8 Celebrities Made Famous By Their Body Parts

8 Celebrities Made Famous By Their Body Parts

Sometimes, you get dealt a rough hand in life. You want to make it as a famous person, try your best to excel at your field, and then the paparazzi takes five looks at you and determines that your body is more interesting than your body of work. It’s truly deplorable what this world has become.
After years of study and hard work, spending hour upon hour honing your skills and perfecting your craft, the only thing people manage to write about you in reviews is nothing short of “dat ass”. And yet these people carry on, heads held high. These people walk the walk.
To protest this filthy, filthy habit of judging a book by its cover, let’s take a look at some iconic book covers. We’ll call it an ironic protest. Why not.





The music video of the song ‘Jawani Taja Taja Chah’ by Yam Baral and Urmila Lamgade has been out on youtube. Ananda Adhikari has written the lyrics of this love style song while Shikhar Santosh has composed the song. Mohit Munal arranges this song.

In the video of the song, the onscreen love, and romance of actor Nazir Hussain and model Usha Upreti can be seen. Rabindra Neupane is the cinematographer of the song, and it is edited by Tekendra Shah and directed by Sudip Baral. Returning to the singing journey after 13 years, Lamgade is continuing her musical journey in New York. She is also interested in acting along with singing. She has previously acted in telefilms called ‘Dalan.’

The Rotary Club of New York “Queens” and Hami Nepali Global Distributed food at College Point, New York

The Rotary Club of New York “Queens” and Hami Nepali Global have provided free food at College Point, NY. It was in collaboration with the New York City government office.

They distributed 120 Boxes of free food in College Point, NY (Each Box worth $47). Nabaraj KC is a city council candidate of district 19. He enjoys performing numerous social activities in his life. This is his favorite thing to do. The program was conducted under his leadership. President-Elect of The Rotary Club of New York “Queens” Mr. Kham Bhatta and other volunteers were present in the distributing event.

Rotary International is an international service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian service and to advance goodwill and peace around the world.

Hami Nepali global is a non-political, non-ethnic, and non-religious organization called Nepali to unite all Nepalis around the world and bring national and international awakening in Nepal and Nepalis and freeing Nepali political, ethnic, and religious activities.

चकलेट किन्न पसल गएकी बालिकाको हत्या

९ मंसिर, जनकपुरधाम  : महोत्तरीको बर्दिबास नगरपालिकामा बालिकाको हत्या गरेर बोरामा फ्याँकिएको अवस्थामा राति १ बजेतिर शव फेला परेको इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय बर्दिवासका प्रमुख डिएसपी राजन चापागाईंले जनाएको छ ।

एक जना बालिकाको हत्या भएको छ । बर्दिवास नगरपालिकाको वडा नम्बर १४ निवासी शहिद आलमकी ६ वर्षीया छोरी गुलाब साह खातुनको हत्या भएको हो ।

उनी आइतबार साँझदेखि वेपत्ता थिइन् । उनको शव सोमबार राति घर नजिकैको खेतमा फेला परेको छ ।

 जानकारी दिए ।

बालिकाको बलात्कारपछि हत्या गरिएको आशंका स्थानीयले गरेका छन् । यद्यपि प्रहरीले पोष्टमार्टमको रिपोर्ट नआएसम्म केही भन्न नसकिने जनाएको छ ।

पसलेले भने- हत्या मैले गरेको हुँ

बालिकाको हत्याको आरोपमा प्रहरीले एक जनालाई पक्राउ गरेको छ । पक्राउ पर्नेमा गौशाला नगरपालिका ५ घर भई बर्दिवासमा किराना पसल सन्चालन गर्दै आएका अरुण कुमार साह छन् ।

२५ वर्षीय साह रक्सी पिएर सोमबार राति गौशाला ५ स्थित घर गएका थिए । उनले आफ्ना परिवारका सदस्यहरुसँग बालिकाको हत्या आफूले गरेको बताएका थिए । ‘यो कुराको जानकारी पाउनासाथ हाम्रो टोलीले उनलाई नियन्त्रणमा लिएर सोधपुछ गर्यो,’ इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय गौशालाका प्रमुख प्रहरी निरीक्षक प्रकाश रेग्मीले भने, ‘उनले हत्या गरेको स्वीकारेका छन् ।’

