कोरोना भाइरस संक्रमणको जोखिमका कारण घोडेजात्रा प्रभाबित

कोरोना भाइरस संक्रमणको जोखिमका कारण घोडेजात्रा प्रभाबित

१० चैत, काठमाडौं : काठमाडौंमा उपत्यकामा मनाइने सांस्कृतिक पर्व घोडेजात्रा कोरोना भाइरस संक्रमणको जोखिमका कारण कटौती गरिएको छ । नेपाली सेनाले हरेक वर्ष टुँडीखेलमा विशेष समारोह आयोजना गर्दछ । कार्यक्रममा राष्ट्रपति, उपराष्ट्रपति, प्रधानमन्त्री, प्रधानन्यायाधीश, सभामुख, मन्त्रीहरु, कुटनीतिज्ञहरु, कर्मचारीहरुलगायतको उपस्थिति हुने गर्दथ्यो । घोडेजात्राको अवसरमा सरकारले काठमाडौं उपत्यकामा सार्वजनिक विदा दिँदै आएको छ ।
घोडेजात्राको अवसरमा सरकारले काठमाडौं उपत्यकामा सार्वजनिक विदा दिँदै आएको छ ।

कोरोना भाइरसको त्रासका कारण काठमाडौं छाड्नेको ओइरो

कोरोना भाइरसको त्रासका कारण काठमाडौं छाड्नेको ओइरो लागेको छ । बसपार्कमा टिकट किन्नका लागि मारामार छ । काठमाडौं छाड्नेको यस्तै ओइरो लागेको छ । यता काठमाडौंमा पनि विगबार्ट लगायतका स्टोरहरुमा आयलहरु खाली देखिन लागेका छन् ।


Government of Honduras reinforces measures in response to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

  • More than 4200 tests entered the country
  • Biomedical equipment, protection kits and shelters are some of the actions taken for infected patients and healthcare providers.

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, March 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — As part of the prevention and care measures for current and potential cases of Covid-19, the Honduran government brought to the country additional new biomedical equipment for the health care of novel coronavirus patients.

The equipment has already arrived in Honduras and consists of 140 machines respirators, 140 mechanical fans and 90 vacuum suction mucus suckers.

(PRNewsfoto/President Juan Orlando Hernández)
(PRNewsfoto/President Juan Orlando Hernández)

In addition, for the protection of the frontline healthcare workers treating confirmed and suspected cases, the Government distributed more than 10,000 medical kits for hospitals and clinics nationwide.

Honduras issued a country-wide red alert for two weeks on Saturday to contain the spread of the coronavirus in the Central American country.

Yesterday´s afternoon, a first case in San Pedro Sula was confirmed, totaling nine confirmed cases nationwide. All cases have been placed under medical observation and self-quarantine, and the curfew has been extended to San Pedro Sula, Central District, La Ceiba and Choluteca.

The rest of the country remains on alert, with restrictions limiting mobilization and circulation, with the exception of essential activities such as buying supplies and medicines during daylight hours.

President Juan Orlando Hernández urged the population to remain calm and avoid spreading alarming false rumors or speculations. “It is very important to stay at home, be aware of updated information from official sources and follow the prevention advices issued by the Ministry of Health,” said the Honduran president.

President Hernández and other officials have addressed the nation on regular basis on media briefings. The government also opened the site www.covid19honduras.org

नेपालमा हालसम्म ५ सय ८० को परीक्षण, सबैको रिपोर्ट नेगेटिभ

कोरोना भाइरसको सम्भावित जोखिम रोकथामका लागि परीक्षण कार्यलाई तीब्रता दिएको छ ।
शुक्रबार ३३ जनाको परीक्षण भएकोमा सबैको रिपोर्ट नेगेटिभ आएको थियो । हालसम्म ५ सय ८० जनाको रिपोर्ट सार्वजनिक भएको छ । कसैलाई पनि कोरोना पोजेटिभ देखिएको छैन ।

