न्यूयोर्कमा साकेला पर्ब मनाइने

न्यूयोर्कमा साकेला पर्ब मनाइने

न्यूयोर्क- आफ्नो कला सस्कृती को जगेर्ना गर्ने अभिप्राय ले केआर एस ले यो बर्ष उधौली साकेला पर्ब अघिल्लो हरु मा झै क्विन्स बृज पार्क मा आगामी जुन महिना को ५ तारिख आइत बार गर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ । सम्पुर्ण किरात राइ जाती हरु को सम्बृद्धि,उन्नती र प्रगतीको हित मा काम गर्दै त्यही सस्कार लाई निरन्तर्ता दिदै नयाँ पुस्ता लाई हस्तान्तरण गर्ने कुरा कार्यक्रम मा बोर्ड अफ डिरेक्टर प्रताप राइ ले बताउनु भयो ।

किरात राइ हरु को आफ्नो कला सस्कृती साथै भाइ चारा बढाउने उदेश्य ले २००३ मा अमेरिका मा स्थापना भएको किरात राइ सोसाइटी अमेरिका ले आफ्नो बिभिन्न गतिबिधी सन्चालन गर्दै, हरेक साल २ पटक साकेला उभौली र उधौली पर्ब को रुप मा अमेरिका मा मनाउदै आएको छ । उभौली पर्ब बैसाख पुर्णे देखी एक महिना सम्म र उघौली पर्ब पनि मङ्सिर पुर्णिमा देखी एक महिना सम्म मनाउने गरिन्छ ।

किरात राइ सोसाइटि अमेरिका ले भर्खरै २०१६ मे २१ र २२ तारिख कोलोराडो मा भएको सस्था को केन्द्रिय महाधिबेशन द्वारा नयाँ नेतृत्व चयन गरेको छ । न्यूयोर्क स्थित उक्त कार्यक्रम मा चुलो घर बनाउने कुरा पनि उल्लेख गरिए को थियो। राइ सस्कृती मा कन्यादान दिदा र बुहारी भित्राउदा चुलो देखाउने परम्परा रही आएको छ । त्यस्का निमित्त नयाँ कार्य समिती ले चुलो घर निर्माण मा प्रकृया हरु थली सकेर को छ भने देखी दाह सस्कार को लागी पनि कार्य हरु जान कारी हरु पत्रकार सम्मेलन मा गरिएको थियो ।


Himalaya Airlines to commence its scheduled flight from May-end

Himalaya Airlines — a Nepal-China joint venture airline — has announced its direct scheduled flight to Doha, Qatar from May 31. flight will depart from Kathmandu at 11:00pm and land in Doha at 1:30am (local time). Similarly, the return flight will depart at 2:30am from Doha and land in Tribhuvan International Airport at 10:15am starting June 1. The airline will fly its new Airbus 320-214 from Kathmandu to Doha on a regular basis thereafter.

The airline will operate three flights from Kathmandu to Doha in a week for the first 15 days — on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Then after, the airline will operate regular flight in Kathmandu to Doha sector.

The flight route has scheduled for the convenience of the passengers, said Vijay Shrestha, vice president, administration of Himalaya Airlines, during the press briefing here today. “It gives us immense pleasure that Himalaya Airlines is going to start first direct scheduled flight to Doha from end of May, to advance tourism and business between Nepal and Qatar and strengthen the bi-lateral relationship.”

Established in August 2014, the airline started its international flights operation from April 12 this year, flying directly to Colombo of Sri Lanka. The airline has planned services to more destinations, namely, Delhi, India; Lhasa, Chengdu and Beijing in China a few months later, as per the airline.

