Kailash Mansarovar Yatra

Kailash Mansarovar Yatra

Neupane Deepak, Kathmandu, Two routes are taken by the pilgrims to reach their destination that is located at an altitude of 15,160 feet in man sarovar.  Due to the tension brewing on the Sino- Indian border, the route of the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra through Nathu La in Sikkim has been cancelled. The journey is considered holy by the Hindus, Buddhists and Jains all around the world. The pilgrimage to Kailash Mansarovar takes place every year from June to September.

  Over 800 pilgrims are troubled with the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra being cancelled through the Nathu La route. As a relief for them, government officials stated that the Lipulekh route will be open to those who would wish to continue with the journey. The first route is via Nathu La while the second is through Lipulekh in Uttarakhand. In a news agency’s report, it was revealed that the eight batches comprising of 50 pilgrims each were scheduled to take the Nathu La route to reach Mansarovar. However, the first batch was forced to return from the border post of Nathu La as the situation between India and China remained unstable.

Traveler Numbers Reach New Heights : IATA Airline

Deepak Neupane, kathmandu : At the same time, airlines connected a record number of cities worldwide, Worldwide annual air passenger numbers exceeded four billion for the first time, supported by a broad-based improvement in global economic conditions and lower average airfares. Regular services to over 20,000 city pairs in 2017, The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced industry performance statistics for 2017. more than double the level of 1995. Such increases in direct services improve the industry’s efficiency by cutting costs and saving time for both travelers and shippers alike. “In 2000, the average citizen flew just once every 43 months. In 2017, the figure was once every 22 months. Flying has never been more accessible. And this is liberating people to explore more of our planet for work, leisure and education. Aviation is the business of freedom,” According to  Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s Director General and CEO.

करोडौँ बजेटको नासो बोकेर सांसद शाही गृह जिल्ला पुगे

रामचन्द्र न्यौपाने, त्रिपुराकोट(डोल्पा) २१ भदौ : प्रदेशसभा सांसद बिर बहादुर शाही करोडौँ बजेटको नासो सहित गृह जिल्ला डोल्पा पुगेकाछन् । भदौ १९ गते डोल्पा पुगेका सांसद शाहीले आव ०७५÷०७६ का लागि संघ र प्रदेशबाट २० करोडको हाराहारीमा बजेट हालेको बताएकाछन् । “यो आवको बजेटमा आफ्नो क्षेत्रको शिक्षा,स्वास्थ्य,यातायात,पर्यटन सबै क्षेत्रलाई प्राथामिकता राखेर बजेट बिनियोजन भएको छ” शाहीले भने ।
“शर्मी–काईगँउ मोटरबाटोकालागि ३ करोड,चुँ गाड–लिकु हुँदै बलाङ्ग्रासम्म मोटरबाटो निर्माणकालागि १ करोड,जगदुल्ला गाँउपालिकामा हाईटेक नर्सरी निर्माणकालागि १ करोड,सोही गाँउपालिकामा चौरी पालनकालागि ५० लाख बजेट प्रदेश सरकाले बिनियोजन गरेको छ” शाहीले भने । “बजेट छुट्याउने कुरामा कमीहुन दिएका छैनौ,त्यसमा तत्कालिन एमालेबाट प्रदेशभामा प्रतिनिधित्व गर्नु भएaकी समानुपातिक सांसद बदमी क्वारी बुढाको पनि उत्तिकै हात छ”शाहीले भने ।
स्वास्थ क्षेत्रमा १ करोड बराबर बजेट छ,पर्यटनमा ४ करोड बजेट छ,शिक्षामा १ करोड छ,हाईड्रो पावरमा ५ करोड बजेट बिनियोजन भएको बताईएको छ । “त्रिवेणी–काईगँउ सडकलाई प्रदेश सरकारले गौरवको आयोजनामा सुचिकृत गरेको छ,जुम्ला–त्रिपुराकोट सडक पनि प्रदेश सरकारको गौरवको आयोजनामै परेको छ यो कुरा डोल्पालीका जनताकालगि खुशीको कुरा हो” शाहीले भने ।
त्यसैगरि काईगँउ फोक्सुन्डो हुँदै क्याटो नाकासम्मको बाटो पनि केन्द्र सरकारको प्राथमिकतामा परेको बताईएको छ । “करोडाँैको बजेटको नासो ल्याएर आएको छु,तपाईहरुले बजेटको सहि सदुपयोग गर्नुहुनेछ भन्ने विश्वास छ जनतालाई भने,अहिले बजेटको बारेमा जानकारी दिन आएको छु,फेरी पनि बजेटको कार्यन्वयन कसरी भयो भएन त्यो पनिहेर्न आउँछु” सांसद शाहीले जनतासँग भने । “भ्रष्टाचारको शुन्य पार्दै जानुपर्छ म आँउदा बिकास बजेटमा भ्रष्टाचार अनियमितता गरेको पाईएपछि राम्रोहुने छैन”भेटका क्रममा पुगेका जनता र जनप्रतिनिधिलाई शाहीले भने । त्यसैगरि यसै पटक बर्षातको समयमा बाढी पहिरो लगाएत प्राकृतिक प्रकोपबाट पिडित जनताको अवस्था बुझ्ने र उनीहरुकालाई क्षतीपुर्तीकालागि प्रदेश सरकालाई पहल गर्ने बताईएको छ । हामिले भागबण्डालगाउने गरि बजेट भित्रयाएका छैनौ,जुन ठाँउमा जे आवाश्यक्ता छ सोही अनुरुपमात्रै बिकास पारेका छौँ”शाहीले भने । आफ्नो क्षेत्रमा तीन वटा स्थानीय तह र ३५ वटा वडा छन्,स्थानीय तथ वडा सरकार प्रमुखहरुलाई भेटेर आफ्नो क्षेत्रमा सक्दो बिकास गर्न र विकासमा पारदर्शीता ल्याउन आग्रहगर्ने कार्यक्रम रहेको शाहीले बताए ।
बिशेष गरेर शिक्षा,स्वास्थ,यातायात क्षेत्रको बिकासमा जोडदिन जनप्रतिनिधिहरुलाई सुझाएको शाहीले बताए ।“आफ्नो अर्काको नभनेर काम गर्नुस,बिपक्षि पार्टी भनेर कहिल्यै पनि जनतालाई बायस गर्ने काम नर्गुहोला,जनप्रतिनिधिकालागि सबै जनता बराबर हुन्छन्”भेटका क्रममा जनप्रतिनिधिहरुलाई शाहीले भने । “डोल्पाको विकासमा ईटा थप्न सांसद भएको हुँ,जनताको सुख दुखमा साथ दिनु आफ्नो दायित्व सम्झेको छु” शाहीले भने । शाही प्रदेश क्षेत्र नं ख मा बामगठबन्धनबाट बिजय भएका थिए ।

