“Mastiska Manthan” With NRN Candidates in New York

“Mastiska Manthan” With NRN Candidates in New York

“For the community, By the community”

Jackson Heights, New York– “Mastiska Manthan” Nepali means brain storming. Simply it’s to produce an idea or to find a unique way of solving a problem by holding a spontaneous group discussion. “Mastiska Manthan” will take place on July 29 at OM Shakti Temple Woodside.  This program is the program that aspires to share our common collective voice of social civilizations. Times comes, goes but never waits, if we miss this event today, who will take the responsibility to make NRN special?

The program will not include NRN Presidential candidates. The interactions will be in between other NRNA Nominees in a different way. The presentation will be different than other regular programs. US NRNA Presidential debate has already happened four times in the past. Now presidents are also coming to listen to the other candidates four already confirmed except Gouri Joshi because many candidates requested to invite them. This time they will listen more and talk very less. Just a little change as per their appeal but it will still stay in original format. Nowadays many followers and audiences are waiting for the program to express their internal voice about NRNA. Journalist Mainali added, “Our candidates can present view of their commitment, the agenda, planning, roadmap, including the public as to get ideas.”


According to program presenter Sachchi Mainali “This program is going to happen for positive influences and expect of NRNA as well as the tremendous prolific outcome.” If anybody is interested in contributing towards the cost of event, please let them know. You can either message them on Facebook or let Enepalese media know as well as you can write in the comment box.

Sachchi Mainali is a young, energetic Journalist, and a social activist from Nepal. She resides in the USA and has been living there for a long time. She is one of the most influential Journalists of all time. Once again, she is back in the field of journalism after 12 years.  After many years of hard work and selfless public service, she has become a role model and advocates for women’s empowerment as well as throughout the field of journalism. She is an exemplary woman for our society. Always ready to help people, she is willing to give her time and care, day or night, sunny or rainy.

Sachchi Mainali requested all Media and social networks to join the program. This interaction program runs five hours providing free snacks to participations. “enepalese.com organizes Mastiska Manthan” and is operated from Washington DC. Program presenter Sachchi Mainali is a resident editor of enepalese.com

काठमाडौंबासीलाई दोहोरो करको मार

१५ साउन, काठमाडौं । नयाँ संविधानले दिएको अधिकार भन्दै काठमाडौं महानगरपालिकाले आर्थिक ऐन-२०७४ मा घरबहाल कर १२ प्रतिशत उठाउने घोषणा गर्दै वडा कार्यालयहरुलाई परिपत्र गर्‍यो र साउन १ गतेदेखि सोही कर उठाउन थालिएको छ । काठमाडौं महानगरले भने आफूले संविधानअनुसार नै १२ प्रतिशत घर बहाल कर उठाइएको बताइरहेको छ ।  नयाँ जनप्रतिनिधि आउनासाथ स्थानीय तह र केन्द्र सरकारबीच करका विषयमा हानथाप र विवाद सुरु भएको छ । १२ प्रतिशत घरबहाल कर तिर्दै आएका काठमाडौंमा स्थानीयले अब २२ प्रतिशतसम्म कर तिर्न पर्छ । काठमाडौं महानगरपालिकालेे नगरपरिषदबाट स्थानीय तहको एकल कर अधिकार अनुसार कर उठाउने निर्णय गरेको छ ।  दुई पक्षको विवाद बेलैमा नसल्टिँदा यसले आमनागरिक दोहोरो कर तिर्न बाध्य भएका छन् । केन्द्र सरकारले पनि कर स्रोत गुमाउन चाहेको छैन । यसले गर्दा काठमाडौंमा स्थानीयलाई करको दोहोरो भार परेको छ ।

