चीनको रसायनिक कारखाना विस्फोट

चीनको रसायनिक कारखाना विस्फोट

स्रोतः कान्तिपुर, चीनको जिआङसु प्रान्तको पूर्वी इलाकामा रहेको याङचेङ शहरमा रसायनिक कारखानामा विस्फोट हुदा ६४ जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ । विस्फोट निकै शक्तिशाली भएको १२ घण्टापछि मात्र आगो नियन्त्रणमा लिइएको चिनियाँ सरकारी टेलिभिजनले जनाएको छ । २१ जनाको स्थिति चिन्ताजनक रहेको र ७३ जनाको गम्भीर घाइते भएको अस्पताबाट जानकारी दिएको छ । पाँच सय भन्दा बढी व्यक्ति उपचारपछि घर फर्किसकेको छ ।  चीनमा यस्ता उद्योगहरुमा सुरक्षा व्यवस्थामा कमजोर भएको कारण औद्योगिक दुर्घटनाहरू भइरहेको पाइन्छ ।

China tour bus disaster – 26 killed

According to Hunan provincial officials and local police, 26 people were killed and 28 injured after a tour bus caught fire on a highway in central China’s province.

The fire happened at around 7:15pm Friday along a stretch of Hanshou County in the city of Changde. Aboard were 56 people, including 53 passengers, a tour guide and two drivers, both of whom have been detained as authorities investigate the cause of the accident. Photos from the scene show the 59-seater bus’s interior completely charred, possibly indicating the fire started with materials on board. Industrial and transport safety remain major problems in China.

‘Holi’ Celebrate with flowers- deepak neupane

Deepak Neupane, Kathmandu : No pichkaris, no water balloons or bags, no gulal — in short, a dry Holi with no colours. Moving over wet-and-wild Holi, residents of Cuffe Parade will celebrate the festival without water to protect the environment.
Embrace a dry-and-delightful festival by opting for the Tilak Holi. It is the most simple and convenient way to celebrate the festival by just applying tilak on the forehead. This will save the tons of water used for celebration and later for cleaning and will also keep the environment clean.

Mr. Deepak Neupane

“We play Holi by throwing petals on each other. This way, we will avoid wastage of water. Once we are done with celebration, the petals will be composted and converted into manure,” said Padmakar Nandekar, secretary general of Cuffe Parade Residents Association (CPRA). 

On the day of the festival, around 200 members of the association will gather in a garden maintained by them to celebrate the festival where 10 kgs of rose and marigold petals are waiting to be thrown at each other. Ones who want to celebrate it the traditional way, opt for tilak Holi.

‘Holi’ Celebrate with flowers

Kolis in the village of Worli Koliwada are amongst those who celebrate the festival one day before. “We celebrate Kombar Holi a day before. Women from the community take the lead in these celebrations, where they take a matki (pot) on their head and roam around the village. They carry coconut, sugarcane among other things and offer in the holy pyre lit in the market place,” said Marshal Koli from the Worli Koliwada.

सुन चाँदीको मूल्यमा गिरावट

काठमाडौँ : नेपाल सुन चाँदी व्यवसायी महासंघले आईतबारको तुलनामा सुन प्रति तोला ८ सय रुपैयाँमा कारोबार भैरहेको छ । सुन चाँदीको मूल्य घटेको छ । छापावाला सुन प्रति तोला ५९ हजार ८ सय रुपैयाँमा कारोबार भैरहेको छ भने तेजावी सुन ५९ हजार ५ सय रुपैयाँमा कारोबार भैरहेको छ । चाँदीको ५ रुपैयाँले कारोबार भैरहेको छ ।

इन्डोनेसियामा बाढीले कम्तीमा ७३ जनाको मृत्यु

इन्डोनेसियाको पूर्वी प्रान्त पपुआमा शनिबार साँझबाट आएको बाढीले कम्तीमा ७३ जनाको ज्यान गएको छ । ६० जना हराइरहेका छन् । लगातारको वर्षाले बाढीको खतरा बढेपछि जोखिमयुक्त स्थानका बासिन्दालाई सरकारले सुरक्षित स्थान रोज्न भनेको छ । करिब ४ हजारले बासस्थान छाडेर सुरक्षित स्थान रोजिसकेका छन् । बाढीग्रस्त क्षेत्रमा कैयन हताहती भएको अनुमान गरिएको छ । तर, ती क्षेत्रहरुमा सिर्जित प्रतिकूलताका कारण उद्धार टोली पुग्न सकेको छैन।

Five-Page Checklist of Shots Her Wedding Photographer

That supremely picky bride recently shared an oh-so-helpful post on Facebook in which she detailed her plan to withhold payment from her photographer unless they capture every single shot she requests, from pre-ceremony to the reception, meticulously outlined in a five-page checklist. Yep: Five. Pages. The same rules apply to the videographer; she wrote that the video-specific list will not only include which shots she wants, but exactly how she wants them recorded and edited. You know, because that sort of creative process should definitely not be left to the trained professionals she hired for the job.

There are plenty of horror stories out there about newlyweds who paid astronomical amounts of money for professional wedding photographers and videographers to shoot their big day, only to receive the proofs a few weeks later and hate every shot. Perhaps even more horrific, however, is one bride-to-be’s attempt to avoid this nightmare by creating a nightmarish situation herself.

“This is a one time thing and I want to make sure I have every picture and video shot I wanted,” she wrote, according to screenshots obtained by The Irish Sun. “Hope this helps someone who may have passed this up in their planning process.” The accompanying checklist includes lists of “Photography Poses” of the bride and groom with nearly every possible combination of bridal party members and relatives.

