Art Re imagined In Modern Fashion Photography

Art Re imagined In Modern Fashion Photography

About the author
We know little more than nothing about Michael T. (Michael Thibault). It looks like that before starting out the project “Art Frame Design” in 2018, the sales manager from France had never been engaged in any creative activities. However, he did start a blog about contemporary art and design on his website. Other than that, Michael’s got a pretty good understanding of classic art as well. How else would you explain his amazing ability to find paintings that would perfectly match his collages?

“Art Frame Design” is a new Instagram account that merges classic art with modern urban and fashion photography. The person behind the project is Michael T from the web zine “Milkshake” who re imagined what famous characters from classic paintings would look like if they were living in our contemporary world. And he does so by harmoniously framing classic paintings into modern fashion photos. Michael T. might not be a graphic designer, but he really is an art lover!

Out Of The Frame: Classic Art Reimagined In Modern Fashion Photography #1 | ZestRadar
Out Of The Frame: Classic Art Reimagined In Modern Fashion Photography #2 | ZestRadar

It all started when Michael was looking for the visuals to post on Milkshake, and since he couldn’t find any, he decided to take an initiative and do it himself. He took one of Van Gogh’s portraits and beautifully framed it into a fashion photo. The reimagined photo of Van Gogh got so many positive comments, likes, and shares on Instagram that Michael decided to make more. People liked his work so much that he came up with an idea to turn this series of photographs into an art project, later named as “Art Frame Design”.

Out Of The Frame: Classic Art Reimagined In Modern Fashion Photography #3 | ZestRadar
Out Of The Frame: Classic Art Reimagined In Modern Fashion Photography #4 | ZestRadar

नेजाका अध्यक्ष विकासराज न्यौपानेको उद्घोष

दिपक न्यौपाने, काठमाडौ : नेपाल अमेरिका पत्रकार संघ (नेजा) र पोखराका पत्रकारहरुबीच बुधबार पोखरामा भेटघाट भएको छ । भेटमा अमेरिका पत्रकार संघ (नेजा) र कास्कीका पत्रकारबीच अनुभव आदान भएको छ । अमेरिकाबाट नेपालका पत्रकाहरुलाई गर्न सकिने सहयोगका लागि आफूहरु संस्थागत रुपमै लागि पर्ने नेजाका अध्यक्ष विकासराज न्यौपानेले बताए ।

नेजाका कार्यवाहक अध्यक्ष विकासराज न्यौपाने, अमेरिकास्थित पत्रकार विष्णुप्रसाद पौडेल तथा नेपाल पत्रकार महासंघका केन्द्रीय सदस्य रामकृष्ण ज्ञवाली, महासंघ गण्डकी प्रदेश अध्यक्ष त्रिभुवन पौडेल, कास्की अध्यक्ष दीपेन्द्र श्रेष्ठ, सचिव रामप्रसाद तिमिल्सिनासहित पोखराका वरिष्ठ पत्रकार पुण्य पौडेल र पत्रकारहरु एकराज गिरी, दुर्गाप्रसाद हुमागाईं र केशव शरणबीच भेट वार्ता भएको हो । 

भाइटीकामा सप्तरङ्गी टीका

नेपालीको दोस्रो ठूलो चाड तिहारको मुख्य दिन आज दाजुभाइले दिदीबहिनीबाट टीका ग्रहण गर्दैछन् । तिहारमा सप्तरङ्गी टीका लगाउने शास्त्रीय मान्यतामा टीकाको रङ्ग रातो, सेतो, पहेँलो, हरियो र नीलो गरी पाँचवटा उल्लेख गरिएको छ । दिदीबहिनीले दाजुभाइलाई टीका लगाएपछि दाजुभाइले पनि दिदीबहिनीलाई टीका लगाउने गरिन्छ । यमपञ्चकसमेत भनिने तिहारको पाँचौं दिन आज भाइटीका पर्व दिदीबहिनीले आफ्ना दाजुभाइलाई श्रद्धा, आस्था र निष्ठाका साथ दीर्घायु, आरोग्य र ऐश्वर्य प्राप्तिको कामना गर्दै परम्पराअनुसार पञ्चरङ्गी वा सप्तरङ्गी टीकालगाई मनाइँदैछ ।

आँगनमा ढकमक्‍क सयपत्री

काठमाडौं: आँगनमा ढकमक्‍क सयपत्री र मखमली फुलिरहेको छ। नेपालीहरुको दोस्रो ठूलो महान चाड तिहार घर-घरमा भित्रिइसकेको छ। तिहारमा पूजा सामग्री, घर सजाउन र भाइटीका लागि फूलको प्रयोग अत्‍यधिक मात्रामा हुने भएकाले फूलको माग ज्‍यादा हुन्छ।  कोही घरआँगन लिपपोतमा व्‍यस्त देखिन्छन् भने कोही झ्याल ढोकामा र‌ंग लगाउन व्‍यस्त देखिन्छन्।  यस वर्ष फूलको माग दोब्बर भएको छ। उत्पादन कम भएपछि मूल्यमा पाँच गुणाले वृद्धि भएको छ। मखमली फूलको उत्पादन पर्याप्त भएपनि सयपत्री फूलको उत्पादन भने विगत वर्षका तुलनामा कम भएपछि मूल्य पाँच गुणाले वृद्धि भएको हो।

tihar of thepowernes

Russian tourists with ‘all-inclusive’ offers

The resort city of Sanya on the southern end of China’s Hainan Island, plans to compete with Turkey in tourism from Russia. To this end, Hainan resort hotels have begun to introduce an “all-inclusive” system, aimed at Russian tourists notorious for their love of “khalyava” – an untranslatable concept, similar to the concepts of “freebie” and “getting something for nothing”.
Chin also said that Turkish experts were invited to Hainan hotels to set up an all-inclusive system. Initially, the system will be implemented in “five-star” and “four-star” properties. Then specialists will get to hotels with three or less stars.

