महाशिवरात्रिमा पशुपतिनाथ दर्शन

महाशिवरात्रिमा पशुपतिनाथ दर्शन

आज (शुक्रबार) महाशिवरात्रि पर्व, देशभर आराध्यदेव महादेवको पूजा आराधनासहित मनाइँदैछ । आज महादेवको पूजा आराधनाका लागि काठमाडौंको पशुपतिनाथ मन्दिरसहित देशभरका शिवालयमा भक्तजनको भीड लागेको छ । आज नदीमा स्नान गरी शुद्ध भई बिहानैबाट शिवालयमा पुगेर श्रद्धापूर्वक महादेवको पूजा आराधना गर्ने गरिन्छ । हरेक वर्ष महाशिवरात्रिका दिन काठमाण्डूको पशुपतिनाथ मन्दिरमा नेपाल मात्र नभई भारत र मलेशियालगायतका विभिन्न देशबाट भक्त तथा साधुसन्तहरू आउँछन्। हिन्दूहरूका एक प्रमुख देवता महादेवको उपासनाका लागि मनाइने यो पर्वमा विशेषत: नागा, नाथ, वैरागी, अघोरी र निरङ्कारी सम्प्रदायका साधुहरू आउने पशुपति क्षेत्र विकास कोषले जनाएको छ।

जनकपुरधाममा ८५ क्वीन्टल अन्नबाट ११ हजार वर्गफिटको सीता–राम स्वयंवर प्रतिमा बनाइयो

जनकपुरधाममा ८५ क्वीन्टल अन्नबाट  ११ हजार वर्गफिटको सीता–राम स्वयंवर प्रतिमा बनाएको छ। सीता–राम विवाहपञ्चमी महोत्सवलाई लक्षित गरी जनकपुरधाममा अन्नबाट ११ हजार स्क्वायर फिटको राम जानकी स्वयंवर प्रतिमा निर्माण गरिएको छ । विवाहपञ्चमीलाई विश्वमा चिनाउन र विश्व कीर्तिमानका लागि अन्नबाट रंगभूमि मैदान बाह्रविघामा प्रतिमा निर्माण गरिएको हो ।

विश्व रेकर्ड स्थापित गर्ने उद्देश्यले जनकपुरधामस्थित रंगभूमि मैदानमा १२ बिघामा निर्माण गरिएको ११ हजार ११ स्क्वायर फिटको सो प्रतिमालाई शनिवारबाट सर्वसाधारणको अवलोकनको लागि समेत खुल्ला गरिएको छ। प्रतिमामा ११ प्रकारका १ सय १ क्विन्टल अन्नको प्रयोग गरिएको छ। जनकपुरधाममा  सप्ताहव्यापी विवाहपञ्चमी महोत्सवको रौनकतालाई अन्नबाट निर्माण गरिएको सीतारामको प्रतिमाले रौनकता बढाएको छ। यो प्रतिमाको निर्माण ११ पटक अन्नकै प्रतिमा बनाएर विश्व रेकर्ड बनाएका भारतको मध्यप्रदेशका सतिश गुर्जरले गरेका हुन्। कोरोना महामारीताकादेखि अन्नको प्रतिमा निर्माण गर्न सुरु गरेका गुर्जरले  संस्कृतिलाई प्रचारप्रसार गर्ने उद्देश्यले बिना पारिश्रमिक यो प्रतिमाको निर्माण गरेका हुन्। प्रतिमा निर्माणमा प्रयोग गरिएको अन्न खेर नजाने प्रतिमा निर्माण समितिले जनाएको छ।



चिनियाँ इन्जिनियरलाई जासुसीको आरोपमा अमेरिकामा ८ वर्ष जेल

चिनियाँ इन्जिनियरलाई जासुसीको आरोपमा अमेरिकामा ८ वर्ष जेल सजाय पाउने भएको छ। अमेरिकाको न्याय मन्त्रालयका अनुसार ३१ वर्षीय जी चाओचुनले काम दिन सकिने ठानेर केही वैज्ञानिक र इन्जिनियरहरूको पहिचान पनि गरेका थिए। यो जासुसी उड्डयन क्षेत्रको व्यापार गोपनीयता चोर्ने प्रयाससँग सम्बन्धित रहेको छ। न्याय मन्त्रालयका अनुसार जी एक दशकअघि अमेरिकामा विद्यार्थी भिसामा आएका थिए। अमेरिकी अधिकारीहरूले जीले चिनियाँ राज्य गुप्तचर इकाईको निर्देशनमा काम गरेको बताएका छन्।  उनलाई गुप्तचरी र अमेरिकी सेनालाई मिथ्या जानकारी दिएको अभियोग लगाइएको थियो।

