Reimagining the first Earl Young house in Charlevoix

Reimagining the first Earl Young house in Charlevoix

I received an email in February from a reader named Dr. Michael Seitz who, like me, has an affinity for unusual historic homes. This is his house story, told in his own words…

“Hi Sarah,

Over the last years I have been ‘reimagining’ a 1918 stone house, fairly square, and rebuilding it with a new roof… It is completed …inside and out…. I would love to feature it with you since I am house crazy…. Always trying the unique, and magical…
The house is in Charlevoix, Michigan… It was the very first house by a guy called Earl Young, who became well know for his ‘Mushroom Homes’….”

Earl Young circa 1960

image from:

image from:

[Yes, I’ve heard of the guy! Earl Young is one of my favorite quirky homebuilders who lived and created in northern Michigan in the first half of the 20th Century. I’ve covered his unique mushroom houses before, see here and here and here.]

“This particular one was completed in 1918 apparently, and it was essentially a rectangular box, with no extraordinary features other than it had walls of stone, typical in the area at that time.”
In this historic photo, you can see how the house originally appeared after it was built by Earl Young in 1918:
photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

 This is how the house appears AFTER the renovations and re-shaping by Dr. Michael Seitz:
photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

“When we first saw the house, it was for sale by owner. It had been on the market for some years, and by the time we looked at it there had been a fire in the roof, and since no money had ever been invested in it, it needed to be fully ‘rebuilt’.”
From this interior photo, the house looks like it was in pretty rough shape when Michael acquired it:
photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

“I am originally from South Africa, and I renovated my first house there with a thatch roof I designed (I am an engineer by profession, so I can do all the engineering work, etc). But at heart I am a romantic…. The instant I saw the square box house I ‘saw’ the roof as it is today…. And the crazy adventure began….”
drawing courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

drawing courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

“We live in Houston, so on the flight back from Michigan (we were vacationing), I sat and drew sketches, and immediately built a ‘model’ to try and explain what I was imagining….”
photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

“I started looking for a builder who was prepared to work with me, let me micromanage my vision (down to EVERY BEAM, every curve) and found Ron Way, who let me ‘build’…. A rare chance to find a contractor like that!”
photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Deitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Deitz

“So the roof came off! Even the basement was jack hammered out….everything was rotten…”
photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

“And then the basic reconstruction started….”
photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

“First the engineered, then the art….. I literally shaped every curve using strips of timber…since drawing the lines was not easy ‘blueprint style’….”
photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

“Once all the wooden framing, stained black, was in place….my thatcher, Colin McGhee showed up….in the middle of WINTER!!!! He worked in one of the coldest winters… Slow, slow going….”
photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr Michael Seitz

“I designed the interior to look as if it was built hundreds of years ago….I designed a spiral staircase…. Which is one of the only structures I personally built with the help of my lawn guy, Ken Wojan, a wonderful ‘can do’ gentleman…who also built all the window frames according to my whims….”
photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

“I think I have drowned you already…. But there are sooo many details I would love to share….I literally desired a new type of door and locking mechanism… I even created unique flooring techniques, beam layouts…. Leaving no detail untouched…”
photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Sietz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

“The decor was by Liz Seitz, using sunset colors as her inspiration!”

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

photo courtesy of Dr. Michael Seitz

[Sarah here:] From what I know of Earl Young houses – and I’ve seen a few of them in person – this is a bang-on re-creation and wonderful tribute to the eccentric builder.

Thank you Dr. Michael Seitz for sharing this fantastic house (and your labor of love) with us. Here’s to that can-do spirit!
Source :

SC asks Centre to share Rafale fighter-jet

The Supreme court on Wednesday asked the government to share pricing and strategic details of Rafale fighter-jet aircraft in a sealed envelope. The top court has directed the Centre to submit details about the pricing of Rafale jets and it’s advantages in 10 days. The Attorney General objected to this demand claiming this information is not privy even to Parliament.