हाल कोरोना परीक्षण गर्ने मेसिनमा एउटा पीसीआरमा एकपटकमा ९६ जनाको परीक्षण गर्न मिल्छ । टेकु प्रयोगशालामा ३ वटा पीसीआर मेसिन छ । १२ घण्टामा २ सय ८८ वटा परीक्षण गर्न सकिन्छ । बिरामीको थ्रोट स्वायब अर्थात घाँटीको ¥याल पीसीआर मेसिनमा १२ घण्टा राखेपछि रिपोर्ट निस्किन्छ । अन्य भेरिफिकेसन लगायत कामले अहिले २४ घण्टामा रिपोर्ट दिने गरिएको राष्ट्रिय जनस्वास्थ्य प्रयोगशाला टेकुका प्रवक्ता राजेशकुमार गुप्ताले जानकारी दिनुभयो ।

संक्रमणबारे भ्रमपूर्ण अडियो सार्वजनिक गर्ने मगर प्रहरी नियन्त्रणमा

काठमाडौं, ८ चैत : कोरोना भाइरस संक्रमणबारे भ्रमपूर्ण अडियो सार्वजनिक गर्ने एक युवकलाई प्रहरीले नियन्त्रणमा लिएको छ । सामाजिक सञ्जालमार्फत सार्वजनिक गरेर भाइरल बनाउने एक युवकलाई प्रहरीले नियन्त्रणमा लिएको छ । रामेछाप घर भई भक्तपुरको सिपाडोल बस्दै आएका २० वर्षीय युवक विवेक थापा मगरलाई कोरोना भाइरसबारेको भ्रमपूर्ण न्यूजमा आफ्नो आवाज दिएर सामाजिक सञ्जालमार्फत फैलाएको भन्दै नेपाल प्रहरीको साइबर ब्युरोले नियन्त्रणमा लिएको छ ।
शनिबार विहान ८ बजेदेखि सामाजिक सञ्जालमा भाइरल बनेको उक्त अडियो एक अनलाइन पोर्टलमार्फत सार्वजनिक भएको थियो ।

मास्कको भरमा कोरोना चेकजाँच सीमानाकामा

नेपालगञ्ज, ०८ चैत : कोरोना भाइरसको सम्भावित संक्रमण रोक्न सामान्य चेकजाँच र रोकथामका लागि खटाइएकाहरुका लागि सामान्य विधि पनि राज्यले पूरा गर्न नसक्दा चेकजाँचमा खटिएकाहरु स्वयम जोखिम मोल्दै काम गर्दै आएका छन् । नेपाल भारतको सीमानाकामा कोरोना भाइरस (कोभिड–१९’ को चेकजाँचमा खटिएका नेपाली सेना, नेपाल प्रहरी, सशस्त्र प्रहरी, स्वास्थ्यकर्मी, कर्मचारीलाई सामान्य मास्क बाहेक केही उपलव्ध नभएको पाइएको छ ।
नेपाल भारत सीमानाका नेपालगञ्ज भन्सार नाकामा स्वास्थ्यकर्मी, नेपाली सेना, सशस्त्र प्रहरी, नेपाल प्रहरी र कर्मचारीलाई सामान्य उपकरण मास्क बाहेक कुनै पनि उपकरण उपलब्ध नगराउँदा आफुहरु नै जोखिम मोल्दै काम गर्दै आएको बताउछन् । कोरोना भाइरसको जोखिम रोक्न नेपालगञ्ज भारत नाका जमुनाहामा शनिवारदेखि नेपाली सेना परिचालन गरी चेकजाँचमा कडाई गरिएको छ ।

Italy orders new restrictions COVID-19

New restrictions across Italy to counter and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus have been adopted tonight with an order signed by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. “It is necessary to do even more to contain the infection,”  said the minister. “Ensuring effective social distancing is fundamental to fighting the spread of the virus. Everyone’s behavior is essential to winning the battle”.