Uttam-Moktan yog marathon sibir

योगमा उत्तमको विश्व रेकर्ड – ५० घन्टा १५ मिनेटको योग म्याराथन

काठमाडौंः नेपालका उत्तम मोक्तानले योग म्याराथनमा विश्व रेकर्ड बनाएका छन् । विश्व दर्शन अभियान नेपालले आयोजना गरेको कार्यक्रममा रेकर्डका लागि अभ्यास थाल्नुअघि मोक्तानले कम्तीमा ४५ र बढीमा ६० घन्टा योग गर्ने बताएका थिए । यसअघि भारतीय नागरिक योगराज सीपीले निरन्तर ४० घन्टा १५ मिनेट योग गरेर बनाएको विश्वकीर्तिमानलाई मोक्तानले तोडेका हुन् । काठमाडौंको वाल्मीकि क्याम्पसमा पुस २ देखि ४ गतेसम्म लगातार ५० घन्टा १५ मिनेट योग गरेर रेकर्ड तोडेका हुन् ।
भारतीय रेकर्डलाई १० घन्टाले जित्न सफल भएँ । सायद विश्व रेकर्ड कायम हुन्छ ।’ उनले पुस ४ गते दिउँसो १ बजेर १५ मिनेटमा ५० घन्टा १५ मिनेट योग गरेपछि बोलेको कुरोलाई दुई दिनअघि गिनिज बुक अफ वल्र्ड रेकर्डस्ले पुष्टि गरिदिएको हो । हाल अस्ट्रेलियामा रहेका विश्वकीर्तिमानधारी उत्तम मोक्तानले फेसबुकमार्फत भनेका छन्, ‘म यो सफलताले अत्यन्त हर्षित छु । झन्डै आठ वर्षअघि डा. योगी विकाशानन्दको मनोक्रान्ति योग साधनामा लागेका मोक्तानले पूर्वाञ्चलको झापामा रहेका भुटानी शरणार्थीलाई करिब साढे तीन वर्ष योग प्रशिक्षण गरेका थिए । उनले भारतको बैंगलोरस्थित विवेकानन्द योग विश्वविद्यालयबाट योगमा बीएस्सी गरेका थिए ।

मोक्तानले ५० घन्टे योग म्याराथनमा एकहाते मयुर आसन, चक्रासन, चतुरंग दण्डासन, एक पाद र दुई पाद शीर्षासनजस्ता कठिन योगासन पनि पटकपटक गरेका थिए । विश्व दर्शन अभियानका विश्वयात्रीद्वय नवराज र नारायण भट्टराईले विकाशानन्दको मनोक्रान्तिमा सँगै भएको र पछि भारतबाट अध्ययन गरेर फर्किएपछि पुनः भेट हुँदा योग म्याराथन गर्ने मनशाय राखेपछि कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरेको जानकारी दिए । गिनिज बुक अफ वल्र्ड रेकर्डस्का अनुसार काभ्रेस्थित फोक्सिन्टार–३ का ३० वर्षीय उनले विश्व रेकर्ड कायम गरेका हुन् ।