India signed an agreement with France for the purchase of 36 Rafale fighter aircraft in a fly-away condition as part of the upgrading process of the Indian Air Force equipment. The Rafale fighter is a twin-engine Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) manufactured by French aerospace company Dassault Aviation. Indian Air Force had advanced a proposal to buy 126 fighter aircraft in August 2007 and floated a tender. Following this, an invitation was sent to various aviation companies to participate in the bidding process.  Rahul Gandhi and his Congress party have been attacking the government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the Rafale deal, alleging corruption and favouritism.

However, the court has left the choice for Centre to disclose the price or costing of jets. The matter will be examined next on November 14. The court also asked to supply the information to petitioners which can be put in public domain. “Details considered strategic and confidential may be shared in a sealed cover with the court,” said the CJI headed bench. Two former union ministers and Lawyer Prashant Bhushan have sought registration of an FIR into the fighter jet deal between India and France alleging “criminal misconduct” by high public functionaries.

क्रसर व्यवसायीसँग पैसा माग्ने हरिरहसिंह राठोरविरूद्ध प्रशासनमा उजुरी

१३ कात्तिक, धादिङ :  कान्तिपुरमा रिपोर्टिङ गर्दै अाएका हरिरहसिंह राठोरविरूद्ध प्रशासनमा उजुरी परेको छ । धादिङ क्रसर उद्योग संघको तर्फबाट शिव रेग्मीले जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय धादिङमा दर्ता गरिएको उजुरीमा धादिङ क्रसर उद्योग संघका विभिन्न व्यक्तिहरुलाई पैसा माग्ने, मेसेज गर्ने, थर्काउने, कार्य गरेको उजुरीमा उल्लेख गरिएको छ । व्यवसायीसँग धम्काएर चन्दा असुल्ने गरेको भन्दै व्यवसायीले कारबाहीको माग गरेका थिए । स्रोत : दैनिकी 



मुद्रा कोषले  अर्थतन्त्र र बैंकिङ प्रणाली कमजोर बन्न सक्ने चेतावनी

काठमाडाैं  : नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकले  अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मुद्रा कोषले  अर्थतन्त्र र बैंकिङ प्रणाली कमजोर बन्न सक्ने चेतावनी दिएको छ । दक्षिण एसियाका मुलुकको नेपालको बैंकिङ प्रणाली मुद्रा कोष सार्वजनिक  गरेको  माथि पनि टिप्पणी गरेको छ । चुक्ता पुँजी वृद्धिका कारण बैंकिङ ऋण आक्रामक रूपमा गएको भन्दै मुद्रा कोषले यसका कारण सुधारका काम उल्टिन सक्ने चेतावनी दिएको हो ।

बालबालिकालाई भिटामिन ए क्याप्सुल खुवाईंदै 

२०७५, कार्तिक १४ :   बालबालिकालाई भिटामिन ए क्याप्सुल खुवाईंदै  आज र भोलि देशभरका बालबालिकालाई भिटामिन ए क्याप्सुल र जुकाको औषधी खुवाईंदैछ । ६ महिनादेखि पाँच बर्षका करीब २७ लाख बालबालिकालाई भिटामिन ए र एक वर्षदेखि पाँच वर्षमुनिका २३ लाख ५६ हजार भन्दा बढी बालबालिकालाई जुकाको औषध खुवाईने स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालयले जनाएको छ ।


Three-quarters of Venice is under water flooding since 2008

Water levels in Venice rose more than five feet (156cm / 61.4 inches), with residents and tourists wading their way through flooded areas. The water levels even exceeded raised walkways in the city which are made for flooded areas, prompting their removal. Most of Venice’s famous water bus system was also closed down. Speaking on Monday, Venice Mayor Luigi Brugnaro said a series of underwater barriers would have prevented the rising water levels. That project, dubbed ‘Moses,’ has been long delayed, with caost overruns and corruption scandals to blame. City’s iconic piazzas are covered in water, not pigeons, as three-quarters of the city is submerged, following a storm system that brought strong winds, rose water levels, and toppled trees. The peak level of the water on Monday was the highest reached since December 2008, according to city statistics.

 Brugnaro said he had spoken with Premier Guiseppe Conte to stress the urgency of the Moses project, which would raise barriers when the tide reaches 109 centimeters (43 inches). That happens four times a year in Venice on average. Much of Italy is under flooding alerts following heavy rains on Sunday and Monday, with high winds and toppled trees leading to at least five deaths.

