Uganda President Announces Birth of Baby Rhino

Uganda President Announces Birth of Baby Rhino

Uganda President HE General Yoweri Kaguta Museveni announced that Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary welcomed its newest member to the Uganda rhino family last week. He said on his facebook wall: “Today morning, Rhino Fund Uganda received a new-born calf. Its mother is called Uhuru. This birth took place at Uganda’s Rhino Sanctuary in Nakasongola district. It brings the rhino population at the Sanctuary to 34.”

Confirming the news, Rhino Fund Executive Director Angie Genade said: “Mother Uhuru is a seven-year-old that was born here on the sanctuary. This is her second calf. This new arrival’s father is 11 years old; Augustu also [was] born on Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary. The calf is a male and is very big and strong and at one day old has already wallowed in the mud with is mother.

“We are expecting another birth in January and this time from Uhuru’s mother, Nandi. The Ruparelia Foundation, sponsors of the program, will be naming this calf and has made a donation to the sanctuary to assist with ranger salaries during this COVID-19 pandemic. A soon as the name is given, it will be made public.”

A donation from Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Florida, USA, Nandi remains one of the sanctuary’s beacons of hope for successful breeding efforts and eventual return of the rhino to their rightful habitat in the wild.

In 2015, the  country embarked on a Rhino Conservation Development Strategy for the return of the Eastern Black rhinos and the Northern White Rhinos. By the early 80s, following civil unrest in the country, the rhino population was virtually wiped out.

It was not until 1997 when Rhino Fund Uganda was launched that the eventual reintroduction of the rhino happened in 2001 when 2 southern white rhinos from Solio Ranch in the Laikipia district in Kenya including a female named Kabira and sponsored by Ruperelia Group along with Sherino, a male named and sponsored by Sheraton Hotel Kampala, arrived at the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre (UWEC) on the initiative of Dr. Eva Lawino Abe and Ray Victorine then with the tourism ministry.

Southern white rhinos are red-listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as near threatened. There remains faint hope for the northern subspecies virtually extinct in the wild and on the critically endangered IUCN listing since the IVF embryonic insemination from deceased northern whites to southern surrogate mothers under the Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) in collaboration with an Italian laboratory in August 2019. Black rhinos remain on the critically-endangered listing although their numbers are improving thanks to recent conservation efforts.

रिलायन्स स्वावलम्बी सेभिङ्ग खाता

५ पुस, काठमाडौं : दिगो बिकासको अधिकतम बिकास गर्ने लक्ष लिएको यस रिलायन्स फाइनान्सले आफ्नो स्थापनाको ११औ वार्षिकउत्सब को अवसरमा रिलायन्स स्वावलम्बी सेभिङ्ग खाता संचालनमा ल्याएको छ । केन्द्रीय कार्यालयसहित २० वटाभन्दा बढी शाखाहरु रहेको रिलायन्स फाइनान्स डिजिटल प्रबिधिको अधिकतम प्रयोग गरि ग्रहकहरुमा लघु, घरेलु, साना तथा मझौला व्यवसाय संचालनकर्ताहरुको लागी आफ्नै बैक हो ।

विगत लामो समयदेखि यहाँहरुकै सेवामा समर्पित रिलायन्स फाइनान्स लेख एघारौ वार्षिकोत्सवको अवसरमा विभिन्न स्वाबलम्बी बचत खाताहरु संचालनमा ल्याएको छ । जसअन्तर्गत :

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रिलायन्स फाइनान्स ले दिएका सुबिधाहरु ः

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Professional अन्य रिटेल कर्जामा बिशेष कर्जा छुटकोलागी कुनै पनि कम्पनीमा आबद्घ भएको ID अन्य प्रमाण पेश गर्नु पर्ने छ ।


इटालीमा जन्मियो हरियो रङ्गको कुकुर

 बीबीसीका अनुसार इटालीमा अनौठो रङ्गको कुकुर जन्मिएको छ। स्पेलाच्चियो नाम गरेकी पोथी कुकुरले पाँच वटा बच्चा पाएकी थिइन्। अन्य छाउराछाउरीको भने माउको जस्तै सेतो रङ रहेको छ। क्रिस्टियन मालोस्सी नाम गरेका कुकुर पालक कृषकको फार्ममा हरियो छाउरा जन्मिएको हो।  सार्डिनिया टापुमा जन्मिएको आश्चर्य चकित पार्ने सो छाउराको नाम पिस्टाचियो राखिएको छ। हरियो रौँ भएको कुकुरको जन्म दुर्लभ छ। मालोस्सीले पिस्टाचियो आफूले पाल्ने तर अरू छाउरा अरू मानिसलाई पाल्न दिने निर्णय गरेका छन्। गर्भमा हुँदा बिलिभर्डिन नामक हरियो रङ्गका कारण उसको रौँ हरियो भएको ठानिएको छ।

