बस र माइक्रो बस ठक्कर खाँदा २ जनाको मृत्यु

बस र माइक्रो बस ठक्कर खाँदा २ जनाको मृत्यु

कृष्णभीरमा लु १ ख ९०७९ नम्बरको बस र बा ३ ख १००४ नम्बरको र बा २ ख ४५६७ नम्बरको माइक्रो बस आपसमा ठक्कर खाँदा २ जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ भने ३२ जना घाइते भएका छन् । घाइतेमध्ये १८ जनालाई उपचारका लागि काठमाडौँ पठाइएको छ । ७ जनाको गजुरी अस्पतालमा २ जनाको चरौंदीमा उपचार भइरहेको छ भने ३ जना सामान्य उपचारपछि घर फर्किएका छन् । इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय गजुरीका अनुसार मृत्यु हुनेमा धादिङ साबिक महादेवस्थान ८ का २७ वर्षीय श्यामकुमार श्रेष्ठ र ठेगाना नखुलेकी २० वर्षकी एक युवती रहेको जनाएको छ । माइक्रोबसले बसलाई ओभरटेक गर्न खोज्दा दुर्घटना भएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । बसका चालकलाई जोगिमारा प्रहरी चौकीले नियन्त्रणमा लिएको छ ।

फोहोर नउठाएको भन्दै मेयरविरुद्ध नाराबाजी

१५ असार, काठमाडौं : क्याम्पस अगाडिको फोहोर नउठाएको भन्दै प्रदर्शनीमार्गस्थित बाल्मिकी क्याम्पसका विद्यार्थीहरुले प्रदर्शन गरेका छन् । सिसडोलका स्थानीय वासिन्दाको अवरोधका कारण केही दिनदेखि महानगरपालिकाले फोहोर उठाउन सकेको छैन । थुप्रिएर दुर्गन्ध फैलिँदा काठमाडौंको फोहोर नउठाएको भन्दै मेयरविरुद्ध नाराबाजी सडक अवरुद्ध पारेपछि प्रहरीले सामान्य बल प्रयोग गरेर सडक खुलाएको छ ।

आज धान दिवस मनाउँदै

नेपालले २०६२ सालदेखि असार १५ लाई धान दिवसका रुपमा मनाउँदै आएको छ । आजको दिन खेतमा धान रोपाईं सँगै आपसमा हिलो छ्यापाछ्याप गरेर असार १५ मनाउने गरीन्छ । कामको चटारोले थकित भएका किसानलाई दही र चिउराले शक्ति र शीतलता प्राप्त हुने विश्वास छ । कृषिप्रधान देश भएकाले नेपालका अधिकांश मानिसको पेसा खेतीपाती हो ।

असार १५

किसान वर्ष भरका लागि छाक जुटाउन यो महिनामा खेतीमा व्यस्त हुन्छन्। आजका दिन असारे भाकामा लोकदोहोरी गाउँदै छुपुछुपु हिलोमा धान रोपिन्छ। सरकारले हरेक वर्ष असार १५ गतेलाई राष्ट्रिय धान दिवस एवम् रोपाइँ महोत्सवको रुपमा मनाउने गर्दछ । मध्यगर्मीको यो समयमा युवा लाठे र युवती रोपाहारले खेतका गराको हिलो छ्यापाछ्याप गरेर मनोरञ्जन गर्छन् ।

असार १५

असार १५ लाई नेपाली समाजमा दही-चिउरा खाने पर्वका रुपमा पनि लिइन्छ । खेतीपातीबाहेक अन्य पेसा र व्यवसायमा लागेका नेपालीले पनि आज दही-चिउरा खाई असार १५ मनाउँछन् ।

प्रेस स्वतन्त्रता नभएसम्म लोकतन्त्र बलियो हुदैनः पूर्व राष्ट्रपति रामवरण यादव

पाल्पा, १४ असार
: पाल्पामा शुरु भएको दलित समुदायका पत्रकारहरूको राष्ट्रिय सम्मेलनलाई सम्वोधन गर्दै पुर्व राष्ट्रपति यादवले प्रेस स्वतन्त्रता बचाउनु पत्रकारहरुको धर्म भएको भन्दै
प्रेस स्वतन्त्रता विनाको लोकतन्त्र सफल नहुने बताउनुभयो ।