डोल्पा चिनाउने चलचित्र ‘म्हेन्दु’ प्रर्दशनको तयारीमा

रामचन्द्र न्यौपाने, त्रिपुराकोट(डोल्पा) १३ कार्तिक :  बिकट हिमाली जिल्ला डोल्पामा छायाङ्कन गरिएको नेपाली कथानक चलचित्र म्हेन्दुप्रर्दशनको अन्तिम तयारीमा रहेको छ । सुन्दरी,परी वा फुलको अर्थ बोेकको चलचित्र म्हेन्दुको सम्पादन,डबिङ् लगाएतको काम सम्पन्न भईसकेकाले तीहारको अवसर पारेर डोल्पामा च्यारीटी शो गर्ने र डोल्पापछि अस्ट्रेलिया,दुबई,कतार, मलेशीया, जापान, अमेरीका लगाएतका देशहरुमा समेत प्रर्दशनगर्ने निर्माणपक्षले जनाएको छ ।
नेपालका हलहरुमा माघको दोस्रोसाता पछि प्रर्दशनगर्ने बताईएको छ । डोल्पाको मौलिकतालाई झल्काईएको चलचित्र म्हेन्दुको छायाङ्कननेपालकै प्रशिद्ध शक्तिपिठ त्रिपुरा सुन्दरी मन्दिर,मान्छेको बली दिने ईतिहाँस बोकेको ऐतिहाँसिक क्षेत्र राजारानी लगाएतका प्रमुख पर्यटकिय गन्तब्यहरुमा गरिएको हो ।
डोल्पालीको जीवनशैली र उनीहरुको यथार्त परिदृष्यमा आधारित रहेर छायाँङन गरिएको चलचित्र म्हेन्दुले समग्र हिमाली क्षेत्रको बास्तबिकतालाई प्रतिनिधित्व गरेको छ । त्यतिमात्रै नभई भौगोलिक बिकटताको कारण सामान्य औषधी उपचार नपाएरै ज्यान समेत गुमाउपर्ने हिमाली महिलाहरुको बास्तबिकतालाई समेत चलचित्रले उजागरगर्न खोजेको निर्देशक देब नेपालले जानकारी दिए । देब नेपालको लेखन तथा निर्देशन रहेको चलचित्र म्हेन्दुलाई करिब एक करोड लागतमा निर्माण गरिएको निर्माता अर्जुन प्रसाद डोटेलले बताए ।
मारोन मुभिज एण्ड ईन्टरटेन्टमेन्टको ब्यानरमा निर्माण गरिएको चलचित्र म्हेन्दुमा स्थानीय कलाकार लक्ष्मण देबकोटा,भोला तिमल्सेना,सोनु राई,रमेश सोडारी,शान्ति घिसिङ्,चन्द्रमनी मुडभरी,कालुराना,बिन्दा थिङ,प्रतिक्षा खतिवडा,एस राज कुमार,बाबुराजा शाक्य लगाएतका कलाकारहरुको अभिनय रहेको छ ।
रोहित बिक्रम कार्कीले छायाङ्कन गरेको चलचित्र म्हेन्दुमा ,द्धन्द निर्देशन राजु किँरातीले गरेकाछन् भने बिमल डाँगी,सरोज कोईराला र कुमार लामा योञ्जनले चलचित्रलाई संगीतबद्ध गरेकाछन् । चलचित्र म्हेन्दुमा डोल्पालीको जनजिविका मात्रै नभई डोल्पाको अनुपम प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्यतालाई समेत पर्दामा उतार्ने प्रयास गरिएको बताईएको छ ।
आफ्नै गाँउठाँउमा खिचिएको र डोल्पालीको दुख,पिडालाई कथात्मक ढङ्गले चलचित्रमा उतारिएकाले डोल्पालीहरु चलचित्र प्रदर्शनको बेग्र प्रतिक्षामा छन् ।
देशकै सुन्दर पर्यटकिय गन्तब्य भित्रपर्ने डोल्पालाई चलचित्र म्हेन्दुले देश बिदेशमा चिनाउने डोल्पालीको अपेक्षा छ ।