चकलेट किन्न गएकी बालिकालाई लुकाएर साहले हत्या गरेको प्रारम्भिक अनुसन्धानबाट खुलेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । प्रहरीका अनुसार उनले बलात्कार गरेर हत्या गरेका हुन् कि होइनन् भन्ने कुराको अनुसन्धान भने भइरहेको छ ।

 विरोध प्रदर्शन

रातारात साहलाई बर्दिवास लिएर प्रहरी आएपछि उनले बालिकाको शव देखाएको प्रहरीको भनाइ छ ।

बालिकाको शव फेला परेपछि बर्दिवासका बासिन्दाले मंगलबार बिहानैदेखि विरोध प्रदर्शन थालेका छन् । उनीहरुले पूर्व–पश्चिम राजमार्गमा टायर बालेर सडक अवरुद्ध गराउनुका साथै बजार पनि बन्द गराएका छन् ।

‘छिटोमा डिसेम्बर ११ सम्म अमेरिकनलाई भ्याक्सिन’

छिटोमा डिसेम्बर ११ सम्म अमेरिकनले भ्याक्सिन पाउनसक्ने अमेरिकन कोरोना भ्याक्सिन कार्यक्रम प्रमुख डाक्टर मोन्सेफ स्लाओईले बताएका छन् । एफडीएले स्वीकृत गर्न केहीसाता लगाउने अनुमान गरिएको छ । एफडीएका वैज्ञानिकहरुले भ्याक्सिन सुरक्षित र प्रभावकारी भए नभएको बारे निष्कर्ष निकाल्नेछन् । भ्याक्सिनले प्रयोगको स्वीकृति पाएको २४ घण्टाभित्र भ्याक्सिन लगाउने स्थलमा भ्याक्सिनका डोजहरु पठाइने उनले बताएका छन् ।  अमेरिकाको खाद्य तथा औषधी प्रशासनको सल्लाहकार समितिको बैठक डिसेम्बर १० मा बसेर भ्याक्सिनलाई स्वीकृति प्रदान गर्ने अपेक्षा गरिएको छ । स्वीकृति पाएको एक वा दुई दिनमा ११ वा १२ डिसेम्बरमा वितरण सुरु गरिने अमेरिकन कोरोना भ्याक्सिन कार्यक्रम प्रमुखले बताएका हुन् ।

अमेरिकन कम्पनी फाइजरले जर्मन कम्पनी बायो एनटेकसँग मिलेर बनाएको कोरोनाबिरुद्धको भ्याक्सिनको प्रयोगको स्वीकृतिका लागि शुक्रबार अमेरिकाको खाद्य तथा औषधी प्रशासन एफडीए समक्ष आवेदन दिएको हो । यो संगै कोरोनाबिरुद्ध लड्न फाइजरको भ्याक्सिन डिसेम्बरका अमेरिकामा उपलब्ध हुने संकेत मिलेको छ । फाइजरको भ्याक्सिनको अन्तिम परीक्षण सफल भएपछि प्रयोगको स्वीकृतिका लागि आवेदन दिइएको हो । स्वीकृत भएमा प्राथमिकताका आधारमा अमेरिकामा भ्याक्सिन वितरण सुरु गरिनेछ । सुरुमा स्वास्थ्कर्मी, बृद्धबृद्धा र स्वास्थ्य समस्या भएकाहरुलाई भ्याक्सिन दिइने जनाइएको छ । त्यसपछि अत्यावश्यक कामदार, शिक्षक, होमलेस र कैदीबन्दीहरुलाई दिइनेछ । तेश्रो चरणमा बयस्क र बालबालिकाहरुलाई दिइनेछ ।

Venice postpones new tourist levy till 2022 over COVID-19 crisis

Venice city authorities announced that the city would postpone the launch of a new tourist levy as it tries to recover from the COVID-19 crisis that has shattered visitor numbers. “In light of the current situation, linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to make a big gesture to help encourage the return of tourists,” said Michele Zuin, the city councilor for budget issues, in a statement.  Venice officials said the tax, targeted at day-trippers excluded from an existing tax on tourists staying overnight, will not be in place until January 1, 2022.

