Introducing the actual book club

Introducing the actual book club

We like talking about books and movies and music and podcasts and all other things culture. It’s our job to find the best new stuff, appreciate (and sometimes rank) the old stuff, and just talk about the weird stuff we’re into. But that’s previously been a one-way conversation—now we want to obsess over all this stuff with Outside readers, too. It wouldn’t be a book club without a book, and we’ve got that covered. Our first pick: the small-press but much-buzzed-about Pure Land, by Annette McGivney. It’s the true story of a brutal murder in the Grand Canyon and the author’s personal revelations as she digs into the crime (read an excerpt here). We already wrote about how much we loved it, and we want to talk about it with you. (So does McGivney, who’ll drop in for a chat in the near future.) We’ll start discussing the book in December.

So we’re trying something new: the Outside Beyond Books Club. It’s partly an actual book club (more on that below), but it’s also a place to explore outdoor culture and media. And that means whatever you want it to mean, whether it’s a deep discourse on Hot Dog… The Movie or correcting us on the classic adventure literature we left out of our canon. We’ll also be sharing our thoughts, bringing in writers and filmmakers and artists to answer your questions, and keeping you updated on what’s new and noteworthy.

If you’re curious, join the private Beyond Books Club group on Facebook. The group will be labeled “closed,” but anyone who requests to join and answers a question will be approved. And pick up a copy of Pure Land. We’ll be suggesting some related reading/watching/listening over the next few weeks.

And, of course, tell us what you’re thinking about in the meantime. “Culture” is an amorphous idea to tackle, but that’s half the fun. And by definition, it’s something that all of us contribute to, so this group needs you.National election of nepal Nga_chhap-lagaune

चितवन ३ मा प्रचण्ड र पाण्डे

hons on the powernewsनारायणगढ– चितवन फेरि देश–विदेशभर चर्चामा छ । प्रचण्ड र पाण्डेमा कसले बाजी मार्ला भन्ने व्याख्या र विश्लेषण आ–आफ्नै तरिकाले भइरहेको कसले बाजी मार्छ भन्ने चासो छ ।   देशविदेशमा रहने नेपालीले देखाएका स्थानीय निर्वाचनमा प्रचण्डपुत्री रेणु दाहाल र एमालेका देवी ज्ञवालीबीच भरतपुर महानगरमा चुनावी प्रतिस्पर्धा र कसले बाजी मार्छ भन्ने चासो देशविदेशमा रहने नेपालीले देखाएका थिए ।
रेणु दाहाल र देवी ज्ञवाली चर्चित र लोकप्रिय नेता थिएनन् । देशभर तरंग ल्याउने ऊर्जा पनि उनीहरुमा थिएन र छैन । तथापि उनीहरु नै देश विदेशमा छाए ।  राजनीतिमा अनेक हुन्छ । असंभव संभव भइदिन्छ, संभव असंभवमा बदलिन्छ । मित्र दुश्मन र दुश्मन मित्र यही राजनीतिभित्रै हुन्छ । यही खेलभित्र अर्को भिडन्त हुँदैछ चितवनमा । प्रतिनिधिसभा सदस्यको निर्वाचनमा चितवन क्षेत्र नं ३ बाट राजनीतिक मैदानमा छन्– दुई हस्ती माओवादी केन्द्रका अध्यक्ष पुष्पकमल दाहाल ‘प्रचण्ड’ र राप्रपा प्रजातान्त्रिकका उपाध्यक्ष एवम् वर्तमान वन तथा संरक्षणमन्त्री विक्रम पाण्डे । National election of nepal Nga_chhap-lagaune
प्रचण्ड वाम गठबन्धनका तर्फबाट मैदानमा छन् भने पाण्डे लोकतान्त्रिक गठबन्धनबाट । वाम गठबन्धनले एमाले र माओवादी केन्द्रको मतबाट प्रचण्डले बाजी मार्ने विश्लेषण गरेको छ  प्रचण्डले सो क्षेत्रलाई आफ्नो गृहजिल्ला मान्दै आएका छन् । पाण्डेले संविधानसभामा विजयी बनिसकेको र आफू यही क्षेत्रको स्थानीयसमेत रहेकाले आफूलाई मतदाताले रोज्ने दाबी गर्छन् ।

शुक्रबार सार्वजनिक विदा

१४ मंसिर, काठमाडौं : हजरत मुहम्मद सल्ललल्लाहो अलैहे वोसल्लमको जन्म दिनको अवसरमा सरकारले शुक्रबार सार्वजनिक विदा दिने निर्णय गरेको छ । साथै, इसाई धर्मावलम्बीको पर्व ‘क्रिसमस डे’ का अवसरमा पुस १० गते समेत समेत सार्वजनिक बिदा दिने गृह मन्त्रालयले एक विज्ञप्ति जारी गर्दै जानकारी दिएको छ ।National election of nepal Nga_chhap-lagaune

चुनावी गतिवधि सुरु भएसँगै – कसले हान्दै छ बम ?

