1 Egg A Day -Your Body If You Eat

1 Egg A Day -Your Body If You Eat

Eggs are really common breakfast food that keeps falling in and out of favor with doctors. We keep hearing that eating eggs is good for you as it is full of protein and could be an alternative to eating meat. On the other hand, some doctors recommend avoiding eggs as they might influence your cholesterol levels as they are full of fats. Here is what actually will happen when you eat one egg a day.

Source of protein

Eggs are a great source of protein which is almost fully (98%) absorbed by our body. The biggest advantage is that it is very low in calories (roughly 70 kcal per egg). Obviously, a boiled egg is preferred as no extra oils are used to prepare it. Protein keeps you full longer and is necessary if you have a long day in front of you. That’s why an egg is a food common for breakfast. Bodybuilders prefer raw eggs as well but remember that a cooked egg is absorbed better. Eggs are a source of vitamins and minerals which support your bodily function. Even one egg contributes significantly to the daily requirement of Vitamin A, riboflavin, Vitamin B12, phosphorus, zinc and Vitamin D. All of these are necessary for normal body function and normally are very low in the modern diet. Some of them heavily contribute to eye health and reduce the risk of eye-related diseases.

KFC Comes Up With Vegan Fried Chicken It Tastes Just As Good

This is the day we’ve all been waiting for (and some of you probably feared) meaty fast foods are going vegan! Well, not entirely and just as a trial in one of the KFC restaurants, but still. Is this the next stage of the ‘meatless meat’ era that’s been unfolding for the last decade? I believe it is! And just imagine the positive impact on the environment as more and more fast food chains go vegan, using healthy substitutes for meat and dairy. It’s like a dream come true! McDonald’s and Burger King have already introduced vegan burgers in some of their outlets, boasting successful trials and great popularity of the new healthy meals. It was only a matter of time that KFC would launch its very own meatless meal to appeal to even more

customers, especially those who are interested in eating less meat.
McDonald’s and Burger King have already introduced vegan burgers in some of their outlets, boasting successful trials and great popularity of the new healthy meals. It was only a matter of time that KFC would launch its very own meatless meal to appeal to even more customers, especially those who are interested in eating less meat.


An initiative of the International Social Organization Rotary Club of New York, The Luggage for Life program aims at providing essential luggage, supplies, food, and other items to support disabled, destitute, and poverty-stricken dotage population in Nepal. 

President of Pabitra Sewa Samaj, Dikchhya Chapagai, Appreciated his generosity, continuing helping Pabitra Sewa Samaj. Pabitra Samaj Sewa Nepal established in 2002, is a non- governmental social organization, working to ensure safe home and care to the homeless, distressed, disabled and orphans. It provides shelter, food, healthcare, education, and, most importantly, love and care to the needy people. The organization is led by Dikshya Chapagain, a young and dynamic social activist, who has dedicated her life solely for the humanitarian cause.

Recently Nabraj donated few luggage clothes, President Dikshya Appricited Rotary Club of New York “Queens” and President KC. She added, “Nabraj KC has such a big heart. He always helps poor people” She expressed such a joyful moment on the facebook regarding the visit of President Nabraj KC. 

Scientists Say You Should Kiss simply be happy!

Kissing is one of the most pleasant things in the world (after chocolates and fluffy kittens, of course). We kiss our babies, friends, pets, and loved ones. Kissing our partners feels most special and, according to science, it actually is! Kissing does not only make us happy by reducing stress levels, but it also has a few quite amazing health benefits most people have no idea about. Here are a few scientific reasons why you should kiss more.

The more feel-good hormones are produced by your body, the happier you become. Studies show that love and pleasure significantly reduce your stress levels. Shows of affection like kissing influence your cortisol levels – a stress hormone that is causing most of the suffering. So kiss, feel loved, and simply be happy!

