China launches world’s first 5G smart hotel in the world

China launches world’s first 5G smart hotel in the world

A strategic cooperation agreement was signed today to create the world’s first 5G smart hotel in China by InterContinental Shenzhen, Shenzhen Telecom, and Huawei. By introducing the hotel industry’s first end-to-end 5G network with integrated terminals and cloud applications, the project will enable InterContinental Shenzhen to provide guests with the ultimate innovative luxury experience and open the door for digital transformation of entire hotel industry through 5G technology.
Cai Yun, Secretary-General of the Commercial Cultural Tourism Committee of China Real Estate Association, Golden Sun, General Manager of Shenzhen OCT Hotel Development Co., Ltd., Feng Wei, Deputy General Manager of China Telecom Shenzhen Branch, and Dr. Peter Zhou, Chief Marketing Officer of Huawei Wireless Solution, delivered keynote speeches and kicked off the ceremony.

Shenzhen Telecom is deploying Huawei’s 5G network equipment in the InterContinental Shenzhen to achieve continuous indoor and outdoor 5G coverage, which will serve as the platform for a new generation of hotel services. Guests will experience innovative 5G hotel applications through 5G smartphones and customer-premises equipment (CPE) terminals, including 5G welcome robots, 5G cloud computing terminals, 5G cloud games and 5G cloud virtual reality (VR) rowing machines, providing business travelers with a convenient and efficient working environment, and leisure travelers with a high-end, immersive entertainment experience.

“InterContinental Shenzhen is a reputable scenario for Shenzhen Telecom. The good number of VIP customers, high user experience standard, short delivery period and high construction environment requirements, all pose great challenges to network deployment and operation and maintenance.” Feng Wei, Deputy General Manager of China Telecom Shenzhen Branch , said, “with the joint efforts of Huawei, Shenzhen Telecom successfully completed the deployment of the 5G network experience zone on the first floor and presidential suites of the InterContinental Shenzhen within two days, providing Gbps level download experience and the 5G-capable hotel application requiring large bandwidth and short delay. In the future, we will provide complete 5G network coverage in the hotel, and build the benchmark for global 5G five-star hotels together with Intercontinental Shenzhen and Huawei.”

Golden Sun, General Manager of Shenzhen OCT Hotel Development Co., Ltd said, “the hotel always puts the guest experience first. Since consumer spending is continuously increasing, consumers are craving higher quality and better consumer experiences. Guests expect new things and new experiences. The joint venture with Shenzhen Telecom and Huawei has brought more possibilities to the hotel. Riding on the advanced technology, we can imagine our future and fly with it freely. We are excited to see the 5G experience zone in InterContinental Shenzhen as this is the first step for our three parties to build 5G hotels. On the other hand, we also hope to realise the comprehensive transformation of smart hotels and digital hotels by introducing 5G technology. We are willing to further cooperating with Shenzhen Telecom and Huawei to explore more in-depth application of 5G in the hotel scene, we hope that our experience can help the digital construction of the hotel industry and tourism.”


टुटे–फुटेका काठबाट ५ करोड लागतमा रिसोर्ट

चितवन,  – सामान्यतया घरायसी प्रयोजनमा टुटे–फुटेका काठतर्फ कमैको ध्यान जान्छ । सर्लक्क र सफा काठ तिरै प्राय सबैको नजर छ । तर पश्चिम चितवनको मेघौली–५ मासञ्चालनमा आएको साराङ वाईल्डलाईफ स्याङचुरी पुग्नेलाई थाहा हुन्छ टुटे–फुटेका काठको महत्व कति हुन्छ भन्ने । जहाँ खेर गएका काठ जम्मा गरेर कलात्मक रिसोर्ट निर्माण गरिएको छ ।
दाउराका लागि प्रयोग गर्न लागिएको काम उठाएर यसलाई कलात्मक ढंगबाट फर्निचरमा परिणत गरिएको देख्दा जो कोहि दंग पर्छन् । वरिपरि जंगलले घेरिएको होटल भित्र प्रायः फर्निचरलाई त्यस्तै किसिमले प्राकृतिक बनाउने प्रयास गरिएको छ । झण्डै ५ करोड लगानीमा तरुण दलका केन्द्रिय सदस्य सुबोध प्रधानले रिसोर्ट सञ्चालनमा ल्याएका हुन् । साराङ वाईल्डलाईफ स्याङचुरी नाम राखिएको रिसोर्ट अंग्रेजी नयाँ बर्षको अवसर पारेर सञ्चालनमा ल्याइएको हो । रिसोर्टमा आन्तरिक तथा बाह्य पर्यटकहरु पुग्ने गरेका छन् ।
सदरमुकामबाट २५ किलोमिटर पश्चिममा पर्ने उक्त रिसोर्टमा २४ कोठा छन् । रिसोर्ट खरले छाईएको छ । त्यस्तै अधिकांश संरचना पुराना शैलीका छन् । खेर गएका काठलाई जम्मा गरेर बस्नेदेखि सुत्ने खाट, धारो बनाईएको छ । त्यस्तै मादल, थारुको माछा मार्ने ढडिया र लालटिनमा बत्ती राखेर बाल्ने गरिएको छ ।
जंगलको विचमा रिसोर्ट छ । छेउमा राप्तीनदी छ । विहान र सांझपख चराचुरुङकीको आवाजले सबैलाई मोहित पार्छ । रिसोर्टमा आउने पर्यटकले जिप सफारी, हात्ती सफारी, थारु गाउं, गैंडा हेर्न र थारु संस्कृतिमा रमाउन पाउंछन् । त्यस्तै ३ वटा काठको डुंगा राखिएकाले राप्ती नदीमा पर्यटकले जलयात्राको मज्जा लिन पाउने छन् । ‘आन्तरिक र बाह्य पर्यटक दुबैलाई लक्षित गरी रिसोर्ट सञ्चालनमाल्याएको हो,’ प्रधानले भने,‘अब विदेशी पर्यटकका लागि बसको ब्यवस्थागर्ने तयारी गर्दै छु ।’ उनले पर्यटक आफैं रिसोर्ट सम्म आउने गरेको बताए । त्यस्तै रिसोर्ट परिसरमा स्विमिङ पुल निर्माणको तयारी थालिएको छ । निर्माण संगै स्पापनि सञ्चालनमा आउने छ ।
मेघौलीका पर्यटन व्यवसायीहरुले विमानस्थल सञ्चालनमा ल्याउनकालागि केन्द्रिय स्तरमा दवावपनिदिंदै आएका छन् । प्रधानले भने, ‘हामी यो विमानस्थल सञ्चालनमाआओस भन्ने चाहन्छौं । त्यसैले सरकारलाई आग्र गरिरहेका छौं । यो भयो भने यस क्षेत्रको पर्यटन विकासमा महत्वपूर्ण सहयोग पुग्छ ।’ मेघौली क्षेत्रमा पछिल्लो समयमा करोडौं खर्चिएर सुबिधा सम्पन्न होटलहरु खुल्नेक्रम बढेको छ । तर बैशाखयता भूकम्पको असरका कारण पर्यटकहरु भने खासै पुगेका छैनन् ।