टोखा नगरपालिका भित्र यातायात असहज भएका स्थानमा स्थलगत बजार अनुगमन

टोखा नगरपालिका भित्र यातायात असहज भएका स्थानमा स्थलगत बजार अनुगमन

टोखा नगरपालिकाले नगरभित्रका असहज स्थानमा यातायात सहज रुपमा संचालन गराउने, यात्रुहरुले सडकपेटी मा आवतजावत गर्ने बाधा पुगेका स्थानहरु खाली गर्ने, जेब्राक्रसिङ उपयुक्त ठाउमा भएनभएको लगायत बिषयहरुलाई समेट्ने उदेश्यदे आज बजार अनुगमन गरेको छ ।

रिलायन्स स्वावलम्बी सेभिङ्ग खाता

५ पुस, काठमाडौं : दिगो बिकासको अधिकतम बिकास गर्ने लक्ष लिएको यस रिलायन्स फाइनान्सले आफ्नो स्थापनाको ११औ वार्षिकउत्सब को अवसरमा रिलायन्स स्वावलम्बी सेभिङ्ग खाता संचालनमा ल्याएको छ । केन्द्रीय कार्यालयसहित २० वटाभन्दा बढी शाखाहरु रहेको रिलायन्स फाइनान्स डिजिटल प्रबिधिको अधिकतम प्रयोग गरि ग्रहकहरुमा लघु, घरेलु, साना तथा मझौला व्यवसाय संचालनकर्ताहरुको लागी आफ्नै बैक हो ।

विगत लामो समयदेखि यहाँहरुकै सेवामा समर्पित रिलायन्स फाइनान्स लेख एघारौ वार्षिकोत्सवको अवसरमा विभिन्न स्वाबलम्बी बचत खाताहरु संचालनमा ल्याएको छ । जसअन्तर्गत :

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Professional अन्य रिटेल कर्जामा बिशेष कर्जा छुटकोलागी कुनै पनि कम्पनीमा आबद्घ भएको ID अन्य प्रमाण पेश गर्नु पर्ने छ ।



To pay tribute to Krisu Chhetri for his remarkable and dedicated service, The Rotary Club of New York Queens organized a splendid farewell ceremony in Bamboo House restaurant, Queens. Krisu Chhetri is a top Nepali diplomat who served in Consulate General for around four years. During his stay in the Consulate General, he worked tirelessly to look after the interests of Nepalese expatriate in the U.S. and fulfill his other diplomatic duties.

Several social leaders and diplomatic officials attended the party. While addressing to the party, Nebaraj KC, the president of Rotary Club New York, said, “We honor the devoted service of Mr. Krishu Chhetri. In a very short period, Mr. Krishu Chhetri has done a lot for the Nepalese community in the U.S. His special efforts and contributions would always be remembered.” Several other notable social leaders and dignitaries also attended this farewell ceremony. In recognition of his staunch services and great contributions, the New York Rotary Club and Special Citation from New York Council office awarded Mr. Krisu Chhetri.

नयाँ बजेट लागू हुनासाथ – भिसिटिएस नियम मान्न आपत्ति

नयाँ आर्थिक वर्ष सुरू भएको सातादिन नबित्दै चालू बजेटका कतिपय नीति कार्यान्वयनमा समस्या देखिएका छन्। सबभन्दा बढी विरोध भएको कर्मचारीलाई तलब दिँदा स्थायी लेखा नम्बर (प्यान) मा दर्ता हुनुपर्ने प्रावधान छ। प्यानबिना तलब दिए खर्च देखाउन नपाइने व्यवस्था बजेटले गरेको छ। खासगरी करमा लिइएका केही नयाँ नीतिविरूद्ध व्यवसायीहरू सडकमा ओर्लिएका छन्। अनौपचारिक अर्थतन्त्र नियन्त्रण गर्ने भन्दै सरकारले चालू आर्थिक वर्षदेखि ‘भेहिकल एन्ड कन्साइनमेन्ट ट्रयाकिङ सिस्टम’ (भिसिटिएस) लागू गरेको छ। यसबाट देशभित्र हुने सबै किसिमका ढुवानी राजस्व अनुसन्धान विभागले निगरानी गर्न सक्छ।

‘नेपालमा सामान्य निर्माणदेखि उच्च व्यवस्थापनसम्म भारतीय श्रमशक्तिको उपस्थिति छ। भारतीय तथा विदेशी श्रमिकका हकमा छुट्टै व्यवस्था गरेर भए पनि यो नियम कार्यान्वयन गर्ने खतिवडाको सोचाइ छ। गोल्छाले पनि विदेशी श्रमिकलाई दिइने तलबमा छुट्टै व्यवस्था गर्ने हो भने व्यवसायीहरूलाई नियम मान्न आपत्ति नभएको बताएका छन्। अहिलेकै अवस्थामा भने कार्यान्वयन गर्नै नसकिने उनको अडान छ।


New York- The notable book Kampan’s second edition is going to release tomorrow in New York. The program is going to be held in Nepali restaurant Thakali Kitchen, Jackson Heights, New York. 