Venice and its famous canals are usually packed with tourists and the new tax was intended to help cover the costs of keeping the city clean and safe.  Unlike the existing levy for stays in hotels or rented accommodation, it would apply to day-trippers, including those who arrive on cruise ships. But Venice became a desert when coronavirus swept through Italy earlier this year, and ongoing restrictions around the world continue to hit tourist numbers.

सेयर बजारमा एकैदिन झन्डै सात अर्बको कारोबार

सेयर बजारमा अहिलेसम्मकै धेरै कारोबार भएको छ। नेपालको पुँजी बजारकै इतिहासमा आज अहिलेसम्मकै सर्वाधिक झन्डै सात अर्बको कारोबार भएको छ। नेप्से परिसूचक आइतबार ४.६९ अंकले बढेर १७८२.८१ विन्दुमा पुगेको छ । २०१ कम्पनीको ६ अर्ब ९० करोड ६७ लाख रुपैयाँभन्दा बढीको कारोबार भएको छ । १ करोड ६० लाख भन्दा बढी कित्ता सेयर खरिदबिक्री भएका छन् ।

सेयर बजारमा आइतबार देखिएको अर्को उत्साहजनक संकेत भनेको नेप्से सूचकले  १८ सय विन्दु छोएको छ। आइतबार १८ सय विन्दुको मनोवैज्ञानिक रेखालाई पनि पार गरेर फर्किएकोले बजार परिपक्क रुपमा अघि बढेको विश्‍वास लगानीकर्ताले गरेका छन्। नेप्सेको यसअघिको अधिकतम विन्दु १८८१ हो।

नेप्से सूचकमा निरन्तर वृद्धिसँगै कारोबार रकमले समेत नयाँ उचाइ हासिल गर्दै गएकोले लगानीकर्ताले सेयर बजार अब बुलिस बाटोतिर उन्मुख भएको विश्‍वास गर्न थालेका छन्।


India Travelers More Likely to Fly this Holiday Season

A recently-conducted study to identify the travel intent among India travelers reveals that while the demand for travel post COVID-19 has been recovering slowly, there is optimism for travel over the next 3 months – the holiday season.

The survey was conducted by AirAsia India in which asked questions of its customers who flew in the last 24 months to understand their travel purpose and preferences – pre- and post-COVID – and their travel intent going forward.

The behavioral data collected states that 50% of surveyed respondents stated that they planned to travel over the next 3 months and another 36% indicated that they are considering traveling.

The survey also identified that while business travel demand remains significantly impacted, VFR (Visiting Friends & Relatives) including traveling to/from hometowns contributed to over two-thirds of travel in the months post lockdown.

The study further established that the massive reduction in leisure/holiday travel during and immediately after the lockdown resulted in significant pent-up demand, especially among younger demographics who have exhibited more resilience and optimism about traveling in the current festive season. The travel intent suggests the contribution of holiday traffic to increase notably in the next three months compared to previous few months post the COVID-lockdown.

The survey also indicated a change in demographic mix of India travelers with the age group between 18-29 years increasing its share. Whether they have flown post-COVID or not, people rate taking a flight as less of a COVID risk than most activities including eating out or visiting a mall, with only ordering in, visiting close friends and family, or visiting their local store considered safer. According to the survey, the perception of risk is even lower for people who have flown post-COVID versus those who have not yet experienced post-COVID flying.

Thailand Hotel Industry: Bleeding to Death

Thailand has reported just 3,880 COVID-19 cases and 60 deaths since the start of the pandemic and is considered one of the lowest risk countries in the world. But travel and tourism are suffering. With no end in sight to the stifling government imposed travel restrictions, businesses large and small are hemorrhaging and struggling to survive. Thailand Hotel operators, according to the Nation, are pleading with the government to reopen the country and launch measures soon to help their businesses, which are bleeding to death, they claim.

Suphajee Suthumpun, Dusit Thani’s group chief executive officer, said if the country is not reopened soon, hotel operators will suffer heavy losses. Also, she said, banks and financial institutions are not granting loans easily to tourism businesses to because of the risks.

“Hence, we want to ask the government to issue financial measures to support tourism businesses and to instruct the Thai Credit Guarantee Corporation to guarantee loans for small and medium enterprises,” she said.

“We also want to ask the central bank to ease rules related to debentures as many large enterprises’ debentures are nearing maturity.”

Suphajee also encouraged the Tourism and Sports Ministry to set up a tourism recovery fund that will allow hotel operators to borrow by using their hotel as a collateral.