Stress reduction | Scientists Say You Should Kiss More, And Here's Why | ZestRadar

महिलाले थुक पनि निल्न नहुने जितिया पर्व ! – व्रत बसेकी वृद्धाको मृत्यु

काठमाडौं : महोत्तरीको एकडारा गाउँपालिकामा जितिया पर्वको उपवास (व्रत) बसेको अवस्थामा एक वृद्धाको मृत्यु भएको छ । जितिया पर्व तराइवासी मधेशी महिलाहरूले मनाएका छन् । कपिलवस्तु जिल्लाका कतिपय मधेसी र थारु समुदायमा आइतबार जितिया पर्व मनाएकाे हाे। व्रतमा थुक पनि निल्न नहुने २४ घण्टा निराहार उपवास व्रतमा बसी व्रतलाई खण्डित पनि गर्न नपाउने नियम रहेकाले यो पर्वलाई कठोर पर्वका रूपमा पनि लिइन्छ । पानीसमेत नखाइ व्रत बसेकाले उनको मृत्यु भएको स्थानीय बताउँछन् । जितिया पर्वको समापनअघि कुनै खानेकुरा वा पानी खाएमा व्रत भङ्ग हुने मान्यता छ ।

महिलाहरूले जितियालाई आफ्नो सन्तानको सुख, आनन्द र प्रगतिका निमित्त यो मनाउने गर्छन् । यसलाई जिवित पुत्र पर्वको रूपमा पनि मनाइने गरिन्छ । यो पर्वमा खासगरि आमाहरूले आफ्नो जिवित पुत्रहरूका लागि व्रत बस्ने गर्छन् । यसलाई ‘जिमुतवाहन’ व्रत पनि भनिन्छ । सन्तानको सुख शान्ति र चिरायूका लागि यो पर्व मनाउने चलन रहेको छ ।

Health Issues : Staying physically active

thepowernews.com Reporter : Research indicates that staying physically active can help prevent or delay certain diseases, including some cancers, heart disease and diabetes, and also relieve depression and improve mood. Inactivity often accompanies advancing age, but it doesn’t have to. Check with your local churches or synagogues, senior centers, and shopping malls for exercise and walking programs. Like exercise, your eating habits are often not good if you live and eat alone. It’s important for successful aging to eat foods rich in nutrients and avoid the empty calories in candy and sweets. Overweight and Obesity

Between 11 and 15% of U.S. AIDS cases occur in seniors over age 50. Between 1991 and 1996, AIDS in adults over 50 rose more than twice as fast as in younger adults. Seniors are unlikely to use condoms, have immune systems that naturally weaken with age, and HIV symptoms (fatigue, weight loss, dementia, skin rashes, swollen lymph nodes) are similar to symptoms that can accompany old age. Again, stereotypes about aging in terms of sexual activity and drug use keep this problem largely unrecognized. That’s why seniors are not well represented in research, clinical drug trials, prevention programs and efforts at intervention.
Being overweight or obese increases your chances of dying from hypertension, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, dyslipidemia and endometrial, breast, prostate, and colon cancers. In-depth guides and practical advice about obesity are available from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health. Dementia is not part of aging. Dementia can be caused by disease, reactions to medications, vision and hearing problems, infections, nutritional imbalances, diabetes, and renal failure. There are many forms of dementia (including Alzheimer’s Disease) and some can be temporary. With accurate diagnosis comes management and help. The most common late-in-life mental health condition is depression. If left untreated, depression in the elderly can lead to suicide. Here’s a surprising fact: The rate of suicide is higher for elderly white men than for any other age group, including adolescents.

Nordic Walking

Even though pollution affects all of us, government studies have indicated that low-income, racial and ethnic minorities are more likely to live in areas where they face environmental risks. Compared to the general population, a higher proportion of elderly are living just over the poverty threshold.

