flowers, raw cotton thread, turmeric pieces, unbroken lentil of Moong, Batasha, Gulal powder and coconut- all of these are generally prepared before the beginning of puja and are used throughout the course of the rituals. Men and women alike perform the puja and tie the raw cotton thread around the unlit bonfire while going around the bonfire.

Most of the time, a group of families in the same locality perform the rituals together. This is considered to be very important and auspicious for the health, prosperity and happiness of everyone in the family. All the intonations and chants that are recited by the devotees stand for wishing health, joy and prosperity which is the purpose behind celebrating the festival of Holi! After these rituals, the Holika bonfire is burnt. This is significant of Holika burning in the fire while Prahlada remains unharmed. IT strongly signifies the victory of good over evil and gives hope to everyone for a better tomorrow. Everyone wears the Roli around their wrists, take blessings from the elders and circumambulate the Holika bonfire. People may also offer grains from new crops such as grams to the fire to roast them. The roasted grains are then distributed among the devotees. Thus the rituals of Holika Dahan come to an end. People usually smear a little colour on each other, especially to elders while taking their blessings to mark the beginning of Holi which ushers in the spring! On the next day, when Holi is celebrated with colours, the ash from the Holika Dahan is smeared on the body before playing with colours. The ash is considered to purify the body and soul and marks a new beginning.

Anti-pollution campaigner Priyanka Chopra fireworks at her wedding with Nick Jonas

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are now man and wife. The duo got hitched in a Christian ceremony on December 1 at Jodhpur’s Umaid Bhawan Palace. Their Christian wedding ceremony was followed by a grand display of fireworks in the sky. The actress shared that pictures from her Mehendi and Sangeet ceremonies sometime later.

While most of the netizens were busy in admiring Priyanka and Nick‘s picture-perfect moments during their pre-wedding ceremonies, some of them took the opportunity to slam the actress, calling her hypocrite, for being the face of anti-pollution campaign during Diwali, and yet bursting firecrackers for hours during her wedding celebrations.

Those who’re uninitiated, Priyanka Chopra is also the ambassador of Breathfree, which aims at bursting the myths around asthma and encouraging those affected to use inhalers for proper and immediatement treatment. So when the Twitterati noticed the lavish fireworks at display for hours and bursting of crackers for Priyanka and Nick’s wedding festivities, they started calling her out on Twitter, labelling her as a hypocrite. While some of the Tweeple cracked jokes on her quotes given for the Breathfree campaign, others went a step ahead and created several memes on the same.

भर्चुअल नेपाली स्कुल सुभारम्भ – नारायण न्यौपाने

काठमाडौं : बिश्वभर बिभिन्ने देशहरुमा बसोवास गरिरहेका नेपालीहरुका बिचमा नेपाली भाषा शिक्षाको भर्चुअल नेपाली स्कुलको सुरुवात सुभारम्भ गदै नारायण न्यौपाने ।


प्रेस विज्ञप्ती


20 Facts About Rihanna Face

Whether she’s singing about diamonds in the sky or her umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, Rihanna has certainly made a name of herself. She is one of the most successful R&B/Pop singers on the planet today – having topped the Billboard charts 30 times – second only to Madonna, and has a networth of around $250 million. But in spite of her fame, there is plenty about Rihanna that you might not know about. With that in mind, here are 20 facts about your favorite singer that will make you slightly more knowledgeable.She was the first female artist to have a single top the UK charts for five consecutive years (2007 – 2011). Her rider contains a few quirky requirements. For instance, the air conditioning in her room must be set at 73 degrees, her pet unicorn gets its own separate hotel room, and she demands gobs and gobs of gummy bears.

She never graduated from high school, which just goes to show how worthless a formal education is.  She actually auditioned with two other high school classmates as part of an R&B trio, but according to the American record producer who discovered her, once Rihanna entered the room it was as if the other girls had disappeared. When she auditioned for Jay Z, he was so impressed that rumor has it he wouldn’t allow her to leave the building until she had signed a contract. Sounds a bit like kidnapping to us. But, hey, the strategy obviously worked. Believe it or not, she has never worn makeup a day in her everyday life.

Rihanna holds the Guinness World Record for most digital singles sold at 58 million and counting.

‘एक सुन्दर सुशील लड्की – कैटरिना कैफ !’