देशभरका ७७ जिल्लाबाट करीब १ सय ५० जना दलित पत्रकारहरुको सहभागिता रहेको प्रेस स्वतन्त्रता नभएसम्म लोकतन्त्र बलियो नहुने कुरा व्यत्त गर्नु भएको छ । गणतन्त्र नेपालका प्रथम राष्ट्रपति रामवरण यादवले प्रेस स्वतन्त्रता बचाउनु पत्रकारहरुको धर्म भएको भन्दै लोकतन्त्र, गणतन्त्र र प्रेस स्वतन्त्रता एउटै विषय भएको बताउनुभएको छ ।
संविधानमा जातीय छुवाछुत र भेदभाव अन्त्य भएको बताईरहँदा अझै पनि समाजमा भेदभाव अन्त्य नभएकोले यो सम्मेलनबाट भेदभाव अन्त्यका लागि महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निर्वाह गर्ने बताईएको छ ।

उद्दब कार्कीको नयाँ लोक दोहोरी गीत सार्वजनिक(भिडियो सहित)

काठमाडौ,शिवपुरी म्युजिकको प्रस्तुतिमा चर्चित गायक उद्द्ब कार्कीको नयाँ लोकदोहोरी गीत सार्वजनिक भएको छ।चर्चित गायिका पार्वती कार्कीको लय संकलन तथा पवन वाङ लामाको म्युजिक एरेन्जरमा तयार भएको यस गीतको नामकरण भने ´उहीँ सग बिहे गर`राखिएको छ।माया पाउनु मात्रै होइन गुमाउनु पनि माया हो भन्ने दृष्टान्त प्रस्तुत गरिएको यस गीतमा प्रोसिस तिमल्सिनाको निर्देशन रहेकोे छ भने बिक्रम थपलिया,अनु पराजुली र रीता थापाले सफल अभिनय प्रस्तुत गरेका छन।

पर्खाल भत्किँदा १७ जनाको मृत्यु

भारतको पुणेमा पर्खाल भत्किँदा १७ जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ भने तीन जनालाई उद्धार गरिएको छ । मृत्यु हुनेमा ११ पुरुष, दुई महिला र चार बालबालिकाको मृत्यु भएको भारतीय मिडियाहरुले जनाएको छ । भारतीय मिडियाका अनुसार भवनको ५० फिट लामो पर्खाल झुपडी बस्तीमाथि खसेको जनाएको छ । पुणेको प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारीले ठेकेदारको लापरवाहीले पर्खाल भत्किएको भन्दै कारबाही अघि बढाउन निर्देशन दिएको छ । अझै पनि भग्नावशेषमा केही व्यक्ति पुरिएको आशंकामा खोजी कार्य जारी राखिएको छ ।


June 13th, 14th & 15th Divya Dham Temple of New York Celebrated  Grand Pran Prathistha Mahotsav at Divya Dham Mandir in Woodside, New York where thousands of devotees participated  in three days celebration which includes  His Divine Holiness Mahamandleshwar Swami 1008 Satyanndaji Swami Ji , Nassau County Former Deputy Comptroller Hon. Dilip Chauhan, Pandit Jayeshbhai Bhatt,  Holiness Swami  Jayramguruji, Mohit Kumar and Sandeep Sehgal of Shri Vaishno Seva Samiti.

His Divine Holiness Mahamandleshwar Swami 1008 Satyanndaji Swami Ji Blessed the crowd with his divine speech and encourage all the devotees to make sure you teach our great traditions to next generation, also he exlplained the definition of Satsang , make Satsang very important part of your life, do good karmas.  Swami Ji has also honored Hon. Dilip Chauhan with traditional Shawl and Garland.

Dilip Chauhan – During his speech  He congratulated  Mohit Kumar and Family for organizing such a  Divine Mata ki Chowki also he appreciated Shri Vaishno Seva Samiti’s Sandeep Sehgal for beautiful Bhajan. Also he encouraged all the participants to make mandir part of everyday life, make an habit to visit mandir, if you don’t visit if you don’t teach importannce of mandir then who will visit, Mandir teaches great value to our upcoming generation. A temple is that place where people experience absolute peace. This is a place where we feel the energy inside us.  Our mind and body feels relaxed here. We feel happy and confident about ourselves.  He appreciated   His Divine Holiness Mahamandleshwar Swami 1008 Satyanndaji Swami Ji’s effort to organize such a beautiful event and his divine blessings.


On June 13, 2019, Mohan Gyawali, a great Nepali American Community Leader, was one of the honorees at the 111th Gala dinner jointly hosted by the Ridgewood Democratic Club and New York State Assembly Member Hon. Catherine Nolan. Others who were also recognized for their outstanding service included Congressman Gregory W. Meeks, labor leaders and community activists Hector Figueroa, Joseph Geiger, Michael J. Palladino, Breeana Mulligan, Thomas C. Goodhart, and Melissa Orlando.