दुबईबाट न्युयोर्क आएको ‘इमिरेट्स एयरलाइन्स’का सय यात्रु बिरामी

अमेरिका : अमेरिकाको ‘रोग नियन्त्रण तथा रोकथाम केन्द्र’ (सीडीसी) का अनुसार दुबईबाट न्युयोर्कस्थित जोन एफ केनेडी अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलमा अवतरण भएको ‘इमिरेट्स एयरलाइन्स’ का करिब सय यात्रु तथा परिचालक समूहका सदस्यहरु बिरामी परेका छन्।  बुधबार ‘इमिरेट्सको फ्लाइट नम्बर २०३ बाट आएका करिब १०० जनाले आफू बिरामी भएको महसूस गर्दै गुनासो गरेका थिए। ५२१ यात्रु बोकेको इमिरेटसको डबल डेकर उक्त फ्लाइट २०३ जोन एफ केनेडी अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलमा न्युयोर्क समय अनुसार बिहान ९ बजे अवतरण गरेको थियो। के कारणले बिरामी भए भन्ने छानबिन गर्न यतिबेला न्यूयोर्कका स्वास्थ्यकर्मीहरु खटिएको अमेरिकी समाचार संस्थाहरुले जनाएका छन्।

Mauritius Tourism Promotion as affordable luxury

India : Mauritius, being marketed as an affordable luxury destination, is targeting 120,000 tourists from India by 2020, up from the 86,000 in 2017. The island nation, with strong Indian links, is on a four-city road show in India from August 30 to September 4 in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Ahmeda bad, where agents, hoteliers, and attractions are interacting with travel agents and sending the message that Mauritius is a beyond a beach destination.

 In the eastern part of the country in Belle Mare, a sugar cane theme emphasizes the old historical link with the crop. Arvind Bundhun, Director of the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority, said that the country is a heaven of peace besides being a rich melting pot and a glamourous destination. The sellers that this correspondent spoke with were keen to emphasize that the tourists can experience new products in many parts of the country, some of which are not to be found in many other countries. Adventure activities are being highlighted as are the direct flights and special fares of Air Mauritius. “We excel in golf, spas, hotellerie, gastronomy, and above all a sense of hospitality,” he said.