According to the president of the board of directors of the international tourism service of the city of Sanya, Wang Dong Chin, China intends to adopt the experience of Russian tourism in other “budget” countries and become more competitive in that field. It is noteworthy that the cost of hotel services that will be connected to the all-inclusive system will not change. According to Van Dong Chin, a 6-day stay at the resort will cost about 50 thousand rubles (about $780) per person.

Beautiful Transgender Models in the fashion industry

The world of fashion is seeing new waves of inclusion like never
Over the last decade, there’s been a huge increase in the visibility and advocacy of trans women and men in the fashion industry. And as more trans people are confidently owning their beauty and right to be, modeling agencies and top brands are changing the fashion industry forever by including them in recent groundbreaking campaigns. It is due in part to the brave work of transgender models. Review of some of the most inspiring men and women on earth, check out these 9 beautiful transgender models you should know about. Indya Moore is a transgender, non-binary actor and model, preferring the use of they/them pronouns. They are known for their most notable role of Angel in the FX TV series Pose. She were recently listed in Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world this year.

Indya Moore | 9 Most Beautiful Transgender Models You Should Know About | ZestRadar

A Bosnian-Australian model, Andreja had already achieved success as a male model before making her transition around 2014. He was known as the first androgynous model, and is one of the most well-known transgender supermodel on earth.

Andreja Pejic | 9 Most Beautiful Transgender Models You Should Know About | ZestRadar

Valentina Sampaio is a Brazilian trans model that made history as the first trans person to ever dawn the cover of Vogue magazine. She’s also done campaigns for Elle Brazil, L’Oreal, and more.

Valentina Sampaio | 9 Most Beautiful Transgender Models You Should Know About | ZestRadar


On  Friday  August 23rd 2019, ISKON Brooklyn   has celebrated  Sri Krishna Janmastami Celebration and Festival at the ISKON New York Center at 305 Scharmerhonr St. Brooklyn, NY 11217.  The event was attended during the day by more than 3000 devotees  and there will be different drama , delicious vagetarian food as well as devotees participated in Abhishek. Event was graced by  Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam , who has also honored President Hansarupa Das with  the Proclamation,  Dignitaries  which include   Mr. Nair , Mr. Chauhan  participated in the event.

सन्दीपको ‘द हन्ड्रेड’

युनाइटेड अरब इमिरेट्स (युएई) मा हुने टी–टेन लिगका लागि समेत कर्नाटकामा अनुबन्धित भएका सन्दीप बर्मिङ्घम फिनिक्समा अनुबन्धित भएका छन् । बुधबार राति भएको ‘द हन्ड्रेड’ ड्राफ्टबाट नेपाली राष्ट्रिय क्रिकेट टिमका लेग स्पिनर सन्दीप लामिछानेले इंग्ल्याण्ड र वेल्समा आयोजना हुने ‘द हन्ड्रेड’ फिनिक्सबाट खेल्ने भएका छन् । उनलाई ४५ हजार अमेरिकी डलर मूल्यमा कर्नाटकाले अनुबन्ध गरेको छ ।

बडा दशै २०७६ सालकोे हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना – चितरन्जन हाजरा

नेपालीहरुको घर आँगनमा आइरहेको बडा दशै २०७६ ले सम्पुर्र्ण नेपाली दाजुभाई तथा दिदिबहिनीहरु लगायत हाम्रा शुभचिन्तक एवं शुभेच्छुक सहकर्मी मित्रहरु तथा हाम्रा ग्रहक महनुभावहरुमा यहाँहरुको जीबनमा नयाँ उत्साह, उमंग, जोस, नयाँ आयाम, दिर्घायु, समृद्घि, सु–स्वास्थ एवं उत्तरोत्तर प्रगती यस बडा दशैले ल्याओस् भगवान जगन्नाथको आर्शिवाद सबैमा मिल्योस भन्ने सद्भाबना प्रकट गर्दै हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना व्यक्त गर्दछौ ।

चितरन्जन हाजरा
फोन : ९८१३७८४०४२

जगन्नाथ ज्वलरी, न्युरोड, काठमाडौ

दशै तिहार बिषेश छुट अफर

Holidays More tourists are going to this sun-kissed

The fastest growing tourist destination in the world has been revealed in new research released by the United Nations. Egypt received a record number of tourists in 2017 compared to 2016 as the North African country continues to recover from a spate of terrorist attacks and tragic accidents. The finding was unveiled in the Tourism Highlights Report of the UN’s World Tourism Organisation which presents a concise overview of international tourism in the world based on the results for the year 2017.

The report revealed that 2017 saw the highest growth in international tourist arrivals in seven years since 2010, as well as the recovery of destinations suffering from security challenges in recent years. Egypt is one such destination. “Egypt led growth both in absolute and relative terms in arrivals, rebounding strongly from previous years,” the report said.

It added: “Visitor numbers rebounded from both traditional markets in Western Europe and emerging markets in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Promotional efforts and a return of confidence contributed to this recovery.” Egypt’s success in the report is backed up by statistics from Thomas Cook which has revealed that in 2018 Egypt experienced more bookings than in previous years. However, 2017 saw the country benefit from an incredible 55.1 per cent increase in tourists compared to 2016.

Tourists should be aware, though, that the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) state that the risk of terrorism is “very likely.” However, they add: “Around 319,000 British nationals visited Egypt in 2017. Most visits are trouble-free.”