5 Types Of Flowers In Nepal

5 Types Of Flowers In Nepal

Deepak Neupane, Kathmandu : Website that gives lots of information on Flowers. Today I am here to share ideas and information on Top 5 Types Of Flowers In Nepal With Their Information 2019. I hope you will get some new ideas and information on this topic.

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Deepak Neupane, tokha , kathmandu

Top 5 Types Of Flowers In Nepal

1. Marigold Flower In Nepal :

Types Of Flowers In Nepal
Types Of Flowers In Nepal

Marigold is one of the famous and very beautiful flower in the world. Marigold is very useful in Nepal. It has a great importance in Ceremonies and Festivals. Nepalese people make garland from Marigold. People in Nepal pronounce Marigold as Sayapatri in Nepali.

Marigold is mostly yellow in color. Lots of Honey bees gather nectar from Marigold. Marigold is like the part of Nepalese festival and ceremonies. We can see this flower in the month of October. People grow this flower in large scale. This flower makes us peace and happy.

2. Rose Flower In Nepal :

There are different types of Flower in Nepal. Some of the types of Rose found in Nepal are Climbing Rose, Floribunda Rose, Grandiflora Rose, Miniature Rose, Shrub Rose etc. Rose is one of the most common and famous flower. It denotes the sign of love. Red rose is mostly used by lovers.

I think Rose is mainly used on Valentine’s day. As I have already said that it is mostly used by Lovers. People make perfumes from Rose flower. It smell’s very nice. Some of the best colors of Rose are Red, Pink, White, Yellow etc.

3. Hydrangea Flower In Nepal :

Types Of Flowers In Nepal
Types Of Flowers In Nepal

Hydrangea is also a very beautiful flower. These type of flower is mostly found in India, China, and Nepal.

It is mostly grown in Sunlight or Light Dapped shades. We can grow this flower in small plastic bags or in the ground. Hydrangea flowers make the house look fresh and beautiful. There are six colors of Hydrangea Flower. They are Blue, Green, Pink, Red, White, Purple. Hydrangea Blooms in the summer time. People in Nepal grow this flower to make their house beautiful.

4. Gomphrena Flower In Nepal :

The full name is Gomphrena Globosa. People in Nepal pronounce and define this flower as Makhamali.

This flower is used mostly in Tihar festival. Tihar is one of the most greatest festival in Nepal. This flower is used as Garland in festivals. Gomphrena blooms in summer season. We can see this flower blooming on the month of October.

This type of flowers are found rarely nowadays. People grow this type of flowers in the field. The main color of Gomphrena is Violet.

5. Poppy Flower In Nepal :

Poppy flower is one of the best flower, that makes us feel fresh. This flower is very beautiful and its dangerous also.

It is danger because people grow Poppy flower in large scale and make Drugs from these plants. The name of Drug made from poppy flower is Opium. Some of the color of Poppy flower found in Nepal are Red, Pink and Yellow.

People in Nepal plant Poppy flower just for the house decoration, not for illegal act. Poppy flower is also famous in Nepal.


This much for today’s article on the topic Top 5 Types Of Flowers In Nepal With Their Information 2019. I hope you liked the article. Please suggest us the topic in which you want information. We will try our best to help you.

Checkout For:

  1. Marigold Flower Information
  2. Rose Flower Information
  3. Flower PNG Images HD
  4. Tulip Flower Information
  5. Flowers That Start With P
  6. Hydrangea Flower Information
  7. Hospitals In Kathmandu

राष्ट्रियसभाबाट खेलकूद विकास विधेयक पारित

काठमाडौं । राष्ट्रियसभाबाट राष्ट्रिय खेलकूद विकास विधेयक, २०७५ पारित भएको छ।
२०७१ र विद्युतीय सवारीसम्बन्धी राष्ट्रिय कार्ययोजना कार्यान्वयनको अवस्थाका सम्बन्धमा सांसदले भौतिक पूर्वाधार तथा यातायातमन्त्री रघुविर महासेठको ध्यानाकर्षण गराएका थिए।
विद्युतीय सवारीसाधन सञ्चालन तर्फ केन्द्रित भएको छ। युवा तथा खेलकूदमन्त्री जगतबहादुर सुनारले उक्त विधेयक पारित गरियोस् भनी राखेको प्रस्तावलाई बैठकले सर्वसम्मतरुपमा पारित गरेको थियो।