बुद्धभुमीमा श्रीमानले शरीरमा मट्टितेल छर्केर जलाए श्रीमती

कपिलवस्तु : २२ बर्षिया शीला नाउलाई श्रीमानले शरीरमा मट्टितेल छर्केर जलाए श्रीमती जलाएका छन् ।बुद्धभुमी नगरपालिका ६ महुवाको बैरिहवाकी एक महिलाको सोमवार घरभित्रै जलेर मृत्यु भएको छ। माइती पक्षले जलाएर उनको हत्या गरिएको आरोप लगाएका छन्।
श्रीमान जगदीश नाउ, ससुरा भिखी नाउ र सासु बासमतीले जलाएर मारेको मृतकका बुवा बिष्णु नाउले जानकारी गराएका छन् । ‘छोरी र ज्वाइँबीच झगडा हुँदा कपिलवस्तु नगरपालिका ५ श्रीरामपुरका विष्णुले घाटी च्यापेर छोरीको हत्या गरेपछि मट्टितेल छर्केर शीला नाउ को सोमवार घरभित्रै जलेर मृत्यु भएको छ।

मकै स्वाद चखाउने यो रेस्टुरेन्ट – मकैको ढिँडो , च्याँख्ला, मःम, चाउमिन, थुक्पा

काठमाडौं,  चाबहिल चोकको ‘मिस्टर कर्न’ ले करिब दुई महिनादेखि मकैका अधिकांशको रोजाइ मःम, चाउमिन, पिज्जा वा मासुजन्य परिकार नै हुन्छन्। सबैभन्दा फरक मकैका नौला-नौला परिकार चखाउँछ ‘मिस्टर कर्न’ ले । ढिँडो र च्याँख्ला मकैको मःम, मकैको चाउमिन, मकैकै थुक्पा पोलिने मकै स्वाद चखाउने यो रेस्टुरेन्टको सुरूआत तयारी हुँदैछ ।

Best Foods to Keep Healthy life

Journalist Mr. Deepak Neupane
Journalist Mr. Deepak Neupane

Deepak Neupane, Kathmandu : The choices you make regarding exactly what you eat and drink matter. They need to amount to a balanced, healthy diet. We all have various calorie needs based on our gender, age, as well as task level. Health conditions can contribute also, including if you should reduce weight.

5 teams and adhere to the pointers listed below.


Select products that provide whole grains as the initial active ingredient. As an example, entire grain breads or whole-wheat flour. Whole grains are reduced in fat and high in fiber. They also have complicated carbs (carbohydrates), which aid you feel full longer as well as prevent overindulging. Prevent products that state “enriched” or included with other kinds of grains or flours. They do not have the exact same nutrients.

Hot and cold cereals generally are low in fat. Nonetheless, instant grains with lotion may have high-fat oils or butterfat. Granola grains additionally could have high-fat oils and also additional sugars. Look for low-sugar alternatives instead.

Try not to eat abundant sugary foods, such as doughnuts, rolls, and muffins. These foods often contain calories composed of greater than 50% fat. Lighter choices, such as angel food cake, could satisfy your craving for sweets without including fat to your diet plan.


Pick skim or non-dairy milk, like soy, rice, or almond milk. Try low-fat or part-skim cheeses in recipes. Skim ricotta could replace cream cheese on a bagel or in a vegetable dip. Usage 1% home cheese for salads and food preparation. String is a low-fat, high-calcium treat choice.

Nonfat or Greek yogurt can change sour lotion in lots of recipes. Attempt blending them with fruit for dessert. Skim sherbet as well as soft-serve frozen yogurt is reduced in fat than ice cream.

Healthy protein

Select low-fat, lean cuts of meat. Lean beef and also veal cuts have words “loin” or “round” in their names. Lean pork cuts have the words “loin” or “leg” in their names. Cut off the outdoors fat before cooking it. Trim any inside, separable fat prior to consuming it. Usage herbs, spices, as well as low-sodium marinates to period meat.

Baking, broiling, cooking, as well as roasting are the healthiest ways to prepare these meats. Lean cuts can be pan-broiled or stir-fried. Use either a nonstick pan or cooking spray as opposed to butter or margarine. Avoid offering your healthy protein with high-fat sauces and also sauces.


Hen breasts are an excellent selection due to the fact that they are slim and also high in protein. Only eat duck as well as goose every so often, because they are high in fat. Remove skin and visible fat prior to food preparation. Cooking, broiling, cooking, and also toasting are the healthiest ways to prepare poultry. Skinless fowl can be pan-broiled or stir-fried. Make use of a nonstick pan or cooking spray rather than butter or margarine.


