Russia’s Cosmo Course launch private space tourism in five years

Russia’s Cosmo Course launch private space tourism in five years

According to Russian National AeroNet Technology Initiative co-leader, Russia could see the start of private space tourism in around five years. National AeroNet Technology Initiative’s Sergei Zhukov was talking about the so-called CosmoCourse project, which is being developed by a private investor. The new program would allow participants to fly for several minutes to a height of 100km before descending by parachute or engine-powered aircraft.

The Russian space agency has already accomplished orbital space tourism missions. To date, seven tourists have visited space. Former NASA scientist Dennis Tito became the first space tourist when he traveled to the International Space Station for eight days in 2001. Six other space tourists also visited the station, each of them paying between $20 million and $40 million. Canadian businessman and Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberte was the last space tourist in 2009. British singer Sarah Brightman was also supposed to go in 2015, but her flight was canceled for unknown reasons.

“We are talking about suborbital tourist traffic. The launch vehicle, the descent vehicle, and the engine are currently being developed,” Zhukov said, adding that the development company has a license from the Russian space agency, Roscosmos.

In August 2017, private Russian company CosmoCourse received a Roscosmos license for space activities. The company plans to create a reusable suborbital spacecraft for space tourism. The company’s General Director Pavel Pushkin said earlier that a number of Russian citizens are ready to pay $200,000 to $250,000 for a flight on such a ship.

Red or White? Left or Right Bank?

Do you look forward to enjoying a glass of wine with lunch or dinner? Do you eagerly scan the wine list, and then start to sweat because you are unsure as to the appropriate wine to order?

By now you know that you cannot judge a wine by its price. You also know that your friends and associates may, in fact, judge you by the wine you select. If it is good/better/best – you will be crowned a hero. If it tastes like Dr. Pepper (excessively sweet), or gasoline (the vines are adjacent to a major highway), you will lose any standing you thought you had as a “wine connoisseur.”

You could ask the waiter/sommelier to recommend a wine (forget your ego and ask for help) – but you are not sure you should trust this staffer since some employees get a commission on the wine they sell; perhaps they upsell a bottle of expensive wine so they get a sizeable “thank you” from the purchase.

You could have checked the wine list online and researched them before arriving at the restaurant (unfortunately, many restaurants do not update their online wine lists and you may be asking for a wine that is no longer in the wine cellar). You could also have called in advance and asked for recommendations…but you are just too busy to make the call.

What Bordeaux Brings to the Glass

  1. Climate. Ideal for growing grapes
  2. Terroir. Ideal for growing grapes
  3. Location. Major port city for centuries, enabling winemakers’ access to information from various parts of the world. The wine merchants also capitalized on the ships and wealthy traders who visited the port daily, always sending them off on their travels with wine.
  4. Business acumen and good PR. As the travelers returned to their home countries with wine, they shared it with friends and family, and the reputation of the excellence of the wines spread to England and the Netherlands.
  5. Primary flavors of red Bordeaux: Black currant, Plum, Graphite, Cedar, Violets
  6. Price and quality. As a result of the global demand for Bordeaux, quality wines can be enjoyed at various price points. Smaller producers, with wines available for immediate enjoyment, have wines in the $15 – $25 price category (known as Petits chateaux). Plan to inventory wines for a private collection from top producers? Prices start at $30.

There are approximately 18,000 producers in Bordeaux and +/- 7000 specific chateaux (estates). The most famous producers in Bordeaux are Petrus, Margaux, Cheval Blanc and they represent 5 -8 percent of the entire production.

Cru Classifications

  1. Crus Artisans. Small artisan producers of the Medoc
  2. Crus Bourgeois. Producers in the Medoc based on quality assessment of regional character
  3. Crus Classes de Graves. Classification of producers in Graves from 1953 (amended 1959)
  4. Crus Classes de Saint-Emilion. Classification of top-quality producers in Saint Emilion (revisited very 10 years)
  5. Crus Classes de 1955. A 5-tier classification of producers in Medoc and Graves (and sweet wines from Sauternes and Barsac) from 1855 (one producer moved up a tier in 1973).