The following are the measures established in the ordinance, which will be valid until March 25:

  • public access to parks, villas, play areas and public gardens is prohibited;
  • it is not allowed to carry out recreational or outdoor activities; it is still allowed to carry out individual motor activities in the vicinity of one’s home, provided that, in any case, respecting the distance of at least one meter from each other person;
  • the food and beverage service establishments, located inside the railway and lake stations, as well as in the service and refueling areas, are closed, with the exception of those located along the motorways, which can only sell take-away products to be combined with the outside the premises;
  • those located in hospitals and airports remain open, with the obligation to ensure compliance with the interpersonal distance of at least one meter in any case;
  • on holidays, as well as on those days that immediately precede or follow such days, any movement to homes other than the main one, including the second houses used for holidays, is prohibited.

The decision to reopen the schools could be canceled for the 2020 calendar year

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Study or Work in Hong Kong? Your Family Will Be Investigated

The pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong have quieted down amid the novel coronavirus epidemic, but the authorities don’t cease cracking down on protesters. On February 28, Jimmy Lai Chee-ying, the owner of Hong Kong’s Next Media Group that publishes the pro-democracy newspaper and website Apple Daily, was taken into custody along with two other activists. The three men, who were later released on bail, were accused of taking part in an unauthorized protest last August.

Jimmy Lai Chee-ying was arrested on February 28

The CCP also applies suppressive measures against residents in mainland China, who are investigated for “supporting Hong Kong rioters.” Even if their alleged “crimes” occurred months ago.

Guilt by association

In early November, the police investigated a woman from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region because her son was studying in Hong Kong. She was asked about her son’s opinion on the pro-democracy movement and was told to write a statement promising to ensure that her son would not participate in demonstrations. She was also demanded to tell her son not to express his opinion about the government on social media and over the phone. Otherwise, this would become “a lifetime stain,” and all his relatives in China would be implicated.

Since then, the police frequently summoned the woman to talk about her son. Officers told her that other parents whose children studied in Hong Kong were under similar investigations.

A resident of Jining, a prefecture-level city in the eastern province of Shandong, told Bitter Winter that in November, government employees asked her to disclose personal information about her son who is working in Hong Kong, including his phone number. They claimed that such data about all Shandong natives in Hong Kong is being collected throughout the province.

A source from the Beijing government told Bitter Winter that personnel from state institutions are in Hong Kong investigating those involved in the pro-democracy movement. He also said that mainland-based relatives of the students in Hong Kong who are known to have participated in the protests would be punished based on “guilt by association.” If among them are government employees, they will be dismissed from offices, and their children will not be allowed to seek higher education, serve in the army, or become CCP members; if they are retired, their pensions will be suspended.

Punished for reposting news

In November, the police investigated a woman from the central province of Henan for reposting an article about Hong Kong protests three months ago. The officers checked everything saved on her cellphone and asked her to write a statement promising not to repost similar information in the future, threatening to arrest her if she did. The woman’s friend, who had shared the article with her, was kept in custody for seven days.

“Just because I reposted an article, officers from a police station 300 kilometers away came to my workplace to investigate me,” the woman said with anger. “What’s wrong with the article which tells the truth? Reposting it shouldn’t make me an offender, but the government focuses on such things.”

Police are interrogating people detained for reposting news about Hong Kong protests
Police are interrogating people detained for reposting news about Hong Kong protests.

A self-employed businessman from the eastern province of Jiangxi told Bitter Winter that he and his friend were kept in custody for twelve and ten days, respectively, for posting news about Hong Kong protests in November. They were charged with “disturbing public order.” Other people in their WeChat group have also been detained on the same pretext.

Even saving messages about the pro-democracy movement on cellphones is considered a crime by the CCP. In January, a student from the mainland studying in Hong Kong was taken to a police station for questioning during a visit home because some information on his phone was deemed “sensitive.”

