बडा दशैंको पहिलो दिन, आज घटस्थापना

बडा दशैंको पहिलो दिन, आज घटस्थापना

हिन्दुधर्मावलम्बीको ठूलो पर्व दसैं  आजदेखि सुरु भएको छ । नवरात्रको पहिलो दिन आज घरघरमा  जमरा राख्ने गरिन्छ ।नवरात्रको पहिलो दिन आज दसैं घरमा विधिवतरुपमा ११ः२९ को शुभ साइतमा जमरा राखिएको हो । बिहानै नित्य कर्म समाप्त गरी नजिकको नदी वा चोखो स्थhलबाट बालुवा वा माटो ल्याई गाईको गोबरले लिपपोत गरिएको पूजाकोठा अथवा दसैँ घरमा विधिपूर्वक राखेर त्यसमा जौं रोपिन्छ । दुर्गा देवीका तीनवटा रुप महाकाली, महालक्ष्मी र महासरस्वतीको नवरात्रभर विधिपूर्वक आह्वान गरी पूजा आराधना गरिन्छ। महाकालशक्तिको प्रतीक, महालक्ष्मी धनधान्य, ऐश्वर्यको प्रतीक र महासरस्वतीलाई विद्या र बुद्धिको प्रतीकको रूपमा पूजा आराधना गर्ने वैदिककालदेखिको परम्परा छ।

विजयादशमीका दिन यसलाई रातो टीकाका साथमा समृद्धिको प्रतीक मानेर पहेंलो जमरा लगाइने गरिन्छ । जौंको जमरा दुर्गा देवीको प्रिय वस्तु भएकाले आज रोपण गरी दुर्गालाई चढाएर विजयादशमीको दिन जमरा लगाइने गरिन्छ । नवरात्रको पहिलो दिन शैलपुत्री, दोस्रो दिन ब्रह्मचारिणी, तेस्रो दिन चन्द्रघण्टा, चौथो दिन कुष्माण्डा, पाँचौँ दिन स्कन्दमाता, छैटौँ दिन कात्यायनी, सातौँ दिन कालरात्री, आठौँ दिन महागौरी र नवौँ दिन सिद्धिदात्री देवीको पूजा आराधना गर्ने गरिन्छ। यीनै नौवटा दुर्गाका रुपलाई नवदुर्गा पनि भन्ने गरिन्छ। नवरात्रभर दुर्गा सप्तशती चण्डी, श्रीमद्देवीभागवत र अन्य देवी स्तोत्र एवं स्तुतिको पाठ पनि गर्ने गरिन्छ। यस अवसरमा गुह्येश्वरी, मैतीदेवी, नक्साल भगवती, शोभा भगवती, नाला भगवती, पलाञ्चोक भगवतीलगायत देशभरका शक्तिपीठमा पूजा आराधना एवं दर्शन गर्ने भक्तजनको भीड लाग्ने गर्छ।


आज हरिबोधिनी एकादशी पर्व मनाइँदै

काठमाडौं : हरिबोधिनी एकादशी वर्षमा पर्ने चौबीस वटा एकादशी मध्ये सबैभन्दा ठूलो एवं महत्त्वपूर्ण एकादशी हो । त्यसैले यसलाई ठूलो एकादशी पनि भनिन्छ । कार्तिक शुक्ल एकादशीका दिनमा भगवान् विष्णुको तुलसीसँग विवाह र विशेष पूजा गरी मनाइने हरिबोधिनी एकादशी पर्व आज मनाइँदैछन् ।हिन्दू धर्ममा एकादशीलाई भगवान् विष्णुको उपासना गर्ने पर्वको रूपमा लिइन्छ। आषाढ शुक्ल एकादशीको दिन क्षीर सागरमा सुत्नुभएका भगवान विष्णु आजैको दिन उठ्नुहुने पुराणहरूमा उल्लेख गरिएको छ। यसैकारण पनि यस दिनलाई हरिबोधिनी एकादशी भनिएको हो भन्ने विश्वास गरिन्छ ।भविष्योत्तर पुराणमा अन्य एकादशीमा भन्दा आज गरिने भगवान् विष्णुको उपासना  बढी फलदायी हुने कुराको उल्लेख गरिएको छ। यस दिन गरिने स्नान, दान, तप आदि सबै कार्य अक्षय फलदायी हुने कुरा भगवान् कृष्णले युधिष्ठिरलाई बताएका छन् ।

