टेलियालाई ६५ अर्ब कर तिर्न १५ दिने अल्टिमेटम

टेलियालाई ६५ अर्ब कर तिर्न १५ दिने अल्टिमेटम

१९ पुस, काठमाडौं । मंगलवार ठूला करदाता कार्यालयले टेलियासोनेराले आफ्नो स्वामित्वको शेयर हिस्सा आजियाटाको नाममा विक्री गर्दा  जरिवानासमेत जोडेर ६० अर्ब ७१ करोड रुपैयाँ पूँजीगत लाभकर कायम गरेको थियो । कार्यालयले गत असारमा टेलियाका नाममा ब्याज तथा जरिवानासमेत जोडेर ६० अर्ब ७१ करोड रुपैयाँ पूँजीगत लाभकर कायम गरेको थियो । निर्धारित समयमा पनि कर दाखिला नगरे आयकर ऐन २०५८ बमोजिम अन्य कदम चाल्न बाध्य हुने कार्यालयले स्पष्ट पारेको छ ।  त्यसयता ६ महिनासम्म कर दाखिला नगरेपछि कार्यालयले त्यसमा लाग्ने १५ प्रतिशत ब्याज जोडेर नयाँ दायित्व सार्वजनिक गरेको छ ।

पटक-पटक ताकेता गर्दा पनि कर दाखिला नगरेपछि कार्यालयले सार्वजनिक सूचना जारी गरेको हो । आफ्नो स्वामित्वमा रहेको एनसेलको ८० प्रतिशत शेयर हस्तान्तरण गर्दा लाग्ने पूँजीगत लाभकर समयमा दाखिला नगर्दा टेलियासोनेरालाई करीव ५ अर्ब रुपैयाँको कर थपिएको छ । लागेको पूँजीगत लाभकरको दायीत्वमा ब्याजसमेत जोडेर ६५ अर्ब ४० करोड रुपैयाँ कायम गरेको छ । उक्त रकम १५ दिनभित्र तिर्न पनि कार्यालयले स्वीडेनस्थित टेलियासोनेरा कम्पनीका नाममा सार्वजनिक सूचना जारी गरेको छ ।हो ।


बिरामीबाट शुल्क चर्को असुली

काठमाडौं : महानगरीय प्रहरी परिसरका प्रहरी उपरीक्षक रवीन्द्र धानुकका अनुसार पहिलो चरणमा दुई अस्पतालविरुद्ध मुद्दा दायर गरिएको छ। महानगरीय प्रहरी परिसर काठमाडौंले बाँसबारीस्थित नेपाल इन्स्टिच्युट अफ न्युरोलोजी एन्ड एलाइड साइन्सेज (न्युरो) र बसुन्धरास्थित इशान बाल तथा महिला अस्पतालविरुद्ध ठगीअन्तर्गत मंगलबार मुद्दा दायर गरेको हो। ‘आपूर्ति विभागले पठाएको पत्रको आधारमा मंगलबार इशान र न्युरो अस्पतालविरुद्ध मुद्दा दायर गरेका छौं’, प्रहरी उपरीक्षक धानुकले भने,‘बाँकीविरुद्ध पनि केही दिनमै मुद्दा दायर गर्छौं।’  मूल्य असुलपश्चात् पुनः १० प्रतिशत सेवा शुल्क लिएको फेला परेको थियो। महानिर्देशक दाहालका अनुसार एउटा बिरामीको कुल खर्च एक लाख हुँदा विभिन्न सेवा शुल्कका नाममा अतिरिक्त २५ हजार रुपैयाँ थप यस्ता अस्पतालले बिरामीबाट असुल गर्दै आएको अनुगमनमा भेटिएको छ।  महानगरीय प्रहरी परिसर टेकुले बीएन्डबी, ग्रान्डी इन्टरनेसनल, नर्भिक र बयोधाविरुद्ध अनुसन्धान सकेर यसै साता मुद्दा दायर गर्ने तयारी गरेको छ।

Caribbean culture highest of values of a territory

Maybe I should have suggested a headline ‘The quest for the Caribbean heart and soul and purifying its society’. But there are more and different perspectives to it. It should be a top resolution for the New Year. Tourists and especially the new generation of so called Millennials will become the core customer group from the Caribbean source markets for travel and leisure. They are known to be looking for authenticity when the they visit destinations. They wish to find, understand and experience original culture or at least significant remnants of it. Culture may be one of the highest of values of a territory.

