लिपुलेक पुनर्विचार गरिनुपर्छ – प्रचण्ड

लिपुलेक पुनर्विचार गरिनुपर्छ – प्रचण्ड

नेपाल कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी (नेकपा)का अध्यक्ष पुष्पकमल दाहाल प्रचण्ड भारतले कालापानी र लिपुलेकका सन्दर्भमा आफ्नो धारणा सार्वजनिक गरेको बताएका छन् । लिपुलेकबारे भारत र चीनबीच सहमति भयो भनेर आउँदा आफूले भारतीय प्रधानमन्त्री नरेन्द्र मोदीसँग ‘यो गलत भएको छ, यसबारे पुनर्विचार गरिनुपर्छ’ भनेको स्मरण गर्दै अहिले त कालापानी लगायत सबैले नक्साभित्र पारिसकेपछि यो नेपाललाई सैह्य हुन सक्दैन । मान्य हुन सक्दैन ।’ सिंगो राष्ट्र एक ठाउँमा उभिने भन्दै आफ्नो अधिकार रक्षाको विषयमा सरकारले यसअघि पनि दृष्टिकोण सार्वजनिक गरेको छ । भारतको नक्सामा नेपालको गम्भीर आपत्ति रहेको भन्दै उनले यसबारे सरकार पनि बोलिसकेको बताए । भौगोलिक अखण्डताबारे सिंगो राष्ट्र एक ठाउँमा उभिने राष्टिय अखण्डता, सार्वभौमसत्तामा कहि कतै सम्झौता गर्ने, लचिलो हुने भन्ने सवाल नै हुँदैन ।’

‘गो ब्याक ईन्डिया, आफ्नो भूमि छोड्दैनौ’

शनिबार सार्वजनिक भारतको राजनीतिक नक्साको तरंग पाकिस्तानपछि नेपालसम्म आइपुगेको छ ।  भारतीय नक्सामा नेपाली भूमि समेटिएको बिरोधमा विद्यार्थी संगठनले धनगढीमा पनि प्रदर्शन गरेका छन् । जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय अगाडिबाट सुरु भएको र्‍याली मुख्यमन्त्री कार्यालय अगाडि पुगेर समापन भएको थियो । राजाधानीका विभिन्न स्थानमा उनीहरुले भारतविरुद्ध चर्को नारा लगाउँदै विरोध गरेका हुन्। त्यसैगरी भक्तपुरमा नेमकिपाले  विरोध जुलुस निकालेको छ। 

 नेपाल कम्यूनिष्ट पार्टी (क्रान्तिकारी माओवादी) ले विज्ञप्ति जारी गरेर राष्ट्रिय स्वाधिनता, सार्वभौमिकतामाथि नाङ्गो आक्रमण भएको भन्दै आपत्ति जनाएको छ।

Dr. Govinda KC

डा. केसीकाे १७ औं अनशन सुरू

काठमाडौं : चिकित्सक गोविन्द केसीले शिक्षा ऐन जारी गर्ने समयमा सरकारले
कार्यान्वयन नगरेको भन्दै डडेल्धुरामा १७ औं अनशन थाल्नुभएको छ । शिक्षा ऐन जारी गर्ने समयमा सरकारले आफूसँग भएको सहमति कार्यान्वयन नगरेको आरोप लगाउनुभएको छ ।
केसीले सम्झौता अनुसार नै चिकित्सा शिक्षा ऐन संशोधन गरी जारी गर्नुपर्ने, आन्दोलनरत् विद्यार्थीका माग पूरा गर्दै अवैध रुपमा असुल गरिएको शुल्क फिर्ता गर्नुपर्ने लगायतका सात बुँदे माग अघि सार्नुभएको छ ।

Om Namah Shivay Mantra is Facts Will Change Your Life

Deepak Neupane, Kathmandu : Yoga has been in trend all over the world for more than a few decades now, so you must be already familiar with the word ‘mantra’ and the concept behind it. The word ‘mantra’ consists of two parts – ‘manas’ stands for ‘mind’ and ‘tra’ stands for ‘tool’, so literally it means ‘an instrument of the mind’. On the physical level mantra is a vibration, a word or a phrase that has a certain effect on your mind after you repeat it a few times.
All Indian mantras are in Sanskrit, an ancient sacred language that dates back to the 2nd millennium BCE. They vary in size and meaning, ranging from the short sound Aum (also spelled Om) that is considered to be the sound of Creation itself, to longer mantras like Om Namah Shivay (I bow to Shiva).

