15 Reasons Travel to the Netherlands

15 Reasons You Should NEVER Travel to the Netherlands

15 Reasons Travel to the Netherlands

So, you think you’d like to go check out the Netherlands, do you? Your friends have taken vacations there and have come back to tell you how awesome it is. Well, we’ve got news for you: They’re lying to you. There’s absolutely no good reason that you or anyone else should ever travel to the Netherlands for anything, not even for business, but most especially for a vacation. What’s that? You don’t believe us? You’d prefer to believe your friends and travel bloggers instead… Fine, we’ll prove it to you. The absolutely last thing that you ever want to encounter when you’re on a vacation is a new, vibrant culture! The unfamiliar can be frightening, and it’s much better if you’re surrounded by the people, language, art, music, and environments that you’re already accustomed to. There’s simply too much in the way of new and interesting culture in the Netherlands to contend with. Sounds like work to us! Check out these 15 reasons that you should absolutely never travel to the Netherlands!

Mahato’s left eye has vision problem

Mahato’s eye has vision problem

Complications were seen in Mahato’s eye due to excess blood sugar level and high blood pressure, said Dr Sanjaya Gupta at Biratnagar Eye Hospital, Chairman of agitating Sadbhawana Party, Rajendra Mahato, has serious vision disorder in his left eye because his retinal vein has ruptured, a doctor attending on him said on Friday. “The problem was the result of excessive increase in blood pressure and hypertension attack,” said Dr Gupta.

Mahato, who was injured in a clash with security personnel while staging sit-in at Biratnagar-Jogbani border, had gone to Indian Capital New Delhi for treatment after his sugar and blood pressure level increased. Mahato’s health condition had relapsed last week after he returned from New Delhi after a long stay for treatment.He went to Biratnagar Eye Hospital where specialist doctors checked Mahato’s eyes under close observation. “Now we have given medicines to him. It may require a surgery, if his eye condition doesn’t improve.”



मित्रता, प्रेम तथा दयालाई फेसबुकमा साझेदारी – २००४ को फेब्रअुरी ४ मा मित्रता दिवस

विश्वको सबैभन्दा ठूलो सोसल नेटवर्किंग साइट फेसबुकको स्थापना सन् २००४ को फेब्रअुरी ४ मा भएको हो । फेसबुकका संस्थापक तथा प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत मार्क जुकरबर्गले सबै फेसबुक प्रयोकर्तालाई अपिल गर्दै फेब्रुअरी ४ लाई मित्रता दिवसका रुपमा मनाउन आग्रह गरेका हुन् । आगामी फेब्रुअरी ४ का दिन फेसबुक १२ वर्ष पुग्दैछ । डेढ अर्ब प्रयोगकर्ताको धनी फेसबुकले आफ्नो १२ औँ वाषिर्क उत्सवलाई मित्रता दिवस अर्थात् फ्रेन्डसीपडे का रुपमा मनाउने भएको छ ।

३१ बर्षीय जुकरबर्गले आफ्नो फेसबुक पोष्टमा लेखेका छन् : “मलाई विश्वास छ की फेब्रुअरी ४ लाई फ्रेन्डसीपडे को रुपमा मनाउन तपाइँ मसँग संलग्न हुनुहुनेछ । मित्रताले तपाइँको जिवनमा परिवर्तन ल्याएको छ । यदि तपाइँसँग मित्रताका विषयमा केही कथाहरु छन् भने त्यो पनि शेयर गर्नुहोस् । सम्भव भएसम्म मैले पढ्नेछु र म खुसी हुनेछु ।”

Duo fined Dh500,000 each for digital fraud

Duo fined Dh500,000 each for digital fraud

Dubai: Two men, who hacked into a services company’s system and divulged secret information to its competitors,  A Nepalese manager, G.S., and an Indian salesperson, C.N., hacked into the e-system of a support services’ company, breached the confidentiality of its clients’ data and divulged them to the company’s rivals in local market between December 2013 and February 2014. were each fined Dh500,000 in what is believed to be the highest fine in a cybercrime case.