काठमाडौं : इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय तुलसीपुरअन्तर्गत कार्यरत चौधरीको उपचारक्रममा नेपालगन्जस्थित कोहलपुर मेडिकल कलेजमा निधन भएको छ   ।  चुनावी गतिवधि सुरु भएसँगै तीव्र बनेको विस्फोटमा पहिलोपटक मानवीय क्षति भएपछि आमजनताले बम विस्फोट गराउनेको खोजी गर्न सरकारलाई दबाब दिइरहेका छन् । विस्फोट गराउँदै हिँड्ने विप्लव नेतृत्वको नेकपाका कार्यकर्ता हुन् वा उच्छृंखल समूह वा सर्वसाधारणले भन्ने गरेजस्तो ‘अदृश्य विदेशी शक्ति’ या अरू कुनै समूह ? यसबारे सरकारसँग प्रशस्त सूचना भएको र सुरक्षा निकायले पहिचान पनि गरिसकेको विभिन्न स्रोतले पुष्टि गरेका छन् ।  गत मंगलबार दाङमा गराइएको बम विस्फोटमा परी घाइते भएका म्यादी प्रहरी विनोद चौधरीको बुधबार बिहान उपचारक्रममा मृत्यु भयो ।   ‘के उद्देश्यले र कसले गराएको थियो विस्फोट ? मुलुकभर कसले र किन बम पड्काइरहेको छ ? ‘ आमजनता यसको जवाफ खोजिरहेका छन् । निर्वाचन प्रक्रिया सुरु भएदेखि लगातार भएका विस्फोटमा कैयौं घाइते भएका छन् । राजधानीलगायत मुलुकभर नै विस्फोट भइरहेको छ ।  विस्फोटन गराउँदै हिँड्ने समूह बलियो र राज्यचाहिँ उनीहरूको अगाडि निरीहझैँ बनेको छ । सुरक्षाकर्मीकै ज्यान जाने गरी भएका यस्ता घटनामा संलग्नको पहिचान गर्न नसक्नु र ‘अनुसन्धान हुँदै छ’ भन्ने ओठे जवाफ मात्रै दिइनु गम्भीर विषय हो ।

न्युयोर्कमा ८ जनाको ज्यान लिनेले गरे निर्दोष रहेको दावी

अक्टोबर ३१ मा न्युयोर्कको म्यानहटनमा गाडी जोताएर ८ जनाको ज्यान लिएका सेफुलो साइपभले मंगलबार अदालतमा दिएको बयानमा आफू निर्दोष रहेको दावी गरेका छन् । उनीमाथि ८ जनाको हत्या गरेको र १२ जनालाई हत्या गर्न खोजेको अभियोग छ । ८ जनाको ज्यान जानेगरी गराएको घटनालाई आतंकबादी गतिविधि भन्दै अदालतमा मुद्दा चलाइएको छ । साइपभले ८ जनाको ज्यान लिइसकेपछि नक्कली बन्दुक देखाउदै अल्लाहु अकबर भनेर चिच्याउदै भाग्न खोजेका थिए । तर प्रहरी अफिसरले गोली हानेर उनलाई नियन्त्रणमा लिएका थिए । अनुसन्धानकर्ताहरुले जोताईको ट्रक नजिकै इस्लामिक स्टेट सम्बन्धित अरबिक नोट समेत फेला पारेका थिए । घटनापछि आक्रमणकारी साइपभले अस्पतालको कोठामा उपचारका क्रममा इस्लामिक स्टेटको झण्डा टाँग्न भन्दै आफूले गरेको आक्रमणबाट खुशी भएको बताएका थिए । नोभेम्बर १ को अदालती सुनुवाईमा ह्वीलचेयरमा ल्याइएकपनि मंगलबारको सुनुवाई उनी आफै हिडेर आएका थिए ।National election of nepal Nga_chhap-lagaune