गरिब, विपन्नलगायत लक्षित वर्गलाई नि:शुल्क स्वास्थ्य बिमा

श्रावण १३, २०७४- ‘स्वास्थ्य बिमा सम्बन्धमा व्यवस्था गर्न बनेको विधेयक २०७४’ मा गरिब, विपन्नलगायत लक्षित वर्गको स्वास्थ्य बिमाबापतको रकम केन्द्रीय, प्रदेश तथा स्थानीय सरकारले व्यहोर्ने व्यवस्थाका लागि प्रस्ताव गरिएको छ। गरिब, विपन्नलगायत लक्ष्यित वर्गलाई नि:शुल्क स्वास्थ्य बिमा सुविधा पाउने व्यवस्था हुन लागेको छ।  सामाजिक न्याय र सुरक्षा कार्यक्रमअन्तर्गत तहगत सरकारमार्फत यस्तो सुविधा दिन लागिएको हो। विधेयकमा सबै सरकारी कर्मचारी (राष्ट्र सेवक व्यक्ति) तथा वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा जाने कामदारको परिवारले अनिवार्य रूपमा स्वास्थ्य बिमा गर्नुपर्ने व्यवस्था पनि प्रस्ताव गरिएको छ।   गरिब, विपन्नलगायत लक्षित वर्गका नागरिकहरूमा स्वास्थ्य सेवाको पहुँच पुर्‍याउनुका साथै यो कार्यक्रममा सहभागी गराउने उद्देश्यले  मुलुक संघीय संरचनामा गएपछि स्वास्थ्य बिमा कार्यक्रममा सबै तहका सरकारलाई जिम्मेवार बनाउनुका साथै उनीहरूको सक्रिय सहभागिताका लागि उक्त व्यवस्था  छ। ‘ उद्देश्य आफ्नो कार्यक्षेत्रभित्र सञ्चालन हुने स्वास्थ्य बिमा कार्यक्रम सम्बन्धमा त्यहीँको सरकार जिम्मेवार र जवाफदेही बनोस् भन्ने हो,’ पछिल्लो तथ्यांकअनुसार नेपालमा कुल जनसंख्यामा निरपेक्ष गरिबको संख्या २१.६ प्रतिशत छ। यसका आधारमा आधारभूत आवश्यकता नपुगेका  गरिबको संख्या करिब ५७ लाख २२ हजार छ। ०७२ सालको विनाशकारी भूकम्प र त्यसपछिको भारतीय नाकाबन्दीले पनि हजारौं मानिसलाई गरिबीको रेखामुनि झारेको अनुमान छ। नि:शुल्क स्वास्थ्य बिमा कार्यक्रम कार्यान्वयनमा आएपछि सबै गरिब तथा विपन्नले उक्त सुविधा पाउँछन्।  स्वास्थ्य बिमा सरकारद्वारा सञ्चालित बिमा कार्यक्रम हो। पैसाको अभावमा मानिसहरू मर्न नपरोस्, बिरामी परेको समयमा राम्रो अस्पतालमा उपचार गर्न र आवश्यक औषधि किन्न सहयोग पुगोस् भन्ने उद्देश्यले सरकारले यो कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गरेको हो।

यस्तै सरकारको गत आर्थिक वर्ष २५ जिल्लामा गरिब घरपरिवार पहिचान कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न गरेको छ। ती जिल्लाका १२ लाख घरपरिवारमध्ये ३ लाख ५६ हजार ४ सय १८ घरपरिवार पहिचान भएको सरकारी तथ्यांक छ। यसैगरी चालु आर्थिक वर्षमा पहिचान भएका घरपरिवारलाई गरिबको परिचयपत्र वितरण गर्ने र बाँकी ५० जिल्लामा गरिब घरपरिवार पहिचान गर्ने सरकारको योजना छ।