The Dubai Court of First Instance convicted G.S. and C.N. of breaching the cybercrime law by hacking into the company’s system in an illegal manner, stealing secret information and divulging those information to the rivals in a malicious intent. cybercrime law offenders, presiding judge Urfan Omar fined the duo Dh500,000 each.

Air India, Jet Airways flights from Delhi to Kathmandu delayed after bomb scare

Air India, Jet Airways flights from Delhi to Kathmandu delayed after bomb scare

An Air India and a Jet Airways flight travelling from Delhi to Kathmandu was delayed today following a bomb threat call. A team of Bomb Disposal Squads (BDS) has reached the venue to check the flights. An Air India and a Jet Airways flight travelling from Delhi to Kathmandu was delayed today following a bomb threat call.

According to sources, the call was received by the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Airports). The caller, who claimed to have been from Turkey, was using Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) due to which the call could not be traced.

An Air India official said that all passengers onboard AI 215 were shifted to the terminus building. All 122 passengers and 7 crew members onboard the Jet Airways flight (9W 260) have been shifted to the waiting area.


बाबुरामजी बाहिर हुनुभो, अब पार्टी बन्छ – प्रचण्ड

११ माघ, काठमाडौं -आफूले विभिन्न जिल्लामा पुगेर कार्यकर्तालाई भेट गर्दा उनीहरुमा उत्साह देखिएको प्रचण्डले  एकीकृत नेकपा माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले अबको दुई वर्षमा आफ्नो पार्टी पहिलो ठूलो दल बन्ने दाबी गरेका छन् । बाबुराम भट्टराई पार्टीबाट बाहिरिएपछि अब पार्टी मजबुत बन्ने प्रचण्डको तर्क छ । केही वर्ष यता संविधान बनाउन व्यस्त हुँदा संगठन निर्माणमा ध्यान दिन नपाएकाले अब त्यता ध्यान दिने उनले बताए ।

मधेसमा बाबुराम भट्टराईप्रति सहानुभूति बढेको तर्कप्रति प्रचण्डले सोझै असहमति जनाए । रामचन्द्र झा र रामकुमार शर्माहरु केही पाउनलाई एमाओवादीमा आएका र नपाएपछि गएको भन्दै प्रचण्डले मधेसमा माओवादीको जनाधार एकरत्ति पनि नहल्लिएको दाबी गरे । हिले खासगरी यो संविधान निर्माण प्रक्रिया भन्नोस्, सरकार निर्माण भन्नोस् या नाकाबन्दीको स्थितिको सामना गर्ने प्रतिवद्धता भन्नोस्, या भूकम्पपछि हामीले जे भूमिका खेल्यौं नि, मैले नै पार्टी अध्यक्षको नाताले सदन बोलाएर, संकल्प प्रस्ताव पास गर्न लगाएर राष्ट्रिय एकता यतिबेलाको आवश्यकता हो, हामी पार्टी पार्टी झगडा गर्यौं भने बर्बाद हुन्छ भन्ने यी सबै कामहरुबाट राजनीतिक साख चाँहि माओवादीको अलिकति बढेकै छ ।

कार्यकर्तामा पनि पार्टीप्रति र लिडरसिपप्रति विश्वास जो वीचमा खस्केकै थियो, त्यो फेरि एकचोटि माथि उठेको महसुस पनि मैले गरें । र, अहिले हामीले केन्द्रीय समितिमा जे निर्णय गरेर गयौं, त्यो निर्णय गरेर गइसकेपछि र त्यसको व्याख्या गर्दा एउटा नयाँ आत्मविश्वास र नयाँ उत्साह आएको छ ।

“मैले दुई वर्षमा एक नम्बर पार्टी बनाउने भनेको छु,बनाउन सकिन्छ भन्ने विश्वास पनि छ”

