भोलिदेखि उपत्यकामा सवारी जोर विजोर प्रणाली लागू

भोलिदेखि उपत्यकामा सवारी जोर विजोर प्रणाली लागू

२१ साउन, काठमाडौं : २६ असारबाट निजी सवारी साधनको जोर विजोर हटाएको  उपत्यकाभित्रमा  तीनवटै जिल्लामा  र उपत्यकाबाहिर २०० जना भन्दा  बढी सक्रिय कोरोना संक्रमित रहेको जिल्लाका सवारी साधन जोर विजोर प्रणाली लागू हुने गरेको छ । काठमाडौं उपत्यकाभित्रका तीनवटै जिल्लामा  र उपत्यकाबाहिर २०० जना भन्दा  बढी सक्रिय कोरोना संक्रमित रहेको जिल्लाका सवारी साधन जोर विजोर प्रणाली लागू हुनेछ । मंगलबार प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीले गरेको छलफलमा पनि विज्ञहरुले पूर्ण लकडाउन गर्नुको साटो स्वास्थ्य मापदण्डमा कडाई गर्न र जोरविजोर  लागू हुने गरेको छ ।  कोरोना संक्रमणको जोखिम बढेसँगै विज्ञहरुले जोर विजोर लागू गर्न सुझाएका थिए ।

South Africa Quarantine Facilities Have No Medical Staff

It has recently come to light that the Gauteng Department of Health (GDoH) failed to renew its contract with an NGO that supplies medical staff – primarily nurses – at more than 40 privately-run South Africa quarantine facilities in Gauteng. The GDoH was to have assumed responsibility for ensuring that nursing staff be provided to quarantine sites once the contract lapsed on Friday, July 31, 2020, however, to date, this has not materialized at a single site.

Instead, on Friday, all the privately-run quarantine sites in the province received a message from GDoH’s Johan van Coller, stating that “at 16h00 there will be no nurses at the NDoH quarantine sites. The contract with the NGO that was supplying the nurses came to an end. Please raise your concerns with the NDoH (National Department of Health), Mr. Khosa, and Mr. Mahlangu, due to [the fact] that the sites are run through the NDoH not the GDoH.” Van Coller went on to describe that his role was to provide statistics and information to the GDoH and to the NDoH, not to be involved in the procurement of nursing staff.

Since then, no medical personnel have been available at private quarantine sites contracted by the NDoH and the GDoH. The situation has become so worrisome for some facilities that they have resorted to hiring their own medical staff – both nurses and doctors – at a cost of R290,490 (US$16,728) for 4 nurses every 14 days to ensure that appropriate medical care can be provided to citizens in their care.

उपत्यकामा ३.५ रेक्टरको भूकम्प

आज दिउँसो ललितपुरको बगलामुखी केन्द्रविन्दु भएरभूकम्प गएको छ । राष्ट्रिय भूकम्प मापन तथा अनुसन्धान केन्द्रका अनुसार बुधबार दिउँसो साढे  ४ बजे ३.५ रेक्टरको भूकम्प गएको हो ।भूकम्पको धक्का उपत्यकाको विभिन्न स्थानमा महसुस गरिएको थियो । सानो म्याग्नीच्युडको भूकम्प भए पनि केन्द्रविन्दु नजिक भएकाले धक्का महसुस  गरिएको छ । 

२०७२ सालको भूकम्प पछि पटक-पटक गरी कैयौँ पटक यस्ता पराकम्पनहरु गइरहेको भनेतापनि यति लामो वर्षसम्म पनि पराकम्पन नै हो भन्न मिल्दैन नेपालको भौतिक धरातल लाई हेर्दा lake ठूलो भूकम्प हो भने ठुलो रुपमा धनजनको क्षति हुने सम्भावनालाई नकार्न सकिँदैन २०७२ सालको भूकम्प पछि पनि घनाबस्ती कै रुपमा रहेको काठमाडौंमा भूकम्पको जोखिम ज्यादै ठूलो रहेको छ । कोरोनाको महामारी सँगसँगै भुकम्पकाे पनि महामारी थपिन सक्ने विज्ञहरुले सुझाएका छन् र  अब बन्ने भौतिक संरचनाहरु भूकम्पप्रतिरोधात्मक बन्नको लागि विज्ञहरुले सुझाव दिएका छन् ।


