अक्षर महोत्सव रोल्पामा

अक्षर महोत्सव रोल्पामा

 २०७५ फाल्गुन १४ : स्वर्गद्वारी नगरपालिका प्यूठानका मियर नेत्र रोकाया, स्वर्गद्वारी आश्रम रुन्टीगढीमा पहिलो अक्षर महोत्सवको आयोजना हुने भएको छ ।   चैत्र सात, आठ र ९ गते  हुन् लागेको उक्त महोत्सवमा साहित्यका विधिव कार्यक्रमहरु हुने छन् ।  अन्य महोत्सव भन्दा केहि पृथक रहेको यो महोत्सवले अक्षरको बारेमा ज्ञान दिने महोत्सवको आकर्षण रहेको छ ।  कार्यक्रममा बरिष्ठ कवि तुलसी दिवस, कलाकार, हरिवंश आचार्य, मदनकृष्ण श्रेष्ठ, आख्यानकार अमर न्यौपाने, नयनराज पाण्डे, कवि रमेश क्षितिज, नवराज लम्साल लगायतले उपस्थिती  हुने छन ।


The Story of MOUNT MASALA Restaurant

Mount Masala Restaurant is family owned/operated to serve the yummy taste of Himalayan flavor and the perfect spot for lunch and dinner. After working and getting experience in restaurants over past years, it was a dream to have own authentic Masala Restaurant and serve home-style cooking with natural herbs and spices from Top of the World Mountain(Nepal). Mount Masala Serves natural herbs and spices.

The Himalaya or Himalayan from the mountain range in Asia (Nepal, India, Tibet) has a wide range of herbs and spices, with our motto of combing this variety of fusion cuisine together to produce best possible taste and make every bite memorable. Our comfortable and cozy dining environment, family friendly atmosphere and full menu of special dishes will deliver the package with utmost satisfaction. The mouthwatering food dishes are prepared from fresh and healthy natural products with the tried-and-true recipe and then delivered to the table.

The main aim of serving fresh food with a smile, love to provide a great sense of comfort through our decor design as it provides great vibe between our customers and the restaurant itself. With the inspiration of providing best food and service, Mount masala was proudly mentioned in the Philadelphia Magazine with BEST OF PHILLY 2017 as BEST JERSEY RESTAURANT and, next one is the most popular New Jersey restaurants of 2018 in NJ.com

१३ वर्षीयमौ कोठामा झुन्डिएर आत्महत्या

राजविराज : प्रहरीका अनुसार सप्तरीमा एक बालक झुण्डिएको अवस्थामा फेला परेका छन्।  तन्नाको पासो लगाई १३ वर्षीय छोरा कृष्णकुमार मण्डल  झुन्डिएर आत्महत्या गरेको प्रहरी स्रोतले बताएको छ । आफ्नै कोठामा बाँसको बलोमा झुण्डिएको अवस्थामा शव फेला परेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ। शवको पोष्टमार्टमका लागि राजविराजस्थित गजेन्द्रनारायण सिंह सगरमाथा अस्पतालमा ल्याइएको छ।

pokhara best tourist destination in nepal

Deepak Neupane , Kathmandu : Pokhara best tourist destination in nepal here are places to visit in Pokhara that will sweep you off your feet with their scenic beauty and calm atmosphere. Pokhara is the second most important city in Nepal after the capital city, Kathmandu. But when it comes to tourism, Pokhara is simply the most popular destination in the country. Pokhara is an ideal destination for all kinds of tourists belonging to all age groups. From hills to lakes and from markets to shrines; tourist places to visit in Pokhara are in surplus despite the small geographical area occupied by the city. Whether you are daredevil who wishes to get closer to the highest of the peaks by indulging in trekking or you are someone who wants to stay in the soothing embrace of nature by sailing a boat on the tranquil waters of a lake, Pokhara is the place

The fame of this city among the tourists visiting Nepal is attributed to a variety of places that confirm the richness of culture and nature of the country. Located in the shadow of some of the most prominent Himalayan mountains, Pokhara is beautiful. Whenever you plan to tour Nepal, make sure to add a couple of extra days to spend exploring Pokhara. Pokhara better through our list of the best places you can visit in the city