अहिले त माओवादी कार्यकर्ता प्रशिक्षण सकिएर गाउँमा गएपपछि त तिनीहरु त हुँकार गर्दै पो आएका छन् भनेर कांग्रेस एमालेका साथीहरुले पनि भने । त्यसैले फेरि एकचोटि अब गइन्छ, अब जितिन्छ भन्ने भएको छ ।

मैले दुई वर्षमा एक नम्बर पार्टी बनाउने भनेको छु । मलाई बनाउन सकिन्छ भन्ने विश्वास पनि छ ।

sangit udhyog sangha

संगीत उध्योग संघ मा सुर्य कृयसनको नेतृत्व

द पावर न्युज दट कम, काठमाडौं – संगीत उध्योग संघ मा सुर्य कृयसनको नेतृत्व हालै सम्पन्न संगीत उध्योग संघ नेपालको साधारण सभाले सुर्य कृयसन प्रा लि का सन्चालक श्री सुर्य याक्क्षि मगरको नेतृत्व लाई सर्बसम्मत बिजयी गराएको छ ।माघ ९ गते सनिबार प्रज्ञया भवनको सभा कक्षमा सब्यभब्य रुपमा सम्पन्न उक्तकार्यक्रम उध्योग बाणिज्य महासंघका केन्द्रीय सदस्य श्री सोम पाण्डेको प्रमुख आतिथ्य मा सम्पन्न भएको थियो ।२०६० साल देखि लगातार रुपमा संगीत ब्यबसायमा सम्लग्न सुर्य कृयशन प्रा लि ब्यबसायी हरुको एक मात्र छाता सङठनको नेतृत्वमा सर्बसम्मत छनिएको हो ।लामो समय देखि बिबादै बिबाद बिच फस्दै आएको यश संघको यो चुनौती पुर्ण नेतृत्व सफल्ताको लागि द पावर न्युज दट कम हार्दिक शुभकामना ब्यक्त गर्दछ ।sangit udhyog sangha संघको साधारण सभा ताका मात्र जाग्ने ब्यबसायिहरुको अनौठो चलखेल देखि वाक्क केही ब्यबसायिहरुको सकारात्मक प्रयास पछि मात्र सर्बसहमतिको अबस्थालाइ छिचोलिएको थियो । सस्थाको साधारण सभा मा देखियको यस किसिमको सहमतिलाइ पुर्ब अध्यक्षहरुले खुलेर प्रसम्सा गरेका थिए भने अन्य ब्यबसायिहरु खुशी देखिन्थे । शुरुवात नै सहमती मा देखिए पछि अब भने संगीत ब्यबसाय उभो लाग्ने कुरामा आश राख्न सकिन्छ ।


नयाँ शक्ति निर्माण अभियान राष्ट्रिय परिषद् घोषणा – डा. बाबुराम भट्टराई

१० माघ, काठमाडौं – पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री डा. बाबुराम भट्टराईको नेतृत्वमा नयाँ शक्ति निर्माण अभियानको राष्ट्रिय परिषदको घोषणा हुँदैछ । स्रोतका अनुसार आज नायिका करिश्मा मानन्धर र निर्माता अशोक शर्मा औपचारिक रुपमा नयाँ शक्तिमा आवद्ध हुनेछन् । यसैगरी पूर्व एआईजी गणेश राई पनि नयाँ शक्तिमा लाग्नेछन् । दलित जनजाति पार्टीकी सांसद यशोदा लामा पनि नयाँ शक्तिमा प्रवेश गर्नेछन् । पासाङ शेर्पा, केशवमान शाक्य लगायतका जनजाति नेताहरु पनि नयाँ शक्ति निर्माण अभियानमा छन् ।   नयाँ शक्ति निर्माण अभियान राष्ट्रिय परिषद् घोषणा गर्दैछन् । यसका लागि भट्टराईले पत्रकार सम्मेलन राखेका छन् ।