उपत्यकामा ६२ जनामा कोरोना संक्रमण

२१ साउन, काठमाडौं : हरेक दिनजसो काठमाडौ उपत्यकामा करना भाइरसको परीक्षण भइरहँदा आज काठमाडौँ उपत्यकामा  बुधबार   ६२ जनामा   संक्रमित फेला परेका छन्  स्वास्थ्य तथा जनसंख्या मन्त्रालयका अनुसार काठमाडौँ उपत्यकामा संक्रमितहरु दिनानुदिन बढ्ने क्रममा रहेको बताइएको छ विभिन्न स्थानमा गरिएको  परीक्षण अनुसार उपत्यकामा जोखिम बढ्दै गइरहेको छ 

जनै पुर्णिमा बिशेष मेला

दि पावरन्युज सम्वाद दाता,काठमाडौ– नेपाली परम्परा अनुसार आज जनै पुर्णिमा देशका सबैभागहरुमा मेला लाग्ने गर्दछ । नेपालका बिशेष शिब मन्दिरहरुमा दर्शन गर्नहरुको भिड लाग्ने गर्दछ । नेपालका बुढानीलकण्ठ नरायण मन्दिर, झोर महँ‘कालको श्री बरुणेश्वर मन्दिर, तारकेश्वर, चण्डेश्वरी, मनिचुर बज्रयोगीनी लगाएत  धेरै स्थानमा आज बिहानै देखि मेला भर्ने भक्तजनहरुको घुइचो लाइरहेको छ ।

जनै फेर्नेहरुले हिजैदेखि कपाल मुण्डन गरी एक छाक मात्र खाएर चोखोनितो गरी बसिन्छ । यसरी व्रत बसेका तागाधारीले आज बिहानै पोखरी, ताल, तलाउ, नदी र कुण्डमा गई गाईको गोबर, खरानी, दत्तिउन र सप्तमृत्तिका लगाएर स्नान गर्दछन् । स्नानपछि जौ, तिल र कुशद्वारा ऋषिलाई तर्पण गरी वैदिक रुद्राभिषेक पद्धतिबाट मन्त्रिएको नयाँ जनै (यज्ञोपवीत) फेरिन्छ ।

The first round of coronavirus benefits is over

For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website. On July 31, the CARES Act benefits — designed to help Americans relieve financial stresses during the coronavirus pandemic— came to an end. Currently, there is no other plan to replace it, but Republican and Democratic leaders are in negotiations over the newly proposed HEALS Act that could extend some lost benefits.

When the Senate announced the HEALS Act on July 27, there was no mention of renewing federal eviction protections but the proposal would extend enhanced unemployment (in a modified way), add a second round of stimulus checks and offer a “return-to-work bonus” of up to $450 per week.

Dr. Jasbir Singh becomes the face of martial arts

I want to open martial arts institutions in all corners of the globe as I want each child to be self-dependent – Grandmaster Dr. Jasbir singh.

We all know that martial arts refer to the art of war and that it is a 15th-century European word referring to a fighting technique, which till date is known as European martial arts. One who practices martial arts is known as a martial artist. Just to put away a misconception at this time, martial art, which goes by the name ‘kung fu’ being practiced in China, is actually the creation of the great Indian ‘Bodhidharman’. Bodhidharman (520-526 bc) was not only thorough with martial arts but he had also mastered the skills of Ayurveda (ancient Indian medicine), hypnotism and also managed to control the five elements/forces of nature (earth, sky, air, water, and fire). He always used his knowledge to contribute to the welfare and progress of people. To carry on the legacy of this very Bodhidharman, a man with full of talent Indian grandmaster ‘Jasbir Singh’ was born. Today Dr.Jasbir Singh does not required an introduction. The world today regards him as the face of martial arts. So let us know a little bit more about martial Arts through questions, answered by Dr.Jasbir singh.

Q.1. Sir what is your full name and where you born? And where do you live presently?

My full name is grandmaster Pro.Dr.Jasbir singh. I was born in the historic village of kapurthala in Punjab. Currently I reside in California as an American citizen.

Q.2. Why did you choose martial arts as your career?

I had never thought about choosing martial arts as a career. However, martial arts has become an integral part of my life now. Today I can say martial arts is a unique art through which you can live your life and it presents me with a wonderful opportunity to keep people safe and I am committed to martial arts as accessible to everyone.

Q.3. When did you gain interest in martial arts?

I used to watch bruce lee movies in my childhood, hence my attraction towards his movies became my life.

Q.4. What is the big difference between Taekwondo and martial arts?

Taekwondo is a type of sport martial arts which originate in Korea but it can also be known as ancient martial arts. Now a days taekwondo is an Olympic sport in which I’m certified from the taekwondo headquarters in Kukkiwon, Korea.

