IRCTC to launch Buddhist circuit tourist train on March 14

Buddhist circuit tourist train

IRCTC to launch Buddhist circuit tourist train on March 14

PATNA, India – Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) will launch a Buddhist circuit tourist train from March 14 for pilgrims intending to visit Buddhist places in Bihar and adjoining areas. This tour package is of seven nights and eight days for Indian nationals only. The second trip of this tour package will start on March 28.

Under this package, IRCTC has offered ‘one companion free tour’ for Indian nationals. Interested persons of Indian origin can book tickets for their companions as well for which they need not pay any additional charges. The companion can be a close relative or a friend, said IRCTC PRO Sandip Dutta.

He said the fully air-conditioned express train will start its journey on March 14 from Delhi. It will cover Bodh Gaya, Rajgir, Nalanda, Sarnath, Kushinagar, Lumbini, Shravasi and finally a visit to Taj Mahal in Agra. There are two categories of the package – Rs 70,000 will be charged from one person each along with a free companion in First AC and Rs 57,000 will be charged each for travelling in 2 AC and 3AC with one free companion, he said.

culture and adventure to BIT visitors in Italy

Nepal offers nature, culture and adventure to BIT visitors in Italy

February  15, 2015 – Nepal Tourism Board along with four travel trade companies participated in the 32nd edition of BIT – Borsa International Tourism held at Rho Fiera Milano from 12th-14th February 2015 in Milan, Italy. This year’s edition of BIT was largest ever travel event of Italy, with introduction of Luxury and Mice sections for travelers along with specific focus on new destinations.

BIT Milan had over 2000 participants from around 100 countries and from all over Italy representing various regions with their tourism attractions. The fair witnessed a substantial inflow of leisure and holiday travelers, business travel decision makers and travel trade members. Over 3 days, BIT witnessed the footfall of over 60000 visitors, with approx.35000 visiting
on the last day of the fair, being it a consumer day. It also provided Italians with a one-stop opportunity to make their national and international travel and holiday plans. Being the biggest trade event, the fair had 10-15% growth over last year in size and number of participants which fetched an impressive response in terms of visitors.

Apart from the trade visitors, Nepal stall received the continuous flow of individual travelers specifically asking about the prominent tourist attractions within the country such as Kathmandu, Pokhara, Nagarkot, Lumbini and jungle safari of Chitwan.

During the fair, Nepal, particularly highlighted the soft adventure options such as sky diving, bungee jumping, Paragliding and ultra-lite flights, rafting, etc. In addition, the Nepalese travel trade companies promoted their special packages focusing on culture and heritage along with trekking. The major queries during the fair were regarding the flight
connectivity from Europe and the best season to travel. Many expressed the airfare was a major component to decide on the destination and at the same time, many were also aware of the better connectivity through Turkish Airlines. The last two consumer days saw students from schools to Universities showing lots of interest in visiting Nepal to experience
festivals as well as short treks including other general tourist attractions. Travel trade operators around Milan also showed lots of enthusiasm towards Nepal and inquire about various itinerary options for different segments such as youth and family.

Nepal delegation was led by Mr. Bharat Mani Subedi, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation. Nepal Tourism Board was represented by Mrs. Ujjwala Dali, Senior Manager – Tourism Marketing & Promotion along with four travel trade companies Sampurna Aventura Travel & Tours, Wonderland Travels Nepal, Snowy Horizon Treks & Expedition, Global
Asia Tours & Travels from the travel trade sector.

Final taaj

India executive speaks to hospitality, tourism students & scholars

February 12, 2015 – Rajindera Kumar, Director of Vivanta By Taj Ambassador, New Delhi, and former President of the Federation of Hotels and Restaurant Associations of India, as well as the North India Association, has asked students and scholars of the hospitality and tourism industry, to have a strategy for career development and to act on it so that they can achieve their goals.

The veteran hotelier was speaking as chief guest at the 5th India International Hotel, Travel and Tourism Research Conference in New Delhi on February 11, organized by the Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology.