Culture is what connects one to the people and their territory. It is a uniqueness that the people feel their heart. If it is not obvious on the surface, it should be explored and found. Very often it can still be found among Elders. Unfortunately, these Elders who may be wisdom-keepers are not visible, or get exposure, let alone be given a voice. Sometimes they themselves prefer silence especially towards who they consider to be the ‘uninitiated’. I have been part of interviews where one would first have gain trust before hearing about the wisdom and sentiments that were deep in their hearts. Essentially, elders are libraries of knowledge, history and tradition. It deserves respect, and is of importance to find out the cultural elements that need to be preserved for the younger generation but also for those visitors who have a serious and sincere interest in learning about a culture and its roots.  Yet, there are those, who suggest promoting a ‘One Caribbean’, as if they are a player with 20 tennis balls. There are no twelve balls to play with and to be hit in various directions; there are 20 gems to be valued.  Then there are those who aim to import what they find in other foreign cultures and try ‘Caribbeanize’ it, or what is worse, westernize the Caribbean. The Caribbean may be a melting pot of several cultures that had their influence in the past, yet the Caribbean has its own heart and soul that has evolved from geographical and historic circumstances.

For some young people it may be an encouragement to not leave their island to find a new challenge, be it studying or finding a professional opportunity elsewhere. Answers don’t always lay outside. One can combine the inner local understanding and use the outer behavior like forms of external communication and processing activities. There is an opportunity in developing the uniqueness of the Caribbean that can be felt with the heart. It is a pity to allow to let a culture die from within; let it live or give it new live from within. Don’t let the self-identity of the individual Caribbean territories erode away.  There could be an opportunity to empower a young generation of professionals and entrepreneurs. The Caribbean ways are part of a diverse world, that need respect. It is what tourist and other visitors hope and expect to find.

Focus back on the originals and origins! Love for what you have! Some don’t even know or understand what they have in their culture. It’s not about more money, not about the new concrete structures, not about a new hip-hop or new fashion. The Caribbean shall not be a new Disneyland. Local birds still sing the same song of a hundred years, they are divine and cannot be modernized. There are regional teachings that might be considered sacred. They are things that one should give thanks for in one’s heart and they are actually admired by guests and visitors. Without commercializing them they can be used for new sources of revenue to support a sustainable economy while also having a positive socio-economic impact. Do the words ‘tourism product development’ ring a bell?

प्रचण्डको नयाँ निवास

पुत्र प्रकाश दाहालको असामयीक निधनपछि यही महिनादेखि प्रचण्ड लाजिम्पाटस्थित पूरानो डेरा छाडेर नयाँ घरमा आफ्नो परिवारसहित सरेका छन्   यसअघि लाजिम्पाटमा सर्वहारा वर्गको पार्टीको नेता भएर भव्य ‘महल’मा बसेको भन्दै प्रचण्डको खुबै आलोचना भएको थियो । बाहिरबाट हेर्दा घर पूरानो देखिन्छ । लामो समयदेखि रंग गरिएको छैन ।घरको तल्लो तलामा भेटघाट र बैठकका लागि हल र कक्षहरु रहेका छन्  प्रचण्डको अहिलेको नयाँ निवास भने साढे दुई तल्लाको रहेको छ । भने परिवारहरु बस्नका लागि माथिल्लो तल्ला प्रयोग गरिएको छ ।

बाँके राष्ट्रिय निकुन्ज क्षेत्रमा चितुवाको मृत्यु

राप्ती सोनारी गाउँपालिका-१ को बाघखोर भन्ने स्थानमा  हाइसको ठक्करबाट चिुतवाको मृत्यु भएको छ। बाँके राष्ट्रिय निकुन्ज क्षेत्रमा   मंगलबार मध्यान्ह १२ बजेतिर नेपालगन्जबाट प्युठान जाँदै गरेको बा ४ ख २९७४ नम्बरको हाइसले बाँके राष्ट्रिय निकुन्जमा पर्ने पूर्वपश्चिम राजमार्गमा ठक्कर दिँदा चितुवाको घटनास्थलमै मृत्यु भएको हो। हाइसले चितुवालाई ठक्कर दिएको राष्ट्रिय निकुन्जले बताएको छ। चितुवालाई ठक्कर दिएर फरार भएको हाइससहित चालक प्युठानका ऐमलाल रानालाई अमेलिया प्रहरीले नियन्त्रणमा लिएको छ। सडक पार गर्ने बेला तिव्र गतिमा रहेको हाइसले चिुतवालाई ठक्कर दिएको हो। हाइसको ठक्करबाट चितुवाको मृत्यु भएपछि भागेका चालक रानालाई प्रहरीको टोलीले अमेलियामा पक्राउ गरी मंगलबार नै बाँके राष्ट्रिय निकुन्जलाई बुझाएको छ।