उनी यूएस आर्मी रिजर्भ्समा भर्ती पनि भएका थिए। त्यस क्रममा उनले आफूबारे ढाँटेका थिए। उनको मुद्दा चीनले अमेरिकाबाट उड्डयन क्षेत्रको व्यापारिक गोप्यता चोर्ने प्रयाससँग सम्बन्धित भएको अमेरिकाको दाबी छ। 

क्यालिफोर्नियामा गोली प्रहार

अमेरिकाको क्यालिफोर्निया राज्यमा बन्दुकधारीको गोली प्रहारबाट कम्तिमा सात जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ। घटनामा संलग्न भएका एक सन्दिग्ध आक्रमणकारीलाई प्रहरीले पक्राउ गरेको छ।आक्रमणकारी सोही सहरमा बस्ने ६७ वर्षे पुरुष भएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ। प्रहरीका अनुसार उनको नाम झाओ चुन्ली हो।

यो आक्रमणहरू समुद्री तटमा अवस्थित हाफ मुन बे सहरका दुई भिन्न स्थानमा भएका थिए।  उक्त सहर सान फ्रान्सिस्कोबाट ५० किलोमिटर दक्षिणमा पर्छ। घटनाका सन्दिग्ध आक्रमणकारी दुई घण्टापछि आफैँ प्रहरी कार्यालयमा आत्मसमर्पण गर्न गएको दृश्य सञ्चारमाध्यमहरूले खिचेका छन्। आक्रमण गरेर हत्या गरेका चार व्यक्तिको शव च्याउखेती गर्ने फारममा फेला परेका थिए। पछि थप तीन जनाको शरीर नजिकै रहको एउटा स्थानमा फेला परेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ।

Eight stranded in Manaslu

Manaslu advanture Trakking Rescue teams are facing difficulties conducting rescue operations due to bad weather in the mountains police Said. At least eight climbers, including one Nepali, have been trapped in the avalanche that occurred on Mount Manaslu on Monday morning,  police said. SP Kedar Khanal of District Police Office, Gorkha, said they have received information that eight people from two-three trekking companies are trapped in the avalanche but there has been no communication as to their health conditions. “A rescue team was sent from Samagaon police station to the base camp,” Police Saaid. “The helicopter has not been able to take off.”

Icefall doctor Yukta Gurung, who is at the base camp, said that the avalanche was triggered by continuous snowfall. “It had snowed unceasingly for 15 days. Sherpas in Camps 1 and 2 are making efforts to rescue those trapped in the snow.

Nepal Sales Mission 2022 to Bangkok concludes on a high note!

PATA Nepal Chapter in collaboration with the Embassy of Nepal in Thailand, Nepal
Airlines, PATA HQ and PATA Thailand Chapter, Thai Travel Agents Association
(TTAA), SS Group Thailand, Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI), Jawalakhel
Group of Industries (JGI) organized its first post-pandemic tourism promotion event
overseas in Thailand; taking a delegation of 20 Tourism Professionals comprising
PATA Nepal Chapter Executives and Members to participate in the 6th PATA
Destination Marketing Forum (PDMF), being held in Songkhla, Thailand from August
2nd to 4th, 2022.
Mr. Bibhuti Chand Thakur, during his welcome remarks, requested all the tourism
stakeholders in the public and private sectors to come together to overcome the
hardships created by the global pandemic, and promote tourism exchange between
the two friendly nations, Nepal and Thailand.
He expressed his belief that this Sales Mission in Bangkok has been a timely and
productive initiative to support the post-pandemic tourism recovery; promoting the
newly built Gautam Buddha Int'l Airport and its new avenues and opportunities for
sustainable tourism development.
Ms. Ben Montgomery, Chairperson of PATA Thailand Chapter, extended her
welcome remarks and best wishes for Nepal’s tourism recovery initiatives.
Mr. Deepak Raj Joshi, Director General of CNI, speaking as a Keynote Speaker
about Destination Nepal, shared the in-depth insights about latest updates and the
alluring offerings of Nepal as a Lifetime Experience destination. He also shared his
expert thoughts on how Thai Travel Agents can benefit connecting with Nepal.
Mr. Shivek Sachdev – Vice President of Thai Travel Agents Association, appreciated
sustainable and environment-friendly initiatives of Nepal and urged his Thai tourism
fraternity to extend their support for Nepal's tourism promotion.
Mr. Hom Prasad Parajuli, Country Manager of Nepal Airlines in Thailand, presented
about the easy connectivity, national flag carrier’s promotional fare, and special
facilitations to Thai Agents.
Mr. Bikram Pandey, Goodwill Ambassador of Lumbini Development Trust, presented
about "Connecting Thailand-Nepal through Buddhist Tourism" highlighting the untold
journey of Lord Buddha and the prospects of tourism development and touristic
products or activities being developed around Lumbini, the Birthplace of Lord