Rajindera Kumar, who is a respected and popular industry figure, suggested that the participants from many parts of the country, should not opt for a five-star hotel property, as they would have to follow the dotted line and may not be able to contribute too much.

The Ambassador Director said that the researchers and students should go in for smaller, individual properties and aim to turn them around.

Prof. Fevzi Okumus, Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, and Professor at Rosen College, University of Central Florida, USA, in his keynote address said that research should help the industry. He traced the history of research over the years and noted that now expectations from the junior researchers are higher. He warned of a danger of disconnect between the academic world and the industry.

Inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research would be more in focus, he said, adding that for being published in top journals, the students must improve the quality of their research.

The three-day conference is being organized in collaboration with the New Zealand India Research Institute and the Victoria University of Wellington.

Among the topics being discussed at the conference are eco-tourism, green practices, the role of gastronomy as a resource for creative tourism, museums as an attraction, managing human resources in hospitality, the role of education institutes in tourism and hospitality, and food service. Scholars from various universities are presenting case studies at the conference.

Dr. Asad Mohsin, Associate Director of the New Zealand India Research Institute, will on February 13 speak on “Examining staff turnover in luxury hotels in India,” while Dr. Manohar Sajnani, Dean of the Amity Institute of Travel and Tourism, will speak on February 12 on emeging global trends, and opportunities and challenges in the travel and tourism sector.


NTB Promoted tourism fair in Israil

February 12, 2015 – The IMTM 2015 tourism international fair held in Tel Aviv concluded
successfully on February 11, 2015 with the participation of 5 travel
companies and Nepal Tourism Board. The fair was held for two days
beginning 10 February 2015. As in the past, the fair was deemed successful
to entice herds of Israelis and other international visitors. There are
almost over 6000 visitors who visit Nepal annually. Host of the visitors
were very curious to know about the products that Nepal is famous for.
Many of the past visitors also enquired further for their future travel.
HE Ambassador Mr. Prahlad Prasai was also present for full day on the day
of inauguration and disseminated Nepal’s information from the Nepal stall.
He says, “There is a huge demand of Nepal in Israel and they all are aware
about the Nepal’s pristine culture and adventure.” Hundreds of visitors
witnessed and quenched their thirst of Nepal through participants involved
in the mart. It was discovered that Israelis are more concerned about
adventure more than culture. Likewise Mr. Mohan Krishna Sapkota, Joint
Secretary and spokesperson of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil
Aviation , in course of his participation in the said fair says, “Nepal
should not miss the opportunity to tap the immense potentialities inherent
in this market.” Mr. Aditya Baral, Senior Director and spokesperson,
Nepal Tourism Board comprehending the age old relations with the Israel
and its potential says, “We will leave no stone unturned to further
enhance the enormous demand apparent through the mart.”
Mr. Samir Bajrachary, Senior Officer also participated the mart on behalf
of Nepal Tourism Board.