नख्खु बिस्फोट दुई सुरक्षागार्डको भूमिका शंकास्पद

१२ फागुन, काठमाडौं :  एक जनाको मृत्यु र दुई जना घाइते हुने गरी भएको विस्फोटको नेकपा विप्लव समूहले देखिएको छ । विप्लव समूहको कोहीसँग कनेक्सन देखिएको छैन ।’ हाल घटनाको अनुसन्धानमा प्रहरीको विशेष ब्यूरो, महानगरीय अपराध अनुसन्धान महाशाखा, ललितपुर प्रहरी परिसरलगायतको टोली खटिएको छ तर, दुई सुरक्षा गार्डबाहेक अन्य कसैलाई प्रहरी पक्राउ गर्न सकेको छैन ।  एनसेलका अधिकारीहरुसँग विप्लव समूहले चन्दा माग गरेको पाइएको छ । सुरक्षागार्डले बाहिर फ्यालेको सीसीभीटी फुटेजमा देखिन्छ । घटनामा लमजुङका सिंहप्रताप गुरुङको मृत्यु भएको छ भने घाइते प्रतिक्षा खड्का र उषा मानन्धरको मेडिसिटी अस्पताल उपचार भइरहेको छ ।

Lithuania tourism booming and German visitor

Germans love to travel to Lithuania. It resulted n a record year in 2018 for Lithuania Tourism. 3,6 million people used accommodation services for at least one night while traveling in Lithuania; 1,7 million of them were foreign guests. That’s an 11.3% growth compared to 2017! In fact, the numbers are two times bigger than predicted by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation. Last year, the biggest group of foreign guests came to Lithuania from Germany. That’s 214 100 people or 21.6% more than in 2017. These are the most significant numbers of German guests in Lithuania ever. The growth of guests from the UK has also been significant — the numbers have risen by 19.1%. 6.9% more guests from France, Italy and the Scandinavian countries discovered Lithuania last year.

Lithuania has been steadily investing in marketing itself in select countries; the tools and channels selected have proven themselves highly successful. Last year, we greeted 11.6% more guests from the US, 22.3% more guests from Japan, 20.6% more guests from China and 27.3% more guests from Israel.

UN 29

Town Hall Square is often the starting point for discovering

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The Pažaislis monastery is one of the most-visited objects of interest in Kaunas, fancied by both local travelers and guests from foreign countries. Pictures by A. Aleksandravičius. The numbers provided by The Lithuanian Department of Statistics do not include accommodation at homesteads and Airbnb. It’s predicted that, if it were possible to accumulate, the total numbers would be approx. 30% bigger.

In 2022, Kaunas makes a date with Europe. The city, selected to be the capital of culture of the continent, today is getting ready to welcome its guests, share the idea of community and create a brand new content for Kaunas, Lithuania, Europe. The open Tempo Academy of Culture, lectures, discussions, exhibitions, performances and installations, the contemporary myth of Kaunas and the most insane ideas that are brought to life. Dogs bring an immense feeling of happiness and joy. A visitor can go for an enjoyable ride through the forest paths around Kernavė in a sled pulled by friendly Alaskan huskies.

कुलमानको अर्को योजना बिजुलीका तार ‘अण्डरग्राउण्ड’ गर्न काम शुरु

महाराजगञ्ज र रत्नपार्क वितरण केन्द्र अन्तर्गततको विद्युत्को तारलाई भूमिगत गर्नसबैभन्दा कम रकम बोलकबोल गर्ने भारतीय कम्पनी केईआई इन्ड्रष्ट्रिज लिमिटेड छनोट भएको छ । नेपाल विद्युत प्राधिकरणले काठमाडौंकोमा बिजुलीको तारलाई भूमिगत तथा वितरण प्रणालीलाई स्वचालित गर्ने ठेकेदार छनोट गरेको छ । जमानतसहित ठेक्का सम्झौताका लागि ठेक्का सम्झौता हुनेछ । कम्पनीले रत्नपार्क वितरण केन्द्र अन्तर्गतको काम २ करोड २९ लाख डलर र ८३ करोड १५ लाख रुपैयाँमा (करबाहेक) गर्ने छ । पहिलो चरणमा महाराजगञ्ज र रत्नपार्क वितरण केन्द्रका मुख्य सडकमा ११ केभी र ४ सय भोल्टका प्रणालीलाई भुमिगत र अटोमेसन गरिने छ ।