हरिशयनीदेखि हरिबोधिनी एकादशीका दिनसम्म चार महिना विष्णुभक्तहरुले तुलसीको व्रत गरी पूजा गर्दछन् ।हरिशयनी एकादशीका दिन घरमा रहेका तुलसीको मठमा विशेष पुजा गरी गाईको गोबर र रातो माटोले पोती फूल मालाले सजाएर तुलसीको विवाह गर्ने परम्परा रहेको छ ।आज हरिशयनी एकादशीका दिनमा सखरखन्ड, पिँडालु र वन तरुल उसिनेर फलाहार खाने गरिन्छ ।आजका दिन काठमाडौंको बुढानीलकण्ठका साथै उपत्यकाका चाँगुनारायण, शेषनारायण, इचँगुनारायण र विशंखुनारायण लगायत देशभरका विष्णु मन्दिरहरुमा विशेष मेला लागेको छ ।

oxygen plant tree peepal

 Deepak Neupane. Kathmandu : The health system in India is under heavy criticism due to a rapid increase in the number of coronavirus patients in the country. Patients are dying due to lack of oxygen. Several people in himal parade and Tilhar area mostly started camping under a ‘peepal’  tree as they could not obtain an oxygen cylinder. On seeing this, peoplestarted flocking under the tree.

These people reported that although they were having difficulty in breathing at home, they felt comfortable under the peepal tree. On hearing this information, Tilhar MLA Roshanlal also arrived near the peepal tree to see the patients sleeping there.

The antigen tests of these people are reported to be negative. However, symptoms of infection are evident in them. Since their reports were negative, hospitals refused to admitthem and sent them home. However, they started experiencing breathing difficulties at home. The search for oxygen cylinders began. But no oxygen cylinders were available. They then rushed to the peepal tree to get oxygen as the peepal tree emits oxygen continuously for 24 hours.

Later, he gave instructions to the administration to ensure that all these people are provided treatment by the doctors.

यस वर्ष बिस्केट जात्रा नहुने

कोरोना भाइरस संक्रमणको जोखिमका कारण भक्तपुरमा हरेक वर्ष हुँदै आएको बिस्केट जात्रा र जिब्रो छेड्ने जात्रा यस वर्ष नहुने भएको छ । भक्तपुरकी प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी हुमकला पाण्डेले बिस्केट जात्रा र जिब्रो छेड्ने जात्रा दुवै नहुने जानकारी दिइन् । यस वर्ष जात्रा नगर्ने र सामान्य पूजामात्र गर्ने निर्णय भएको छ । कोरोना भाइरस संक्रमणको जोखिमका कारण यी दुवै जात्रा यस वर्ष स्थगित गरिएको हो । प्रत्येक वर्ष चैत मसान्तमा बोडे महालक्ष्मी मन्दिर प्रांगणमा लिंगो ठड्याएपछि वैशाख २ गते जिब्रो छेड्ने जात्रा मनाइन्छ । बिस्केट जात्रा भक्तपुरमा नौ दिन आठ रातसम्म मनाइन्छ ।

आँगनमा ढकमक्‍क सयपत्री

काठमाडौं: आँगनमा ढकमक्‍क सयपत्री र मखमली फुलिरहेको छ। नेपालीहरुको दोस्रो ठूलो महान चाड तिहार घर-घरमा भित्रिइसकेको छ। तिहारमा पूजा सामग्री, घर सजाउन र भाइटीका लागि फूलको प्रयोग अत्‍यधिक मात्रामा हुने भएकाले फूलको माग ज्‍यादा हुन्छ।  कोही घरआँगन लिपपोतमा व्‍यस्त देखिन्छन् भने कोही झ्याल ढोकामा र‌ंग लगाउन व्‍यस्त देखिन्छन्।  यस वर्ष फूलको माग दोब्बर भएको छ। उत्पादन कम भएपछि मूल्यमा पाँच गुणाले वृद्धि भएको छ। मखमली फूलको उत्पादन पर्याप्त भएपनि सयपत्री फूलको उत्पादन भने विगत वर्षका तुलनामा कम भएपछि मूल्य पाँच गुणाले वृद्धि भएको हो।

tihar of thepowernes

Another Hawaii tourist contracts rat lungworm disease

The sixth case of rat lung worm disease has been confirmed in an adult tourist who had visited the Big Island of Hawaii. As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the State Health Department, this now makes a total of 3 cases of rat lung worm disease found in tourists and 3 found in residents.