समुदायलाई शैक्षिक केन्द्र हस्तान्तरण

 भरतसन्तोषी,नुवाकोट : नुवाकोट जिल्ला शिवपुरी गाउँपालिका वडा न ६ समुन्द्रा देवी को फेदिगाउमा गुड अर्थ गोलबल द्वारा १० लाखको लागतमा निर्माण गरेको शैक्षिक केन्द्र आज एक कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरि समुदाय लाई हस्तान्तरण गरेको छ।उक्त कार्यक्रमको प्रमुख अतिथि वडा न ६ का वडा अध्यक्ष लालबहादुर तामाङ रहनु भएको थियो । उहाँ ले रिबन काटेर शैक्षिक केन्द्र को उदघाटन गनुभएको थियो ।कार्यक्रम मा विशेष अतिथि फेदि गाउँका समाज सेवि दावा तामाङ रहनु भएको थियो । सो भवन निर्माण का अध्यक्ष दुवनाथ भेटुवाल रहनु भएको थियो उक्त शैक्षिक केन्द्र को नाम बटाईफलाई शैक्षिक केन्द्र रहेको छ।उक्त केन्द्र मा लाईबेरि समेत रहने र महिला समूह विद्यार्थीहरु बालबालिका उक्त केन्द्र मा आयर अध्ययन गर्ने सकिने गुड अर्थका रोसन झाले बताउनु भयो ।National election of nepal Nga_chhap-lagaunesocial education center 1

Everesteer Pemba Dorje Sherpa of Guinness World Record

KATHMANDU:  A division bench of justices Cholendra Shumsher JB Rana and Dambar Bahadur Shahi yesterday issued a verdict to quash the government decision, saying that Pemba Dorje Sherpa of Rolwaling, Dolakha failed to produce the substantial proof to authenticate his claim of climbing the world’s highest peak in eight hours and 10 minutes on 21 May 2004. The apex court issued an order for the annulment of the fastest Mt Everest ascent maintained in the name of Pemba Dorje in the government record after another climber Lakpa Gelu Sherpa who also claimed the summit record with a time of 10 hours and 56 minutes in 2003, challenged Pemba Dorje’s 2004 ascent to be the fastest Mt Everest climber.  The Guinness World Records had also awarded Sherpa with the certificate of the fastest climber after ‘thoroughly verifying’ his claims in 2004. “I am not aware of the SC order,” Sherpa, who had climbed Mt Everest along with another record holder climber Apa Sherpa in 2004, reacted. Petitioner Lakpa Gelu, who is now in US, was not available for comment. It is almost certain that the Sherpa mountaineer will be formally stripped of his title of the world’s fastest Mt Everest summitteer anytime soon. “The Department of Tourism will act as per the court ruling,” DOT’s director general Dinesh Bhattarai said, “The DoT has not formally received the court order.”

The SC also found that the mountaineering division under the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation issued a summit certificate to Sherpa without verifying the necessary evidences as per the Tourism Act and the Mountaineering Regulation. A Sherpa climber who holds the Guinness World Record in the Mt Everest climbing for 13 years is all set to lose his title after the Supreme Court invalidated the claims which he submitted to the government authorities while obtaining a summit certificate.

“Now, Lakpa Gelu holds the world record of the fastest Everest summiteer,” According to Khojindra Prasad Ghimire, who was present on behalf of Sherpa before the court, said. Sherpa had filed a case at SC against MoCTCA, Pemba Dorje and two others in December, 2013. The summit time is generally counted once a climber leaves from the base camp for the summit and back. Many veteran climbers considered that climbing Mt Everest in 8 or 10 hours was a mere joke. There were no liaison officer’s report as well as the photographic evidence which showed that Sherpa was at the top of Mt Everest within the stated timeframe, SC order stated.

प्रतिनिधि सभा तथा प्रदेश सभा निर्वाचन २०७४ जन चेतना बिषेश सन्देशहरु

प्रतिनिधि सभा तथा प्रदेश सभा निर्वाचन जन चेतना बिषेश सन्देशहरु








Hawaii hotel performance continues

HONOLULU, Hawaii – The Hawaiian Tourism Authority’s (HTA’s) Tourism Research Division issued findings showing hotel performance in the Aloha State continues on an upswing.