सडक खन्दा सर्वसाधारणलाई धेरै सास्ती खेप्न नपरोस् भनेर ‘होराइजेन्टन डाइरेक्सनल ड्रिलिङ’ प्रविधि अपनाइने छ । यो प्रविधि अपनाउँदा केही मिटरको दुरीमा दुई खाल्डा खनेरबीचमा भूमिगत तरिकाले नै पाइप हाल्न सकिन्छ । पहिलो चरणमा काठमाडौंको पूर्व तथा दक्षिणमा पर्ने वागबजार,असन, दरबारमार्ग लगायत रत्नपार्क वितरण केन्द्रले समेटेका क्षेत्र र मध्य तथा उत्तरमा वालुवाटार, गोंगबु, सामाखुसी लगायतका महा राजगञ्ज वितरण केन्द्र अन्तर्गत पर्ने क्षेत्रमा पर्ने विद्युत वितरण प्रणालीलाई भूमिगत तथा स्वचालित बनाउन लागिएको हो । महानगरपालिका र उपमहानगरपालिकामा भूमिगत लाइनलाई आधुनिकीकरण र स्मार्ट मिटर जडान गर्ने योजना प्राधिकरणको छ ।

नक्कली छाप र लागुऔषध कारोवार गर्ने दाजुभाई पक्राउ

महानगरीय प्रहरी वृत्त बौद्धले गोप्य सूचनाको अधारमा नक्कली छाप र लागुऔषध कारोवार गर्ने  दाजुभाईलाइ पक्राउ गरेको छ ।प्रहरीले अभियुक्तहरुको कोठमा खानतलासी गर्ने क्रममा  कोठाबाट १६ थान फेनरागन, ११ थान नर्फिन र १४ थान डाइजेल्याप गरी जम्मा ४१ थान लागुऔषध बरामद गरेको थियो ।

दाई सुजन मगरलाई पक्राउ गरेर प्रहरीले अनुसन्धान अगाडि बढाएपछि निजले आफ्नो भाइको काठमाडौँ चुच्चेपाटीस्थित ‘टावी इन्टरनेशनल कन्सल्टेन्सी’ भएको र छापहरु उक्त कन्सल्टेन्सीको रहेको बताएका थिए । उक्त जानकारी पछि बौद्ध प्रहरीले तत्काल उक्त कन्सल्टेन्सीमा छापा मार्दा विभिन्न सरकारी कार्यालयका लेटरप्याड, विभिन्न प्रदेश, गाउँपालिका, नगरपालिका तथा वडाले प्रमाणित गरेका नक्कली कागजातहरु फेला पारेको थियो ।प्रहरीले दाजुभाइलाई लागुऔषध शीर्षकमा मुद्दा दर्ता गरेको छ ।




‘रुमालै छ चिनो’ – सार्वजनिक

‘रुमालै छ चिनो’ देशभरका ४ दर्जन हलमा रिलिज भएको छ ।यो चलचित्रको  भूमिकामा किशोर खतिवडा, संचिता लुइटेल, सुशान्त कार्की र अप्सना थापाको मुख्य भूमिका छ । विदेशमा हुने युद्धमा नेपाली जवानहरुले कसरी विरता देखाएका छन् भन्ने कथालाई चलचित्रमा प्रस्तुत गरिएको  ‘रुमालै छ चिनो’ चलचित्रमा लाउरे प्रेमी र नेपालमा बसेकी प्रेमिकाको कथालाई उठान गरेको छ ।

The Americana of New York- Hotel History

The Americana of New York opened on September 25, 1962 as a 2,000-room convention hotel. It was constructed by brothers Laurence Tisch and Preston Tisch, co-owners of the Loews Corporation and was the first over 1,000-room hotel to be built in New York since the Waldorf Astoria in 1931. With 51 floors, it was acclaimed for many years in its advertising and by the media as the tallest hotel in the world, based on the number and height of its inhabited floors. The Americana was built, along with the New York Hilton facing Sixth Avenue on the next block, to serve the huge number of tourists that the 1964 New York World’s Fair would bring, as well as the business and convention market. The hotel was also known in later years as the Americana Hotel, Americana New York and Loews Americana of New York.