3 climbers from Kolkata 'missing' on Everest

3 climbers from Kolkata ‘missing’ on Everest

KOLKATA: Four climbers from Kolkata summitted Mt Everest on Saturday morning, but the cheer was dampened by reports that three other climbers may be missing in what’s known as the `Death Zone’ -8000m and above.
The grim news comes just a day after news reached that Everester Rajib Bhattacharya was killed on the descent from Mt Dhaulagiri, the seventh highest peak.
While Ramesh Roy, Malay Mukherjee, Satyarup Siddhanta and Rudraprasad Haldar stood on top of the world at 5.40am and were back in Camp IV by Saturday evening, there has been no contact with climbers Sunita Hazra, Gautam Ghosh and Paresh Nath since Friday evening. They were last tracked at 7.30pm on Friday when they started their climb for the summit. “We have not heard anything about them since then,” said Sudeb Hazra, Sunita’s husband. Both groups were with different agencies.
The four that are confirmed safe were with 7-Summit agency. Its owner Mingma Sherpa confirmed that they reached Camp IV at 7.50pm. Those yet to be traced are with Loben Expedition, which has an office in Darjeeling. Curiously, the family of a Loben climber, Subhas Pal, were told that he was seen around 11.30am on Saturday climbing down to Camp IV along with the four from 7-Summit.
Satyarup’s friend Tirthankar Pyne told TOI how he was tracking him via a GPS gadget he had strapped on.”At 5.40am, it flashed on my laptop screen -8,848 meters! I knew it was emitting from Satyarup’s GPS. My friends and I were glued to GPS tracking websites all night, checking every movement of the four-member team,” he said.
The last update on Satyarup’s Facebook page was at 6.30pm on Friday: “With all ur blessings starting for the final push. Keep us in ur prayers.”
The phrase “final push” told his friends that they were striking out for the summit. They had arrived at South Col at 1.30pm and rested a while before going for the peak. Beyond Camp IV , the final outpost between Everest and Lhotse at an altitude of around 26,000 feet or 8,000 meters, is what mountaineers call the Death Zone. Here, a climber’s body stops acclamatising and starts dying slowly till the climber returns to below 8,000m.
Till Camp IV , all eight climbers from Kolkata were in good health. On Lhotse face, a Sherpa met with an accident and died while opening the route, say sources. There were also issues with the oxygen in stock but it was sorted out. “They had chosen this time of the year as the weather forecast was good. They expected it to be less windy ,” said Tirthankar.Things didn’t go according to plan, though. On May 5, the weather was fluctuating at Camp II.
Till Camp IV , the climbers had to retuern to the previous camps for better acclamatisation. Till May 7, they had only touched 7,100m. More challenges came when the team’s oxygen was used by another team. But the four made it to the top.
“It was Ramesh’s second try . Last year, they reached base camp the day Nepal suffered a devastating earthquake. They had to come back and the entire investment was a loss. It was hard arranging funds this year,” said Tirthankar. Ramesh, a Central Excise inspector, is a veteran climber. source:- timesofindia.com

Indonesia Volcano Erupts

Volcano erupts in western Indonesia 6 killed

INDONESIA – Rescuers have found more bodies after a volcano erupted in western Indonesia, raising the death toll to six, an official said Sunday.Mount Sinabung in North Sumatra province blasted volcanic ash as high as 3 kilometres (2 miles) into the sky on Saturday, said National Disaster Management Agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho. He said ash tumbled down the slopes as far as 4.5 kilometres (3 miles) westward into a river.
All the victims of Saturday’s eruption were working on their farms in the village of Gamber, about 4 kilometres (2.5 miles) away from the slope, or within the danger area. Video images showed dead farm animals covered in dust.
The mountain had been dormant for four centuries before reviving in 2010, killing two people. An eruption in 2014 killed 16 people. Mount Sinabung is among more than 120 active volcanoes in Indonesia, which is prone to seismic upheaval due to its location on the Pacific “Ring of Fire,” an arc of volcanoes and fault lines encircling the Pacific Basin.

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राजबल्लभ कोईरालाले धुर्मुस-सुन्तली फाउन्डेसनलाई एक लाख १ हजार रुपैयाँ सहयोग गर्ने

काठमाडौं – दुई दिन भित्रै सो रकम सिताराम कट्टेल (धुर्मुस) मा हातमा पर्ने उल्लेख गर्दै राजबल्लभले भनेका छन् ‘सहयोग रकम सानो हुँदैन, सबै भन्दा ठूलो मन हो । धुर्मुस-सुन्तलीद्वारा सिन्धुपाल्चोकमा निर्माणाधिन बस्तिका लागि उनले आफ्नो हजुरबा टिकाबल्लभ कोईरालाको नाममा सहयोग गर्न लागेका हुन् । अमेरिका बस्दै आएका नायक राजबल्लभ कोईरालाले धुर्मुस-सुन्तली फाउन्डेसनलाई एक लाख १ हजार रुपैयाँ सहयोग गर्ने भएका छन् ।