सभामुख सापकोटाविरूद्ध व्यक्ति हत्याको मुद्दा सर्वोच्चमा – मुद्दा ‘हेर्न नभ्याइने’ सूचीमा

काठमाडौं, ३ पुष :  सभामुख अग्नि सापकोटालाई काभ्रेका अर्जुन लामाको हत्याको ओरोप लागेको छ ।  शुक्रबार (आज) सभामुख अग्नि सापकोटाविरुद्ध परेको मुद्दामा सुनुवाई हुनसकेन । द्वन्द्वकालीन अवस्थामा तत्कालीन एमालेका स्थानीय नेता अर्जुन लामाको हत्या प्रकरणमा मृतककी पत्नी पूर्णिमाया लामाले काभ्रे जिल्ला प्रशासनमा जाहेरी दिएकी थिइन् ।  सभामुख सापकोटाविरूद्ध व्यक्ति हत्याको मुद्दा सर्वोच्च अदालतको संवैधानिक इजलासले ‘हेर्न नभ्याइने’को सूचीमा राखेको छ । मुद्दा पेसीमा चढाइएको थियो तर हेर्न नभ्याएपछि सुनुवाई सरेको थियो ।

दाल भात तरकारीसँग मह जोडी

प्रसिद्ध हास्य कलाकारद्वय मदनकृष्ण श्रेष्ठ र हरिवंश आचार्य (मह जोडी) तीन दशकभन्दा लामो समयदेखि अभिनयमा सक्रिय छन् । दाल भात तरकारीसँग मह जोडी  अभिनय कला प्रस्तुत गरिसकेका छन् । दर्जनौं हाँस्य शृंखलासँगै उनीहरुले नेपाली फिल्ममा पनि आफ्नो अभिनय कला  गरिसकेका छन् । फिल्म ‘बलिदान’ मा उनीहरुले गरेको अभिनयको आज पनि चर्चा हुने गरेको छ । मह जोडीले फिल्म निर्माणलाई पनि निरन्तरता दिँदै आएका छन् ।

नेपाल बैंककाे लाभांश घाेषणा- १२ प्रतिशत बोनस शेयर

बैंकले शेयर प्रिमियमबाट चुक्ता पूँजीको १२ प्रतिशत बोनस शेयर र वितरण योग्य मुनाफाबाट ४ प्रतिशत नगद लाभांश (कर सहित) गरी कुल १६ प्रतिशत लाभांश वितरण गर्ने घोषणा गरेको छ।  नेपाल बैंक लिमिटेड (NBL) ले गत आर्थिक वर्षको शेयर प्रिमियम तथा वितरण योग्य मुनाफाबाट शेयरधनीहरुलाई वितरण गर्ने लाभांश घोषणा गरेको छ। बैंकको पुस २ गते विहान बसेको सञ्चालक समितिको बैठकले शेयरधनीहरुलाई १० प्रतिशत बोनस शेयर र कर सहित ३.०५ प्रतिशत नगद गरी कुल १३.०५ प्रतिशत लाभांश वितरण गर्ने प्रस्ताव गरेको हो। प्रस्तावित लाभांश राष्ट्र बैंकको स्वीकृति र बैंकको आगामी साधारणसभाले पारित गरेपछि शेयरधनीहरुले पाउनेछन्। नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकबाट स्वीकृत भइ आगामी वार्षिक साधारण सभाले स्वीकृत गरेपश्चात सो लाभांश वितरण गरिनेछ।


नेपाल वायुसेवा निगमले आजदेखि भारत उडान भर्दै

काठमाडौं : नेपाल वायुसेवा निगमले बिहीबारदेखि भारतको दिल्ली उडान भर्दै छ। कोभिडका कारण चैत ११ गतेदेखि बन्द काठमाडौं–दिल्ली उडान ९ महिनापछि सुरु हुँदै छ। बिहीबारदेखि नेपाली राष्ट्रिय ध्वजावाहक नेपाल एयरलाइन्सले दिल्ली उडान भर्दै छ।