Speaking amidst the august gathering, PATA CEO Ms. Liz Ortiguera, highlighted the
history and importance for global fraternity of PATA, appreciating the pro-activeness
of PATA Nepal Chapter in promotion of Nepal's tourism through collaboration
between PATA Chapters in the region. PATA CEO Ms. Liz expressed happiness for
being able to make her first physical participation for the post-pandemic tourism
promotion and assured to leverage PATA's resources and expertise to help boost
the recovery of destinations including Nepal and PATA member organizations the
world over.
Chief Guest of the program, His Excellency Ambassador of Nepal to the Kingdom of
Thailand, Mr. Ganesh Prasad Dhakal, highlighted the attractions of Nepal’s tourism
and encouraged the Thai Travel Agents and Visitors by assuring the full support of
Nepal embassy for visa issuance, necessary information and other cooperation with
regard to their travelling to Nepal.
Mr. Narendra Deo Bhatta, Executive Committee Member of PATA Nepal, extended
his closing remarks with a vote of thanks to all the supporting organizations and all
present guests and participants from Nepal and Thailand.

Lakpa Sherpa scales Makalu thrice in 16 days

KATHMANDU, MAY 30 :  A Sherpa climber from Sangkhuwasabha district scaled Mt Makalu for the third time in 16 days becoming the only climber to make the most ascent of 8485-metre peaks in a single season.  Chang Dawa Sherpa, expedition director at SST, said. Lakpa Sherpa, a senior mountain guide from Seven Summit Treks stood atop the mountain on May 28 making a third consecutive attempt of the mountain in 16 days, As the climbing season ends, Pakistani climber Shehroze Kashif, 20, has also become the youngest climber in the world to scale five mountains above 8,000m as he scaled Mt Makalu on May 28, Sherpa said.   Who became the youngest climber in the world to summit K2 on 27 July 2021, successfully scaled Mt Lhotse on May 16. On May 5, the broad boy also scaled Mt Kanchenjunga, the third tallest mountain in the world.

According to Mingma Gyalje Sherpa, Managing Director at Imagine Nepal Treks, Sirbaz Khan from Pakistan also scaled Makalu without using supplemental oxygen this season. “Khan became the only Pakistani climber to complete 11×8000m peaks as he stood atop Makalu on May 28,” he added. Mingma G also made a successful ascent of Mt Makalu without using O2 for the second time.

May 1 Statement by the World Tourism Network

The World Tourism Network issued a statement to honor May 1. International Workers’ Day, is also known as Labour Day in most countries and is often referred to as May Day. It’s a celebration of laborers and the working classes that is promoted by the international labor movement and occurs every year on May Day. The day of the worker is celebrated in many countries around the globe.

“The 1st May is marked in the Community of Nations as Workers Day. We call on everyone to stand united, even more than ever before, to overcome the challenges of 2022 which will flow over into 2023 and possibly beyond. The world managed to better understand Covid-19 and its challenges. Now all of us are faced with the Russia – Ukraine war and the effects arising from it. The need for everyone to unite is now. Your family, your country, your continent, and the world depend on your dedication and commitment. We are all workers and we must all appreciate that our own responsibilities keep the economic chain solid and alive.