Hotels in the Hawaiian islands earned more revenue per available room (RevPAR) in October at $189 (+3.8%) compared to a year ago, according to the Hawaii Hotel Performance Report released today by theHTA. The growth in RevPAR was driven by a higher average daily rate (ADR) in October of $240 (+3.6%) by hotel properties statewide, as occupancies remained virtually unchanged from last year.

Luxury Class hotels achieved the best overall results on a statewide level in October of all hotel classes covered in the report compared to a year ago. Luxury Class hotels reported increases in RevPAR to $323 (+5.7%), ADR to $438 (+4.3%), and occupancy to 73.6 percent (+1.0 percentage points).

Midscale and Economy Class hotels also realized year-over-year growth in all three categories in October, with increases reported in RevPAR to $110 (+4.8%), ADR to $144 (+1.4%), and occupancy to 76.4 percent (+2.5 percentage points).

The other hotel classes covered by HTA’s Hawaii Hotel Performance Report – Upper Upscale Class, Upscale Class, and Upper Midscale Class – all reported growth in ADR compared to last October.

Jennifer Chun of HTA commented, “October was a solid month in what has been a good year overall for hotel properties statewide that reflects the tourism industry’s ability to attract travelers at different price points, particularly visitors seeking high-end accommodations. This is especially true for neighbor island hotel properties, which are largely realizing excellent year-over-year growth in revenues generated on a per room basis.”

Chun was recently appointed as Director of Tourism Research for HTA, a position that takes effect on December 1. She has analyzed tourism data for more than 20 years and worked in HTA’s Tourism Research Division since 2014.

Among Hawaii’s four island counties, hotels in Maui County recorded the highest RevPAR in October at $221 (+7.0%), driven by a strong increase in ADR to $295 (+6.4%) year-over-year.

Hotels on the island of Hawaii earned the largest gain in RevPAR to $167 (+13%), boosted by increases in ADR to $229 (+5.6%) and occupancies to 72.9 percent (+4.7 percentage points).

Kauai hotels achieved the highest rate of growth in occupancy, up 6.0 percentage points in October year-over-year, completing the month at 77.1 percent occupancy.

Oahu hotels reported a slight decline in RevPAR at $182 (-0.5%) with an increase in ADR to $223 (+2%) offset by lower occupancy at 81.8 percent (-2.0 percentage points).

Hotels in Hawaii’s luxury resort areas produced good results in October compared to a year ago, with Wailea leading the state in growth of RevPAR to $350 (+17.3%) and ADR to $448 (+15.7%), with occupancy recording a small increase to 78.2 percent (+1.1 percentage points).

The Lahaina-Kaanapali-Kapalua resort area reported growth in RevPAR to $194 (+3.4%) and ADR to $252 (+2.1%) in October, with occupancy increasing slightly to 76.9 percent (+0.9 percentage points).

The Kohala Coast resort area reported strong growth in RevPAR to $214 (+13.9%) and ADR to $307 (+11.1%), with occupancy also increasing to 69.6 percent (+1.7 percentage points) in October.

Year-to-Date 2017

Year-to-date through October 2017, Hawaii hotels collectively reported increases in RevPAR to $210 (+5.6%) and ADR to $261 (+4.4%), with occupancy at 80.3 percent (+0.9 percentage points) compared to the same period in 2016.

For the first 10 months of 2017, Luxury Class hotels reported overall increases in RevPAR to $387 (+7.3%) and ADR to $511 (+5.0%), with occupancy at 75.8 percent (+1.6 percentage points).

On the other end of the price spectrum, Midscale and Economy Class hotels earned increases in RevPAR to $117 (+3.9%) and ADR to $152 (+3.3%), but no growth in occupancy (76.8 percent) year-over-year.

On a monthly basis in 2017, hotels statewide generally outperformed 2016 numbers (Fig. 1) highlighted by a strong summer travel season with July producing peak ADR totals at $282 (+3.4%) and occupancy at 84.5 percent (+2.0%). These results were consistent with increases realized in visitor spending and visitor days for July.

In September, despite increased visitor volumes, hotels statewide averaged a lower ADR (-1.7%) and flat occupancy compared to September 2016. There was also a 38.0 percent drop in meetings, conventions and incentive visitors, a market that typically has a strong preference for hotels. A significant factor for this decrease was the Hawaii Convention Center’s hosting of the IUCN World Conservation Congress (10,000 delegates) and an insurance underwriter convention (11,000 delegates) in September 2016.