काठमाडौँ । त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल सुधार परियोजनाअन्तर्गत काठमाडौँको गुह्येश्वरी, जडीबुटी र कोटेश्वर क्षेत्रको धावनमार्ग विस्तारका क्रममा छन् । उक्त परियोजनाको ‘आइसिबी १’ अन्तर्गतको कार्यक्रम अहिले सञ्चालन भइरहेको छ । ‘आइसिबी १’ को योजनाअनुसार विमानस्थलको धावनमार्ग र हवाइजहाज पार्किङस्थल विस्तारको काम भइरहेको नेपाल नागरिक उड्डयन प्राधिकरणका प्रवक्ता देवेन्द्र केसी बताउँछन । जडीबुटी र कोटेश्वर क्षेत्रमा ३०० मिटरको धावनमार्ग विस्तार गर्ने योजना छ । यसअनुसार अहिले २५ मिटरको खाडल पुर्ने काम भइरहेको छ । त्यस्तै, गुह्येश्वरी क्षेत्रअन्तर्गत हवाइजहाज पार्किङका लागि २२ मिटर खाडल पुर्ने काम भइरहेको प्रवक्ता केसीले बताए । जडीबुटी र कोटेश्वर क्षेत्रमा विस्तारसम्बन्धी काम धमाधम भइरहेको छ । नेपालमा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल हाल एउटैमात्र भएको हुँदा दिवा समयमा विस्तारको काम गर्दा असर पुग्ने भएकाले रात्रि समयमा मात्रै काम गर्नुपर्ने बाध्यता रहेको केसीको गुनासो छ । “एप्रोच लाइट हटाउने काम रातिमात्रै भइरहेको छ, यसले गर्दा काम ढिलो रुपमा अघि बढिरहेको छ,” उनले भने । निकट भविष्यमा सो धावनमार्गलाई ट्याक्सी मार्गसँग समानान्तर रुपमा जोड्ने योजना रहेको केसीले सुनाए । गुह्येवरीतर्फ धावनमार्गको विस्तारपछि २० वटाभन्दा बढी हवाइजहाज पार्किङ गर्न सकिने बताइन्छ । यसका लागि त्यहाँ माटो ओसारपसारको काम भइरहेको छ । विमानस्थल सुधार परियोजनाअन्तगर्तको पहिलो परियोजना सन् २०१३ देखि सन् २०१७ सम्ममा सम्पन्न गर्ने समयसीमा भएपनि लक्ष्यअनुसारको काम भने हुन सकिरहेको छैन । यसो हुनुमा देशमा हुने राजनीतिक, आर्थिक, प्राकृतिक, सामाजिक तथा सांस्कृतिक पक्षले असर पारेको प्रवक्ता केसीको भनाइ छ । यद्यपि तोकिएको समयसीमाभित्रै परियोजना सम्पन्न गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता नेपाल नागरिक उड्डयन प्राधिकरणको छ । आगामी दिनमा दुईवटा कन्भेयर बेल्ट थप्ने योजना प्राधिकरणको छ । यसका लागि आइनेको कम्पनीले बोलपत्र हाल्ने सहमति जनाइसकेको छ । उपलब्ध सीमित स्रोत र साधनको उच्चतम प्रयोग गरी त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलले सन् २०१० देखि सन् २०२८ सम्ममा सम्पन्न गर्ने गरी विमानस्थल सुधार गुरुयोजना ल्याएको थियो । सो गुरुयोजनामा सिमिकोट र राराको विमानस्थलसमेत सुधार गर्ने कार्यक्रम छ । यसका लागि तीन चरणमा कार्यक्रमलाई छुट्याइएको छ । पहिलो चरणअन्तर्गतको आइसिपी १ को कामलाई बढी प्राथमिकता दिइएको छ भने पहिलो चरणकै आइसिबी २ को काम भने समापन भइसकेको छ । आइसिबी १ को कार्यक्रम सन् २०१७ मार्च १६ मा सम्पन्न हुनेछ । यो परियोजनाका लागि ६१ मिलियन अमेरिकी डलर बजेट छुट्याइएको छ । यो रकम एसियाली विकास बैंकबाट ऋणस्वरुप प्राप्त भएको छ । यसमा सान जोसे र एसए स्पेनले करारमा काम गरिरहेका छन् । त्यस्तै, जापान एयरपोर्ट कन्सल्टेन्ट र जिइओसिइ कन्सल्टेन्टका रुपमा काम गरिरहेका छन् । रासस

त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल धावनमार्ग विस्तार

माघ २६, काठमाडौँ  – त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल सुधार परियोजनाअन्तर्गत काठमाडौँको गुह्येश्वरी, जडीबुटी र कोटेश्वर क्षेत्रको धावनमार्ग विस्तारका क्रममा छन् । उक्त परियोजनाको ‘आइसिबी १’ अन्तर्गतको कार्यक्रम अहिले सञ्चालन भइरहेको छ । जडीबुटी र कोटेश्वर क्षेत्रमा ३०० मिटरको धावनमार्ग विस्तार गर्ने योजना छ । यसअनुसार अहिले २५ मिटरको खाडल पुर्ने काम भइरहेको छ । त्यस्तै, गुह्येश्वरी क्षेत्रअन्तर्गत हवाइजहाज पार्किङका लागि २२ मिटर खाडल पुर्ने काम भइरहेको प्रवक्ता केसीले बताए ।“एप्रोच लाइट हटाउने काम रातिमात्रै भइरहेको छ, यसले गर्दा काम ढिलो रुपमा अघि बढिरहेको छ,” उनले भने । निकट भविष्यमा सो धावनमार्गलाई ट्याक्सी मार्गसँग समानान्तर रुपमा जोड्ने योजना रहेको केसीले सुनाए । गुह्येवरीतर्फ धावनमार्गको विस्तारपछि २० वटाभन्दा बढी हवाइजहाज पार्किङ गर्न सकिने बताइन्छ । यसका लागि त्यहाँ माटो ओसारपसारको काम भइरहेको छ ।Nepal Airlince

