१२ जना जुवाको खालबाट पक्राउ

१२ जना जुवाको खालबाट पक्राउ

विराटनगर — मोरङ प्रहरीले सोमबार राति जुवा खेलिरहेका १२ जनालाई पक्राउ गरेको छ । उनीहरूलाई रतुवामाई नगरपालिका–७ जामबाडीस्थित पोखरीको डिलमा रहेको टहरोबाट नियन्त्रण लिइएको हो । १२ जना जुवाको खालबाट प्रहरीले पक्राउ गरेको छ । गोप्य सूचनाका आधारमा जुवाखालमा छापा मारेको प्रहरीले पक्राउ परेकाहरूबाट १४ हजार २ सय ७० रुपैयाँ, ६ सय मलेसियाली रिंगेट, १२ बुक तास र तीन थान मोटरसाइकल बरामद भएको छ ।  २३ असोजमा पनि प्रहरीले बेलबारी–४ स्थित गर्जुराम टोलमा जुवा खेलिरहेका ६ जनालाई पक्राउ गरेको थियो । उनीहरूका साथबाट २ लाख ५३ हजार २ सय ३५ रुपैयाँ, एक सेट कौडा, ३ बुक तास, एउटा गाडी, मोटरसाइकल र स्कुटर बरामद गरेको थियो । यसअघि भदौ तेस्रो साता कानेपोखरी–७ मा जुवा खेलिरहेका १२ जना पक्राउ परेका थिए ।

दशैंको चौथो दिन कुष्माण्डा देवीको पूजा

काठमाडौं : दशैंको चौंथो दिन आज कुष्माण्डा भगवतीको पूजा अर्चना गरिदैँछ । यी देवीको वदनवर्ण वैजनी छ भने उनी सिंहमा चढेकी छन् । कुष्माण्डा माताले हातमा रक्तपूर्ण दुई वटा घडा लिएकी छन् । कुष्माण्डा मातालाई शुभकर्म थालनी वा सृष्टिको प्रतीकको रुपमा पूजा गरिन्छ ।आफनो उदरमा त्रिविध ताप धारण गरी संसारको सृष्टि गर्न कुष्माडा देवीको आविर्भाव भएको ग्रन्थहरुमा उल्लेख गरिएको छ ।नवरात्रको चतुर्थीका दिन कुष्माण्डा भवानीको पूजा तथा आराधना गरिन्छ ।

सूर्यको जस्तो तेज भएकी र वाहन सिंह भएकी यी भगवतीको अट्टहासमा ब्रहृमाण्डको सृष्टि र प्रलय हुने भएकोले उनलाई कुष्माण्डा भनिएको हो। यी देवीलाई कुभिण्डोको बलि ज्यादै मनपर्ने हुनाले पनि यी देवीलाई कुष्माण्डा पनि भनिन्छ। यी देवीको सात हातमा क्रमशः कमण्डलु, धनुष, वाण, कमलपुष्प, अमृतपूर्ण कलश, चक्र तथा गदा छन् भने अर्को हातमा भक्तजनलाई सिद्धि र निधि दिन सक्ने जपमाला रहेको छ। यी देवीको तेजको तुलना यिनीसँग मात्रै गर्न सकिन्छ। अरू कुनै पनि देवता यी देवीको तेजको प्रभावलाई खप्न सक्दैनन्। यी देवीको भक्ति गर्नाले आयु, यश, बल एवं आरोग्य वृद्धि हुन्छ। कुष्माण्डा मातालाई शुभकर्म थालनी वा सृष्टिको प्रतीकको रुपमा पूजा गरिन्छ ।


आज दशैंको तेस्रो दिन चन्द्रघण्टा देवीको पूजा गरिँदै

आज दशैँको तेस्रो दिन चन्द्रघण्टा देवी भगवतीको पूजाआराधना गरी मनाइदैछ ।घटस्थापना गरेसँगै नवदूर्गाका ९ वटा रूपहरूको पूजा गर्ने परम्परा छ ।  देशभरिका नवदुर्गाका मन्दिर र शक्तिपीठमा आज पनि विधि पूजा मात्रै गरिनेछ । कोरोना सङ्क्रमण जोखिमका कारण भक्तजनको भीड छैन । काठमाण्डौका गुह्येश्वरी, मैतीदेवी, दक्षिणकाली, कालीकास्थान, शोभा भगवती, तलेजुभवानी, बिजेश्वरी, नक्साल भगवती, भद्रकाली र इन्द्रायणीसहितका देवी दुर्गाका शक्तिपीठहरुमा विगतका वर्षमा दर्शनार्थीहरुको भीड लाग्ने गरेको भए पनि यसपालि सुनसान छ ।