‘६५ परिवारका लागि चार करोड भन्दा बढीको अनुमानित लागतमा निर्माणाधिन गिरान्चौर एकिकृत बस्ती निर्माणका लागि१ लाख एकजार दिने प्रतिबद्धता गरेँ,’ उनले भनेका छन् ।

Search is continuing for a second EgyptAir plane

Search is continuing for a second EgyptAir plane

A massive search is continuing for a second day for an EgyptAir plane that disappeared over the Mediterranean.
Greek, Egyptian, French and UK military units are taking part in the operation near Greece’s Karpathos island.
Flight MS804 was en route from Paris to Cairo with 66 passengers and crew when it vanished early on Thursday.
Greece said radar showed the Airbus A320 had made two sharp turns and dropped more than 25,000ft (7,620m) before plunging into the sea.
Egypt says the plane was more likely to have been brought down by a terrorist act than a technical fault.
What we know
Most of the people on board Flight MS804 were from Egypt and France. A Briton was also among the passengers.
So far, no wreckage or debris from the aircraft has been found. Image caption
Egyptian military ships, assisted by several other nations, are scouring the vast area for any signs of the plane’s wreckage
Initial reports late on Thursday based on Egyptian officials that wreckage had been found proved unfounded.
Greece’s lead air accident investigator Athanasios Binis said items including lifejackets found near Karpathos were not from the Airbus A320.
“An assessment of the finds showed that they do not belong to an aircraft,” he said.
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has ordered the country’s civil aviation ministry, army-run search-and-rescue centre, navy and air force to take all necessary measures to locate the wreckage.
The French air accident investigation bureau has despatched three investigators, along with a technical adviser from Airbus, to join the Egyptian inquiry.
In France, the focus is on whether a possible breach of security happened at Paris’ Charles de Gaulle airport.
Security was already tight – and under review – after last November’s attacks by jihadist militants in the French capital.
Since then some airport staff have had security clearance revoked over fears of links to Islamic extremists.
Eric Moucay, a lawyer for some of those employees, told the BBC that there had been attempts by Islamists to recruit airport staff.
“That is clear. There are people who are being radicalised in some of the trade unions etc. The authorities have their work cut out with this problem,” he said.
Flight MS804 left Paris at 23:09 local time on Wednesday (21:09 GMT) and was scheduled to arrive in the Egyptian capital soon after 03:15 local time (01:15 GMT) on Thursday.
On the plane were 56 passengers, seven crew members and three security personnel.
Greek aviation officials say air traffic controllers spoke to the pilot when he entered Greek airspace and everything appeared normal.
They tried to contact him again at 02:27 Cairo time, as the plane was set to enter Egyptian airspace, but “despite repeated calls, the aircraft did not respond”. Two minutes later it vanished from radar.
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Media captionWhat happened to flight MS804? Richard Westcott examines the evidence so far
Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos told reporters: “The picture we have at the moment on the accident as it emerges from the Greek air force operations centre is that the aircraft was approximately 10-15 miles inside the Egyptian FIR [flight information region] and at an altitude of 37,000 feet.
“It turned 90 degrees left and then a 360-degree turn toward the right, dropping from 37,000 to 15,000 feet and then it was lost at about 10,000 feet.”
Egyptian Aviation Minister Sherif Fathi said: “Let’s not try to jump to the side that is trying to identify this as a technical failure – on the contrary.
In October an Airbus A321 operated by Russia’s Metrojet blew up over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, with the deaths of all 224 people on board. Sinai Province, a local affiliate of the Islamic State jihadist group, said it had smuggled a bomb on board.
French President Francois Hollande said: “We will draw conclusions when we have the truth about what happened.
“Whether it was an accident, or whether it was – and it’s something that is on our minds – terrorism.” source – bbc