२३ वर्षपछि नेपालले अन्तराष्ट्रिय फुटबलको शानदार जित

८ माघ, काठमाडौं – नेपालले २३ वर्षपछि अन्तराष्ट्रिय फुटबलको उपाधि जितेको छ । यो २३ वर्षपछि नेपालले जितेको अन्तराष्ट्रिय फुटबल उपाधि समेत हो । यसअघि नेपालले १९९३ मा साफ गेम्समा स्वर्ण जितेको थियो । शुक्रबार भएको फाइनलमा बहराइनलाई ३-० गोल अन्तरले पराजित गर्दै बङबन्धु कप फुटबलको उपाधि जितेको हो ।

खेलको ८१ औं मिनेटमा दुबै टीम १० खेलाडीमा सिमित भए ।  विक्रम लामा र बहराइनका खेलाडीबीचको विवादमा सुमन झगडा गर्न पुगेका थिए । तर, अन्तिममा नेपाल दोस्रो गोल गर्न सफल भयो । अन्जन विष्टको उत्कृष्ट पासमा विशाल राईले गोल गरेका हुन् । लगतै नवयुग श्रेष्ठले गोल गर्दै नेपाललार्इ ३-० को शानदार जित दिलाए । नेपालका स्ट्राइकर नवयुग श्रेष्ठ मोस्ट भ्यालुएवल प्लेयरका साथै टप स्कोरर बने । उनले ह्याट्रिकसहित चार गोल गरे । नेपालका विमल घर्ती मगर म्यान अफ दि फाइनल घोषित भए ।

It’s Obama’s Auto Industry—But Not For Much Longer

It’s Obama’s Auto Industry – But Not For Much Longer

President Barack Obama took to the Detroit auto show today for a victory lap around the industry his administration saved in the depths of the financial crisis. There’s no doubt that the American car business today reflects the goals Obama set seven years ago. Detroit automakers enjoy record sales and huge profits, while employing more workers and building more efficient models.

The question now is: How long will it last?

During his visit, Obama noted how unpopular his plan was at the time: putting General Motors and Chrysler through bankruptcy in 2009, merging Chrysler with Fiat and spending $50 billion to save GM. (All told, the U.S. government pumped $80 billion into the auto sector and got back roughly $70 billion).

“In exchange for help we demanded responsibility. The industry retooled and restructured, everybody sacrificed and everybody put some skin in the game,” Obama said in his speech at a UAW-GM training center. “I could not be prouder of this industry and the road we traveled together,”

Obama himself chose to keep Chrysler open, pending a deal with Fiat. In announcing the rescue plans that March, the president said his goal was “an auto industry that is once more out-competing the world; a 21st century auto industry that is creating new jobs, unleashing new prosperity, and manufacturing the fuel-efficient cars and trucks that will carry us towards an energy-independent future.”

When Obama announced his plans for GM and Chrysler in March 2009, their futures were in the balance. Both were running entirely on government loans; the financial crisis had scared every other investor away. While GM was too big to fail, Obama’s auto task force had an intense argument over whether it should keep Chrysler open or shut it down, folding the best parts into GM.

All have made gains toward more efficient vehicles since the 2009 recession, from Ford’s twin-turbo V-6 pickups to Chrysler’s 9-speed transmissions. GM and Ford will soon report 2015 earnings totals that come close to or surpass records. Fiat Chrysler, the company the industry had given up on, now employs roughly 78,000 workers in North America.

U.S. automakers and their suppliers now employ 929,400 workers, a growth of nearly 50 percent since their lowest point in June 2009. But for all the success that Obama can tout today, not all of his goals were met.

Back in 2008, Obama vowed to push for 1 million electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles on American roads by 2015, backed by billion of dollars in government incentives. The actual total since then: 411,130 as counted by HybridCars.com, less than half the target.

Already, automakers are warning that future fuel economy rules will be tough to hit as long as oil costs remain near record lows. The EPA estimates that the average fuel economy of new cars sold in 2015 was flat with the year before, as trucks and SUVs once again surged over smaller cars and hybrids; GM’s corporate average fuel economy is expected to decline year-over-year in 2015 due to a booming pickup business.