Mr. Gyawali received Community Service Award from the Ridgewood Democratic Club, Proclamation from the NYS State Assembly member Nolan and New York City Council Citation from Council Member Donovan Richards in recognition of his outstanding service to the Nepali American communities in New York and beyond. Assemblywoman Nolan, former New York City Councilmember Elizabeth Crowley, and Governor Andrew Cuomo’s staff representative Mr. Hersh K. Parekh spoke very highly of Mr. Gyawali’s contributions to strengthening local communities in New York. Among other accomplishments of Mr. Gyawali, they especially highlighted his leadership and Nepali American community members’ collective advocacy that resulted in New York State Department of Motor Vehicles offering the written test for driving license in Nepali language.

Mr. Gyawali, a business entrepreneur, is also the President of the Himalayan Democratic Club and the Rotary Club of New York “Queens.” He is a dedicated and inspiring journalist who has been serving to the Nepali community for quite a long time.

This was indeed a very proud occasion for Nepali Americans. Mr. Gaywali highly appreciated his friends and supports and all Nepalese society. At this occasion, Mohan expressed his gratitude to his community.


US Nepal Second Children Talent show is going to held on 29th June. The Second US Nepal Children’s Talent show for kids age between 5 to 16 going to held in The Chian Federation, New York.

The program is organized by N&J ENTERTAINMENT NY INC. President Kamala Prasai says, “This program is all about to encourage our Nepali kids and to appreciate their talent.” If you have any questions and comments you can reach organizer on nandj.org@gmail.com or usnepalchildren@gmail.com  and phone number- 347-896-3590.

Venue: 44-01 Broadway, Astoria, NY 11103
Phone: (718) 204-2550

Sad details on 7 more who died in one of Hawaii’s worst plane crashes

A Skydiving adventure turned deadly on Friday in Honolulu, when eleven people were killed. Today, the Honolulu Medical Examiner’s Office released the names of 7 of the 11 victims that died on Friday, June 21 in this horrific crash of a skydiving plane that went down at Dillingham Airfield on the island of Oahu in Hawaii.

According to National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigators, the plane flipped shortly after takeoff and crashed with a fiery explosion. The Medical Examiner’s Office said there were 10 men and one woman on board. Medical Examiner Dr. Christopher Happy will release the identities of the 4 remaining victims once they have been confirmed.

Lt. Joshua Drablos, 27, U.S. military member stationed in Hawaii, Virginia resident  Lt. Joshua Drablos, who is originally from Forest, according to his Navy men’s track and field bio. He belonged to the Kunia Cyber Mission Force since late 2018 except for a few months when he was a student at the Naval War College. His small home town in Virginia  has a population of less than 10,000 and in a census-designated place in Bedford and Campbell counties in the U.S. state of Virginia.

, Sad details on 7 more who died in one of Hawaii’s worst plane crashes, Buzz travel | eTurboNews |Travel News

Nikolas Glebov, 28 was a visitor from  St. Paul, Minnesota,  Tourists Ashley Weikel, 26, Colorado Springs, Bryan Weikel, 27,  from Colorado Springs,

, Sad details on 7 more who died in one of Hawaii’s worst plane crashes, Buzz travel | eTurboNews |Travel News

Bryan and Ashley Weikel were celebrating their first wedding anniversary on the island when the plane they were riding for skydiving crashed.

Bryan Weikel’s mother, Kathy Weikel-Gerk, and his siblings, Kenneth Reed and Adrienne Keller, told CBS4 in Colorado, the couple was ecstatic to go skydiving on their anniversary trip. They wanted to go so bad,” Weikel-Gerk said. “I begged him to not go skydiving. I begged him not to go.” The family saw pictures and video on social media from the young couple, last posted at Dillingham Airfield. “Bryan, on his Snapchat, had posted a video of the plane pulling up to get them. That was the last thing they (posted),” Weikel-Gerk said. Reed said he texted his brother multiple times in the minutes, and hours, that followed their scheduled jump time. However, after 15 hours without a response, he grew worried. Reed said he got online and Googled skydiving in Hawaii.

The family added the coroner in Oahu was unable to confirm the identities of the deceased from the crash at the time this story was published, however, they were confident their loved ones were on the plane. They sent dental records to Hawaii for use in the confirmation process. “They didn’t do anything without each other. So, the way they went, it was the way it was supposed to go,” Reed told Colorado media.

, Sad details on 7 more who died in one of Hawaii’s worst plane crashes, Buzz travel | eTurboNews |Travel News

Daniel Herndon, 35 was a Skydiving Instructor at Oahu Parachute Center , he was a Videographer, Coach, AFF Instructor, IAD Instructor, Tandem Instructor, and occasionally Tandem or sport rig packer. at Skydive Airtight , studied  Mechanical Engineering at Oklahoma State University and Mechanical engineering at Tulsa Community College He went to Wagoner High School  orginial from Wegoner, Oklahoma living in Haleiwa, Hawaii.