कोरोना सङ्क्रमण जोखिमका कारण काठमाण्डौ उपत्यका बाहिर धरानको दन्तकाली, भोजपुरको सिद्दकाली, ताप्लेजुङको पाथीभरा र गोरखाको मनकामना  यसपालि सुनसान छ । नवरात्रि नौ दिनमा पहिलो दिन शैलपुत्री, दोस्रो दिन ब्रहृमचारिणी, तेस्रो दिन चन्द्रघण्टा, चौंथो दिन कुष्माण्डा, पाँचौ दिन स्कन्दमाता, छैठाै‌ं दिन कात्यायनी, सातौं दिन कालरात्रि, आठौं दिन महागौरी र नवौं दिन सिद्धिदात्रीको पूजा गर्ने गरिन्छ ।

आज बडादशैंको दोस्रो दिन ब्रह्मचारिणी देवीको पूजा गरिँदै

बडादशैंको दोस्रो दिन आज ब्रह्मचारिणी भगवतीको पूजाआराधना गरी मनाइदैछ । घटस्थापना गरेसँगै नवदूर्गाका ९ वटा रूपहरूको पूजा गर्ने परम्परा छ । ब्रह्मचारिणी अर्थात् तपको आचरण गर्ने यी देवीको उपासनाले मनुष्यमा तप, त्याग, वैराग्य, सदाचार, संयमको वृद्धि हुन्छ भन्ने मान्यता छ । बडा दशैँको दोस्रो दिन आज नवदुर्गा मध्येकी दोस्रो देवी ब्रह्मचारिणीको पूजा आराधना गरी मनाइदैछ ।

पहिलो दिन शैलपुत्री, दोस्रो दिन ब्रह्मचारिणी, तेस्रो दिन चन्द्रघण्टा, चौथो दिन कुष्माण्डा, पाँचौँ दिन स्कन्दमाताको स्तुति गरीन्छ । त्यस्तै छैटौँ दिन कात्यायनी, सातौँ दिन कालरात्रि, आठौँ दिन महागौरी र नवौँ दिन सिद्धिदात्रीको पूजा आराधना गरिन्छ ।

Uganda Airlines Rolls Out Brand New A330neo

Ugandans got a glimpse of the first of the two Uganda Airlines A330neo aircraft – the A330-800 – being rolled out of the yard after branding in national colors. This was posted on the AirbusNeo330 facebook page prompting euphoric response on social media.

A tweet on the official Uganda airlines page stated, “Soon General Wamala (Uganda’s Works and Transport Minister) will be leading a team to France to flag off the bird home.”

Before the lockdown and closure of Entebbe International Airport due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the airline was flying to Nairobi, Mombasa, Dar es Salam, and Mogadishu and had planned for Harare, Kigali, Zanzibar, and Kilimanjaro airports as part of its regional destinations.

Uganda Airlines plans to use the A330-800 to build its medium- and long-haul networks with the aircraft offering cutting-edge technology along with more efficient operations. This shall add to the existing fleet of four Bombardier CRJ 900 Atmosphere cabin models that were ordered prior to the launch of the airline in April 2019.

Cornwell Muleya,  Acting CEO of Uganda Airlines, said they hope to receive the wide-body aircraft by December, a slight delay from the earlier plan of October 2020 – consequently pushing the start of international flights to next year. Muleya said, “We’re targeting that we receive the aircraft in the last quarter of the year, at least by December, so that early in the New Year, we can launch our operations.”There has been uncertainty as to whether the orders would be confirmed as the COVID-9 pandemic had ground international travel to a screeching halt.

However, Maleya in an earlier press conference prior to the one-year anniversary said the airline shall continue with its plans to make its mark on the African continent and beyond.