Nepal, India and china relation

नेपाल-भारत – चीन बाटो सहरबीचको दुरी दुई तिहाइसम्म घट्ने

७ जेठ, काठमाडौं । राजधानीमा बिहीबार सुरु चीन नेपाल भारत सम्बन्धको प्रमुख विशेषता र नेपालका लागि नयाँ विकास रणनीति अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्मेलनमा धारणामा भारत र चीनबीच स्थलसम्पर्क भए प्रमुख दुई छिमेकीका प्रमुख सहरबीचको दुरी दुई तिहाइसम्म घट्ने विज्ञले औँल्याएका छन् । दिल्लीबाट नेपाल हुँदै चीनको कुम्निङसम्म सिधा दुरी २ हजार ८ सय ८७ किमी चोङचिङसम्म् ३ हजार १ सय ५१ र चेदुङसम्म २ हजार ९ सय ११ किमी मात्र हुन्छ । अहिले यी दुबै स्थानबीच हङकङ हुँदै जल तथा स्थलमार्गबाट सम्पर्क स्थापित छ ।स्रोत – नागरिक

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सामाजीक कथानक चलचित्र – कालो पोथी

निर्देशक मीनभावका अनुसार पछिल्लो समय नेपाली चलचित्र पाइरेसी भैरहेका छन् । सामाजिक कथामा बनेको चलचित्र ‘कालो पोथी’लाई फ्रान्सेली वितरण कम्पनी वाइड म्यानेजमेन्टले १४ करोडमा पाइरेसी बिमा गरिदिएको छ । यसबाट बच्नका लागि पाइरेसी बिमा गरिएको हो । सशस्त्र युद्धको समयमा दुइ बालकको मित्रताको कथा चलचित्रमा देखाइएको छ । चलचित्रलाई हलिउड मिडियाले समेत राम्रो समिक्षा गरेका छन् । यो कम्पनीले नेपाल र भारतबाहेक विश्व बजारको वितरण अधिकार लिएको छ । साढे ३ करोडको बजेटमा तयार भएको यो चलचित्रमा जर्मनी, फ्रान्स र स्विजरल्याण्डको समेत लगानी छ । चलचित्रको रिलिज जेठ २१ गतेबाट हुँदैछ ।

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मोरङको पेट्रोल खानी उत्खनन् गर्न चिनिया टोली नेपालमा

मोरङ: मोरङको बाहुनस्थित राधानगरमा रहेको पेट्रोल उत्खनन्को अन्वेषण गर्न चिनिया टोली आई पुगेको छ । मंगलबार मन्त्री पाण्डेसहित खानी तथा भूगर्भ विभागको प्रतिनिमिण्डल पनि राधानगर पुगेको थियो । उद्योगमन्त्री सोमप्रसाद पाण्डे मंगलबार राधानगर पुगेर स्थानीयलाई चिनिया सरकारी टोलीसँग परिचय गराएका छन् । पच्चीस वर्षपछि चिनिया टोलीसहित सरकार मन्त्री पुगेर फेरि काम थाल्ने आश्वासन दिएपछि स्थानीय पनि खुसी भएका छन् ।
राधानगरमा पच्चीस वर्षअघि नर्वेको टोलीले जमिनमा प्वाल पारेर उत्खनन्को काम थालेको थियो । त्यो टोलीले ३ हजार ५ सय मिटर गहिरो प्वाल पारेर पेट्रोलियम अन्वेषण गरेको थियो । तर, पछि त्यो टोली फकिएपछि राधानगरमा फेरि सरकारी टोली पुगेका थिएनन् ।

मंगलबार मन्त्री पाण्डेसहितको प्रतिनिधिमण्डल राधानगर पुग्दा ठूलो समूहले स्वागत गरेको थियो । झाँकीसहित स्वागत गरिएको थियो । कार्यक्रममा प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी तोयम रायले पनि पेट्रोल भेटिए सबैका लागि खुसीको कुरा हुने बताए । चाङको नेतृत्वमा रहेको टोलीले सुनसरीको चतरामा तेलको सम्भाव्यता अध्यय्नपछि राधानगरमा काम थाल्नेछ ।