This book is a collection of experiences of well-established people and other people who became victims of Nepali earthquake. The book explains various viewpoints into many slices of life through history and time. Time can be the greatest teacher of all. Because this book explains the experiences and view of the victims in a vivid way, I believe that this book will definitely be an evergreen text that will be read throughout time, and its meanings and messages can be adapted to fit whatever the reader is going through or needs help with.

Any kind of disaster can embroil the life, but by being compassionate and lending a helping hand to others, we can do our best to help other to surmount the seemingly indefatigable challenges posed by the disaster. In 1998, during the midnight, an earthquake of a magnitude of 6.9 shook the whole of Nepal. Had the recent earthquake hit Nepal during midnight, the number of causalities would have been much higher. I shudder at this thought, but it highlights the unpredictability that constantly surrounds us.

The powerful read is divided into six segments with ineluctable stories that you simply will not be able to skip. The author has penned down riveting interviews and brought stories of several people whose lives were affected in different ways by the earthquake. Kishor Panthi, the author of the book and a well-known journalist, is currently working as the editor-in-chief of KHASOKHAS, a monthly Nepali magazine published and circulated in the USA.

सुन चाँदीको मूल्यमा गिरावट

काठमाडौँ : नेपाल सुन चाँदी व्यवसायी महासंघले आईतबारको तुलनामा सुन प्रति तोला ८ सय रुपैयाँमा कारोबार भैरहेको छ । सुन चाँदीको मूल्य घटेको छ । छापावाला सुन प्रति तोला ५९ हजार ८ सय रुपैयाँमा कारोबार भैरहेको छ भने तेजावी सुन ५९ हजार ५ सय रुपैयाँमा कारोबार भैरहेको छ । चाँदीको ५ रुपैयाँले कारोबार भैरहेको छ ।

Runaway 57 miles across train travels Western Australia without driver

Mining giant BHP Billiton was forced to deliberately derail a 268-car freight train, loaded with iron ore, after it had traveled an alarming 92km across Western Australia with no one on board. The driver alighted to inspect one of the wagons at approximately 4am on Monday when the train, reportedly consisting of four locomotives and 268 wagons, took off for Port Hedland before he could get back on board, the Western Australian reports. It managed to travel 92km without anyone at the helm before BHP was forced to take drastic action and intentionally derail the train at a crossing located roughly 120km from Port Hedland in Western Australia. The resource giant has suspended all train operations in the Pilbara region while an investigation is underway. “A Western Australia iron ore train has been derailed near Turner on route to Port Hedland this morning.

“Based on the 120km distance from Port Hedland, it would appear that the great majority of BHP’s Pilbara production would be impacted. If there is significant track damage it could be that train loadings and speeds could be constrained post repairs and restarting of shipments,” Edward Sterck, an analyst at BMO Capital Markets, told the Financial Times. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has sent two investigators to determine if any rail safety protocols were breached in the incident. Iron ore extraction is a major industry for BHP Billiton, with the company exporting 69 million tons from Port Hedland in the quarter ending in September, via its four processing hubs and five mines connected by a system of 1,000km of railway lines.Iron ore alone is  responsible for almost 40 percent of BHP’s earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITA). The company has faced multiple derailments in the region in recent years, in both 2017 and 2015, when an incident was caused by a broken rail.

१ US $ = ११२.२० रुपैयाँ- डलर किन बढ्यो ?

एक अमेरिकी डलर किन्न अव ११२ रुपैयाँ २० पैसा  भन्दा बढी तिर्नु पर्ने भएको छ । टर्कीको आर्थिक उथल पथलका कारण डलर महँगो भएको छ ।  नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकले मङ्गलवारका लागि एक डलर किन्न ११२ रुपैयाँ २० पैसा लाग्ने गरी तोकेको छ । अमेरिकी डलर विक्री गर्दा भने १११ रुपैयाँ ६० पैसा पाइन्छ । प्रति डलर करिब १११ को हाहारीमा मात्र पाइन्छ । यो अहिलेसम्मकै डलर सबैभन्दा महँगो हो ।   नेपालको शेयर बजारमा आएको गिरावट, अमेरिकी डलरको मूल्य वृद्धिले यहाँबाट डलर नेपाल पठाई शेयर बजारमा लगानी गर्न फाइदाजनक हुने अवस्था देखिएको छ ।भारतका वित्तीय विश्लेषकहरूले भारु मूल्य अझ तल झर्न सक्ने बताएका छन् । भारतमा सोमवार एक अमेरिकी डलर किन्न झण्डै ७० भारु तिर्नु पर्ने भएको छ । यही आधारमा एक डलरको मूल्य ११२ नेरु भन्दा माथि पुगेको हो ।