शीतलहरले जनजीवन प्रभावित

बाक्लो हुस्सुसँगैको शीतलहरका कारण बढेको कठ्याङ्ग्रिने जाडोले कैलालीको जनजीवन प्रभावित भएको छ । जाडो बढे पनि सर्वसाधारणलाई आगो ताप्न दाउराको अभाव भएको छ ।  शीतलहरका कारण आलु, गोलभेँडालगायतको तरकारी बालीमा डढुवा रोगको समस्या देखिएपछि किसान चिन्तित बनेका छन् । शहरी तथा ग्रामीण क्षेत्रका कतिपय ठाउँमा भने सार्वजनिकस्थलमा आगो बालेर ताप्ने गरिएको छ । शीतलहरका कारण आलु बालीको डाँठ र पातमा डढुवाको प्रकोप देखिँदा समस्या भएको छ । डढुवा रोगबाट आलु गोलभेँडालगायतका बालीलाई जोगाउन हप्तामा एकपटक ढुसीनाशक विषादी पाउडर पानीमा मिसाएर छर्किनु पछ सुझाव दिनुहुन्छ । जाडो बढेसँगै निमोनिया, रुघाखोकी, श्वासप्रश्वासलगायतका बिरामीको चाप स्वास्थ्य संस्थामा बढ्न थालेको स्वास्थ्यकर्मीले बताएका छन् ।बाक्लो हुस्सु लाग्ने गरेका कारण दैनिक हवाई सेवाको सुविधा भएको ७ नं प्रदेशको एकमात्र धनगढी विमानस्थलको हवाई उडान पनि प्रभावित भएको विमानस्थल कार्यालयले जनाएको छ ।

इन्डोनेसियाको बोर्नेओमा डुङ्गा दुर्घटनाआठको मृत्यु

इन्डोनेसियाको बोर्नेओ तटीय क्षेत्रमा सोमबार एक यात्रुवाहक  डुङ्गा दुर्घटनामा परी कम्तीमा आठ व्यक्तिको मृत्यु भएको छ । इन्डोनेसियामा भएको यो पछिल्लो भीषण दुर्घटना हो । इन्डोनेसियाको बोर्नेओ प्रान्तको तानजुङ सेलोरपारमा प्रवेश गरेको केही मिनेटमा नै दुर्घटना भएको  छ ।  डुङ्गामा करिब ४५ व्यक्ति सवार रहेका र अझै कैयौँ बेपत्ता रहेका छन् । हावाहुरीका कारण बाँकी यात्रुको उद्धारकार्यमा कठिनाई भएको जनाइएको छ ।दुर्घटनाको कारण प्रष्ट हुन सकेको छैन । बेपत्ता भएका यात्रुको एकिन सङ्ख्या पत्ता लगाउने कोशिष भइरहेको  छ ।इन्डोनेसियामा करिब १७ हजार द्वीप क्षेत्र रहेका छन् । त्यसैले यहाँ बारम्बार डुङ्गा दुर्घटना हुने गरेको पाइन्छ ।

International Currency shifting from US Dollar to Chinese Yuan

The U.S. dollar has long dominated the global marketplace, and not even the introduction of the Euro by the European Union could break its virtual monopoly. This is true for trade and specifically for the global travel and tourism industry. Countries including Ecuador and Zimbabwe use the US Dollar as their own currency and international trade among tour operators is usually done in the US currency. Now, a rising economic powerhouse is seeking to curb international dependence on the greenback: China. And according to some analysts, in the decades to come various countries may be enticed to switch to the “redback.”

China is not only working on the currency side of global trade, but also recently started a new international organization many say is competing with UNWTO, WTTC and ETOA. To this end, Beijing is making inroads throughout the world, including in Pakistan. The two nations are developing the China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Chinese policymakers are pressuring Islamabad to use the yuan for bilateral trade. For its part, Washington has been very critical of CPEC and allegedly has backed efforts by India—Pakistan’s arch-foe—to sabotage the initiative. The jockeying for economic supremacy raises the prospect of a currency war between the world’s two largest economies.

 Earlier this month, Pakistan’s Minister for Planning, Development and Interior, Ahsan Iqbal, confirmed that the yuan was being considered for primary use for transactions under the CPEC. “The experts of both sides will explore [the] possibility of using Chinese currency for undertaking bilateral trade as it will help Pakistan in reducing its dependence on [the] U.S. dollar,” he told reporters after unveiling the so-called Long Term Plan which calls for China to invest $60 billion in Pakistan by 2030.