विमानस्थल सुधार परियोजनाअन्तगर्तको पहिलो परियोजना सन् २०१३ देखि सन् २०१७ सम्ममा सम्पन्न गर्ने समयसीमा भएपनि लक्ष्यअनुसारको काम भने हुन सकिरहेको छैन । यद्यपि तोकिएको समयसीमाभित्रै परियोजना सम्पन्न गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता नेपाल नागरिक उड्डयन प्राधिकरणको छ । आगामी दिनमा दुईवटा कन्भेयर बेल्ट थप्ने योजना प्राधिकरणको छ । यसका लागि आइनेको कम्पनीले बोलपत्र हाल्ने सहमति जनाइसकेको छ ।

PATA in Bhutan

PATA Adventure Travel Mart complete in Bhutan

February 9, 2015, Nepal’s tourism products showcased in PATA Adventure Travel Mart in Bhutan
Showcasing tourism attractions with a definite brand image of Nepal as
Adventure Capital of the world, Nepal Tourism Board along with fifteen
private companies participated in PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible
Tourism Conference and Mart in Thimpu, Bhutan, from February 4 to 7, 2015.
The conference not only deliberated on various issues pertaining adventure
tourism but also highlighted travelers’ preference and latest updates on
global tourism trend in the Asia Pacific region.

While visiting Nepal stall during the mart, Prime Minister of Bhutan
Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay showed keen interest in tourism trend of Nepal
and expressed, “we should work together for the mutual benefits of both the

Nepal had the largest number of participants in the mart and had the
opportunity to network with global buyers from Europe, US, Australia,
Russia, Thailand and India. Interest shown could immediately be cashed
because of growing flight connectivity in the region. Nepal being the
leader of adventure products and activities in the world made a dauntless
presence in the conference and mart and showcased the inexhaustible
treasures in the international forum.


ग्रेटर पोखरा अभियान संचालनमा

काठमाडौं : नेपालको प्रमुख पर्यटकीय गन्तव्य पोखराको प्रवद्र्धन गर्न सरकारले ग्रेटर पोखराको अवधारणा अगाडि सारेको छ। भैरहवामा गौतमबुद्ध विमानस्थल निर्माण हुने र यस क्षेत्रमा पर्यटकीय गतिविधि बढाउन बृहत् योजना आइरहेकाले अर्को पर्यटकीय गन्तव्य पोखरामा पनि नयाँ अवधारणा ल्याउन लागिएको संस्कृति पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्डयन मन्त्रालयले जानकारी दिएको छ।

नेपाल आइपुगेका पर्यटकलाई काठमाडौं, चितवन, लुम्बिनी र पोखरा लैजान एकपछि अर्को नयाँ अवधारणा अघि सार्दै जाने मन्त्रालयका पदाधिकारीको भनाइ छ। पहिलो चरणमा ‘ग्रेटर पोखरा’को अवधारण अगाडि सारिएको पर्यटन मन्त्रालयका उपसचिव राजेन्द्र सिग्देलले बताए।  उनका अनुसार १० वर्षदेखि पोखरामा कुनै पनि नयाँ पर्यटकीय गतिविधि नबढेकोले थप योजना ल्याउन यो अवधारणा अगाडि सारिएको हो। पोखरामा क्षेत्रीय अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलसमेत निर्माण हुने भएको छ। विमानस्थल निर्माणपछि पोखरा आउने पर्यटकको बसाइ बढाउन पनि नयाँ पर्यटकीय योजना आवश्यक परेको मन्त्रालयको बुझाइ छ। नेपाल आइपुगेका पर्यटकलाई काठमाडौं, चितवन, लुम्बिनी र पोखरा लैजान एकपछि अर्को नयाँ अवधारणा अघि सार्दै जाने सरकारी योजना छ।
luxury coach buses

