लोडसेडिङ हुन छाडेपछि वैकल्पिक उर्जाको माग घट्यो

लोडसेडिङ हुन छाडेपछि वैकल्पिक उर्जाको माग घट्यो

 दैनिकमा नेपालमा १६ अर्व लागनी गर्दै पतञ्जलि शीर्षको समाचार प्रमुखताका साथ प्रकाशन भएको छ । आजको कारोबार दैनिकले समस्याग्रस्त वित्तीय संस्था नयाँ लगानीकर्तालाई शीर्षकको समाचारलाई मुख्य समाचार बनाएको छ ।  त्यस्तै वैकल्पिक विद्युत खरीद गर्न खोज्दै प्राधिरण र लघु जलविद्युत व्वसायीको तेस्रो सम्मेलन सुरु भएको समाचार प्राथमिकताका साथ प्रकाशन भएको छ । लघुवित्तका साढे चार लाख सदस्य थपिए, हेटौंडा कपडा उद्योगलाई प्रतिस्पर्धी बनाइने शीर्षकको समाचार पहिलो पृष्ठमा प्रकाशन भएका छन् ।


Reena Ranjit, kathmandu : Spreading your wings and leaving the nest is a major step towards freedom for must young people. But when is

Reena Ranjit
Reena Ranjit

the right time to make the move?  Cearly there are lots of factors to consider before you decide to branch out on your own-and money is the biggest. While living at home might cramp your style. It’s certainly economical. Renting a flat can be an expensive business, so bear in mind that you’ll probably have less cash to spend on yourself. Sharing a flat can reduce the cost and can be great fun, but it isn’t always plain selling. If you fall out with your flatmate or he or she suddenly moves out, you could be left to foot the bills.
Then there’s the question of where exactly to live. Moving a long way away from family and friends might seem like an adventure, but it can be very lonely. You will also need to consider things like transport, and how easy it would be to get the work or college.
Getting a place of your own can be exciting and few of us want to live at home forever. But the time has to be right. Before you pack up and go, talk to older friends and family. After all, they were once in your shoes themselves. So weigh up the pros and cons and don’t leave home until you’re good an ready. That way you’ll be able to savoir your new found independence to the full.

राप्रपाको पार्टी एकता घोषणा कार्यक्रम लोकगायिका कोमल वली राप्रपामा प्रवेश

६ मंसिर, काठमाडौं । लोक गायिका कोमल वली राप्रपा नेपाल र राप्रपाको पार्टी एकता घोषणा कार्यक्रममा वलीलाई अध्यक्ष कमल थापाले फूलमाला लगाइदिएर प्रवेश गरेकी छन् । आफ्नो सम्बोधनको अन्त्यमा थापाले म त्यसै छोड्नेवाला छैन भन्दै आफूसँग खुसीको कुरा रहेको बताए । थापाले फूलमाला लगाइदिएपछि राष्ट्रिय अध्यक्ष पशुपति समशेर राणा लगायतले पनि कोमल वलीलाई माला लगाइदिएका थिए ।

छाउपडी गोठमा सुतेकी किशोरीको ज्यान गयो

अछामः महिनावारी भएको चौथोदिनको रात उनी एक्लै छाउपडि गोठमा सुतेकी अछामको तिमिल्सेन गाविस वडा नम्बर सातकी एक किशोरीको छाउपडि गोठमै ज्यान गएको छ । छाउपडि गोठमा थुनिएकी २१ वर्षकी डम्बरा उपाध्यायको गएराति मृत्यु भएको स्थानीयले बताएका छन् । शुक्रबार दिनघर घाँस काट्ने तथा गाइबस्तुको गोबर (मल) बोक्ने काम गरेकी उनी राति आठ बजेको समयमा खाना खाएर सुतेकी थिइन् । मृतकका जेठाजु जेठाजु तीर्थराज उपाध्ययले भने-‘उनलाई कुनै बिराम लागेको थाहा छैन् । राति खाना खाएर सुतेकी उनलाई बिहान ढिला उठेपछि केटाकेटीलाई बोलाउन पठाएको तर, ढोका नखोलेपछि हेर्न जाँदा उनको मृत शरीरमात्र देख्यौ ।’ डम्बराका श्रीमान यज्ञराज उपाध्याय कामकाम शिलशिलामा केहिदिन अघिमात्र भारत गएका छन् । परिवारले माइतीपक्ष तथा प्रहरीलाई खबर गरेको बताएका छन् । माइतीपक्षमा सदस्यहरु तथा प्रहरी आएपछि शवको पोष्टमार्टम गरिने परिवार सदस्यको दाबी छ । घोप्टेर सुतेको अवस्थामा फेला परेकी उनको मुखबाट रगत बगेको देखिएको छ । उनको माइती अछामको लुङग्रा गाविसमा पर्छ । चार वर्षअघि पनि अछामको रेडिकोट चारकी एक किशोरीको छाउपडि गोठमै भएका बेला मृत्यु भएको छ ।