The majority of fish and shellfish is high in healthy and balanced polyunsaturated fat. Omega-3 fats likewise are located in some fish, such as salmon as well as cold-water trout. Attempt to eat fish and shellfish two times a week. Fresh fish ought to have a clear color, a tidy odor, as well as firm, resilient flesh. If good-quality fresh fish isn’t readily available, purchase frozen fish. To prepare fish, you must poach, heavy steam, bake, broil, or grill it.

Non-meat proteins

Non-meat choices consist of dry beans, peas, as well as lentils. They use healthy protein as well as fiber without the cholesterol as well as fat of meats. These are essential foods for individuals who are vegetarian or vegan. You can switch beans for meat in recipes, like lasagna or chili.

TVP, or textured veggie protein, also is offered. It is located in vegetarian hotdogs, hamburgers, and chicken nuggets. They are low-fat, cholesterol-free alternatives to meat.

Fats, oils, and also sugary foods

Way too many high-fat foods add excess calories to your diet. This can cause weight gain and also excessive weight, or raise your risk for certain concerns. Heart disease, diabetic issues, some cancers, and also osteo arthritis have all been linked to diet regimens high in fat. If you eat high amounts of saturated and trans fats, you are more probable to establish high cholesterol and also coronary heart disease.

It is very important that you stay moisturized for your health and wellness. Nevertheless, sugar-sweetened beverages include lots of sugar as well as calories. This includes fruit juices, soda, sports and energy beverages, sweetened or seasoned milk, as well as sweet tea. Substitute water as well as other zero-calorie beverages.

क्यान्सर भयावह रूपमा देखिदैं- अमेरिका देखी नेपाल सम्म

राजन थपलिया


बदलिँदो जीवनशैली, असन्तुलित खानपान का बिरामीहरूको संख्या दिनप्रति दिन बढ्न थालेको हो । धुम्रपान र मद्यपान गर्नेहरूमा बढी मात्रामा क्यान्सर देखापर्ने गरेको चिकित्सकको अनुभव छ । नेपालमा हरेक वर्ष ३० देखि ३५ हजार क्यान्सरका नयाँ बिरामी थपिने गरेको विभिन्न अध्ययनले देखाएको छ । क्यान्सर सुरुमा नै पत्ता लगाउन सकिए निको हुने भएकाले विशेष सर्तकता अपनाउन चिकित्सको सुझाव छ । अस्वस्त खाना तथा जिबन शैली ले गर्दा के अमेरिका के नेपाल जता ततै क्यान्सर को डर बडे को छ ।

म्रपान र मद्यपान गर्नेहरूमा बढी मात्रामा क्यान्सर

क्यान्सर काउन्सिल नेपालका अनुसार नेपालमा ७५ हजार नागरिक क्यान्सरबाट प्रभावित भएको अनुमान छ । क्यान्सरबाट प्रभावित हुनेमा पुरुषको तुलनामा महिलाको संख्या बढी छ । महिलाको पाठेघरको मुखको क्यान्सर बढी मात्रामा हुने गरेको देखिएको छ । मुख्यतः महिलामा पाठेघरको मुखको क्यान्सर, फोक्सोको क्यान्सर, आन्द्रा, पेटको क्यान्सर र पुरुषमा फोक्सो, घाँटी, आन्द्राको क्यान्सर हुने गर्छ । सुरुकै चरणमा क्यान्सर पत्ता लागेमा निको हुने र अन्तिम चरणमा क्यान्सर हो भनेर पहिचान भएमा प्रभावितलाई बचाउन मुस्किल हुने क्यान्सर रोग विशेषज्ञहरू बताउँछन् ।
नेपालमा भने अधिकांश व्यक्ति क्यान्सरको अन्तिम चरणमा पुगेपछि मात्रै अस्पताल जाने गर्दा मृत्यु हुने क्रम बढेको छ ।