Q.5.How difficult was your journey from white belt to the black belt? During this time did you ever suffer any serious injury? 

In those days a career in martial arts was not preferred in India and no one in my family wanted me to pursue martial arts. They thought if I learnt martial arts I would end up becoming a goon, but my mother understood me and supported me throughout my journey. I won 5 martial arts world championships which include

1-world martial art and kickboxing championship 10-12 November 2000. Victory at 5th place in Italy.

2- World taekwondo Deamodue championship 18th-19th November. Bronze medal in Paris.

3- 12th International Muaythai championship 20-22nd February 2001. Silver medal in Thailand.

4-8th International karate and kickboxing championship 23rd -25th may. Bronze medal in Nepal.

5-Associazione centri sportive International championship 15th may 2005. 1st gold medal in Italy.

Hence, I started living by the motto of practice, determination and patience in my life. As they say ‘No pain No gain’ I have been injured many times but I keep playing on not to win but to learn. To be very honest I lost my first state match and probably that is why I’m a successful player and a winner today.

Q.6.If you get an opportunity to improve martial arts or do something new with it what would you do?

There are many different types of martial arts. Today the rules and laws of martial arts are also different. I would want martial arts to be connected with academic learning so that people can achieve anything from graduation to a doctorate in this field so that the education committee gives it a grant on the global level. This will help in the globalisation of martial arts.

Q.7.How will you introduce yourself in one line?

The one who keeps ‘Be humble’ as his life’s motto and lives his or her life learning and helping others is another Jasbir Singh.

Q.8.Nowadays schools and social institutions are giving importance to the matter of self-defence but it is yet not considered as a subject and it also does not have the same amount of respect in the Olympic Games. What will you like to say about this?

It is a very serious problem. All types of martial arts cannot be learnt through one academic programme as there are different types of martial arts in different countries and there are still many forms of martial arts that we don’t know about. However today Judo, Taekwondo and Shotokan karate are Olympic sports and many academic institutions are giving importance to martial arts as form of physical education. I wish that martial arts grows morw in the coming days.

Q.9. What message would you like to give the youngsters who are looking forward to a career in martial arts?

Martial arts is a penance, it is an art of living. You need to live it to learn it. Then one day you will shield yourself within it. To the youngsters I would like to say there is no short cut to learning martial arts. it is just like they say ‘quote in hindi’’ which means if you are determined and always keep going then one day success will take place in your feet.

Q.10. Apart from achieved such great respect in martial arts, what else are you doing for the development of the world?

I’m an official member of the president Trump’s advisory board and I am also a member of the award office through which I can help talented people who are giving their best in a particular field to gain popularity at a global level. Along with this I’m the president of many international universities. Besides this I hold very responsible designations in many international NGO’s, International militaries, police and peace police. I believe that whatever we can contribute in the progress of the world, we should contribute honestly and happily.

Q.11.Can you please tell us more about peace police?

Peace police is the police which works in peace and does humanitarian things. For example if any family loses their son or daughter while he or she was part of any defensive force, they are faceing a lots of problems. During this tough time we pledge to help them with the government formalities and various other things.

Q.12. To whom will you like to dedicate your success?

As the said, ‘every successful man there is a woman behind it.’ and for me that woman is none other than my mother.

Q11. How hard did you work to attain such a position in this sector?

If you like any particular thing, no matter how much hard work you have to put in, you will do it with happiness and self-satisfaction. Then again, what is a life without difficulties? It is all these little things which make us a successful person on the path of life. There are many ways in which you can live your life and I like my way best.

Q.13.You are in America since long. Don’t you miss India?

Of course I miss India. My roots are in India and I shall never forget this. Indian blood flows through my veins.

Q.14. What do you think for the youth in the world?

I want to open martial arts institutions in every corner of the globe as I want all children to be self-disciplined, safe and self-dependent.

Interview by Akaksha

India Domestic Tourism Will Help Boost Economy

Mr. Prahlad Singh Patel, Minister of State for Tourism and Culture (IC), Government of India, said that the pandemic has deeply impacted the travel industry, and opening up of India domestic tourism will help in boosting the economy post COVID-19. The need is to have coordinated and concerted efforts from all stakeholders including the Government of India, state governments, various ministries, and industry. He added that if we are able to build consumer confidence, domestic tourism will pick up in no time.

Addressing Tourism E-Conclave: Travel & Hospitality: What’s Next? organized by FICCI, Mr. Patel said that the travel and hospitality industry is struggling to survive and the government should provide relief to the sector by way of considering reduction in bills and charges for hotels and other such measures. He added that there are barriers in opening up of the sector and urged the industry to share its recommendations to overcome them with the tourism and finance ministries and other departments.

Alluding to the importance of collaboration and synergy amongst stakeholders, Mr. Patel said that he has been writing to Chief Ministers of various states to jointly work towards saving and reviving the tourism sector. He has also written to the Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change to open the tiger reserves with the requisite road infrastructure.

The Minister said that the need is to identify priority areas in the travel and hospitality sector in tandem with state governments for developing various circuits in the country. He added that with COVID-19, we are facing an unprecedented challenge, but the industry has maintained a positive stance and is working towards the survival and revival of the tourism sector.

Mr. Vishal Kumar Dev, Commissioner Cum Secretary, Tourism Department and Sports & Youth Services Department, Govt of Odisha said that COVID-19 has provided us with an opportunity to think about new tourism products and new ways of promoting tourism within the country. Domestic tourism will be a priority for us, especially for the next few years. He added that Odisha has finalized the road itinerary between Odisha and major cities of India to give a boost to tourism sector and will start promoting it in September.

Mr. Dev said that the Government of India should work with the state governments to introduce long distance inter-state circuits. Also, luxury river cruises can be another area which can be developed for promoting tourism in the country. He added that it is important that we assure all tourists that our destinations are safe for visitors and to achieve this, all stakeholders need to work together.

Mr. Anbalagan. P, Secretary, Tourism, Govt of Chhattisgarh said that the focus should be on augmenting domestic tourism. For this, regional collaborations need to be forged as it will make movement of travellers across states easier. He added that industry and tour operators are working on the guidelines and SOPs issued by the state government for ensuring that all safety measures are in place for tourists when the sector opens up.

Highlighting the tourism destinations in the state, Mr. Anbalagan. P said that though Chhattisgarh is a nascent state, it is gifted with natural beauty. To attract domestic tourists from across the country, the focus will be on ethnic, tribal and eco-tourism. Sustainable tourism will be the way forward and the key is to make all tourism activities sustainable, he added.

Dr. Jyotsna Suri, Past President, FICCI & Chairperson, FICCI Tourism Committee & CMD, The Lalit Suri Hospitality Group said that owing to the pandemic, the travel and tourism sector has been severely impacted and will take a long time to recover but we believe that domestic tourism will be the torch bearer towards the revival of our industry. Emphasizing on the importance of cooperation, she added that synergy needs to be built amongst stakeholders to ease domestic movement of travellers within the country.

Dr. Suri pointed out that currently each state has its own guidelines pertaining to quarantine. She suggested that all the states should have a uniform policy and safety protocols for the movement of domestic tourists as this will encourage them to travel to any state without checking the various guidelines.

Mr. Dipak Deva, Co-Chairman, FICCI Tourism Committee and Managing Director, SITA, TCI & Distant Frontier said that creating safe bubbles between states could be a great start to the domestic tourism. He added that more than 2000 professionals from the tourism and hospitality industry are participating in the two-day conclave and FICCI is working with various stakeholders for charting the future course of tourism industry.

Mr. Dilip Chenoy, Secretary General, FICCI said that tourism is the most affected sector by the pandemic and to boost the local economy, many states across the country have started opening up tourism, which is encouraging.

नेपालमा कोरोना संक्रमितको संख्या २० हजार नाघ्यो

काठमाडौं : प्रवक्ता डा. जागेश्वर गौतमका अनुसार  पछिल्लो २४ घण्टामा नेपालमा ३१५ जनामा कोरोना भाइरस (कोभिड–१९) संक्रमण पुष्टि भएको छ। योसँगै नेपालमा कोरोना संक्रमितको संख्या २० हजार नाघेको छ। मन्त्रालयका अनुसार पछिल्लो २४ घण्टामा ९३ डिस्चार्ज भएका छन्। कुल डिस्चार्ज हुनेको संख्या भने १४ हजार  ४९२ पुगेको छ। डिस्चार्ज प्रतिशत ७२ दशमलव माथि भएको प्रवक्ता गौतमले जानकारी दिए। संक्रिय संक्रमितको संख्या पाँच हजार तीन सय ३८ रहेको छ। शुक्रबार २२४, बिहीबार २७४, बुधबार २१०, मंगलबार ३५३, सोमबार १३९ जनामा कोरोना संक्रमण देखिएको थियो।   अहिले क्वारेन्टाइनमा ११ हजार पाँच सय ३३ जना रहेका छन्। अहिले कोरोना संक्रमण शून्य हुने जिल्लाको संख्या भने ६ पुगेको छ ।