The most common symptoms include severe headaches and neck stiffness. In more serious cases, individuals experience neurological problems, severe pain, and long-term disability. Rat lung worm disease is caused by a parasitic roundworm and can have debilitating effects on an infected person’s brain and spinal cord. In Hawaii, most people become ill by accidentally ingesting a snail or slug infected with the parasite.
This most recent victim is a resident from the mainland who was visiting West Hawaii when s/he was infected with the parasite causing rat lung worm disease. This person became ill in early February and was hospitalized for a short time on the mainland for symptoms. So far it has not been determined where the source of the infection came from, although the tourist did say that s/he had eaten a lot of fresh fruits without washing them.

UNESCO World Heritage Committee adds new sites in Azerbaijan

During its meeting in Baku this morning, the World Heritage Committee inscribed six cultural sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List plus two cultural sites The newly inscribed sites are located in Azerbaijan, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Spain, and the UK. Inscriptions will continue in the afternoon.

Located 30 km northwest of Lisbon, the site was conceived by King João V in 1711 as a tangible representation of his conception of the monarchy and the State. This imposing quadrangular building houses the king’s and queen’s palaces, the royal chapel, shaped like a Roman baroque basilica, a Franciscan monastery and a library containing 36,000 volumes. The complex is completed by the Cerco garden, with its geometric layout, and the royal hunting park (Tapada). The Royal Mafra Building is one of the most remarkable works undertaken by King João V, which illustrates the power and reach of the Portuguese Empire. João V adopted Roman and Italian baroque architectural and artistic models and commissioned works of art that make Mafra an exceptional example of Italian Baroque.

The site, a cultural landscape located on the slopes of Mount Espinho, overlooking the city of Braga in the north of Portugal, evokes Christian Jerusalem, recreating a sacred mount crowned with a church. The sanctuary was developed over a period of more than 600 years, primarily in a Baroque style, and illustrates a European tradition of creating Sacri Monti (sacred mountains), promoted by the Catholic Church at the Council of Trent in the 16th century, in reaction to the Protestant Reformation. The Bom Jesus ensemble is centred on a Via Crucis that leads up the western slope of the mount. It includes a series of chapels that house sculptures evoking the Passion of Christ, as well as fountains, allegorical sculptures and formal gardens. The Via Crucis culminates at the church, which was built between 1784 and 1811. The granite buildings have whitewashed plaster façades, framed by exposed stonework. The celebrated Stairway of the Five Senses, with its walls, steps, fountains, statues and other ornamental elements, is the most emblematic Baroque work within the property.

 (Russian Federation) — Churches, cathedrals, monasteries, fortification towers and administrative buildings make up the site, a group of monuments located in the historic city of Pskov, on the banks of the Velikaya River in the northwest of Russia. Characteristics of these buildings, produced by the Pskov School of Architecture, include cubic volumes, domes, porches and belfries, with the oldest elements dating back to the 12th century. Churches and cathedrals are integrated into the natural environment through gardens, perimeter walls and fences. Inspired by the Byzantine and Novgorod traditions, the Pskov School of Architecture reached its peak in the 15th and 16th centuries, and was one of the foremost schools in the country. It informed the evolution of Russian architecture over five centuries.

समयमै धान रोप्न पाइएन भने फल लाग्दैन – खडेरीले बीउ मर्न थाल्यो

बुटवल :  ‘समयमै धान रोप्न पाइएन भने फल लाग्दैन, रुपन्देहीको छेवैको खेतमा बुङबुङ्ती धुलो उडेको छ। मध्यअसारमा रोपाइँ सकेर हिलो पखाल्ने यस वर्ष असार १५ सम्म १० प्रतिशत पनि रोपाइँ हुन सकेको छैन। साता दिनअघि जोताएर रोप्न तयारी गरेको खेतमा पानी छैन। आकाशमा बादल मडारिँदा पानी नै नपरी बादल हराउँछ ।
प्रदेश ५ को करिब साढे ७ लाख हेक्टर जमिनमध्ये बर्खामा करिब ४० प्रतिशतमा मात्रै सिँचाइ सुविधा छ। धान रोप्न ६० प्रतिशत क्षेत्रमा आकाशे पानीको भर पर्नुपरेको छ। ब्याडमा राखेको बीउ जोगाउनै कठिन छ। ‘कुलो नहुँदा बर्सेनि यस्तै हैरानी छ।’ पप्पबाट तान्न सडक छेउको घोलामा पानी जम्नै पर्छ। अहिले ती घोला नै सुकेका छन्।