निगमले पुस ६ (डिसेम्बर २१) गतेदेखि हङकङ उडान भर्दै छ। कोभिड— १९ का कारण चौथो पटकको प्रतिबन्धपछि निगमले हङकङ उडान सुरु गर्न लागेको छ। निगमको जहाजबाट हङकङ पुगेका यात्रुको पुनः कोभिड—१९ परीक्षण गर्दा पोजेटिभ भेटिएपछि हङकङले दुई साताका लागि निगमको जहाजलाई प्रतिबन्ध गरेको थियो। करिब आठ जना बिजनेस क्लास र १ सय ३८ जना इकोनोमिक क्लासको यात्रु लिएर उक्त विमान काठमाडौंबाट दिल्लीका लागि उडान भर्नेछ।

कर्णका अनुसार निगमले उडानका लागि आवश्यक सबै प्रक्रिया पूरा गरिसकेको छ। नेपालमा कोभिड—१९ को परीक्षण गराएर नेगेटिभ आएका केही यात्रुको हङकङ एयरपोर्टमा पुनः परीक्षण गर्दा पोजेटिभ आएपछि पहिलोपटक अक्टुबर ४ देखि १७ तारिखसम्मका लागि हङकङ उडानका लागि निगम प्रतिबन्धमा परेको थियो। त्यसपछि तेस्रो पटकसम्म सोही समस्या दोहोरिएपछि निगमले कोभिड परीक्षणका लागि सरकारी प्रयोगशालाको रिपोर्ट मात्रै मान्य हुने नीति लागू गरेको थियो। सरकारी प्रयोगशालामा गरिएको परीक्षणमा नेगेटिभ आएका यात्रु मात्रै बोकेर निगमले उडान भर्न लागेको हो।   अहिलेको लागि प्रतिदिन एक उडान दिल्लीतर्फ हुने निगमले जनाएको छ। यस्तै सोही जहाज दिल्लीबाट करिब चार जना बिजनेस क्लास र १ सय ४ जना इकोनोमिक क्लासको बोकेर काठमाडौंको लागि उडान भर्नेछ।


The Lesson Taught By COVID-19

The human brain is sensitive to the effect of natural catastrophe. A recent example is the novel coronavirus mayhem, which has shaken the world. Corona’s devastation, similar to that of World War III, spread across the globe in fear of war and tragedy. China has almost controlled the virus from Wuhan, but no one in the rest of the world has speculated about its impact and containment.

Even the United States, including Italy, Spain, and Germany, which are considered the best in the world, could not contain the outbreak. It is not yet under control. As an epidemic, it has not only afflicted humankind; it has devastated every region. There are situations where you have to fight a coronary war, stay indoors, hide, and cheat.

It has impacted various fields, including economic, social, political, cultural, and psychological. The problems created by this have hit the world economy hard.

The coronavirus is not only unimaginable and unpredictable; it is constantly spreading. On the positive side, the world will develop a vision for such future contingencies. The debate over which natural and artificial lifestyle is right will intensify. The human brain will become sensitive to the effects of unnecessary natural exploitation and encroachment.

Will do many pieces of research and investigations to save human existence. Health care, facilities, modernization, mechanization, and building skilled and efficient manpower will be on the first list of priorities. It will spend more of its energy and capital to defend human existence than missiles, missiles, atom bombs, cannons, ammunition, and sophisticated weapons.

New York and New Jersey, the worst-affected cities in the United States, were plagued and terrified. I also had similar coughing problems, including shortness of breath, whooping cough, and shortness of breath. An unknown fear of not being able to get married soon settled in my mind.

But when the corona came back negative, it was like getting a second chance. Then the determination to fulfill the humanitarian philanthropy became even stronger. As a result, my busyness and urgency increased, and so did my efforts to raise funds.

I took leave from the office on April 9. I worked for a week for relief and rescue. As financial transparency is our identity and behavior, I have the dignitaries’ trust and confidence to help without hesitation. As a result, we have not broken the cycle of engaging in social work by delivering relief packages to more than 60 families from door to door. Even though I live in the United States, my heart is in Nepal and Nepalis’ happiness and sorrow.