पर्यटक यातायातमा भ्याट छुटको माग

२३ माघ, काठमाडौं – पर्यटन यातायात व्यवसायीले विगतका बर्षहरुको कारोबार स्वघोषणा गरि आयकर तिरेमा मुल्य अभिबृद्घि कर नलाग्ने व्यबस्था गर्न सरकार संग माग गरेका छन् । राजधानिमा आयोजीत एक अन्र्तकृया कार्यक्रममा नेपाल पर्यटन व्यबसायी संघका अध्यक्ष रामशरण कार्कीले व्यबसायीहरुलाई समयसिमा तोकि मुल्य अभिबृद्घी कर लगायत अन्यकरको दायरामा ल्याई दर्ता हुनु अधिको आयकर मात्र तिरे पुग्ने व्यबस्था गर्न आग्रह गरे । उक्त कार्यक्रममा नेपाल चेम्बर अफ कर्मस का सचिब परशुराम दाहालले व्यबसाय दर्ता देखि खारेजी सम्मको प्रकृया बारे यातायात व्यबस्था बिभागले प्रस्ट पारेकोमा आफु अत्यन्तै खुसि भएको जानकारी पत्रकारहरुमाझ बताए ।

Pata. Pata jpg

“Russia-Nepal Tourism Exchange” Interaction Program was organized by PATA Nepal Chapter in partnership with NTB

His Excellency Dr. Sergey Vasilievich Velichkin, The Russian Ambassador to Nepal graced the event and it was attended by 100 participants from the travel and trade fraternity, tourism colleges and media houses. Presidents and General Secretaries from all major Tourism Associations were present and a few also shared their thoughts and knowledge on the Russian Market. Participants were given the opportunity to put forward their query and feedback to the team organizing the interaction program at the end of the event which gave the feeling of inclusion and was a two way interaction program appreciated by all.

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Mr. Suman Pandey- Chairman PATA Nepal Chapter gave an insight on PATA as an international association of Tourism with Private- Public partnership approach and acting as a Catalyst of the responsible development of Tourism in Asia and the Pacific Region. Today, PATA has 42 chapters active in the world that includes memberships from governments, tourism boards, authorities, airlines, hospitality, travel industry, media and others. PATA builds Business for members, PATA helps in building your Brand, PATA helps building People through trainings, PATA brings Network of industry people to your benefit and PATA provides valuable Insights, forecasts and analysis to help members take better business decisions. PATA involves in sales missions, trade shows, familiarization trips, new market exploration. He stated that “as of my experience with Russian People, I remember that they are the strongest climbers. I had the privilege to work with Russian climbers in1988 when they traversed all four peaks of Mt. Kanchenjunga with the team of 40 climbers making almost 43 successful summit attempts. After this, Russian climbers haven’t left any unclimbed or extra challenging ridge or face of high mountains in the Himalayas”.


Mr. Ang Chhiring Sherpa, President of Nepal Mountaineering Association- NMA spoke further that the Russian veteran mountaineers are very enthusiastic since the beginning. Nepal has opened its peaks to westerners in 1949 and the most popular activity has always been mountaineering. Since, the biggest historical event on 4th May 1982 with 11 Russian people climbing Mt. Everest, the desire to climb Everest grew even more and lured more westerners. It is a dream of every mountaineer to scale the highest mountain in the world. Mr. Sherpa expressed that 10,200 meters long exotic drama exists in Nepal which includes 16 peaks above 8,000 meters. Mt. Everest has put Nepal as the 12th ultimate desired destinations in the world.