About Transit-transport talks with China positive

Kathmandu, Nepal and China today agreed on a ‘preliminary outline’ of the proposed transit-transport protocol. During the three-day meeting, Nepali and Chinese officials agreed on the ‘basic outline’ of the proposed protocol,  A senior official level meeting of Nepal’s Ministry of Commerce and Chinese Department of Transport concluded in Lhasa, Tibet, today. Possible truck routes, railways, standard of the convoys, weights of goods to be transported via such routes, qualification of vehicle-drivers, possible railway stations and ports of entry, including dry ports and sea ports were discussed and incorporated in the preliminary draft. ministries of commerce, physical infrastructure and transport and foreign affairs participated.

“We have agreed upon the basic outline of the deal. The details on the outline will be discussed in the next meetings,” Karki added, the deal might be finalised after several meetings between the two sides. The exact date for the meeting has not been confirmed. An official, however, told this daily that the Chinese side said some of the matters of the protocol should be discussed at political level and urged the Nepali side to come up with a clear stance before discussing its contents in detail.

After a transport protocol agreement was signed between China and Nepal in 2005, Nepali vehicles were allowed to use three Tibetan highways via Tatopani port of entry to deliver goods in mountainous districts, such as Dhading, Darchula, Dolpa and Humla. “We have requested China to allow Kerung entry point for supplying goods in mountainous districts using some 13 Tibetan highways,” Karki said. “The Chinese side seems quite positive about the proposal.”

A version of this article appears in print on November 19, 2016 of The Himalayan Times.

तीनकुनेमा सवारी दुर्घटना – एकको मृत्यु

काठमाडौं: तीनकुनेमा शुक्रबार बिहान सवारी दुर्घटनामा  गम्भिर घाइते भएका नेपाली सेनामा कार्यरत हरिगोपाल श्रेष्ठको मृत्यु भएको छ ।  नयाँबानेश्वरस्थित सिभिल अस्पतालमा उपचारका लागि लगिएका श्रेष्ठको मृत्यु भएको अस्पताल स्रोतले जनाएको छ । उनको टाउको र छातिमा गम्भिर चोट लागेको थियो । दुर्घटनास्थलबाट प्रहरीले उद्धार गरी अस्पताल पुर्‌याएको थियो । दुर्घटना हुने वित्तिकै प्रहरीलाई खबर नभएको भन्दै उद्धारमा खटेका प्रहरी जवानहरुले घाइतेको धेरै गम्भिर अवस्थामा मात्र अस्पताल पुर्‌याउन सकेको बताएका छन् । गौशाला क्षेत्रबाट नयाँ बानेश्वर तर्फ जाँदै गरेको मोटरसाइकल कोटेश्वरबाट गौशालातर्फ जाँदै गरेको बा ३ ख २०५६ नम्बरको बसमा ठोक्किएर दुर्घटना भएको हो । स्थानीय ठाउँमा घटेका घटनाबारे प्रहरीको हटलाइन नम्बर १०० मा कल तत्काल खबर गर्न पनि प्रहरीले आग्रह गरेको छ ।


Deepak Neupane, kathmandu : Imagine the scene. You wake up every day to the sound of birdsong. Throwing open your bedroom window, you look out on a vista of green fields and rolling hills. There is nothing but open countryside.
Does this sound idyllic? Well not to me. Of course, living in the middle of nowhere might appeal if you’re elderly, or if you’re winter looking for inspiration. And ‘getting away from it all can be quite relaxing in the short term. But if you think life is for living, the last thing you should do is go and live in the countryside.
So what makes city life any better? Well, let’s start with the people. Where else can you meet such an interesting mix of the job opportunities. Where but in a city will you find such a range of choice? And when you want to relax, just think how much culture and entertainment is waiting for you, often just a short bus ride away.
I’ve spent most of my life in the city and I wouldn’t live anywhere else .I’ve been able to meet an incredible mix of people, see the best shows and entertainers, and keep up with the latest trends and fashion. Life is never dull in fact there’s too much to do. Would I exchange all that for life in the country ? Never in a million years!