“Police officers checked my luggage and phone, and deleted everything about the protests, warning me not to discuss this topic or share any unauthorized news. I was told to trust the country,” the student explained.

Visitors to Hong Kong scrutinized

People from different parts of China reported to Bitter Winter that local authorities canceled their trips to Hong Kong during the height of pro-democracy protests, while others were investigated and even arrested after returning home to the mainland.

According to a member of the Great Praise Church, a house church in Xiangyang, a prefecture-level city in the central province of Hubei, the church’s pastor, surnamed Zhang, was arrested on August 23 for going to Hong Kong to attend a worship meeting. A house church preacher from Wuhan, the capital of Hubei, was questioned by the police for visiting Hong Kong in July. In November, the police investigated a house church pastor from the prefecture-level city of Qitaihe in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang after he returned from Hong Kong.

People in Hong Kong took to the streets

The CCP also uses other, less visible methods to control its citizens. A supervisor at an insurance company in Shandong Province told Bitter Winter that in August, the local Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued a notice, demanding all banks to stop providing money transfer services to the customers of Hong Kong’s insurance companies. This meant that people could only renew their service if they went to Hong Kong in person.

Heathrow Airport CCO issues COVID-19 Coronavirus statement

The Chief Commercial Officer of Heathrow Airport, Ross Baker, issued the following statement on the COVID-19 corona virus crisis: I’m writing to reassure you of our commitment to your safety and that of our colleagues in light of the current global Coronavirus (COVID 19) outbreak.

The safety and well being of our passengers and colleagues is always our number one priority which is why, since January, we’ve implemented a number of measures at the airport to keep you safe through this difficult time.

  • The provision of over 200 hand sanitizer dispenser locations across the airport
  • An increase to our, already thorough, cleaning procedures
  • Leaflets with advice handed to all passengers and Government information posters in place around the airport
  • Enhanced monitoring of all flights including early liaison with flight crews on suspected cases and the presence of Public Health England doctors and professionals
  • The creation of a dedicated, isolated, terminal pier area to be used by Public Health England medical professionals while liaising with suspected cases
  • Our Airport Fire Service have been provided with additional Personal Protection Equipment and training in case they are required to act as first responders to suspected cases.

All of our measures are in line with the official advice from Public Health England, who we continue to work closely with. While many of the measures may not be highly visible to passengers, rest assured they are in place and follow medical, clinically driven, advice. The best advice for you as passengers remains to maintain good hand hygiene, washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds with soap, and warm water if possible. If you’re feeling unwell, please follow Government advice and contact NHS 111 if needed.

The UK Government is now advising against all but essential travel to many countries, cities and regions. You can find out more information on this and other queries you may have around your journey via our dedicated information page on Corona virus

For Heathrow Express passengers, you can change your travel date free of charge. On behalf of all of my colleagues and our Team Heathrow partners, I’d like to thank you for your patience and support at this time.

एसईई परीक्षा स्थगित – विश्वविद्यालयको परीक्षा पनि स्थगित

५ चैत, काठमाडौं : चैत ६ गतेबाट सुरू हुने तय भएको परीक्षा कोरोना भाइरस (कोभिड १९)  को संक्रमण देखिने जोखिम बढेको सरकारले माध्यमिक शिक्षा (एसईई) परीक्षा स्थगित गरेको छ ।
कूल ८६ वटा विषयका करिब ५१ लाख सेट प्रश्नपत्र छपाइ गरी जिल्ला-जिल्ला पुगिसकेका थिए । सबै तयारी पुरा भइसकेको भएपनि परीक्षा सुरु हुने अघिल्लो दिन साँझ सरकारले स्थगितको निर्णय गरेको छ । चैत ६ गतेबाट सुरू हुने तय भएको परीक्षामा कूल चार लाख ८२ हजार ७०७ विद्यार्थी सहभागी हुँदै थिए । उनीहरू मध्ये कतिपय परीक्षा केन्द्र तोकिएको क्षेत्रमा पुगिसकेका थिए ।