Mr Ashok Pokharel, President of Nepal Association of Tour Operators-NATO put forward his views as a country with 140 million people; Russia is the 9th largest market in the market and is the top 5 performers worldwide anticipated till 2017. As per Mr. Pokharel, from January to August 2013 a drop of 6 percent in Russian tourist was recorded in Nepal. So, he raised a general question that we need to find out if we are the suitable market for Russia or are we catering to the right people. Russians are good consumers in terms of food, drinks and shopping and above all a safe market to approach making them a high yield market.

Mr Aditya Baral, Senior Director of Nepal Tourism Board- NTB congratulated the PATA Nepal Chapter team for this interaction program wherein he thanked the active commitment to lead the Nepal team to MITT 2014 this year as NTB was looking at cancelling the event from their end. He further urged the stake holders to come forward with logic proposals targeting markets that are less explored or upcoming markets that Nepal can look at and he will do all he can to provide the necessary support from NTB. Russia he said, has immense prospects, but we have been losing market due to no direct flights connecting the two countries.

His Excellency Dr. Sergey Vasilievich Velichkin, Russian Ambassador to Nepal assured that he is very keen in partnering for promoting tourism in Russia. It is about the friendship and trust and ties and values in this crucial time. He further stated that Russia takes Nepal as an important partner. His Excellency stated that a successful promotion has already been made in marketing Nepal as a tourism destination but we need to take further more than that. It needs more effort than now to bring the visible changes. As for Aeroflot, he had made a lot of effort to resume the flight but because of the low business possibility he could not succeed.

His Excellency gave an example of Egypt and Turkey on how these countries took a u turn on increasing number of tourists in their country by aggressive marketing and Nepal too should do the same. His Excellency praised PATA Nepal Chapter on taking the lead for MITT2014 and gave his word on getting good buyers to the stall from Russian Chamber of Trade and Industry.

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पञ्चासेमा ‘होम स्टे’ आकर्षण बढ्दो

माघ १३, कास्कीका विभिन्न गाउँका स्थानीयरू होम स्टेको प्रवद्र्धनमा लागेका छन् । पछिल्लो समय आन्तरिक तथा बाह्य पर्यटक गाउँगाउँमा गएर होम स्टेमा बस्ने क्रम बढेसँगै स्थानीयबासी यसतर्फ जुटेका हुन् । स्थानीयस्तरमै उत्पादित खाना खुवाएर उनीहरूले पर्यटकलाई स्वागत गर्ने गरेका छन् । जैविक विविधता, वन वातावरण, स्थानीय सस्कृति र खानामा रमाउन पछिल्लो समयमा पञ्चासे जाने आन्तरिक तथा बा≈य पर्यटकको सङ्ख्या बढ्दै गएको छ ।पञ्चासे क्षेत्रमा हाल नेपालमै पहिलोपटक पारिस्थितिक प्रणालीमा आधारित अनुकूलन कार्यक्रम (ईबीए) सञ्चालित छ । परियोजनाअन्र्तगत कृषि, पर्यटन, वनलगायत क्षेत्रमा विभिन्न कार्य भइरहेको छ ।

जिल्ला कृषि विकास कार्यालय कास्कीका योजना अधिकृत नारायणबहादुर खत्रीले स्थानीय उत्पादनले पर्यटकलाई थप आकर्षित गर्ने दाबी गरे । होम स्टे कार्यक्रम र कृषि एकआपसमा जोडिएकाले कृषिलाई प्राथमिकता दिनुपर्ने उनको भनाइ छ । परियोजनाको स्थानीय साझेदार माछापुच्छ्रे विकास सङ्घका कार्यकारी निर्देशक दिलबहादुर भट्टराईले होम स्टे प्रवद्र्धनका लागि विभिन्न कार्यक्रम सञ्चालन गरिएको जानकारी दिए । पञ्चासे क्षेत्रमा पर्वत र कास्कीमा गरी सात स्थानमा होम स्टे सञ्चालनमा छ । होम स्टेमा करीब २ सय ५० जनालाई एकैपटक सेवा दिन सकिने पञ्चासे क्षेत्र विकास समितिका अध्यक्ष गोपाल गुरुङले जानकारी दिए ।

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