नेकपा कार्यदलप्रति दाहाल असन्तुष्ट

काठमाडौं : पार्टी एकता टुंगो लगाउन स्थायी समिति बैठकले १३ पुसमा गठन गरेको कार्यदलले काम गर्न ढिलाइ गरेपछि  नेकपा अध्यक्षद्वयले पार्टीको संगठनात्मक प्रतिवेदन तयार पार्न गठन गरेको कार्यदलको प्रतिवेदन अपूरै भए पनि माग्ने संकेत गरेका छन्। मंसिर २९ देखि पुस १३ सम्म बसेको स्थायी समितिले अध्यक्षद्वय केपी ओली र पुष्पकमल दाहालबीच शनिबार बिहान प्रधानमन्त्री निवास बालुवाटारमा कार्यदलको ढिलाइबारे छलफल भएको थियो। स्रोतका अनुसार दुई अध्यक्षबीच कार्यदललाई केही दिन पर्खने, पर्खँदा पनि प्रतिवेदन बुझाउने तत्परता नदेखाए अपूरै भए पनि माग्ने मनस्थिति ओली–दाहालले बनाएका छन्।

कलाकार वि.एस राणाको निधन

वरिष्ठ कलाकार वि.एस राणाको ७८ वर्षको उमेरमा निधन भएको छ । सन् १९९९ साउनमा नरेन्द्रशम्सेर जबरा र राजकुमारी देवीको जेष्ठ सुपुत्रको रूपमा काठमाडौंमा जन्मिएका उनलाई कुनै बेला नेपाली सेक्सपियर नामले चिनिने गरिन्थ्यो । १२ दर्जन बढी फिल्ममा अभिनय गरेका छन् ।  ललितपुरको बागडोल बासिन्दा उनी श्रीमती र दुई छोरीका साथ जीवन व्यतित गर्दै आइरहेका थिए । उनको अंग्रेजी लवज मिसिएको बोलिले सबैलाई लोभ्याउने गर्दथ्यो ।   शुक्रवार बिहान लाजिम्पाटमा अवस्थित टिचिङ अस्पतालमा उनको निधन भएको हो । स्वासप्रस्वासमा समस्या आएपछि उनी करीब एक हप्ताअघि अस्पताल भर्ना भएका थिए ।
वि.एस राणाको शुक्रवार साँझ पशुपति आर्यघाटमा अन्त्येष्टी गरिने छ ।

Good Health for Eggs

Eggs have a bad reputation as cholesterol-laded bombs that will explode your heart if you eat them regularly.  There has been no link whatsoever found between eating eggs and high cholesterol or heart disease. Let’s look at some reasons why you should be embracing daily egg consumption. The evidence is so compelling that you might even want to raise some backyard chickens and get those eggs straight from the source.

Maybe that’s overstating it a little, but not much. Despite a strong nutritional profile and incredible versatility, some folks are still skipping out on eggs or even worse (in our opinion), eating tasteless egg white-only omelets. We are here to tell you that you don’t have to avoid eggs. Yes, they do contain cholesterol, but in recent years we have come to understand that when you eat cholesterol it is broken down in the digestive system and does not land in your arteries as whole molecules. Instead, it is saturated fat that tends to raise overall cholesterol levels.

नुवाकोटको लिखुमा विद्यालय ब्यवस्थापन महासंघ गठन

लिखु,नुवाकोट : नुवाकोटको लिखु गाउँ पालिका स्थित सामुदायिक विद्यालय ब्यवस्थापन समिति महासंघ गठन भएको छ।नुवाकोट सामुदायिक विद्यालय ब्यवस्थापन समिति महासंघका अध्यक्ष भाग्यश्री लामाको प्रमुख अध्यक्षता तथा लिखु गाउँ पालिकाका श्रोत ब्यक्ति महेश्वर पाण्डेको प्रमुख आतिथ्यतामा सम्पन्न कार्यक्रममा यस गाउँ पालिका स्तरीय सामुदायिक विद्यालय महासंघ गठन भएको हो।समितिको अध्यक्षमा रामबहादुर ओझा चयन हुनुभएको छ।समितिको उपाध्यक्षमा कविता कुवर,सचीवमा शैलेन्द्र राई,कोषाध्यक्षमा रेखुमाया थापा र सदस्यहरुमा सरस्वती मल्ल,हरिशरण राई,दुर्गा घर्ती,शिवराम रानामगर,श्याम डङोल,मधु राई र शान्ता मिजार रहनुभएको छ। कार्यक्रममा लिखु गाउँ पालिकाका १४ सामुदायिक विद्यालयका ब्यवस्थापन समितिका ब्यवस्थापन पदाधिकारीहरुको उपस्थिति रहेको थियो।

अनसनरत केसीको समर्थनका १७ चिकित्सक पक्राउ

काठमाडौ : आमरण अनसनरत डा. गोविन्द केसीको समर्थनमा शिक्षण अस्पतालका चिकित्सकको र्‍यालीमा प्रहरीले हस्तक्षेप गरेको छ। बिरामी जाँच सेवा अवरुद्ध गरेर उनीहरुले डा केसीको समर्थनमा शिक्षण अस्पतालमा र्‍याली निकालेका  १७ चिकित्सक पक्राउ गरि  नेपाल पुलिस क्लबमा राखिएको छ। डा. केसी अनसनमा बसेको आज २४ औँ दिन हो।