The post was soon shared to a wedding-shaming Facebook group, where it was, obviously, ripped apart. “That’s not how it works,” one wedding photographer commented, per the Sun. “I would walk out of there. We take a ‘requested photos’ list but sometimes a shot just doesn’t happen the way someone envisions it.” Other members of the group noted that, typically, photographers’ contracts have stipulations about these exact situations, ensuring that they’re paid in full before the wedding. One suggested, “Just let the professionals do their job and don’t hire people you don’t trust.”

Yet another wedding photographer perfectly summed up the group’s frustration: “This is why I don’t photograph weddings anymore. This, right here.”

For the record, there’s nothing wrong with creating a (reasonable) list of shots you want your photographer and videographer to do their very best to capture (here are a few examples of what to put on that list). Just make sure it’s not a ridiculous five pages long, and definitely do not withhold payment until those shots are in your hands. Sure, you want to capture those once-in-a-lifetime moments, but it’s not the end of the world if you don’t have snapshots of you with every single possible combination of wedding guests in your album.

काठमाडौं तारकेश्वरमा बर्डफ्लु

४ चैत, काठमाडौं : काठमाडौंको ताकेश्वरका दुई कुखुरा पोल्ट्रीफार्ममा बर्डफ्लु
भएको पुष्टि भएको छ । अहिलेसम्म पालिएका कुखुरामा बर्डफ्लुको संक्रमण भएको पुष्टि भएको छ । बर्डफ्लुको लक्षण देखिन थालेकाले अन्य फमहरुमा परिक्षण सुरु गरिएको छ । बर्डफ्लु भएको पुष्टि भएपछि सो प्रभावित क्षेत्रमा रहेका पोल्ट्रीफार्मका कुखुरा नष्ट गर्ने काम भइरहेको छ । हेक बषै कुखुरा पालक बिसानलाई यो समस्याले व्यवसाय धरापमा पादै आएको छ ।

The Nile Bridge part of Global Greening for St. Patrick’s Day

The Embassy of Ireland in Uganda, in partnership with the Uganda Tourism Board (UTB) and the Uganda National Roads Authority, illuminated the “Source of the Nile” Bridge green ahead of Ireland’s national day, St. Patrick’s Day, which takes place annually on March 17. This marks the fifth year that Uganda has participated in the Global Greening initiative, an event that sees over 300 famous landmarks and iconic sites across the world go green for March 17. In the past, these have included the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids in Egypt, Table Mountain in South Africa, and the Equator Monument in Uganda, among others. The Source of the Nile Bridge monument was chosen as a unique symbol of a bridge between two peoples and two nations, bringing Ireland and Uganda closer together. The River Nile is a major source of tourism, and Ireland is privileged to bring attention to this distinctive aspect of Uganda’s geography and culture.

The event is a boost to both Uganda and Ireland’s tourism as images of the activity are shared across the world. Images will also feature on the website and social media sites of the Embassy of Ireland to Uganda, the Tourism Ireland website, and several news media channels around the world.

Ambassador William Carlos shared: “We are very excited to be partnering with UTB once again on the Global Greening and to have identified such an iconic landmark as the Source of the Nile Bridge. The Bridge is a symbol of two nations and two peoples forging a connection and a friendship. The River Nile is a great source of tourism in Uganda, and we are delighted to shine a green light on it.”

Lilly Ajarova, UTB Chief Executive Officer, welcomed the partnership with the Embassy of Ireland, noting “Uganda’s participation in this Irish greening initiative is part of our long working relationship with the Embassy of Ireland. The greening initiative has supported us to showcase our unique tourism attractions to the whole world. We are delighted that the new Source of the Nile Bridge will be the greened attraction this year,” she said, adding, “We wish the Irish a great St. Patrick’s Day.”

The eagerness of cities and countries worldwide to take part in the Global Greening initiative underlines the strength of the deep connection that people all over the world feel to Ireland. More than 70 million people around the world claim links to the island of Ireland and St. Patrick’s Day is a truly unique opportunity to connect these people and others worldwide with Irish culture and heritage.

बसमा विद्युत तार सर्ट भएर आगलागी

कर्णाली राजमार्गको हुड्केमा सुर्खेतदेखि कालिकोट जाँदै गरेको बा४ख ८७८ नम्बरको
बसमा आज दिउँसो विद्युत तार सर्ट भएर आगलागी भएको छ । सुर्खेत जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयका अनुसार समयमै यात्रुहरु झरेका कारण मानवीय क्षति नभएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । घटनास्थमा प्रहरी पुगी घटनाबारे अध्ययनका साथै सहायताको काम गरिरहेको छ।

मकवानपुरमा बर्डफ्लु भेटिएपछि

१ चैत, वीरगञ्ज : छिमेकी जिल्ला मकवानपुरमा बर्डफ्लु भेटिएपछि जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय, पर्साले सतर्कता अपनाउन सबैमा आग्रह गरेको छ । कुखुराको नमूना परीक्षणका क्रममा बर्डफ्लु भेटिएको छ । पर्साको जानकीटोला, भिश्वा, इनर्वालगायत नाकाबाट अवैध रुपमा कुखुरा, चल्ला र अण्डा तस्करी हुने गरेको कुखुरा व्यवसायीहरु बताउँछन् । कुखुरा व्यवसायी संघ, पर्साका अध्यक्ष मुन्ना चौरसियाले मकवानपुरमा बर्डफ्लूको संक्रमण देखिएपछि काठमाडौं जाने कुखुरा बर्दिबास हुँदै पठाउन थालिएको छ । पटक पटक आग्रह गर्दा पनि भारतबाट अवैध रुपमा भित्रिने बर्डफ्लु भित्रिने गरेको हो ।