प्रेमिकासँग गेष्ट हाउसमा बस्न पुगेका एक युवक मृत अवस्थामा

प्रेमिकासँग गेष्ट हाउसमा बस्न पुगेका एक युवक मृत अवस्थामा

प्रेमिकासँग गोगंबुको शुभकलश गेष्ट हाउस बस्न पुगेका एक युवक मृत अवस्थामा भेटिएको छ । महानगरीय प्रहरी वृत्त महाराजगञ्जका अनुसार गेष्ट हाउसको १०४ कोठा नम्बरमा २५ वर्षीय प्रमोद गुरुङ मृत अवस्थामा भेटिएको जनाएको छ ।  उनीहरु बसेको कोठामा भियग्राहरु र गाँजा खाएर फालिएको चुरोटका ठुटाहरु भेटिएको छ । मृत्युको कारण खुल्न सकेको छैन । प्रहरीले गेष्ट हाउस सञ्चालक र प्रेमिकालाई नियन्त्रणमा लिई थप अनुसन्धान गरिरहेको छ ।

अमेरिकाको हिराशतमा आप्रवासीहरु शौचालयको पानी खान बाध्य

न्युयोर्ककी सांसद अलेक्जान्द्रिया ओकासिया कोर्टेज सहितको टोलीले सोमबार टेक्सासका एल पासो र क्लिन्टका हिराशतहरुको भ्रमण गरेका थिए । अमेरिकी सिमा सुरक्षा गस्तीले पक्राउ गरेर हिराशतमा राखिएकी एक महिलाले आफूहरुलाई शौचालयको पानी खान बाध्य पारिएको दावी गरेकी छिन् । १५ देखि २० जना आमाहरुलाई एउटै सेलमा राखेर पानीको बन्दोबस्त समेत नगरिएको सांसदहरुको अवलोकनका क्रममा गुनासो प्राप्त भएको थियो । सोमबार तीनजना अमेरिकी सांसदहरुले सिमा सुरक्षा गस्तीका हिराशतको भ्रमण गर्दा आप्रवासी महिलाहरुलाई शौचालयको पानी खान भनिएको खुलासा भएको छ । सांसद जोक्वीन क्यास्ट्रोका अनुशार हिराशतमा शौचालय भएपनि त्यहाँ पानी समेत थिएन । हिराशतमा राखिएकाहरुलाई साबुन , टुथब्रस, उचित खाना र पानीको बन्दोबस्त नभएको पाइएको हो ।

कामनपा र सिसडोलबासीबिच सहमती – फोहोर उठ्न थाल्यो

नुवाकोट : महानगरले १३ वर्ष पहिले दुई वर्षका लागि भनेर सिसडोलमा फोहोर फाल्न थालेको थियो । तेह्र वर्ष बितिसक्दा पनि वैकल्पिक ठाउँ नहुँदा महानगरसँगै उपत्यकाका सबै नगरपालिकाले यहीँ फोहोर फाल्ने गरेका छन् ।  ४२ रोपनी जग्गा सरकारले वा महानगरले अधिग्रहण गर्नुपर्ने माग गरिरहेको बेला विभिन्न मागहरू राखेर समयसमयमा स्थानीयवासीले फोहोर फाल्न अवरुद्ध गर्दै आएका छन् । दुई साताभित्र सिसडोलवासीको समस्याको पहिचान र समाधान निकाल्ने गरी समिति गठन भएसँगै काठमाडौँ महानगरपालिकाको फोहोर आजदेखि उठ्न थालेको छ । हानगरपालिकाका प्रमुख विद्यासुन्दर शाक्य नेतृत्वको टोलीले आइतबार साँझ सिसडोलवासीसँग वार्ता गरेर समाधान निकालेको छ ।

Mayor of Kyoto Asks Kim Kardashian to ‘Reconsider’ Her Bid to Trademark

Kim Kardashian‘s decision to name her new shapewear line Kimono drew a slew of backlash and now the mayor of the Japanese city of Kyoto is asking her to change her mind.

He continues, “Kimono is a traditional ethnic dress fostered in our rich nature and history with our predecessors’ tireless endeavours and studies, and it is a culturethat has been cherished and passed down with care in our living. Also, it isa fruit of craftsmanship and truly symbolizes sense of beauty, spirits andvalues of Japanese.”
In a letter posted to the city’s website, Daisaku Kadokawa writes, “Dear Ms. Kim Kardashian West, I am writing this letter to convey our thoughts on Kimono and ask you to re-consider [sic] your decision of using the name Kimono in your trademark.” Kadokawa goes on to say, “We are currently undertaking initiatives nationally to make ‘Kimono Culture,’ symbol of our culture and spirits, registered to UNESCO’sIntangible Cultural Heritage list. We think that the names for ‘Kimono’are the asset shared with all humanity who love Kimono and its culturetherefore they should not be monopolized.”

He concludes his letter by extending Kardashian an invitation, saying, “I would like you to visit Kyoto, where many Japanese cultures including Kimono have been cherished, to experience the essence of Kimono Culture and understand our thoughts and our strong wish.”

Kardashian took a lot of heat when she announced the name last week but in a statement to the New York Times, she said she had no “to design or release any garments that would in any way resemble or dishonor the traditional garment.”

She also said that she understands and has “deep respect for the significance of the kimono in Japanese culture” but has no plans to change the name.

Kardashian added, “I made the decision to name my company Kimono, not to disassociate the word from its Japanese roots but as a nod to the beauty and detail that goes into a garment. Filing a trademark is a source identifier that will allow me to use the word for my shapewear and intimates line but does not preclude or restrict anyone, in this instance, from making kimonos or using the word kimono in reference to the traditional garment. My solutionwear brand is built with inclusivity and diversity at its core and I’m incredibly proud of what’s to come.”

फेसबुक र ट्वीटरले लाइसेन्स लिनुपर्ने

दोस्रोपटक सत्तामा आएसँगै भारतमा मोदी सरकारले सोसल मिडिया कम्पनीहरूमाथि दबाव बढाउने योजनामा छ । भारत सरकारले आगामी महिना एउटा कानून ल्याउँदैछ । सूचना प्रविधिसम्बन्धी कम्पनीका डाटा लिक हुने घटनाहरु बेलाबेलामा सार्वजनिक भएपश्चात् भारत सरकारले सोसल मिडिया कम्पनीहरुमाथि प्रयोगकर्ताका डाटाहरु देशभित्रै राख्न दबाव दिने भएको छ ।

Texas plane crash: All onboard dead

A twin-engine passenger plane crashed today, Sunday, June 30, 2019, in Addison, Texas, killing all onboard. It is believed there were at least 10 people on the airplane. The Beechcraft BE-350 King Air aircraft lost an engine after taking off. According to witnesses, it banked left and then crashed into an unoccupied airport hangar at Addison Municipal.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reported that the plane was consumed by fire. They have started an investigation. The Hawaii skydiving plane that crashed just a little over a week ago on Oahu’s North Shore was also a King Air aircraft. It is not known if it was also a Beechcraft BE-350 that killed those 11 people on Friday, June 21, 2019, when that aircraft also crashed shortly after take-off and was also consumed by fire. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) will arrive this evening in Addison, Texas, to the scene of today’s crash. The plane was scheduled to land in St. Petersburg, Florida. Addison is about 20 miles north of Dallas.