“Since the Covid-19 vaccine is expected to be ready next year, the government should come up with an e-visa system to help tourists return to the country,” she added.

Chaiyapat Paitoon, Minor International’s chief strategy officer, said the company had lost more than Bt14 billion in the first nine months of the year, and its businesses in Thailand accounted for Bt2 billion of the losses.

He said the company may need to boost its liquidity, by either finding new capital or launching debentures if the government does not reopen the country soon.

“The government should look into travel-bubble schemes, ease self-isolation rules and launch measures to support entrepreneurs,” he said.

Marisa Sukosol Nunbhakdi, executive vice president of Sukosol Hotels and chairperson of the Thai Hotels Association, said the government should launch measures to help hotels, such as paying 50 percent of hotel staffs’ salaries as it has been doing for new graduates.

“The government should also extend its 2 percent contribution to the Social Security Fund, set land and building tax at 10 percent and ease self-isolation rules,” she said.

If there are easing of the travel restrictions, there is strong evidence that visitors will come. According to Barry Kenyon, the respected former British Honorary Consul in Thailand, wrote in the Pattaya Mail this week that ever since Thailand revamped its 60 days (single entry) visa late last month, embassies throughout the world have been reporting a gigantic interest by foreigners desperate to get away from the harsh winter or to escape their coronavirus-infected homelands.

Parkpoom Prapasawudi, vice president of the Erawan Group’s Hotel Asset Management division, also weighed in saying hotel occupancy has been at 20 percent for more than five months due to travel restrictions.

“The situation in Thailand is different from China and Europe, where occupancy rate is 50 to 60 percent and 30 to 40 percent, respectively,” he said, adding that the country must be reopened because hotels cannot survive if occupancy remains so low.

“If the government does not want to reopen the country, then it should launch measures to support the hotel business,” he said, adding that hotel operators were unable to come up with a business plan because the government has not provided any clear directions. The government should launch a campaign to boost public awareness on reopening the country, because it is not possible for Thailand to be free of Covid-19 forever.

“Thailand and countries with low-risk of infections should work on travel-bubble schemes like Singapore and Hong Kong have done because hotel operators cannot bear high costs or inject more cash into their businesses,” he said.

Meanwhile, Tourism and Sports Minister Pipat Ratchakitprakarn said Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has instructed the Centre for Economic Situation Administration (CESA) to work on establishing a tourism recovery fund to help the travel sector. This fund is expected to stand at between Bt50 billion and Bt100 billion.

“We will also discuss other proposals with the premier and CESA, especially e-visa options, so tourists can return to Thailand once the Covid-19 vaccine is ready,” Pipat said.

Not all ideas coming from the government are working. Former Consul Barry Kenyon wrote that there was much fanfare surrounding the announcement of the Special Tourist Visa (STV) last month, which offers a stay up to 270 days, however it quickly became apparent that this visa was available only to those coming from low-risk Covid-19 countries which ruled out the UK, the US and mainland Europe amongst other regions.

There are however other visas options available, as earlier reported, that will allow travel but with a complex number of hoops to jump through. Mr. Kenyon wrote,

“The 60 days tourist visa is available, the bureaucracy is still sizeable though when applying to the embassy for the vital Certificate of Entry plus Covid-19 health tests, payment in advance for 14 days compulsory hotel quarantine on landing in Bangkok, Covid-specific insurance to US$100,000 (now available on-line easily for anyone aged 0-99) and proof of accommodation in Thailand beyond the quarantine period,” he said.

Ayurvedic Medicine Triphala Powder

Triphala powder is a herbal concoction consists of three medicinal plants native to India. It’s a staple in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, one of the world’s oldest medical systems that originated in India over 3,000 years ago .
Due to its many purported health benefits, Triphala has become increasingly popular around the world.
Triphala has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times as a multi-purpose treatment for symptoms ranging from stomach ailments to dental cavities. It is also believed to promote longevity and overall health
It’s considered a polyherbal medicine, meaning it consists of several different medicinal herbs. Polyherbal formulations are popularly used in Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional system that emphasizes disease prevention and health promotion. It’s believed that combining synergistic herbs results in extra therapeutic effectiveness and is a more powerful treatment than any one component taken alone Triphala is a mixture of the dried fruits of the following three plants native to India.