“Our plans are ongoing and on course [with what] we committed at the beginning – that in addition to developing the regional networks of which we have developed nine, we still have a few more to get to the eighteen or twenty that we require for Africa. We said we are going to extend the network to intercontinental destinations; we want to go to London, we want to go to Dubai, we want to go to Guangzhou with the A330s. As a start, we also want to connect to West Africa and Southern Africa where that capacity is required.”

Fitted with the new Airspace by Airbus cabin, the A330neo will bring a range of benefits to Uganda Airlines and its customers, offering unrivaled efficiencies combined with the most modern cabin.

The A330neo is powered by Rolls-Royce’s latest-generation Trent 7000 engines and features a new wing with increased span and new A350 XWB-inspired Sharklets. The cabin provides the comfort of the new Airspace amenities including state-of-the-art passenger inflight entertainment and Wi-Fi connectivity systems, among others.


दशैको पहिलो दिन आज घटस्थापना

नेपालीको महान् चाड बडादशै आजदेखि सुरु भएको छ। दसैं‍ पर्वलाई असत्यमाथि सत्य र आसुरी शक्तिमाथि दैवी शक्तिको विजयको प्रतीकका रुपमा मनाउने गरिन्छ । आश्विन शुक्ल प्रतिपदामा घटस्थापना गरि शुभमुहुर्तमा घडा स्थापना गरी जमरा राखिन्छ।  बडादसैंको पहिलो दिन आज घरघरमा विधिपूर्वक दियो, कलश र गणेश स्थापनासहित घटस्थापना गरिन्छ । पूजा कोठा वा दसैंघरमा वैदिक विधिपूर्वक शक्तिकी देवी मानिने दुर्गाको आह्वान गरी पूजारम्भ हुन्छ ।घटस्थापनाको साइत आज बिहान ११ : ४६ बजे रहेको समितिले जनाएको छ ।

नवरात्रको पहिलो दिन शैलपुत्री, दोस्रो दिन ब्रह्मचारिणी, तेस्रो दिन चन्द्रघण्टा, चौथो दिन कुष्माण्डा, पाँचौँ दिन स्कन्दमाता, छैठौँ दिन कात्यायनी, सातौँ दिन कालरात्री, आठौँ दिन महागौरी र नवौँ दिन सिद्धिदात्रीको पूजा आराधना गरिन्छ । यस अवसरमा नक्साल भगवती, शोभा भगवती, नाला भगवती, पलाञ्चोक भगवतीलगायत देशभरका शक्तिपीठमा पूजाराधना एवं दर्शन गर्ने भक्तजनको भीडसमेत लाग्ने गरेकामा यस वर्ष कोरोना भाइरसको संक्रमणका कारण सबैजसो मन्दिर बन्द छन् । शक्तिपीठमा नित्य पूजा भने गरिने जनाइएको छ ।

आजैदेखि दसैं‍ घरमा शक्तिकी अधिष्ठात्री देवी दुर्गाको आह्वान गरी पूजा आरम्भ हुन्छ । विशेषगरि शक्तिका लागि महाकाली, धनका लागि महालक्ष्मी र ज्ञानका लागि महासरस्वतीको आराधना गरिन्छ । अवसरमा दुर्गादेवीको विशेष आराधना गरिन्छ ।  विधिपूर्वक स्थापना गरिएको घडामाथि शक्तिस्वरुपा दुर्गाको पूजा आराधना गरिने भएकाले आजको दिनलाई घटस्थापना भन्ने गरिएको हो ।








Luxurious Travelling Affordable

When traveling you want to be comfortable and relax as much as possible because people often travel to wind down and escape from their everyday routine. It allows you to feel refreshed as it is also a breath of fresh air especially if you live in the city. The fresh air from trees in the mountains, or the smell of newly cut grass in the countryside, or the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves crashing at the beach takes you away from the hustle and bustle of the city you live in. Travelling can also be a break you can take while exploring something or someplace new. It can be going to a city you haven’t been to. This allows you to immerse yourself in different cultures. You are opening yourself to new food, environment, or lifestyle. Either way, no one wants stress when they try to go away for a vacation.

The problem is, people tend to think that travelling comfortably tends to cost a lot. But there are ways you can travel luxuriously without breaking the bank. Here are 6 ways to make the luxury vacation you’ve always wanted more attainable.