600 terrorists ready to cross LoC, says intel report

Deepak Neupane, Kathmandu :  Even as Pakistan’s Prime Minister-in-waiting Imran Khan said last week that he was willing to work towards improving ties with India, his country’s army is readying a plan to push nearly 600 terrorists into Indian territory to wreak havoc in Jammu and Kashmir. According to an intelligence report, accessed by Zee News, 600 terrorists are waiting on the border to infiltrate. They are positioned at various terror launch pads spread along the Line of Control (LoC) and International Border in Jammu and Kashmir.

“If they take one step towards us, we will take two, but at least (we) need a start,” 65-year-old Khan said in his first public address after leading his party to victory in the general elections held last week. We want to improve our relations with India, if their leadership also wants it, he had said.

The report submitted to the Union Home Ministry asserts that these terrorists are being actively supported by Pakistani armed forces. Intelligence sources suspect that there are also Pakistan army personnel among the 600 terrorists. They are believed to be members of infamous Pakistan’s Border Action Team (BAT) which is known to provide support to terrorist organisations to launch attacks on Indian security forces from across the border. According to intelligence agencies, this may be the highest number of terrorists readied by Pak forces to infiltrate India after surgical strikes destroyed dozens of launchpads in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). The Pak Army’s plan comes on the back of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan’s promise to work towards better ties with India.  However, the action of the Pak Army is contrary to the promise made by Khan. An attempt by Pak Army to send these terrorists to India would jeopardise any chance of peace process. On Tuesday, the Centre had said that 110 terrorists have been killed by security forces in Jammu and Kashmir till July 22 this year. In 2017, the number was at 213 while in 2016 and 2015, it was 150 and 108 respectively.

According to the intelligence report, here are the details of terrorists ready to infiltrate:

1.  Gurez Sector: 67 terrorists present in Pakistan’s posts at Barbad, Sardari, Losar complex.

2. Machil Sector: Movement of 96 terrorists observed.

3. Keran Sector: Movement of 117 terrorists observed.

4. Tangdhar Sector: Movember of 79 terrorists observed.

5. Uri Sector: Movement of 26 terrorists observed.

6. Rampur Sector: Movement of 26 terrorists observed.

7. Poonch Sector: Movement of 43 terrorists observed.

8. Krishna Ghati Sector: Movement of 21 terrorists observed.

9. Bhimber Gali: Movement of 40 terrorists observed.

10. Nowshera Sector: Movement of 6 terrorists observed.

Source : dnaindia.com

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यार्सागुम्बा टिप्न लेकमा लर्को

दिपक न्यौपाने, डोल्पा : हिमाली जिल्लाका वासिन्दाहरुका लागि बर्षभरका लागि खर्चको जोहो गर्ने माध्यम हो यार्सागुम्बा । अनुपम प्राकृतिक उपहार मानिने यार्सागुम्बा यौन तथा स्वास्थ्यवद्र्धक जडीवुटीकोरुपमा लिने गरिन्छ । अघिल्ला वर्षसम्म रुकुमको मैकोटस्थित बुकिपाटनमा यार्चा संकलक र व्यापारीको ठूलो भीड लाग्थ्यो । यो वर्ष माहोल बेग्लै छ । संकलन गर्नेदेखि पाटनमै मोलमोलाइ हुने भएकाले भीडभाड व्यवस्थित गर्न सुरक्षाकर्मीलाई समेत हम्मेहम्मे हुन्थ्यो । यार्चा उत्पादन घटेपछि त्यहाँ बस्नेभन्दा पनि फर्किनेकै लर्को ठूलो छ । बुकिपाटन गएका ३० प्रतिशत फर्किए यार्चा टिप्न सुरु भएको सातामै फर्कनेको लर्को छ । हिउँ जति पर्नुपर्ने हो, त्यति नपरेकाले पनि कम भएको हुन सक्छ’ यार्सागुम्बा संकलनका लागि स्थानीय तहहरुले यस बर्षका लागि प्रवेश खुला गरेसंगै यार्सा संकलकहरुको लेकतिर उक्लने हतारो बढेको छ । मुगु जिल्लाका विभिन्न वनहरुमा पाईने वहुमुल्य जडिबुटी यार्सागुम्वा संकलनका लागि कार्मारोङ्ग गाँउपालिकाले यो बर्ष जेष्ठ ५ गतेबाट प्रवेश खुल्ला गर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ ।