Boat sinks, many dead at Lake in Inongo, Congo

Tourists are not expected to be among the 30 dead in Western Congo, where 200 more are missing after a boat sank at Lake Mai-Ndombe in Inongo, Congo  Lake Mai-Ndombe is a large freshwater lake in the Mai-Ndombe District of the Bandundu Province in western Democratic Republic of the Congo. The lake is within the Tumba-Ngiri-Maindombe area, the largest Wetland of International Importance recognized by the Ramsar Convention in the world.

Boats in the vast nation of Congo are usually overloaded with passengers and cargo, and official rules don’t reportedly include all those aboard.

Simon Mboo Wemba, the mayor of Inongo, said Sunday night that many of those aboard the boat that sank on Lake Mai-Ndombe were teachers. The mayor says they had traveled to collect their salaries by boat because roads in the region are so poor. It was not immediately known how many people were aboard the boat when it hit bad weather late Saturday. But officials estimate several hundred were on board. More than 80 people survived.

Back in April, another boat capsized on Lake Kivu in Congo’s South Kivu province, killing at least 40 people. While the Congolese authorities have said that 150 people are missing, and 30 people have been saved, the exact number of the victims remains unknown,

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