Be it the Manager or the Cleaner, the Captain or the deckhand, the boss, the director or the desk officer we all need to do more than ever before to keep our economies moving. We need to work hard and guarantee a plate of food on the table for our respective families. Let us remain united and tackle the challenges as one,”. Be it the Manager or the Cleaner, the Captain or the deckhand, the boss, the director or the desk officer we all need to do more than ever before to keep our economies moving. We need to work hard and guarantee a plate of food on the table for our respective families. Let us remain united and tackle the challenges as one,”

US Monitoring Rise In “Human Rights Abuses” In India

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States was monitoring what he described as a rise in “human rights abuses” in India by some officials, in a rare direct rebuke by Washington of New Delhi.

Mr Blinken did not elaborate. Mr Singh and Mr Jaishankar, who spoke after Blinken at the briefing, did not comment on the human rights issue.

“We regularly engage with our Indian partners on these shared values (of human rights) and to that end, we are monitoring some recent concerning developments in India including a rise in human rights abuses by some government, police and prison officials,” Mr Blinken said on Monday in a joint press briefing with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar and Defense Minister Rajnath Singh.

“What does Modi need to do to India’s Muslim population before we will stop considering them a partner in peace?” Ms Omar, who belongs to President Joe Biden’s Democratic Party, said last week.

Mr Blinken’s remarks came days after US Representative Ilhan Omar questioned the alleged reluctance of the US government to criticize Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government on human rights.

सगरमाथा शिखरसम्म पुग्न “अहिलेभन्दा सुरक्षित” बाटो

सगरमाथा शिखरसम्म पुग्न “अहिलेभन्दा सुरक्षित” बाटो बनिरहेको बताइन्छ। फ्रेन्च आरोही नेतृत्वको टोलीले सगरमाथा शिखरसम्म पुग्नका लागि “अहिलेभन्दा सुरक्षित” बाटो पत्ता लगाउने अभियानमा सफलता नजिक पुगेको दाबी गरेको छ। उनका ४२ वर्षीय छोरासहित चार जनाको समूहले आगामी सिजनमा नयाँ बाटो हुँदै सगरमाथा आरोहणको तयारी गरिरहेको छ।

आरोही मार्क बाटार्डले सगरमाथा आरोहणमा जोखिमपूर्ण मानिने खुम्बु आइसफल छलेर पहिलो शिविरसम्म पुग्ने वैकल्पिक बाटो प्रस्तुत गरेका हुन्। बाटो पत्ता लगाउने अभियानमा आफूहरू सफलता नजिक पुगेको दाबी गरे तापनि त्यसबारे व्यावसायिक आरोहण दलहरूले मुख नखोलिसकेकाले हाललाई त्यो सम्भाव्यता हेर्ने क्रममै रहेको धेरैले ठानेका छन्।

बढ्दो विश्वव्यापी तापमानबीच खुम्बु हिमनदी दिनदिनै अस्थिर बनिरहेको बताइन्छ। सन् २०१४ मा त्यहाँ सबेरै हिमपहिरो जाँदा १६ शेर्पाहरूले ज्यान गुमाएका थिए। कयौँ पश्चिमा कम्पनीहरूले आइसफलको त्यही जोखिम छल्न पछिल्ला वर्षमा नेपालबाट आरोहण अभियानलाई तिब्बततर्फ केन्द्रित गरेको बताउँदै आएका छन्। सगरमाथाको टुप्पोमा पहिलो पटक पाइला टेकेका एडमण्ड हिलारी र तेन्जिङ नोर्गेले ७० वर्षअघि सगरमाथा आरोहण गर्दा प्रयोग गरेको यो बाटो हालसम्म परिवर्तन नभएको अनुभवी शेर्पाहरू बताउँछन्। हिमपहिरो र सहजै नदेखिने खोँचका कारण यो क्षेत्र पार गर्नु आरोहीहरूका लागि जोखिमपूर्ण मानिन्छ। दिउँसो हिमपहिरोको जोखिम हुने भएकाले आरोहीहरू बिहान उज्यालो नहुँदै यो ठाउँ पार गर्ने गर्छन्।