Therefore, I have been working to provide relief to the poor and marginalized people in Nepal who are facing the problem of logging. Gathering personal and institutional support, we are happy to provide assistance to 3200 households in Gorkha, Chitwan, Baglung, Lamjung, and Arghakhanchi of Nepal through our organization Adawan Nepal. After receiving the relief, it was a great pleasure to see the poor older men, women, men, and children smiling and laughing and expressing their gratitude in various media.

The relief campaign started by withdrawing money from one’s own pocket, and the public appeal made through Facebook got significance. With the help of the dignitaries who laughed at the hostess and the support, people who did not know how to connect with human deeds and religion also sent help. What could be greater trust and confidence for a social worker? Medicines and groceries other than material were collected.

In cash, Nepali Prabasi Manch contributed Rs. 1,000, NASO Community-contributed Rs. 300, NRN contributed Rs. 600 and Student Manch contributed Rs. 300. The department stores in New York were not so open; it was difficult to find crowds and goods in the open ones. No one was wearing a mask or gloves. No security precautions were taken. It was scary to see that, but the material was collected at high risk. An ironic situation arose where people had to go to many places to buy goods.

If this is the case in the United States, what about elsewhere? The pandemic also made it difficult to get PPE. Despite the difficult inconvenience, little could be done. With the support of the Jersey City Mayor’s Office, 60 New South Jersey families in distress and hardship were provided with food and basic necessities for six months at my doorstep. When left unmanaged, they can be left astray and lose the right path. In this way, there is no limit to the happiness of people in other countries.

I went to the office after nine days of leave. Opposite my office is the hospital emergency room, where hundreds of patients are brought in, and many die. Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched the horn of the ambulance ring and the tragic sight of the emergency ward, and the beating of doctors, nurses, and other health workers on duty day and night.

They seemed to think that the patients were bigger than the family. Exhausted by the rush and constant workload, some doctors were forced to sit on ventilators and take artificial respiration. The sight of so many tragic deaths seemed heartbreaking. Did I stay at home selfishly? These questions were heartbreaking because of the complex health of some friends and the casualties of others.

The heart was hurt by the unhappiness. We had to do something that could not be done only because of sorrow and pain. I took leave from the office but did not stay at home. I joined for those who are in trouble. Coordinated, I begged my friends. I contacted the victim and did my best. Extinguish the mind. But when I was away for only a week during the crisis with my friends who had worked together for years, I realized that I was not selfish. It’s just a feeling because I didn’t take a vacation and sleep at home.

Crisis, disaster, and epidemic are not just crises. There is also an image of opportunity and time in a crisis. The test of humanity is also in crisis. The division of selfishness and humanity is also seen in this hour and moment. People’s cover and inner appearance are also revealed.

Biological disasters, such as earthquakes, epidemics, and corona, have no boundaries; The inconvenience of a continent is not limited to that country and continent; Internationalization becomes a common problem of the world.

Therefore, calamity, disease, hunger, and grief of one corner become the subject of world problems and headaches beyond the limits. The issues are so interdependent and interconnected that no pole in the world can be said to be untouched by them.

Why should people behave unequally if the earth, the sky, the air, and the weather do not teach inequality? Aren’t people equal, whether they are black or white, tall or short? Is this what divine disasters, natural disasters, etc., teach? Equality, humanity, dignity, brotherhood, and coexistence should be the world’s mutual ideals now. The epidemic is common to the distant future. The Corona Outbreak is an invaluable lesson for everyone who grows the feathers of pride.

Pride of the individual or the nation; Caste or wealth; Of power or might; Whether of color or geography, it will be shattered one day. Therefore cooperation, coordination, understanding, and far-sightedness of people worldwide are needed to protect human existence. There will be something to do for human welfare in the days to come and to protect human existence if it is a health center, a health laboratory

Minister Comments on Maharashtra Tourism Post-COVID

Minister for Tourism, Environment, Protocol, Government of Maharashtra, Aditya Thacker Mr. Aditya Thackeray, today said that the region will see a major boost in tourism in the post-COVID era.

Addressing an Interactive session with FICCI Tourism Committee, Mr. Thackeray said that India tourism in Maharashtra can be revived with a two-way approach, one to promote the destination and another by creating a destination and establishing a local industry around it.

“We have to divide the tourism experience into formal and informal experience.” The Maharashtra Government and the department is working on ecotourism aided by sustainable goals, he said.