हजाररौ एटीएमका डाटा र पिन चोरी

२०७३, मंसिर २ : प्रहरीको केन्द्रिय अनुसन्धान ब्युरोका अनुसार एटिएम बुथमा गोप्य क्यामरा लगायतका उपकरण जडान गरी उनीहरुले नेपाली ग्राहकको पिन नम्बर चोरी गरेका हुन् ।  जासुसी उपकरण बोकेर नेपाल आएका टर्किस, रोमानियन र बुल्गेरियन नागरिकले विभिन्न बैंकका ४ हजार ग्राहकको पिन नम्बर चोरी गरेको खुलेको छ ।  उनीहरुको साथबाट प्रहरीले गोप्य क्यामरा फिस आई, एटिएम मेसिनबाट अर्काको पिन नम्बर चोर्न सघाउने कार्ड स्किमिङ मेसिन, रित्तो कार्डमा पिन नम्बर राख्ने कार्ड पर्सनलाइजेसन मेसिन, एटिएम बुथको नम्बर दवाउन प्रयोग हुने किप्याड, कार्ड काट्ने र घोट्ने मेसिन लगायतका उपकरण र पिन नम्बर संग्रह गरिएको ल्यापटप फेला परेको थियो । ती पिन नम्बर कुन कुन बैंकका हुन् र त्यसबाट पैसा निकालिएको छ कि छैन भन्ने विषयमा अनुसन्धान भइरहेको छ,’   उनीहरुको ल्यापटप र इमेल हेर्दा उनीहरुले नेपाली एटिएम बुथबाट संकलन गरेको पिन विवरण र पासवर्ड फेला परेका हुन् ।  पक्राउ परेकाहरुले पिन नम्बर चोरी गर्न दरबारमार्ग, ठमेल, कान्तिपथमा रहेका विभिन्न बैंकका एटिएम बुथ प्रयोग गरेको खुलेको थियो । प्रहरीले २०७१ देखि हालसम्म चोरी भएको २ करोड ३७ लाख रुपैयाँ फेला पारेको छ ।

सुजाताको हदबन्दी भन्दा बढी जग्गा हुदा हुदै – ५० लाख रुपैयाँ राज्यले उपचार खर्च बाड्यो

१ मंसिर, काठमाडौं । सुजाताको हदबन्दी भन्दा बढी जग्गा हुदा हुदै  ५० लाख रुपैयाँ  राज्यले उपचार खर्च बाड्योको छ ।   सरकारबाट औषधोपचारका लागि ५० लाख रुपैयाँको आर्थिक सहायता  लिएकी कांग्रेस नेतृ सुजाता कोइरालाको जग्गाजमीन सरकारले तोकेको हदबन्दी भन्दा बढी भेटिएको छ । मोरङको बिराटनगरनजिकै बखरी भन्ने ठाउँमा सुजाताका १० कित्ता जग्गा छ । ती जग्गा एक विघादेखि ४ विघासम्मका छन् । र, बिराटनगर–१५ मा समेत रहेका दुईवटा कित्तासमेत जोड्दा सुजाताका नामको जमीन १४ बिघाभन्दा बढी छ । भूमि ऐनले तोकेको भन्दा बढी जमीन राख्नु गैरकानूनी मानिन्छ । र, यस्तो जमीन राज्यबाट अधिग्रहणका लागि योग्य मानिन्छ । तराईमा १४ बिघा जमीन एउटा व्यक्तिका नाममा राख्नु गैरकानूनी मानिन्छ ।

ऐनको प्रावधान


The Meaning of life

Reena Ranjit, kathmandu : It is often assumed that a look at our origins will lead us to the meaning of life . It certainly did not work out that way for Dr . Frankenstein’s creation . Desperate to know where he had come from , unlike us he discovered the awful truth. Yet what he found out did not reveal life’s meaning, it just upset him. Perhaps instead of answering the question of why we are here by looking backwards we should look forward . What future goal would make this life worth living ? The problem with working towards goals was identified by the philosopher of common sense , Aristotle. His argument was that we do many things for the sake of something else. We eat to live , work to pay the bills , study to pass exams and so on . But unless at least one action is done for it’s own sake , there is no point in doing any of them. Not everything can be a means to an end: there must be ends which are valuable in their own right .There is much that makes life precious enough to hold on to and savour. So what gives people’s lives value ? It might be relieving the suffering of other, helping one’s children build their futures, or overcoming a problem. But life is uncertain and we are often thrown off course. The basic answer to the question of life’s meaning is probably this: there are more reason to live rather than die , and they are to be found in the living of life itself.