न्यूजिल्यान्डको मध्य क्षेत्रमा ६ दशमलब १ म्याग्नीच्यूडको भूकम्प

न्यूजिल्यान्ड: न्यूजिल्यान्डको मध्य क्षेत्रमा मङ्गलबार ६ दशमलब १ म्याग्नीच्यूडको भूकम्प गएको छ । भूकम्पबाट कुनै खास क्षति नपुगेको न्यूजिल्यान्डका अधिकारीहरुले बताएका छन् । वेलिङ्टनमा संसदको बैठक चलिरहँदा भूकम्पको धक्का महसुस गरिएको थियो । भूकम्पलगत्तै सांसदहरुले छलफल बीचमै स्थगित गरेर सुरक्षित स्थानमा गएका थिए । वेलिङ्टनबाट ३४० किलोमिटर उत्तरपूर्वमा जमिनको सतहबाट २०७ किलोमिटर मुनि भूकम्पको केन्द्रविन्दु रहेको थियो ।

9 people injured in terrorist attack in downtown Tunis

The explosion took place on Habib Bourguiba avenue, central Tunis, near the city’s Municipal Theater. A woman has blown herself up in an apparent terrorist attack in Tunisia’s capital, reportedly injuring eight police officers. People were seen running for their lives after the bomb exploded on a busy street. Interior Ministry spokesman Sufian al-Zaq has confirmed that eight police and one citizen have been injured in the explosion, Local Arabic newspaper Al Chourouk reports. The bombing took place next to a police van and near a hotel.

Witness Mohamed Ekbal bin Rajib said that he was “in front of the theater and heard a huge explosion and saw people fleeing,” Ambulances also could be heard rushing to the scene. Several ambulances and police are already on the scene, as videos uploaded to social media show officials examining the body of the woman and trying control panicked crowds.

एनएमबि बैंकको लगानी योग्य पुँजी – बेलायतबाट डेढ अर्ब ल्याउने

काठमाडौं :  बेलायती संस्था सीबीसीले एनएमबि बैंकलाई १५ मिलियन डलर दिनका लागि स्वीकृति दिइसकेको छ ।  नेपालको बैंकिङ प्रणालीमा देखिएको लगानी योग्य पुँजी (तरलता) अभावको संकट टार्ने उद्देश्यले एनएमबि बैंकले विदेशबाट १५ मिलियन अर्थात् डेढ अर्ब रुपैयाँ ल्याउने भएको छ । एनएमबि कैंकले आइएफसीबाट १५ मिलियन डलर ल्याइसकेको छ ।  बेलायत सरकारको कम्पनी सीबीसीबाट उक्त रकम ल्याउन लागिएको बैंकका प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत सुनिल केसीले जानकारी दिए । निक्षेप संकलन र कर्जा विस्तारबीचको असन्तुलत बढेपछि बैंकहरु थप ऋण दिन सक्ने अवस्थामा छैनन् । तरलताको अभाव भएपछि बैंकहरु निक्षेप आकर्षित गर्न ब्याजदर बढाउने प्रतिस्पर्धामा खरो उत्रिने गरेका छन् ।

सीबीसीबाट बैंकले ल्याउने ऋणको अवधि ३ वर्षको हुने छ भने ब्याजदर साढे ५ देखि ६ प्रतिशतसम्म पर्नेछ ।  निक्षेप वृद्धिको तुलनामा बैंकहरुले दोब्बर बढीले कर्जा बढाएका कारण महिना दिनदेखि बैंकिङ प्रणालीमा तरलता छैन । तरलता अभावका कारण बैंकहरुले थप ऋण दिन सकेका छैनन् । महंगो ब्याजदरमा निक्षेप उठाएपछि ऋणको ब्याजदर पनि महंगो हुने गरेको छ । महंगो ब्याजदरमा ऋण लिएर उद्योग व्यवसाय सञ्चालन गर्न कठिन हुने भन्दै उद्योगी व्यवसायीहरुले पनि तरलताको समस्या दीर्घकालीनरुपमै समाधान गर्नुपर्ने माग राख्दै आएका छन् ।