This vicious, reprehensible assault was evil, plain and simple. If the reports indicating that the suspect viciously beat a Hindu priest for walking in his neighborhood in Glen Oaks, Queens, that is the textbook definition of a hate crime, and the perpetrator should be charged as such. We cherish our Hindu community, and while all violence must be condemned, it is particularly galling to see a man of faith beaten within an inch of his life for looking different. 

“I spoke with Swami Ji Harish Chander Puri on Sunday over the phone and reiterated that we will always stand united against hate, and will not tolerate attacks on our fellow New Yorkers. I was struck by his resiliency in the face of a horrific attack, and his willingness to forgive his assailant after all he had been through was truly awe-inspiring. We should all be inspired by his example and determination to move forward, and we should recommit ourselves to stopping the resurgence of hate in our city and beyond,” said Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams.

खोलामा डुबेर दुई बालकको मृत्यु

बारामा प्रसौनी गाउँपालिका–४ खुटवास्थित दुधौरा खोलामा डुबेर दुई बालकको मृत्यु भएको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयले जनाएको छ। १० वर्षका साहिल र १२ वर्षीय अरमा रहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । बिहानै बाख्रा चराउन गएका दुई जना नुहाउने क्रममा करीब ११ बजे पानीमा डुबेर गम्भीर घाइते भएपछि उपचारका लागि वीरगञ्ज लैजाने क्रममा बाटोमा नै मृत्यु भएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।

Rwanda closes border

Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo remains a real threat. Rwanda is now reacting and today closed the border to its neighbor after at least two people died  on the deadly virus after crossing the border.

The outbreak is the most complicated ever as it is happening in an active conflict zone.

In a statement, the Congolese presidency said there had been a “unilateral decision by the Rwandan authorities” to close the crossing at Goma.

The WHO has previously warned against trying to contain the virus by restricting travel or trade.

Malaysia Tourism launches year 2020

The Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Tun Mahathir Mohamad, officially launched the logo of the Visit Malaysia 2020 campaign on July 22, 2019, at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

The logo of the campaign presents various recognizable icons of Malaysia such as the hornbill, the bunga raya (hibiscus), the wild fern, and the colors of the Malaysian flag.

Together, they represent the diversity of the culture, heritage, and flora and fauna of Malaysia, as well as the experiences offered as a holiday destination.

2020 was designated as Visit Malaysia 2020 with the goal of reaching 30 million international tourist arrivals and 100 billion tourist revenues.

The focus of the campaign is on ecotourism, art, and culture. To ensure the success of the campaign, Tourism Malaysia has collaborated with various private sector companies such as Sharp (M) Electronics Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia Airlines, AirAsia, Firefly, Malin-do Air, and Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad to implement marketing and promotional activities using their local and international media platforms.

चार्जमा राखेको मोवाइलबाट करेन्ट लागेर १ बालकको मृत्यु

मोरङमा मोवाइल चार्जमा राखेर गेम खेल्ने क्रममा करेन्ट लागेर १ बालकको मृत्यु भएको
छ । मृत्यु हुने बालकमा १५ वर्षिय सौजन राई रहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । उनलाई चार्ज गरिरहेको मोबाइलमा गेम खेल्ने क्रममा करेन्ट लागेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । बुधबार राति शौजन साथी सुरज राईको घरमा सुत्न गएका थिए। दुवैजना एउटै खाटमा सुतिरहेको अवस्थामा बिहीबार बिहान शौजनलाई करेन्ट लागेको थियो । सुरजले खाटको भित्तापट्टी सुतेका शौजन अचानक छट्पटाउन थालेपछि बाबु-आमालाई बोलाएका थिए। करेन्ट लागेका बेला शौजनको हातमा नै मोबाइल थियो। करेन्ट लागेर शौजनको घाटी डढेको छ ।