काठमाडौको मोटरवाटोको कन्तबिजोग – स्थानीय युवा सहित एक ¥याली

दिपक न्यौपाने, काठमाडौ ः बिगद लामो समयदेखि टोखा झोर मोटर वाटो टाउको दुखाईको बिषय बनिरहेको बेला टोखा न.पा. – १ बासी युवा तथा स्थानीय स्कुलले बिद्याथीहरुको एक ¥यालीले मोटरवाटोको समस्या तत्काल समाधान गर्न दवाब दिने उदेश्यले वाजा गाजा सहित एक ¥याली निकोलेको हो । केहि वर्ष अगाडी मात्र गरियको यस बाटो को पिच सडक हिजो आज देख्न सकिदैन हाल बाटो बिस्तारको क्रममा ज्यादै लापरवाही गरेको ले  ड्रेन को पानी सबै बाटोमा बग्ने गरेको सरोकार निकायले गरेको लाजमर्दो स्थितीले बाटो हो कि खोलो भन्ने भान पारेको स्थानीय बासीहरुको भनाई रहेको छ ।  झोर महांकाल युवा क्लब स्थानीय बासिन्दा र बिभिन्न संघ सस्था एकबद्ध भइ बाटो लाइ हेर्ने ठेगेदार र सरोकारवाला लाइ खबर दारी गर्दै मौन र्याली गरेका हुन् । ठेगेदार र सरोकारवाला लाइ खबरदारी गर्ने उदेश्यले यो ¥याली निकाल्नु परेको पिडीत पक्षहरुको भनाई छ ।  हाल भैरहेको झरना महोत्सवलाई पनि बाटो को कारण प्रभाबित पारेको महसुस गर्ने सकिने स्थानीय वासी सुदाम धिलाले दि पावर न्युज डट कम लाई गराए ।tokha-municipaliti-1-kathmandutokha-municipaliti-1-kathmandu 4 tokha-municipaliti-1-kathmandu 5


LOS ANGELES, CA – 07/25/2017 — Bert Fields, Partner of Greenberg Glusker and known as the Celebrity Attorney to the Stars, was selected for the International Association of Top Professionals’ prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award.

While inclusion with the International Association of Top Professionals is an honor in itself, only a few members are chosen for this distinction based on their years of experience in the field, professional accomplishments, academic achievements, leadership abilities, and contributions to their communities.  These are truly incredibly talented professionals who have dedicated their life to their work and have had a lifetime of achievement and success!

Bert will be honored at the 2017 IAOTP’s Annual Award Gala, at the Ritz Carlton in Battery Park NYC for being selected not only for the Lifetime Achievement Award, but he was also selected as “Top Entertainment Attorney of the Year.” IAOTP will be announcing his selection for both distinctions and he will be receiving the Sapphire Diamond Crystal piece engraved for his Lifetime of Achievement and Success. Stephanie Cirami, President of IAOTP stated “Choosing Bert for this award was an easy decision for our panel to make.  He is brilliant, extraordinary, and an inspiration to not only other attorneys but has also been a successful author. Bert is in a class of his own and we are honored to have him with our organization.”  All honorees are invited to attend the IAOTP’s annual award gala at the end of this year for a night to honor their achievements.www.iaotp.com/award-gala.

Bert is being recognized for having over 4 decades of professional experience as a practicing attorney and expert litigator who has become a household name. From representing the industry’s top performers, directors, writers, producers, studios, talent agencies, book publishers and record companies, Bert has represented virtually every major Hollywood studio and talent agency, and has tried many landmark cases in the entertainment and communications industry.  He is regarded by his peers as one of the nation’s top entertainment lawyers of all time.  His impressive repertoire of clients have included DreamWorks, MGM, United Artists, The Weinstein Company, Toho, James Cameron, Tom Cruise, Warren Beatty, Dustin Hoffman, Mike Nichols, Jeffrey Katzenberg, David Geffen, Jerry Bruckheimer, Joel Silver, The Beatles, Madonna, Sony Music, John Travolta, Paramount and many others.  Mr. Fields is constantly wowing the public every step of the way with his career achievements and he has been very exciting to watch.  His areas of practice extend beyond the field of entertainment, having represented diverse clients as Arizona cotton farmers, Las Vegas hotels and casinos, real estate developers and regional shopping centers, clothing designers, manufacturers, boxing promoters, investment firms and a Japanese Bank.

Aside from his successful legal career, Mr. Fields is also an international renowned published author initially under a pseudonym D. Kincaid: The Sunset Bomber; Final Verdict and the Lawyer’s Tale.    Having read English history for years as a hobby Bert spent four years researching and two years writing the non-fiction book Royal Blood:Richard III and the Mystery of the Princes published by ReganBooks/HarperCollins under his own name in 1998. His fourth book is an analysis of the Shakespeare authorship question, also published by ReganBooks/HarperCollins in 2005  Players: The Mysterious Identity of William Shakespeare.  In 2015 Bert wrote “Destiny” a novel about Napoleon and Josephine and “Shylock” a short novel about Shakespeare’s great character.  Both books were published by Marmont Lane Books.  His latest book “Gloriana-Exploring the Reign of Elizabeth I, will be released this fall.