If you’ve been to at least one yoga class, you’ve heard some mantras playing and maybe even repeated a few yourself, so you know what I’m talking about. Yet mantra is much more than just your background sound for a yoga session. Here are 6 facts about mantra that will change your life.

Like so many great things, mantra comes from India, being a huge part of Hinduism as a religion as well as standalone spiritual practices.

The Power Of Mantra: 6 Facts That Will Change Your Life #1 | ZestRadar

You will find mantras in all religions as this powerful practice of chanting is the basis of any spiritual progress. For Christians it may simply be the word ‘Jesus’, while Muslims enjoy uttering the name Allah as a mantra. What matters is that the word is sacred, uttered with a certain intention, and on a regular basis. This is what they call japa in India, and it is designed to get to the roots of your Higher Self as well as your true nature.

The Power Of Mantra: 6 Facts That Will Change Your Life  #2 | ZestRadar

Alitalia Airline Italy Minister of Economic Development

November 21, 2019 is yet another new extension dategranted by the Italy Minister of Economic Development,  (MED), Stefano Patuanelli, to Alitalia Airline for the presentation of bids. The authorization of the MED  has set 2 conditions: the direct intervention of the commissioners and an immediate comparison with the bidders. The Lufthansa proposal, therefore, opens. On the board of directors on October 23, the German airline decided to wait for the meeting scheduled for Monday, October 28, in Rome between the airline’s top management, government representatives, and commissioners, to verify point by point the real situation of the Italian carrier.

On the table, therefore, remain the hypotheses of a commercial agreement feared in recent weeks or even an offer of equity participation tied to certain conditions, first of all, a drastic reduction in personnel. While waiting for more certain news, even Delta Air Lines’ top managers want to understand the next moves of the German carrier to definitively express its willingness to increase participation from 10 to 15%, thus paying valuable additional economic resources in the new Alitalia’s coffers

At the current time, the Alitalia cash flow is extremely fluid, because some unknowns remain. This starts from the redundancies, since after the parliamentary question and the harsh note of the trade unions (asking for immediate explanations to the Mise about the news circulated in these hours that assumes 5,000 redundancies, mainly land personnel, in the absence of an immediate recapitalization of 2.5 billion euros).

This is an eventuality that sees the unions totally opposed, to the point of fearing a series of strikes and the hypothesis of a temporary “nationalization” of the airline for 6 months. The other issue relates to liquidity since the rumor seems confirmed that at the beginning of October less than 150 million euros would be left in the airline’s coffers and that, therefore, to ensure operations until the beginning of 2020, a further loan would be required of at least 400 million euros that the government could release with the “extraordinary measure” procedure. While Alitalia seems to be sailing in a stormy climate, new long-haul routes are scheduled. The Italian miracle keeps recurring.

Mackay Tourism in Australia

MACKAY Tourism in Australia has good news. For the three years leading up to the 2018/19 financial year, Mackay Tourism reported a surplus. Now, the organisation has more than $128,000 in the bank even after reporting a $29,118 loss this financial year.

With a few major moves behind the scenes, including the relocation of the Tourism Information Centre to Sarina, the organization was prompted to prepare for the worst – which never came.

The end-of-year balance has increased nearly sevenfold on the previous year and there is room to invest the money back into the region’s tourism industry.

The biggest money earner for Mackay Tourism was ‘operating funding’, which brought in more than $900,000. The group also forked out $108,174 on marketing but made about $60,000 more in marketing revenue.

The biggest expense for the organization was wages and superannuation, costing $641,590. Coupled with operational costs, Mackay Tourism spent more than a million dollars.

Chief executive officer Tas Webber said last year, Mackay Tourism took on a lot of risks, so he asked for additional funding from the previous two years to be brought forward in case there were any issues.