दिपक न्यौपाने, काठमाडौ : जब सलमान खानले आफ्नो फेसवुकमा कैटरिना कैफको तस्बिरसहित यी शब्द पोस्ट गरे ‘एक सुन्दर और सुशील लड्की – कैटरिना कैफ !’  को नाम अगाडी आउछ ।  त्यसमा, ‘४ हजार ६ सय २० वटा कमेन्ट प्राप्त भए, जसमा धेरैले भनेका छन् सलमानले कैटरिनालाई फेरी आफ्नो क्याम्पमा लिएका छन्,  सलमानको यो पोस्टले पछिल्लो समय बलिउडका यी दुई पूर्व प्रेमिप्रमिका फेरि नजिकिँदै गएको अनुमान गर्न सहज भएको छ ।  प्रियका चोपडाले सलमानको निर्माणाधीन चलचित्र भारत छोडेपछि कैटरिनालाई स्वागत गर्दै सलमानले मायाको उक्त रङ फेसबुकमार्फत छरेका हुन् । पछिल्ला वर्षमा सलमान र कैटरिनाका सम्बन्धमा बलिउडमा थुप्रै टीका–टिप्पणी हुने गरेको छ ।

तस्विर : गुगल

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas to exchange wedding vows in October 2018

India : Priyanka Chopra has become internet’s favourite topic of discussion ever since she has walked out of ‘Bharat’ and rumours of her getting secretly engaged to beau Nick Jonas have surfaced. The latest update coming in on the couple is that they are all set to tie the knot in October this year. We also hear that the bride-to-be has already picked her wedding gown.  Priyanka and Nick were earlier photographed sporting similar promise rings during their latest outings in India and New York. The rings hold great importance in the west and are exchanged only when the couple is sure about their relationship lasting a lifetime. They are seen as a sign of commitment and the first step towards a serious relationship.

US media reports have it that Nick and Priyanka exchanged rings in London on her 36th birthday. As per People magazine, the 25-year-old American musician had apparently closed down the entire Tiffany flagship store in NYC just to pick out the perfect ring for his lady love. The couple had started dating at the end of May. Its just been two months and they already seem ready to take their relationship to the next level.  It all might have begun as a casual fling but things turned serious after Nick’s visit to India. It’s being said that it was during this very trip when PC discussed all the important dates with her family and officially introduced ‘her man’ to her siblings.

“I love the idea of getting married. I totally want to get married at some point. And I don’t think marriage makes you smaller or bigger or more feminist or not. Feminism basically is women saying give us our own choices without judging us. That’s all it is. It’s not about berating someone. It’s not about proving a point. I totally would love to get married,” Chopra had told ET online.

Earlier this year, confirming her relationship with Nick, Priyanka had told Poople.com, “We’re getting to know each other and I think it was a great experience for him. It was really beautiful. He had a great time. That’s what he said. I think he really enjoyed it.”

निर्देशक तथा संचारकर्मी होम धितालको म्युजिक भिडियो सार्वजनिक

२०७५, जेष्ठ १९ :   धिताल फिल्मसको कार्यलय गङगबुको बानियाँटार काठमाण्डौमा आज एक कार्यक्रमका बीच उक्त म्युजिक भिडियो सार्वजनिक गरिएको हो।धिताल फिल्मसको आफ्नै अफिसियल युट्युब च्यानल बाट बजारमा सार्वजनिक भएको गीतको नामकरण भने “रुखो बोली”राखिएको छ।प्रेम लामिछानेको लय तथा स्वर रहेको यस एल्बममा शब्द भने शिव भट्टराईको रहेको छ।त्यस्तै धिताल फिल्मसका रोशन धितालको उत्कृष्ट सम्पादन रहेको यस म्युजिक भिडियोलाई होम धितालकै निर्देशनमा मरुभूमि नारायणले छयान्कन गर्नुभएको हो। पछिल्लो समयमा कुशल टेलिभिजन कार्यक्रम प्रस्तोता,गायक तथा मोडलको रुपमा समेत चर्चा बटुलीसक्नु भएका होम धिताल आफैमा एक बहुप्रतिभाशाली ब्यतित्वको रूपमा आफ्नो छुट्टै पहिचान बनाईसक्नुभएको छ।सयौं म्युजिक भिडियो निर्देशन,गायन तथा अभिनय गरिसक्नुभएका होम धितालको यस भिडियोमा सगुन शाही सगको जोडीलाई दर्शक श्रोताले कतिको रुचाउने हुन हेर्न बाकी छ।


डा गोविन्द केसीको जन्ममिति फरक-फरक

काठमाडौं : प्रधानन्यायाधीश गोपाल पराजुलीको जन्ममितिमा प्रश्न उठाउँदै आन्दोलनमा रहेका केसीकै जन्ममिति फरक-फरक भेटिएपछि  तीन जन्ममिति भएको पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरेरै स्वीकार गरेका छन्।  प्रा.डा गोविन्द केसीले आफ्ना जन्ममिति विवाद सार्वजनिक भएपछि बुधबार पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरेर नागरिकता, एसएलसीको चारित्रिक प्रमाणपत्र, बढुवा फारममा फरकफरक जन्ममिति भएको स्वीकार गरेका हुन्। पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा केसीले सार्वजनिक गरेको विज्ञप्तिमा नागरिकताको जन्ममिति २०१३ असोज २७, एसएलसीको चारित्रिक प्रमाणपत्र २०१३ माघ २४ र सहप्राध्यापकमा बढुवाका लागि भरेको आवेदन फारममा २०१३ मंसिर २७ गते उल्लेख भएको स्वीकार गरेका हुन्।