Chisapani hiking way

Deepak Neupane, kath,andu : It was a Saturday and sunny day as well. We were almost 16 together and we were divided into 2 groups. Eight of us were in hiking mood where as other half decided to take the bus in order to vist Chisapani. So we planned in such a way that hikers will move early in the morning and those who were coming through bus will move around after 4 hours. So in the morning we started our hike. We move to old Bus Park from where can reach Sundarijal directly. Otherwise we had to take Sundhara-chabhel-Bouddha-Jorpati-Sundarijal route, changing micro bus at each place. After reaching Sundarijal, we did some shopping for hiking. We bought chips and chocolates. Then we started hiking, the first two hours was like hell, a straight continuous steep uphill path which never looked like ending. We took lots of short rests during the first two hours of hiking. During this two hours of hiking we passed through Shivapuri National Park. We need to buy a tickets to enter the National Park. On the way we found some shops where we can buy drinks and snacks. The hiking was like walking in the Jungle. You never know what’s ahead of your journey. So after 3 hours of hiking finally we started moving downhill. It was a bit of relief for all of us. We started seeing some houses far away on hills. Ya that seemed to be Chisapani. So after 4 hours of hiking we reached Chisapani. It’s a very good place with open space. We can see Himalayan ranges like Ganesh Himal and Langtang range as well from there.
 At chisapani, there are only few numbers of resorts and hotels. Rooms are quite cheap in compared to Nagarkot and Dhulikhel. We took some rest and had tea and wai wai soup. We waited for our 8 friends who were supposed to come by bus. After few minutes we saw all of them coming on a tripper truck. It was so funny seeing them like that. Actually the roads were not so good and on top of that they did not find any bus that’s why they could only managed to book truck. After that we all got fresh and started our program. We played some team building games like paper dance, number games and others. Then we started preparing BBQ and had some drinks. Around 1 AM mid night we move to our bedrooms. 
Next morning, all of us started taking pictures of the beautiful mountain ranges. The morning view from our hotel was just awesome. So after taking breakfast, all of us decided to take the same truck for downhill ride. Yes of course the road was not so good, so it was really a thrilling ride back to Sundarijal. Thankfully all of us reached sundarijal in safe state.

Chisapani view

‘साकुरा’ नेपाल-जापान सम्बन्ध सुमधुर बनाउने राष्ट्रिय फूल

काठमाडौँ, १९ मंसिर :  साकुरालाई शान्तिको प्रतीक मानिन्छ । विश्वमा शान्ति, भ्रातृत्व र समृद्धिको सन्देश प्रवाह गर्न जापानीले २३ देशका ३५ शहरमा साकुरा रोप्दै आएका छन् । नेपालमा यस वर्ष पहिलो पटक दुई देशबीचको सम्बन्धलाई प्रगाढ बनाउन राष्ट्रिय शहीद स्मारक गोकर्णमा डेढ फिट उचाइका २०० साकुरा फूल रोपिएको छ ।  नेपाल जापान सम्बन्धलाई सुमधुर बनाउने उद्देश्यले जापानी राष्ट्रिय फूल ‘साकुरा’ रोप्न वृद्ध जापानीको समूह नेपाल आएको छ ।National election of nepal Nga_chhap-lagaune


नेपालका गाउँगाउँमा साकुरा रोपेर दुई देशबीचको सम्बन्धलाई थप प्रगाढ बनाउने चाहनाले बाह्र जनाको वृद्धको समूह नेपाल आएको हो । साकुरा रोप्न आएको चेरी ब्लुस्म एशोसिएसनका अधिकांश व्यक्ति ६० वर्षभन्दा बढी उमेरका छन् ।

Image result for sakura flower

पुष्परोपण शुरुवात गर्दै नेपालका लागि जापानी राजदूत मासासी ओगावाले नेपालमा पनि साकुरा हुर्कन सक्ने वातावरण भएकाले शान्तिको सन्देश फैलाउने उद्देश्यले रोपिएको छ । नेपालमा साकुरा रोप्न प्राविधिक सहयोग गर्ने एशोसिएसनका मात्सुजावा हिरोबुमीले यस वर्ष रोपिएका फूल संरक्षण भएका आधारमा अर्को वर्षदेखि कार्यक्रमलाई विस्तार गरिने बताउनुभयो ।