To encourage the tourist vibe, it is important to keep the tourists engaged, which needs larger connectivity. “We have funds allocated but it needs to be used wisely,” said the minister. Thackeray said in terms of tourism and hospitality, a major boost has been given to the sector in the past month.

The Maharashtra government has rejuvenated the state’s tourism sector with a focus on local heritage, culture, and history. “We have everything in Maharashtra,” he said. The Sahyadri, white beaches and the state’s tiger sanctuary continues to attract wildlife lovers and the growing number of visitors also highlights the eco-tourism potential.

Elaborating on the government’s future initiatives he said, it is important to narrate the history of Maharashtra to the tourists through its valuable heritage. “Historical monuments like the BMC building, the High Court and Wankhede Stadium will be open for day tourists,” he said.

“I firmly believe that the travel-tourism-hospitality sector will generate major revenue and employment opportunities in the post-Covid-19 world,” said Mr. Thackeray.

Ms. Valsa Nair Singh, Principal Secretary, Enquiry Officer, GAD, Civil Aviation & Excise and Tourism & Cultural Affairs (Additional Charge), Government of Maharashtra said that since the COVID-19 pandemic the hospitality and tourism industry has been working very closely with the government of Maharashtra.

She further mentioned that Government of Maharashtra is taking concrete steps to boost infrastructure development and ease of doing business by reducing the number of licenses required from seventy to ten and soon this will be reduced to only one license. “Infrastructure status has been granted to the hospitality industry effective from 2021 to further boost this segment and  seven MTDC properties in key tourist destinations will soon be available for private investment,” she said.

The state, she said is also working on separate policies for development of Agro tourism, horticulture tourism, adventure tourism, caravan tourism, beach shacks and vacation homes. She further stated that cricket tourism and Bollywood tourism are also being developed as part of experiential tourism and the department is also working on a mobile app that will be handy for all tourists visiting the state.  “Maharashtra will be the gateway of Indian tourism soon,” said Ms. Singh.

Mr. Ranveer Brar, Renowned Celebrity Chef said that there is a home cooking revolution brewing among home chefs and it’s time to structure, monitor and cradle the home-cooking industry.

Dr Jyotsna Suri, Past President – FICCI, Chairperson – FICCI Tourism Committee and CMD – The Lalit Suri Hospitality Group, said that the  domestic tourism will revive the tourism industry in India. She further said that we aim to bring a synergy between the states. Tourism and hospitality will bring back the vibrancy in the Indian economy.

Mr. Sanjoy K Roy, Co-Chair, FICCI Art & Culture Committee and Managing Director, Teamwork Arts Pvt Ltd said that we must encourage local crafts and develop local crafts technique and bring them in smaller heritage sites to boost the tourism industry.

Mr. Dipak Deva, Co-Chair, FICCI Tourism Committee and Managing Director, SITA, TCI & Distant Frontier said that Maharashtra offers varied experiences, and we must focus on creating experiences.

Mr. Dhruv Shringi, Co-Chair, FICCI Tourism Committee & Co-Founder & CEO, Yatra Inc said that Domestic tourism has rebounded strongly in India in the last few months and we are living in an era of high frequency with short breaks.

Mr. Anil Chadha, Co-Chair, FICCI Tourism Committee and Chief Operating Officer, ITC Hotels said that there is a green signal that things are looking ahead in the tourism and hospitality sector.

Mr. Dilip Chenoy, Secretary General FICCI, said that Maharashtra is one of the most popular destinations for national and international tourists.

The interactive session was also attended by Ms. Aditi Balbir, Managing Director, V Resorts, Ms. Vineeta Dixit, Head Public Policy India, Airbnb, Mr. Anant Goenka, Co-Chairman, FICCI Maharashtra State Council and Executive Director, Indian Express Group, and Mr. Ashish Kumar, Co-Chair, FICCI Travel Technology Committee & Managing Partner, Agnitio Consulting.

Seychelles Closes COVID-19 Test Center

The Seychelles Ministry of Health informed on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, that the English River Health Centre station being used for COVID-19 PCR tests has closed. Services will continue at the music stadium. Friday, December 18, 2020, will be the closing date for the English River Health Centre station for COVID-19 PCR tests. The Ministry of Health has said, however, that the Music Stadium testing station remains operational for tests in the region.

Appointments for tests must be booked at least 5 to 7 days prior by calling 4388410 or 2829340 during working hours.