Traveling at an out of peak season already cuts expensive rates. Travel companies like airlines or travel agencies won’t offer discounts, special offers during peak seasons like the holidays because they’re going to sell out anyway. So, if you can, try to travel out of peak season. This also allows you to avoid crowds!


There are lots of discounts for early bookings. If you can plan ahead of the vacation, do it! Booking ahead is much cheaper than booking a flight compared to booking a flight that is nearer to the date of departure. You can do this by knowing your leaves, if you’re working or your long breaks, if you’re a student. If you know the dates you can start plotting your vacation and start by securing your tickets!


This is one of the most obvious ones but you don’t want a tight budget when traveling as unanticipated expenses might come along the way. You would want a loose budget.


Scour the internet for discounts and offers. Try to know if it’s cheaper to book direct or use travel agents.


Don’t just have your money exchanged at the first money changer you see. Expect that the rates at the airport or at tourist spots will be really low. Try to look for places who will give you the best deal. This will help you save money.


Jet cards members only pay for occupied flight hours, not the time spent positioning the plane before or after the flight. There is guaranteed availability with no peak travel time surcharges. You can also choose your aircraft among light, midsize, super-mid or large cabins. This guarantees comfortability and allows you to get the most out of your money.

Travelling doesn’t have to be expensive. By being smart and following the tips in this article, you can make luxury travel affordable.

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एकै जनामा दुईपटक कोरोना संक्रमण – ‘चिन्ताजनक’

वासिङटन : बीबीसीमा प्रकाशित समाचार अनुसार अमेरिकामा एक व्यक्तिलाई कोरोनाभाइरसको संक्रमण फेरि दोहोरिएको छ । दोस्रो पटकको संक्रमण चिकित्सकहरुका अनुसार धेरै डरलाग्दो छ । २५ वर्षीय एक पुरुषमा अचानक यसरी संक्रमण दोहोरिएको बताइएको छ  ।  ती व्यक्तिको दुवै फोक्सोमा पर्याप्त अक्सिजन नपुगेपछि उनलाई अस्पताल भर्ना गर्नुपरेको थियो। केही अनुसन्धानले के देखाउँछन् भने अति थोरै बिरामीमा संक्रमण दोहोरिन पनि सक्छ । बीबीसीका अनुसार अमेरिकाको दक्षिणपश्चिम राज्य नभाडाका ती युवकमा हालै संक्रमण दोहोरिएपछि ती व्यक्तिमा पुरानो संक्रमण लुकेर पछि देखिएको नभएर दुबै पटक कोरोनाभाइरस संक्रमण पुष्टि भएको हो । कोभिड-१९ भएर निको भइसकेका व्यक्तिले पनि दूरी, मास्क र हात धुने विषयमा तोकिएका मापदण्ड पालना गर्नुपर्ने सुझाव विज्ञहरुले दिने गरेको बीबीसले जनाएको छ ।



Thailand Tightens Myanmar Border Control to COVID-19

Dr. Tanarak Plipat, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Disease Control for the Ministry of Health in Thailand, said that the COVID-19 situation in Myanmar directly affects Thailand’s efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic as Thailand tightens Myanmar border control.

Currently in Myanmar, COVID-19 cases and deaths are surging and rising daily. Previously, the country had mostly avoided the worst of COVID-19 compared to its Southeast Asian neighbors where the coronavirus was running wild during this pandemic. Although the mortality rate is fairly low – being at around 1 per 100,000 people – the virus is at present spiraling. A month ago, 7 people had died from COVID-19; today the number of deaths has risen to 530. As of last Wednesday, 1,400 new cases were reported for that day bringing the total to 22,000. To date, Thailand has recorded 3,634 positive COVID-19 cases with 59 fatalities. Thai 4th Army chief of staff Major General Pramote Phrom-in said security authorities have tightened enforcement along its land and sea borders to prevent foreigners from Malaysia sneaking into the kingdom.

“The intensified patrolling by Thai and Malaysian security authorities has resulted in a significant drop in the number of illegal crossings along the Thailand-Malaysia border. Since the new wave of COVID-19 outbreak (in Malaysia), only a few cases of illegal entry have been reported,” the Major General told Malaysian National News Agency Bernama.