Mr. Fields received his B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1949 and his LL.B. from Harvard Law School (graduated magna cum laude) in 1952 having been an editor of the Harvard Law Review.  He is a member of the California and New York Bars.  In 2014 Harvard Law School announced that Mr. Fields made a generous gift of $5 million to Harvard Law School to endow the Bertram Fields Professorship of Law.

Throughout his illustrious career, Bert Fields has been active in his community and recognized worldwide for his outstanding leadership and commitment to the legal profession. He has received many awards, accolades’ and has been featured in numerous publications and magazines such as the New Yorker Magazine, the New York Times, the London Sunday Times and Vanity Fair. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and has been a contributor to the Op/Ed pages of the Los Angeles Times.  He is a recipient of the Interest of Justice Award by the Legal Aid Foundation.  In 2011 Mr. Fields was awarded the Crystal Quill Award by the Shakespeare Center of Los Angeles for his work on William Shakespeare.  He has been named Outstanding Professional of the Year, Top Attorney of the Year and Super Lawyers.  For 2017 named “Top Entertainment Attorney of the Year” by the International Association of Top Professionals.  He is also a sought after speaker and lecturer.  Mr. Fields teaches the course on entertainment law at Stanford Law School, lectures annually at Harvard Law School and has lectured on Shakespeare at various venues including the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC.

Looking back, Mr. Fields attributes his success to his experience, mentors he has had along the way and staying passionate in all his endeavors.  Bert says he has been blessed, he loves doing what he is doing, and feels this is just the beginning.  In his personal life, he is married to art expert Barbara Guggenheim and they met when she hired him to defend her when she was sued by Sylvester Stallone.  Bert has one son, James Elder Fields, granddaughter Annabelle Fields and grandson Michael Lane Fields.  When he is not working Bert is also a serious music enthusiast and he performs and records as a singer and a vibraphonist with Les Deux Love Orchestra, led by Bobby Woods.

For the future, Mr. Fields will continue to seek justice for his clients continue teaching and writing and making a difference in people’s lives anyway that he can.

For more information on Bert please visit: www.greenbergglusker.com/people/attorneys/fields

Watch his Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wtuov9vo90


The International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) is an international boutique networking organization who handpicks the world’s finest, most prestigious top professionals from different industries.  These top professionals are given an opportunity to collaborate, share their ideas, be keynote speakers and to help influence others in their fields. This organization is not a membership that anyone can join.  You have to be asked by the President or be nominated by a distinguished honorary member after a brief interview.

IAOTP’s experts have given thousands of top prestigious professionals around the world, the recognition and credibility that they deserve and have helped in building their branding empires.  IAOTP prides itself to be a one of a kind boutique networking organization that hand picks only the best of the best and creates a networking platform that connects and brings these top professionals to one place.

Max Mazzim Releases Long Awaited New Single Birthday

NATIONAL – 07/26/2017 (PRESS RELEASE JET) — Strtream/Sony Recording Star Max Mazzim pushed up the release of her new single and video Birthday Love to August 18, due to the overwhelming response. The single is available through Sony Music and where ever you buy music.

Birthday Love, the first single from Max Mazzim features dance hall legend Beenie Man. “This up-tempo reggae dance track comes complete with sexy meets smooth lyrics, catchy hooks and a production that will send this record up the charts”.

Max Mazzim, is a multi-talented International R&B/Pop singer, songwriter and actress. By age 12 Max as she likes to be called, was singing and dancing in nationally syndicated television and music shows in Europe and Germany prior to coming to America.

Uptown Single Girl, the debut album features twelve songs including the titled track “Birthday Love”, “unforgettable”, “Better Be Good” that features label mate Big Hookz, and “Love Letters” which will have everyone up and dancing. Explains Label CEO George Hookz.

Max will embark on a ten city tour in support of her highly acclaimed debut album, cities includes: Phoenix, Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, New York City, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Nashville, Miami and Orlando, followed by stops in Germany, France, England, Canada, Cameroon, Nigeria, Russia, South Africa and Denmark.

You can also catch Max Mazzim on the Gone 2 Soon stop the violence concert series that will be hitting cities across the country to encourage the youth to just say no to guns. Tour starts mid-September.