U.S. Casinos are in desperate need for revenue

Deepak Neupane, Kathmandu : Gambling is an important revenue stream for tourism in the Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory north of Guam. In Mariana Islands, The chairman of the House Committee on Gaming will meet with the Commonwealth Casino Commissioners to discuss  Imperial Pacific International’s recent profit advisory warning. Rep. Joseph Deleon Guerrero on Friday said following the advisory submitted by IPI to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange regarding a decrease in its revenue:  “I think it’s high time that we bring the issue to the table for discussion. We will be meeting with the casino commission and find out what IPI’s status is. I also read reports about nonpayment [of vendors] and so forth so it’s a concern.” According to Deleon Guerrero, “We want to find out what our options are, and what can be done to help improve their financial profile. We will sit down with the commission to get a clearer picture.”

Casino Commission Chairman Juan Sablan, in a separate interview, said IPI is competing with established and more aggressive casinos in the Philippines, Macau, and Vietnam. On Thursday, IPI informed the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that it expects to record “a substantial decrease in profits for the six months ending 30 June 2018” compared with the same period last year. The company reported a profit of HK$912 million or U.S.$116 million during the same period in 2017. IPI stated that the profit decline is “mainly attributable to a decrease in total revenue and the impairment of trade receivables.”

रुद्रेश्वर मन्दिर परिषरमा रुद्राक्षका ५० बिरुवा बृक्षरोपण – शिव पौड्याल

दिपक न्यौपाने, काठमाडौ : मिति २०७५ साल भदौ ९ गते बुढानीलकण्ठ नगरपालिकाको रुद्रेश्वर मन्दिर परिषरको सार्वजनिक जग्गामा बृक्षारोपण गरिएको छ । वातावरण जोगाउनको लागी सहयोग पुग्ने उदेश्यले रुद्रेश्वर मन्दिर परिषरमा रुद्राक्षका ५० बिरुवा रोपीएको हो । नयाँ शक्ति पार्टी क्षेत्र नं। ४ र क्षेत्र नं। ५ ९काठमण्डौ० को आयोजनामा नयाँ शक्ति पार्टीका पुर्ब ृबाताबरण मन्त्री डा। केशब मान शाक्य र मानुसी यमी भट्टराई तथ अन्य अभियान्ता हरुको समुपस्थितिमा ५० वटा रुद्राक्ष र ७५ अन्य जातका बिरुवाहरु रोप्ने कार्य सम्पन्न गरियो । भने शिव पौड्यालले रुद्राक्षका ५० बिरुवा उपलव्ध गराई बिक्षारोपान कार्यलाई सहयोग गर्नु भयो । मानीसले ४० वर्ष पार गरेपछि केहि गर्न नसकेपनि रुख रोपे पुण्य आर्जन हुने कुरालाई जोड दिदै शिव पौड्यालले सो बृक्षारोपान गरिएको जानकारी गराउनु भयो । साथै अब ती बोट बिरुवा हरु को संरक्षण गर्न गराउन बुढानीलकण्ठ नगरपालिका लाई सहयो गरिदन आग्रह गरिने वृक्षा रोपान कार्यक्रमका संयोजक बसन्त वस्नेतले जाकारी गराउनु भयो ।

Island set for first major tourism exhibition

Deepak Neupane, Tokha Municiplity – 1, Kathmandu :The 4-day exhibition, to be held in the historic Stone Town, will be an ultimate business event for the domestic and international tourism industry. Targeting to attract more tourists, the island of Zanzibar is organizing an international tourism exhibition in October this year which will be the first travel and tourism marketing event on the Indian Ocean island.  For the first time, the exhibition will be held in Zanzibar from October 17-20 of this year with expectations to attract over 150 travel and tourism business companies across the world. Registered as The Zanzibar Tourism Show, the event is expected to play a host to many destinations dedicated exclusively to the island and East African and African travel and tourist markets.

Canada’s biggest horticultural

 Mosaï Canada 150 drew on Mosaïculture, which is a spectacular technique that combines sculpture, painting and horticulture.  Last year, the city’s Jacques-Cartier Park hosted Canada’s biggest horticultural event as part of the national celebrations marking the country’s 150th birthday.The new incarnation, which is open until 15 October, is called Mosaïculture Gatineau 2018 and features all the horticulture sculptures from last year. It also includes ten new exhibits, including a huge tree filled with endangered bird species from around the world. The outdoor exhibition was formed of a one kilometre route that featured massive, intricately-designed shrubberies and paintings across 35 different stunning arrangements. With over a million visitors, the attraction proved so popular it has now returned for a second year.