Iqbal told The Media Line that an additional $46 billion-worth of projects relating to the CPEC have also been signed, nearly half of which have been initiated. In this respect, candidate Donald Trump publicly denounced China during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign as a “currency manipulator” that was “rap[ing]” America but has walked back the allegations since assuming office. Beijing in the past has been suspected of buying and selling foreign currencies in order to devalue the yuan, specifically relative to the dollar in order to gain unfair trade advantages by keeping its exports cheap. As a corollary, American manufacturers have complained that the purported practice has negatively impacted their businesses by artificially inflating the price of their products. Economists contend this has led to imbalances in the global economy by contributing to huge Chinese trade surpluses and large American trade deficits. But China appears unmoved by the criticism and is committed to pursuing its own agenda.

For his part, Mohammad Ali, a senior Pakistani official, suggested that the decision to use the yuan was a fait accompli. He told The Media Line “at the government level, both sides opted to use China’s currency for trade transactions, the signing of loans and their repayment, the repatriations of profits and for other purposes.” The CPEC will, among other things, provide western Chinese regions with road access to the deep-sea port at Gwadar, securing for Beijing a much shorter route through Pakistan by which to import fuel and export products to markets in Asia, Europe and Africa. Pakistan will for the most part benefit from major infrastructure investments and then from income generated by the gateway’s operations.

Bilateral trade between Pakistan and China stood at around $14 billion in the years 2015 and 2016 and officials anticipate the volume to increase significantly as the CPEC is further developed.

Globally, China has in recent times achieved multiple milestones aimed at promoting its currency, including the establishment of a swap agreement in 2013—subsequently extended three years later—between the European Central Bank and the People’s Bank of China. The deal aims to facilitate commercial exchanges between the Eurozone and China by giving European banks access to 350 billion yuan and Chinese banks access to 45 billion euros.

The deal followed similar agreements with the United Kingdom, Australia and Brazil.

China is the EU’s second biggest trading partner, with about 1 billion euros-worth of goods exchanged each day. This has put the yuan on a fast-track to potentially replacing the American dollar as the bloc’s favored currency.

Moreover, since China’s currency is linked to the gold standard, major countries view it as potentially less volatile than the greenback. In this respect, over the past two years seven additional countries have been added to a list of fifty others that use the yuan to pay for more than 10% of their purchases from China or Hong Kong.

According to Carl Weinberg, a leading economist, the Holy Grail for Beijing is to “compel” Saudi Arabia to trade its oil in yuan. “[Riyadh has] to pay attention to this because even as much as one or two years from now, Chinese demand will dwarf U.S. demand,” he said. If this happens, the rest of the oil market will likely follow suit, effectively ending the U.S. dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency.

According to some reports, China’s central bank holds some 5 trillion American dollars, which could be converted into yuan. And with more bilateral exchanges being set up as China moves further down the path of market liberalization, the world’s appetite for yuan is expected to grow.

खोजीका लागि ८ सय ३४ उजुरी – ७६७ महिला सम्पर्कविहीन

खोजीका लागि ८ सय ३४ उजुरी बाँकेमा  उजुरी परेको  छन् ।  एक वर्ष अवधिमा नेपालगन्ज नाका भएर भारत गएका मध्यपश्चिम क्षेत्रका साढे ७ सयभन्दा बढी नेपाली महिला सम्पर्कविहीन छन् । मानव बेचबिखनविरुद्ध क्रियाशील माइती नेपाल नेपालगन्जका अनुसार बाँकेमा २ सय ८ महिला हराएको भन्दै उजुरी गएपछि  तीमध्ये चार जनाको उद्धार गरिएको छ । दाङका ९२ महिला हराएकामा खोजी गर्दा २ जनालाई उद्धार गरिएको छ । आर्थिक प्रलोभनमा परी भारत लगिएका महिलाहरू बर्दिया, सल्यान, रोल्पा, दैलेख, जाजरकोटलगायत जिल्लाका छन् । अपरिचित व्यक्तिसँग सामाजिक सञ्जालमा मायाप्रेम गर्ने र बिहेबारी गर्ने भन्दै भारत जाने गरेका खाडी मुलुकमा रोजगारीका लागि जाने भन्दै कतिपय महिला भारत पुग्ने गरेका छन् । वैदेशिक रोजगारीका लागि भारत हुँदै विदेश जाने महिला हराउने क्रम जारी छ । त्यस्ता उजुरीहरू पर्ने तर फेला पर्ने संख्या निकै कम छ ।