Island Highlights:

• Oahu: Year-to-date through October, Oahu hotels reported the highest occupancy among the four island counties at 83.4 percent (-1.0 percentage points). Hotels reported an average increase in RevPAR to $193 (+1.7%) and ADR to $232 (+2.8%) through the first 10 months of 2017. On a monthly basis thus far in 2017, hotels have generally reported higher ADRs in 2017, while occupancies remained similar, compared to 2016 (Fig. 2). Hotels in Waikiki reported an ADR of $277 (+1.4%) and occupancy of 84.7 (-1.2 percentage points) year-to-date through October.

• Maui County: Hotels in Maui County led the state in ADR at $344, an increase of 7.6 percent, for the first 10 months of 2017. On a monthly basis, hotels have had higher ADRs and achieved generally higher occupancies than in 2016 (Fig. 3). Properties in the luxury resort area of Wailea led the state in both ADR at $520 (+9.2%) and occupancy at 85.0% (+4.0 percentage points).

• Island of Hawaii: Year-to-date through October, hotels on the island of Hawaii reported the largest average growth in occupancy statewide, increasing 5.5 percentage points to 74.4 percent occupancy. The growth was in line with increased visitor volumes reported through September, due largely to the new nonstop flights from Japan and the U.S. mainland added within the past year. However, despite this growth, average hotel occupancy was the lowest of the four island counties. On a monthly basis, hotels achieved significantly higher occupancies through October than in 2016 (Fig. 4). During this period, hotels collectively increased ADR to $245 (+3.6%). ADRs were also higher each month in 2017, year-over-year, with the exception of September.

• Kauai: Through the first 10 months of 2017, hotels on Kauai had a higher ADR at $262 (+4.3%) and experienced higher occupancy at 77.2 percent (+3.9 percentage points) compared to the same period in 2016. Hotels achieved a higher ADR in each month of 2017 (Fig. 5) and, except for July, recorded higher occupancy year-over-year compared to 2016.  STR, Inc. conducted the research of hotel properties in the Hawaiian Islands. Source : eturbonews