“Luckily for us, we didn’t have any issues,” he said. “That is the reason it looks like we’re running

While Mackay Tourism’s bank account was flush on June 30, it only had $358,751 in cash or cash equivalents, significantly down from the nearly $800,000 it had in 2018.

  • 19,966 likes on Facebook
  • 10,976 Instagram followers
  • $3,117,411 in media value
  • 858 mentions in the media
  • 11 famils in the region
  • 8 marketing campaigns
  • 35 region operators awarded Best of Queensland
  • 16,467 visitor information centre walk-ins
  • 16,300 votes for M to stand for Mackay in Sunrise M for Mackay Campaign

Largest increase in visitor arrivals to date in September

The sun-drenched and events-filled Caribbean destination of Saint Lucia continues to grab headlines, as its diverse tourism offerings keep resonating with audiences far and wide. Captured figures indicate that Saint Lucia received 21,608 stay-over visitors for the month of September – a 15% increase from last September and the largest percentage increase for the year.

Already basking in seven record-breaking months of increases for 2019, the month of September has gone down as an unprecedented one for visitor arrivals to the island, specifically Stay-Over Arrivals.
Most of this growth was driven by the 15% increase in arrivals from the US market – an additional 1,156 visitors, despite there being no major difference in airlift from that market. This figure also surpasses the record set in 2017 (20,049) by more than 1,000 additional visitors or 7.8%, in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria that severely affected several other Caribbean islands that month. The second largest real growth (1,144 additional visitors) was seen in the Caribbean market, which grew by 25%, owing in large measure to the hosting of CPL cricket endorsed under the Caribcation banner.

“While we welcome the increases, we will not stop in exploring every possible avenue, program, policy or niche, that will keep us top of mind in the marketplace so as to drive visitor arrivals to our destination,” noted Tourism Minister Hon. Dominic Fedee. All other markets (except the UK and other parts of Europe) increased by double digits in September, with France and Canada in the lead with 52% and 43% increases respectively.

Scientists Say You Should Kiss simply be happy!

Kissing is one of the most pleasant things in the world (after chocolates and fluffy kittens, of course). We kiss our babies, friends, pets, and loved ones. Kissing our partners feels most special and, according to science, it actually is! Kissing does not only make us happy by reducing stress levels, but it also has a few quite amazing health benefits most people have no idea about. Here are a few scientific reasons why you should kiss more.

The more feel-good hormones are produced by your body, the happier you become. Studies show that love and pleasure significantly reduce your stress levels. Shows of affection like kissing influence your cortisol levels – a stress hormone that is causing most of the suffering. So kiss, feel loved, and simply be happy!

Stress reduction | Scientists Say You Should Kiss More, And Here's Why | ZestRadar

सुनकोशी नदीमा बस खस्दा १७ जनाको मृत्यु

सिन्धुपाल्चोकको सुकुटेमा बस दुर्घटना हुँदा १७ जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ । दोलखाको सैलुङ गाउँपालिका मागा देउरालीबाट काठमाडौं आउँदै गरेको बा २ ख ७२४५ नम्बरको बस सुनकोशी नदीमा खस्दा १५ जनाको घटनास्थलमै मृत्यु भएको छ भने दुई जनाको उपचारका क्रममा मृत्यु भएको छ ।

Not A Drill Space As Soon As Next Year

It seems we’re back to the space race, but this time it’s not about gazing as far as possible into the depths of the Universe – now everyone is intent on sending actual living and breathing humans as far into space as we’ve ever gone! That being said, the commercial side of space travel has also been given a boost thanks to the talent and persistence of Elon Musk, who’s making space travel cheaper as we speak. In fact, it’s getting so accessible that you could go into space no later than next year! NASA is opening up ISS to tourists, and here’s what you need to know.
Estimated price, though, might scare most of future space travellers away. A night at the ISS will cost around $35,000, but there’s a catch. To get there you’ll need the service of a private company (that is Elon Musk’s SpaceX), which would charge the future traveller same as they would a NASA space mission – around $60 million per flight.

So, it’s done – NASA has announced that International Space Station is opening its doors (or hatches, to be more precise) to a number of commercial opportunities, including tourism. Yep, you heard that right – there will be at least two private astronaut missions per year, and who knows, maybe you’ll be the lucky one to go to space! Source : NASA