On May 14, 1968, John Lennon and Paul McCartney held a press conference at the Americana to announce the formation of Apple Corps, their music label. The Americana also hosted the New York portion of the 1967 and 1968 Emmy Awards. The hotel’s supper club, The Royal Box featured performances by Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Julie London, Peggy Lee, Liberace, Lena Horne, Sammy Davis, Jr., Paul Anka, Frank Sinatra and many more musical legends.

The hotel was built to the designs of architect Morris Lapidus with a two-story podium originally containing the lobby, five restaurants, ten ballrooms, a large convention hall, and “an acre of kitchens”, with the hotel rooms in narrow slabs above. To achieve this, Lapidus employed three structural systems: floors 1 through 5 are steel-concrete composite columns, floors 5 through 29 are concrete shear walls, and 29 to 51 reinforced concrete columns. At the time of its completion, the building was the tallest concrete-framed structure in the city.  On July 21, 1972, American Airlines leased the Americana of New York from Loews, as well as the City Squire Motor Inn across the street, and the Americana Hotels in Bal Harbour, Florida, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, for a period of thirty years. American merged the hotels with their existing Sky Chefs Hotels chain and marketed all the properties under the Americana Hotels brand. The hotel served as Democratic headquarters for the 1976 Democratic National Convention and 1980 Democratic National Convention. The hotel also hosted the 1974 NFL Draft.

The Americana of New York and the City Squire Motor Inn were sold to a partnership of Sheraton Hotels and the Equitable Life Assurance Society on January 24, 1979. The Americana was renamed the Sheraton Centre Hotel & Towers. Sheraton bought out Equitable’s share in the hotel in 1990, freeing them to undertake a nearly $200 million renovation in 1991, when the hotel was renamed the Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers. Following the World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001, Lehman Brothers Investment Banking division temporarily converted the first-floor lounges, restaurants, and 665 guestrooms of the hotel into office space. Starwood Hotels (which had bought Sheraton in 1998) sold the hotel, along with 37 other properties, to Host Marriott for $4 Billion on November 14, 2005. The hotel continued to be managed by Sheraton, however, and was again renovated from 2011-2012, at a cost of $180 million, with the name shortened to Sheraton New York Hotel in 2012 and then changed to Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel in 2013.

The main block of accommodation is a tall thin bent slab form, angled towards the 52nd Street corner, emphasized by the horizontal striped façade of strip windows and yellow glazed brick spandrels. On the north side facing Sixth Avenue, a lower 25-story wing is placed at right angles to the bent slab, and so at a slight angle to the street, and includes the entrance and lobby in a two-story podium.

The dominant feature at ground level is the two story circular rotunda projecting from under the end of the bent wing on the 52nd street corner. An image of the original hotel in the 1960s can be found in the collection of the Museum of the City of New York. The sidewalk on all sides originally had striped paving at the slight angle of the entry and bent wing, effectively turning the Seventh Avenue sidewalk into a forecourt for the hotel.

I once worked as Resident Manager of the Americana of New York. I lived on the 45th floor and was available at any hour of the night for any and all out-of-the-ordinary events. Inevitably, there were incidents that arose out of mechanical failures, unexpected guest behavior and/or employee shortcomings. I loved the excitement of the job and reported to General Manager Tom Troy, a veteran of the Statler Hotel Corporation. The author, Stanley Turkel, is a recognized authority and consultant in the hotel industry. He operates his hotel, hospitality and consulting practice specializing in asset management, operational audits and the effectiveness of hotel franchising agreements and litigation support assignments. Clients are hotel owners, investors, and lending institutions.