Battlefield, another hit off the Uptown Single Girl album will become an instant smash upon its debut  during the 2018 Soccer World Cup. Max is expected to perform in Russia during that time.

Mazzim will also be launching her new skin line product called “Skin Glo”, by Max & Co., the brand will debut later this year. Part of the proceeds will benefit charitable organizations around the world. The cosmetic line will be made available for advance online orders by visiting Max & Co website prior to its launch.

आमाको हत्या, बाबु जेलमा- केटाकेटीको बिचल्ली

बेलनपुर (बाँके): असार २६ गते राति कोहलपुर नगरपालिका ४ बेलनपुरका मोहम्मद अस्ताव बेडुवाले आफ्नी जेठी श्रीमती गुल्सन बेडुवाको हत्या गरेपछि अहिले तीन महिने छोरीसहित उनका सातजना केटाकेटीको बिचल्ली भएको छ। सामान्य खेती किसानी गरेर परिवारको गुजारा गरिरहेका वृद्ध सौकतअली बेडुवालाई अब चिन्ता थपिएका छ, ‘ती ६ जना नातिनातिनीलाई कसरी हुर्काउने ?’ बेडुवा भन्छन्, ‘खेति किसानी गर्छु, हस्पिटलमा गार्डको काम पनि गर्दै परिवार पालिरहेको छु। श्रीमतीको हत्या गरी बेडुवाले श्रीमतीको टाउकोसहित प्रहरीचौकीमा आत्मसमर्पण गरेका थिए। सबै छोराछोरीलाई अहिले माइती पक्षले नै हेरिरहेको छ। घटनापछि सौकतको परिवार राम्रोसँग निदाउन पाएको छैन।  गुल्सनले जन्माएका ६ जना बच्चा अहिले मामाघरका हजुरबुबा हजुरआमाको संरक्षणमा छन्। आमाको हत्यापछि तीनजना बच्चाबच्चीको पढाइसमेत छुटिसकेको छ। बाँकी तीनजना भने स्कुल जाने उमेरका भइसकेका छैनन्। सबैभन्दा जेठो छोरा १२ वर्षका छन्। ६ जना छोराछोरीमध्ये सबैजना डेढ–दुई वर्षको फरकमा जन्मिएका हुन्।  १३ वर्ष पहिले गुल्सन र मोहम्मद अस्ताबबीच मागी विवाह भएको थियो। दुई वर्षअघि मोहम्मदले कान्छी श्रीमती भित्र्याए। त्यसपछि जेठी श्रीमतीसँग झगडा सुरु भएको हो। त्यही रिसमा घर नपुग्दै मोहम्मदले श्रीमती गुल्सनको हत्या गरी टाउको बोकेर प्रहरीचौकीमा आफैं पुगेका थिए। अहिले प्रहरीले उनलाई थुनामा राखेर अनुसन्धान गरिरहेको छ।


New York resident and Nepalese Origin Rapper Khokka Babs is waiting for the release date of his debut song named “Golden Chain.” Last week Baba and his team launched the teaser of the “Golden Chain” and Baba believes this song will be the one of the biggest hits throughout Nepali music. Viewers loved his teaser after he promised himself to record a song once a year. This song is based on a political satire as well as a story of employed youths.

In this song Rapper Baba includes a Nepali typical instrument Madal and Flute. He believes Nepali instruments added new charisma in the Rap song. Nepali politics and thwarted love, as well as the improving sentiment, has spilled unemployed adults. Rapper Baba thinks that he has the True art of The Himalayas in his veins. I’m born for art; I’m a true artist.

In this video, Rapper Khokka Baba, P Dollar M, Ranjit Gauli, Anu Khadka, Kehi Kaili, Babu Wagle, Saroj Timalsina, Sank Narayan Prajapati, Dibas Poudel, Jack Tamang, Krish thapa, Negi Samakder, and many others played in various roles. Cinematography was done by Sambhu Moktan, and the song was mixed by Robert Brown.  The song is directed by Young/energetic and creative director RJSI. “Golden Chain” is releasing within just a few more days and fans cannot wait!