ग्रामीण क्षेत्रको बाहुल्यता भएकै कारण नेपाल नीकै पछाडी

सन्तोषी शाह, काठमाडौं : ग्रामीण क्षेत्र को बाहुल्यता भएकै कारण सदीयौ देखि नेपाल बीकासका हीसाबले नीकै पछाडी परेको छ , तर देशमा बीकासका अन्ततः सम्भावना हरु छ , ती सम्भावना हरु लाई शक्ति मा बदलनका लागि देश बीकासको अभीयान दीगो र सार्थक हुन जरुरी छ , नेपाल को ग्रामिण क्षेत्रमा थुप्रै स्रोत हरु छन् , तर तीनीहरुको दीगो सदुपयोग हुन सकीरहेको छैन , जस्का कारण ग्रामिण क्षेत्रमा गरिबी , अशीक्षा, रोग, भोक, अभाव , बेरोजगारी , र बाताबरणीय समस्या हरु दीन प्रतीदीन बढ्दै गइरहेको छ , यस्तो अवस्था मा बीकासका माध्यम वाट गरिबी बीरुद्र को लडाइ लाई शश्कत न बनाउने हो भने गरिबी र बाताबरण बीनासको शृङ्खला बढ्दै जानेछ , नेपाल ले बीश्वको 0.१% भुभाग ओगटेको छ , भौगोलिक रूपमा सानो भएपनि जातीय , भाषिक , क्षेत्रगत रूपमा बीबीधताले युक्त नेपाल मा प्रतीबर्ष जनसंख्या वृद्धिदर उच्च रहेको छ, १.३५ प्रतिशत प्रतीबर्ष जनसंख्या बृदीदर रहेको नेपाल अल्पबीकसीत मुलुक को सुचीमा पर्दछ , नेपाल अत्यन्त कम्जोर सामाजिक , आर्थिक अवस्था भएको मुलुक हो , यहाँ को बीकासमा महत्त्वपूर्ण बाधाका रूपमा देशको कीसीमको भौगोलिक अवस्थीती बढी जीम्मेबार छ , ग्रामीण नेपाल् को ७७ प्रतिशत भुभाग कमजोर हीमाल र पहाड क्षेत्र ले ओगटेको छ , भने २३ प्रतिशत भुभाग तराई समथर क्षेत्र ले ओगटेको छ , नेपाल अहिले पनि ग्रामीण क्षेत्र को बाहुल्यता रहेको मुलुक को रूपमा परीचीत छ , जहाँ ८२.३ प्रतिशत भन्दा बढी मानिस हरु गाउँ मा बसोबास गर्दै आइरहेका छन् , बीश्वका गरीब मुलुक हरु मध्ये एक नेपालका २५ प्रतिशत मानीसहरु गरीबीको रेखामुनि जीवन गुजारा गरीरहेको छ , मानव बीकासको अवस्था लाई नीयाल्ने हो भने बीश्वका १७४ मुलुक मध्ये नेपाल १४४ औ स्थान मा पर्दछ , देश बीकासको समग्र पक्षलाई केलाउदा ग्रामीण क्षेत्रमा बीकासका पुर्बाधार हरु पुग्न सकेको छैनन् , जस्का कारण ग्रामीण क्षेत्र मा अहिलेसम्म पनि गरिबी उच्च र व्यापक छ , शीक्षा को स्तर हेर्ने हो भने ६५.९ प्रतिशत मान्छे हरु साक्षर रहेका छन् , ग्रामिण क्षेत्रमा ८२.३ प्रतिशत मानीसहरु बसोबास गर्दै आइरहेको छ , नेपाली को जीवनशैली परम्परागत र ग्रामिण प्रवृत्ति को छ , कृषि अर्थतन्त्र को मेरुदण्ड को रूपमा मात्रै नभै ग्रामीण जीवनयापन को आधार पनि हो , कृषि क्षेत्र को बीस्तार संगै अनाधीकृत रूपमा बढेको बन बीनाशले दीगो बीकासको बाटोमा थुप्रै बाधाहरु सीर्जना गराएको छ , अर्कोतर्फ यहाको औद्योगिक बीकास त्यति आशा लाग्दो छैन , उधोगधन्दाहरु मुलत प्राकृतिक स्रोत र साधन हरुको शोषण मा आधारित छन् , नबीकरण गर्न सकीने जलसम्पदाको खासै बीकास हुन सकेको छैन , जस्को परीणाम अहिलेसम्म पनि नेपाली हरु दैनिक अन्धयारोमै जीवनयापन गर्न बाध्य छन् , सडक को बीकास र बीस्तार अत्यन्तै कम्जोर छ , कम्जोर यातायात सन्जाल अपर्याप्त उर्जाको आपूर्ति प्राबिधिक पछौटे पन प्राकृतिक प्रकोप बीकासको दीगोपनाको प्रमुख बाधक बनीरहेको छ , यसको प्रतीकुल बाताबरण मा राजनीतिक अस्थीरताले झनै समस्या खडा गर्दीएको छ , ग्रामीण र शहरी क्षेत्र बीच बीकासमा विभेद कायम छ , क्षेत्रीय असन्तुलन ले लामो समय देखि मुलुक लाई पछाडि धकेलीदीएको छ , ग्रामीण क्षेत्र का मानीसहरुको जीवनका सामाजिक आर्थिक राजनीतीक सास्कृतीक र पर्याबरणीय क्षेत्रमा व्यापक अवसरहरु उपलब्ध गराउन सके मात्रै दीगो बीकासको लक्ष्य हासिल गर्न सकिन्छ , नेपाल को राजनीति आर्थिक र सामाजिक रुपमै संक्रमणकालीन अवस्था मा गुजि्ररहेको छ , यस्तो अवस्थामा बीकासका गतीबीधी हरु पनि नयाँ दीशाबाट संचालन गर्नु आवश्यक छ , कीनकि पचास बर्ष लामो योजना बद बीकासले जनता को जीवनस्तर मा अपेक्षित सुधार ल्याउन सकेन , गरीब र धनी बीचको खाड्ल झनै फराकिलो बन्दै गयो , बेरोजगारी सम्सयाले ग्रामिण क्षेत्र देखि शहरी क्षेत्र का बासिन्दा हरुलाइ सताउदै आइरहेको छ , यस्तो अवस्था मा हरेक नागरिक लाई सम्मानित र मर्यादीत जीवनतर्फ अग्रसर हुने अधिकार को सुनीश्चता गर्नु राज्यको दायित्व हुन आउछ ।National election of nepal Nga_chhap-lagaune