Ariel Winter Has A New Back Tattoo

The picture is extra alluring because Winter’s new ink is in a rather private place on her body. It rests just below Winter’s right hip and sweeps around to her backside. To show off the tattoo, Winter ditched her pants and underwear to take a picture. Check out the image here: …  If you’re a fan of the Modern Family star, it should come as no surprise by now that Ariel Winter enjoys a good tattoo. While she recently got two matching tats with boyfriend Levi Meaden, she went ahead and got one more that’ll probably stay pretty hidden on the red carpet. That’s because it’s located right above her butt.

खडेरीले बाँझै – हलोको सियोमा धान रोपाइँ

श्रावण १०, २०७४-  विराटनगर–१४ का सन्देश यादवले वर्षा हुने छाँट नदेखेपछि पम्पसेटले पानी तानेर सोमबारबाट रोपाइँ सुरु गरेका छन्। सबैतिर सिँचाइको प्रबन्ध छैन।  साउन दोस्रो साता लागिसक्दा पनि पर्याप्त वर्षा नभएपछि पूर्वका जिल्लामा रोपाइँ खासै हुन पाएको छैन। कतिपय स्थानमा पम्पसेटबाट पानी तानेर खेती भइरहेको छ। रोपिएका धान पनि पानी अभावमा सुक्न थालेका छन्। हावापानी कार्यालय विराटनगरको तथ्यांकअनुसार मोरङमा यो वर्ष असार २१ गते सबभन्दा बढी ६५ दशमलव शून्य मिलिलिटर पानी परेको छ भने असार ७ गते ६३ दशमलव शून्य र जेठ १२ गते ४७ दशमलव ३ मिलिलिटर पानी परेको छ। त्यसबाहेक फाटफुट पानीमात्रै परेको छ।

 रोप्न ठीक पारेको हिलोमा उनकी आमाले खीर, पुरी, कटहर, लड्डु, फूल, पान चढाएर पूजा गर्दै कर्कलोको बिरुवा रोपेपछि ‘पाँच केसरा’ धानको रोपाइँ सुरु गरिन्।परम्परागत धान भदौमा रोपे पनि राम्रै फल्छ तर त्यसका लागि पर्याप्त पानी चाहिने, साउन अन्तिमतिर पनि वर्षा भइदिए धान रोपाइँ हुन सक्ने तर सबै किसानले उन्नत जातको नै धान रोप्ने गरेकाले छिपिएको बेर्ना रोप्नुपर्ने बाध्यात्मक स्थितिमा उत्पादन कम हुने उनी बताउँछन्।  हिमाली जिल्ला ताप्लेजुङ, संखुवासभा र सोलुखुम्बुस्थित कुल धान खेतीयोग्य २४ हजार ६ सय १७ हेक्टर जग्गामध्ये १५ हजार ९ सय २६ दशमलव ५ हेक्टर (६४ दशमलव ७ प्रतिशत) मा मात्र रोपाइँ भएको र सोही समयमा गत वर्ष ७१ दशमलव ९६ प्रतिशत भएको पूर्वाञ्चल क्षेत्रीय कृषि निर्देशनालय विराटनगरको तथ्यांक छ। पहाडी जिल्ला पाँचथर, इलाम, भोजपुर, तेह्रथुम, धनकुटा, उदयपुर, ओखलढुंगा र खोटाङका कुल १ लाख ६ हजार १ सय ३१ हेक्टर खेतीयोग्य जग्गामध्ये ६७ हजार ८ सय ११ दशमलव ३ हेक्टर (६३ दशमलव ८९ प्रतिशत) मा रोपाइँ भएको छ। उक्त अवधिमा गत वर्ष ७७ दशमलव ५७ प्रतिशतमा रोपाइँ भएको थियो।  पूर्वाञ्चल क्षेत्रीय कृषि निर्देशनालयका सूचना अधिकारी वरिष्ठ बाली संरक्षण अधिकृत राजेन्द्र उप्रेतीले अहिलेसम्ममा ७०/८० प्रतिशत रोपाइँ हुनुपर्नेमा सिँचाइ अभाव तथा कमजोर मनसुनका कारण नहरहरूमा पर्याप्त पानी नआएकाले पूर्वाञ्चलमा ५० दशमलव ८५ प्रतिशतमात्रै रोपाइँ हुन सकेको छ।
